Nice looks just like the real paint. 👍IDAFC21here are a couple of my babies. my pride and joy, a 35th anniversary SSand an STi painted w/ the "ESX" theme. I mostly just stick to stripes....really making a good car takes a LOT of time in this game. more time and patience than i have, and this is comin from a guy that spent more time painting cars in TXR3 than actually racing them. haha. the camaro isnt 100% accurate, but its good enough for me. i also have the "Eleanor" gt500, and a lingenfelter painted grand sport stylee
cELicahere is mine...
Thanks bro!DRIFT GODdamn bro thats sick as @$%& 👍
How the hell did you get a picture of the car on the roof?CAMAROBOY69This is the final version of my collectors edition Gone In 60 Seconds Eleanor Mustang.
Here is a NEW walk around video of the Mustang. Mustang Walk around in higher quality
LaBountiI havent found anything in game that lets me create my on decals
Ever thought about re-doing your TXR3 designs on Forza?IDAFC21Aaaand, heres something else i whipped up last night. A "denso" supra of sorts. its not exactly a re-creation of the real world denso, but does share some simularities