- 298
- Sydney, NSW
- readyfe
here's my 8020 profile rig. the original post is on iracing forum.
Are they the HE Sim Pedals ...?
What has your experience been like with them?
here's my 8020 profile rig. the original post is on iracing forum.
yes they are the HE sim pedals..they are the best pedals out there right now.
its a whole diff world once you start using them..totally awesome
here's my 8020 profile rig. the original post is on iracing forum.
Turn down the rotation of the wheel to 270 degrees, plus in the game select "controller override: wheel", or something along those lines.
Awesome rig. I am sure you will enjoy it.![]()
Paint it or stain it black so it doesn't stand out so much.
Just got a DFGT and built a rather simplistic wooden structure to mount it. This was cheap and easy to do, also quite easy to move/store if desired.
What do you guys think?
iPhone Panoramic shot?
Nice job!
here's my 8020 profile rig. the original post is on iracing forum.
well I'm in the process of building mine. I only need to mount the pedals now (I'm using the T500 pedals with the foot rest detached so it's kind of a pain in the butt to mount this thing since I'm using it in GT/Rally style).
but those of you with rigs, do you see yourself getting faster lap times?? what are the pros and cons of this for you all??
I know all about the T500 pedal mounting issue
Once you've a rig there's no going back. I couldn't imagine anything else. So far as lap times I'm far quicker with a wheel than a pad and far quicker in my own rig than anything else.
I had my wheel over to Mr Lattes and used his wheel stand pro, and although it was a good stand nothing beats your own rig 👍
Mainly because when you build your own it should fit you perfectly, you get used to it and it feels right. Although I have made many adjustments to mine in the last year. Only because of new wheels and pedals.
I read somewhere on here ....The F1 Ferrari guys build thread that he printed some of his logos out on special paper
Damn Neo, your rig just keeps getting more ridiculously nice by the month, it seems. Maybe you should start your own thread so we can follow your continued progress into sim racing heaven. Id be interested in what you have planned next, cause Im wondering if there is much else you can do.
Major props to you on that masterpiece. Carnival rides have nothing on that thing. 👍 👍
Well, please don't be bashful about sharing pics whenever you feel like it Neo, because seeing rigs like yours, readyfe, HoiHman and others is great for seeing the possibilities and inspiring ideas, and I know I certainly wouldn't get tired of seeing them. And how helpful many of you are with sharing info on ideas is also great and much appreciated. I suppose at some point I should get around to taking pictures of mine and sharing, but several of you are absolutely setting the sim rig standard.