Post a pic of your real car

  • Thread starter Sparxxx
Haven't posted here in a while.. I've changed cars since the last time I've been here. Now I'm a proud Subie owner. :)
Never heard of it before, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't sold in Britain so that would explain it. It sort of reminds me of a 70's Volvo style wise. 💡

It's not bad car. I do prefer the 1980-1992 models though. I would still rock this.

Never heard of it before, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't sold in Britain so that would explain it. It sort of reminds me of a 70's Volvo style wise. 💡

They were sold in Britain, but they all probably rusted off the road.. :)
To me it looks kinda American in a way..
The S/C MR2 shouldn't get any worse highway mileage because the S/C clutch only engages under load. They also weigh at least a hundred pounds more, use a rarer "heavy duty" transmission (replacement parts = $$$), and understeer way more. Faster but not better.
My 1996 Impala Almost running 260000 miles :dopey:


Oil pan change + frame fix :crazy:

Drug store pickup 👍

Volt and Oil guage is a must :dopey:

Just saved this, will upload more pictures of it when I resolder the USB port on my palm pre 👍
Nice and clean 👍

Not usually big on Commo's but that's looking pretty sweet!

Thanks man, that was the day I bought it. Need to go out and get some decent shots one day. Was looking for a VE but when I saw that I couldn't pass it up, 05 model 57000 on the clock and still under Holden warranty. All wins in my book lol
AnnaReece, jagdrag77: Thanks guys. Means a lot.

More shots:








The photographer was great. He didn't use Photoshop to make any of these :D
Edit: JPEGs now.
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The photographer was great. He didn't use Photoshop to make any of these :D

As a photographer, I have to say I kind of resent that statement. The shots are lovely but quite a bit more could have been done with the exposure handling, or at least detail preservation in post. White balance as well. All of that use to be done in dark rooms and processing with film.

I really don't get this mindset that not using Photoshop somehow makes a person a better photographer.

That aside, the guy has an excellent eye.

PS - PNG files aren't the best for images of this nature, those are rather large in file size for the resolutions presented.