Presidential Election: 2012

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Wow Ron Paul is about a hundred years old.
Why not pick someone who isn't likely to die before his one or two terms of presidency is over.
(if not dying from age, he may get health problems)

Rooting for Obama.
Wow Ron Paul is about a hundred years old.
Why not pick someone who isn't likely to die before his one or two terms of presidency is over.
(if not dying from age, he may get health problems)

Rooting for Obama.

It's only like 4yrs in office. Ron Paul has been saying all the same stuff for over 20yrs now and predicted the economic crises years ago as well. He by far is the only one who has a real plan everyone else is just saying lets do the same stuff which is obviously wrong.

Also idk if anyone said it yet but did you guys see on the news everyone is talking about the guy who said black people. They are making it into such a big deal saying he purposely said black people etc and how offensive it is. Like seriously wtf. Calling someone who is black, black is not offensive it is fact just look at their skin. There is nothing wrong with saying it. Now obviously if he said the N word than ya it would be an issue, but referring to black people as black is nothing. I hate how the news always blows little things like this out of proportion.
Uncalled for. Let's try to keep the gloves up.
Not trying to make a low blow, merely pointing out that things like property rights and the right to bear arms contradict if the Bill of Rights is a list of directives the government must protect in all cases.

So even if person-to-person murder is not covered in the constitution (where it should clearly be covered), it is covered in the federal penal code which, via supremacy, requires states to enforce it.
Supremacy raises questionable10th Amendment issues. California has been testing this in regard to Marijuana for a while now (and Texas has threatened to test it on other issues). I have long held the belief that federal agencies haven't attempted to intervene cases of legality in CA because no one wants a Supreme Court battle of 10th Amendment vs Supremacy.

In conclusion, if a state attempted to legalize and permit murder, such an act would correctly be stricken down by the supreme court as a failure to follow federal law. Once again, abortion is a federal issue.
Again, 10th Amendment would make that a very interesting Supreme Court case, and the decision would be controversial either way.

Danoff FollKiller =
Fortunately, we get along. A little friendly intellectual debate hurts no one.

Semi-related side note (for those who don't follow the premium threads): I have a new job lined up after losing mine in August, and like a good little Libertarian I made it from then until now without taking a dime from the government (aka you guys). But my new job is with the state government, so people like ChaosStar79 will be paying my paycheck (thanks). My new career goal is to be the Ron Swanson of Kentucky government.


My first unselfish goal: Hope to elect federal officials who bring back the idea of state sovereignty so that none of my work ever involves federal grants. I will be in a position that will analyze data and recommend fund allocation and policy changes. I'm going to take a wild guess that I will be able to understand the needs of the state I live in far better than some people who are 500 miles away.

Wow Ron Paul is about a hundred years old.
Why not pick someone who isn't likely to die before his one or two terms of presidency is over.
(if not dying from age, he may get health problems)
Because corrupt idiots have been in power longer than Ron Paul has been alive. I'd like to hope that I can see some change.
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I have to say that I'm baffled as to how a libertarian can adopt an anti-abortion stance. If the right-to-self is central to libertarian thinking, does a woman not have a straightforward & unimpeachable right to control her own body?

I have to hand it to the US: you know how to put on an entertaining show when it comes to elections. The GOP cast of walk-on characters is a truly impressive freak-show. Only disappointing that Sarah & the Donald haven't played more active roles!

Do you guys ever stop to consider the possibility that there may be something fundamentally wrong with the US political system? Blaming politicians, either individually or collectively, is a pointless exercise - if the results are consistently bad, surely the problem is systemic?
Supremacy raises questionable10th Amendment issues. California has been testing this in regard to Marijuana for a while now (and Texas has threatened to test it on other issues). I have long held the belief that federal agencies haven't attempted to intervene cases of legality in CA because no one wants a Supreme Court battle of 10th Amendment vs Supremacy.

Semi-related side note (for those who don't follow the premium threads): I have a new job lined up after losing mine in August, and like a good little Libertarian I made it from then until now without taking a dime from the government (aka you guys). But my new job is with the state government, so people like ChaosStar79 will be paying my paycheck (thanks). My new career goal is to be the Ron Swanson of Kentucky government.
My first unselfish goal: Hope to elect federal officials who bring back the idea of state sovereignty so that none of my work ever involves federal grants. I will be in a position that will analyze data and recommend fund allocation and policy changes. I'm going to take a wild guess that I will be able to understand the needs of the state I live in far better than some people who are 500 miles away..
Yes. Yes. Yes. I agree with everything you just said here. I don't agree with being taxed on our income in any way, since we have an almost ever present sales tax and I don't agree with double taxation. But, I'd much rather see the money go to paying your salary than to some ridiculous state slush fund, so congrats man! 👍 Hopefully you can get more like minded people into government and all work towards putting yourselves out of jobs. :lol: That would be truly awesome.

Also as far as the issue of Ron's health because of his age, have you seen this?

The man is the human version of Yoda. Listen to him we should. Elect him we must.

I have to hand it to the US: you know how to put on an entertaining show when it comes to elections. The GOP cast of walk-on characters is a truly impressive freak-show. Only disappointing that Sarah & the Donald haven't played more active roles!

Do you guys ever stop to consider the possibility that there may be something fundamentally wrong with the US political system? Blaming politicians, either individually or collectively, is a pointless exercise - if the results are consistently bad, surely the problem is systemic?

Absolutely the issue at hand.

Both of the Libertarian and Progressive movements are very much working towards the many of the same ends but fail to see it due to their differing means. Much like the Republicans and Democrats are working towards the same ends, but with very similar means while denouncing the opposition for the very same thing they are doing.

The issue seems to be people vs entity/state/corporation/etc with both the Lib and Prog's and if they are able to band together behind Ron this election, we might just have a chance to make the world a better place and stop tying to expand our grip onto more of it.
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I have to say that I'm baffled as to how a libertarian can adopt an anti-abortion stance. If the right-to-self is central to libertarian thinking, does a woman not have a straightforward & unimpeachable right to control her own body?

I have to hand it to the US: you know how to put on an entertaining show when it comes to elections. The GOP cast of walk-on characters is a truly impressive freak-show. Only disappointing that Sarah & the Donald haven't played more active roles!

Do you guys ever stop to consider the possibility that there may be something fundamentally wrong with the US political system? Blaming politicians, either individually or collectively, is a pointless exercise - if the results are consistently bad, surely the problem is systemic?

I like the way you think. No one has the balls except Ron Paul to say we screwed up from the start and we need a drastic change. Everyone knows its screwed up too but is too scared to see what else might happen. The US is in insane debt that is impossible to recover from the current system and everyone is going broke. Can it really get that much worse? Ron Paul has been thinking of a plan for over 30yrs that will be better than the current system, it is his time to show it off. Obama promised change and just moved the **** around. All his policies didn't change anything and will never change anything since the whole system is built wrong.
Wow Ron Paul is about a hundred years old.
Why not pick someone who isn't likely to die before his one or two terms of presidency is over.
(if not dying from age, he may get health problems)

Rooting for Obama.
^^^This - Is what's wrong with America.
See below on people that vote with not a damn bit of rhyme or reason. Vote for Obama cause it's cool, brah. :rolleyes: All the way to the zeroed out bank accounts. Then when we're a third world country, blame Bush. Sure, Obama spent the money, but he had to cause we were in debt, makes sense, right?

Anyone seen this?

A quarter of Iowans are dumb as hell.

This goes to show exactly how little attention people actually pay to what candidates say and stand for.
Nobody in their right mind would agree they want the government dictating everything they do, going so far as the bedroom, I mean really?

I'm disgusted my state voted for him twice. :yuck:
BUT - They didn't last time, and I can't imagine they will this time, but I guess you never know.
I have to say that I'm baffled as to how a libertarian can adopt an anti-abortion stance. If the right-to-self is central to libertarian thinking, does a woman not have a straightforward & unimpeachable right to control her own body?
I can see why there is a difference of opinion. While I disagree with the anti-abortionist stance that a baby is a conscious individual with full human rights immediately upon conception, there does come a point where unborn babies are recognisably conscious beings. Killing a baby a day before it is due to be born is no different to killing a baby a day after it is born... but, in my opinion, terminating a pregnancy at a very early stage is very different to terminating a pregnancy at a very late stage. I'm not a medical expert and I don't pretend to know precisely at what stage this line is crossed, but I don't agree with the view that this line doesn't exist, hence why I am pro-choice, but in favour of a time limit as to when elective abortions are justifiable.

Do you guys ever stop to consider the possibility that there may be something fundamentally wrong with the US political system? Blaming politicians, either individually or collectively, is a pointless exercise - if the results are consistently bad, surely the problem is systemic?
To be fair, this point has been made many times and clearly many people in these forums believe that the political system in the US needs reforming.
I like the way you think. No one has the balls except Ron Paul to say we screwed up from the start and we need a drastic change. Everyone knows its screwed up too but is too scared to see what else might happen. The US is in insane debt that is impossible to recover from the current system and everyone is going broke. Can it really get that much worse? Ron Paul has been thinking of a plan for over 30yrs that will be better than the current system, it is his time to show it off. Obama promised change and just moved the **** around. All his policies didn't change anything and will never change anything since the whole system is built wrong.
This is so terribly misguided I must correct several claims individually.
The US is in insane debt that is impossible to recover from the current system and everyone is going broke.
According to how much the US currently makes, the debt is no worse than it ever has been. The debt is more now than in he past, and it could be considerably lower, but the amount of income the US currently produces is a lot more than in the past and is proportionate to the amount of debt.
Can it really get that much worse?
Yes, and it was a lot worse when Bush was in office... like losing 750,000 jobs per month worse!
Ron Paul has been thinking of a plan for over 30yrs that will be better than the current system, it is his time to show it off.
You mean less regulation and lower taxes? Like his actor buddy/mentor Ronald Regan's plan? That is what has happened for 30 years... and why the US is the way it is. Ron Paul's ideology is what is hampering the US.
Obama promised change and just moved the **** around. All his policies didn't change anything and will never change anything since the whole system is built wrong.
Remember how Bush was losing jobs at 750,000 per month? Obama has had positive job growth in the private sector for nearly two straight years. So I really don't know who you listen to (FOX maybe?), but you aren't hearing, or seeing, what is actually going on.

About Regan being an actor, he was an actor! Not a brilliant economist or politician... but an actor! :lol: He was a tool that did what he was told and coincidentally made his friends rich at the expense of the American public. Any fool that takes notes from him should be shunned.
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Once again it's not hijacking the topic, the topic is the Presidential election and part of that are the issues, and this is one of the issue. So for you to cop-out again with this and not even link us to your post at least, shows a lack of integrity for your argument. How would you violate AUP when the Presidential Election as a topic covers a vast array of topics/issues, your view or rules and laws is skewed all around it seems.

I have been coming to GTPlanet for 9 years. I have ~15,000 posts almost all of which discuss political topics like abortion. I believe if you ask anyone who has been on this forum a while they will tell you that I would absolutely love to discuss a morality topic like abortion until I'm blue in the face. I am not trying to run away from an intellectual discussion, though your mudslinging isn't helping your cause.

The "Presidential Election 2012" thread is not a political equivalent to a conversation thread. The AUP exists for a reason. In this case, the Presidential Election thread is a mishmash of any and all political topics that the candidates go through. That means that discussion of those political topics gets buried in this thread forever - highly invisible to search attempts, disorganized, and utterly wasted for future GTP-goers who would like to read past discussion on particular topics. No one who searches for abortion is going to wade through all of the political discussion of Ron Paul, Mit Romney, Barack Obama, and Sara Palin to get to the fragmented nugget of discussion on abortion that might be buried in here. Leaving all of our detailed political discussions buried in one thread is a time waster and degrades the quality of the website.

I have almost certainly been the single worst offender when it comes to taking this thread off topic and in past weeks I have been walking a very fine line when it comes to how far into topics like abortion or human rights I should go in a thread that is ostensibly aimed at presidential candidates, primaries, and electoral votes. I am very aware of the fact that I have been doing this and I am attempting to engage in that behavior in a responsible way.

I have no idea why you're having trouble finding my abortion thread. I don't know why you have repeatedly called for me to post a link, but so that you don't feel slighted here, let me google that for you:

It's the second non-paid link (although the first link would work just fine).


I will also go bump the thread so that you can't miss it.
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Numbers can be used to represent any point you wish if you twist them around enough. Considering the way they misconstrue the unemployment numbers to represent whatever they wish on that day, I don't give any credit whatsoever to their recovery claims. Surely we can agree that the Unemployment rates and the 'method' used to arrive at them is flawed. Once you start dividing the people without jobs into sects, and only using part of that number to apply towards the unemployment rate, you can't claim to have fixed anything. That is using manufactured proof. It's as fake as Rick Santorum.

Also the idea of people who 'are no longer looking for work'......
Where did they go? Did they stop eating and die? They surely are not employed but they don't count as being unemployed, eh?
I call bull****.
Numbers can be used to represent any point you wish if you twist them around enough. Considering the way they misconstrue the unemployment numbers to represent whatever they wish on that day, I don't give any credit whatsoever to their recovery claims. Surely we can agree that the Unemployment rates and the 'method' used to arrive at them is flawed. Once you start dividing the people without jobs into sects, and only using part of that number to apply towards the unemployment rate, you can't claim to have fixed anything. That is using manufactured proof. It's as fake as Rick Santorum.

Also the idea of people who 'are no longer looking for work'......
Where did they go? Did they stop eating and die? They surely are not employed but they don't count as being unemployed, eh?
I call bull****.

You are totally right, that is why I didn't use unemployment rates as an example. I think the unemployment rate is the number of people collecting unemployment benefits, once they run out of benefits they aren't counted as unemployed.:dunce:
After looking at these 2 graphs, yeah the data comes from the government, it seems impossible to be less than a millionaire and be Republican. If the number of jobs goes down it does not slow GDP growth, therefore the money that was going into the pockets of the people that lost those jobs now goes into the"1%'ers" pockets. Yet people are complacent and vote Republican.
Not trying to make a low blow, merely pointing out that things like property rights and the right to bear arms contradict if the Bill of Rights is a list of directives the government must protect in all cases.

Supremacy raises questionable10th Amendment issues. California has been testing this in regard to Marijuana for a while now (and Texas has threatened to test it on other issues). I have long held the belief that federal agencies haven't attempted to intervene cases of legality in CA because no one wants a Supreme Court battle of 10th Amendment vs Supremacy.

Again, 10th Amendment would make that a very interesting Supreme Court case, and the decision would be controversial either way.

Not really the point don't you think? Even still, the Supremecy clause is in there and is pretty clear. Beyond that, it makes sense.

If one of the states legalized murder, that state's government and by extension the US government would necessarily be considered illegitimate. The whole reason we have government in the first place is to protect rights, no government on this Earth can legitimately permit murder. Any country in the world could legitimately attack the United States if any of our states legalized murder.

The federal penal code says murder is illegal - that makes murder a federal issue. The US constitution and associated founding documents guarantee a right to life, that makes murder a federal issue. The entire function of government is to protect human rights, that makes murder a federal issue.

I see no possible way of escaping the notion that states cannot legalize murder. It's in the constitution (arguably), it's in the federal penal code, and it's the whole point of having a government in the first place.

Ron Paul is flat out dead wrong that abortion is a state issue. The 5th Ammendment, 14th Ammendment, Declaration of Independence, Federal Penal Code, and the philosophical concept of government to begin with say that he is wrong.

Is it seriously your position that states can legalize murder?


After even more reading I have this take on the Supremacy issue. California is not testing supremacy. As best I can tell, no court decision has ever eroded supremacy and it is not a controversial issue. California is basically saying "feel free to make pot illegal federal government, but we're not going to enforce it for you - you're in charge of enforcement". This is the other side of the coin that Arizona took saying "this is federal law, and even if you won't enforce it federal government, we will". Both of those have to do with who is doing the enforcing, not what the law is. It doesn't matter which way the supreme court rules in either of those cases, murder is still federal law, and regardless of whether it is enforced by the state or by the federal government, it remains illegal in all states via supremacy... and it remains a federal issue. Abortion is either murder or it is not murder, and so it remains a federal issue.
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You mean less regulation and lower taxes? Like his actor buddy/mentor Ronald Regan's plan? That is what has happened for 30 years... and why the US is the way it is. Ron Paul's ideology is what is hampering the US.

Except, you know, Reagan dumped all of the money into the Cold War arms race. And Ron Paul is exactly the opposite in his race to curtail militarism before we implode under the weight of an unsustainable empire, soviet style.
No no, he means that Reagan deregulated the banks which caused the economic collapse. If I recall correctly, I already responded to him in great detail about the specific legislation he was talking about. We did a little silly dance and eventually dropped it.
Yes, and it was a lot worse when Bush was in office... like losing 750,000 jobs per month worse!
You're not twisting facts, right? Well the people you're listening to are.
750,000 X 96 = 72 million. :lol:

Did we lose 72 million jobs while Bush was in office, or did Obama grab a single month toll and use that to make it sound worse?

Talk about twisting numbers.
You're not twisting facts, right? Well the people you're listening to are.
750,000 X 96 = 72 million. :lol:

Did we lose 72 million jobs while Bush was in office, or did Obama grab a single month toll and use that to make it sound worse?

Talk about twisting numbers.

Unless you deny Bush's responsibility for the recession and the burden he left Obama, he was at fault for the loss of several million jobs, Democrats suggest around 8 million. It was 750k jobs lost/month when he was leaving office, sorry for the mistake. But the job creation trend along with the number of jobs is in those links. :rolleyes:
Unless you deny Bush's responsibility for the recession and the burden he left Obama, he was at fault for the loss of several million jobs, Democrats suggest around 8 million. It was 750k jobs lost/month when he was leaving office, sorry for the mistake. But the job creation trend along with the number of jobs is in those links. :rolleyes:
Democrats have no reason to inflate the numbers or guess on the higher side either, eh?
Do I put the responsibility of a nations economic downfall over years into the hands of one man? No.

The economy didn't collapse just because there wasn't a democrat in office.
Has the economy improved since Obama took office? Nope. We're in way more debt now then we were before.
"Jobs" may be a big selling point for elections, but it's not the only thing that determines how well our nation's economy is doing.

Have you asked what caused those jobs (or any) to "disappear"?
Heard of things like "minimum wage", or "union laws"?
The economy didn't collapse just because there wasn't a democrat in office.
It was because of a Republican, and the Republicans before him... and a minute hiccup under Billy.
Has the economy improved since Obama took office? Nope. We're in way more debt now then we were before.
Every statistic relating to economics indicates the economy is getting better. The downward part of the business cycle happens a lot faster than the upward part. And exactly how does the country being in debt affect you?
"Jobs" may be a big selling point for elections, but it's not the only thing that determines how well our nation's economy is doing.
Besides employment and output, what else matters?
Have you asked what caused those jobs (or any) to "disappear"?
Heard of things like "minimum wage", or "union laws"?
Lets see something substantial that supports either of those.
I would facepalm, say, "wuuuut"? or something else, but it's cool.
You're entitled to all, being blind, ignorant, or even biased.

I'm neither Republican nor Democrat, in case your wondering, they both piss me off. ;)
Damn those Republicans. I hate how they constantly have the ability to completely ruin the country even when the Democrats are in charge of it. The nerve of them!
Damn those Republicans. I hate how they constantly have the ability to completely ruin the country even when the Democrats are in charge of it. The nerve of them!

That's OK the Democrats ruin it when the Republicans are in charge. Gotta keep the balance going.
I have been coming to GTPlanet for 9 years. I have ~15,000 posts almost all of which discuss political topics like abortion. I believe if you ask anyone who has been on this forum a while they will tell you that I would absolutely love to discuss a morality topic like abortion until I'm blue in the face. I am not trying to run away from an intellectual discussion, though your mudslinging isn't helping your cause.

The "Presidential Election 2012" thread is not a political equivalent to a conversation thread. The AUP exists for a reason. In this case, the Presidential Election thread is a mishmash of any and all political topics that the candidates go through. That means that discussion of those political topics gets buried in this thread forever - highly invisible to search attempts, disorganized, and utterly wasted for future GTP-goers who would like to read past discussion on particular topics. No one who searches for abortion is going to wade through all of the political discussion of Ron Paul, Mit Romney, Barack Obama, and Sara Palin to get to the fragmented nugget of discussion on abortion that might be buried in here. Leaving all of our detailed political discussions buried in one thread is a time waster and degrades the quality of the website.

I have almost certainly been the single worst offender when it comes to taking this thread off topic and in past weeks I have been walking a very fine line when it comes to how far into topics like abortion or human rights I should go in a thread that is ostensibly aimed at presidential candidates, primaries, and electoral votes. I am very aware of the fact that I have been doing this and I am attempting to engage in that behavior in a responsible way.

I have no idea why you're having trouble finding my abortion thread. I don't know why you have repeatedly called for me to post a link, but so that you don't feel slighted here, let me google that for you:

It's the second non-paid link (although the first link would work just fine).


I will also go bump the thread so that you can't miss it.

I'm not mudslinging and I don't really see how it becomes that oblivious to you? It's not hard to understand, you make a claim and then at the end you push it off saying you've explained all this in another thread, yet you haven't given us a link or a quote or anything to show us what you really mean. So you leave it to us to find your claim and to fact check the claim your making with your own words, when in fact you could just do the responsible thing in a debate and linked us to it. I don't really understand what is so wrong in asking for that.

Someone who cares about a political persons stance on abortion is going to care that is was brought up in this thread as well as search for it. It would be naive to believe that no one would care, and for us just to talk about these candidates with out muddling into the issues is even more naive, and detracting from them does this thread little justice for existing. That is why it's important, because once again it has to do with this election cycle. It's cut and dry why it is perfectly fine to talk about it, and this is why I will and have made the claim that you seem to be running from the conversation at hand. I don't think asking for you to give me and others a quote on what exactly you mean is putting you in a corner. You don't have to bump anything the link that That would have probably took you no more than five minutes at the most is all I was asking for, and for you to waste time and right that big apologist like text of excuse is beyond me but ironic at the same time. You even go further to give me a link and hold my hand (virtually and metaphorically) as if I couldn't do it myself.That's not the point in a debate you don't have people look up your own words that you're claiming a "quote" to, you do it yourself or you just don't try to show validity at all. The later seems to be the case with you.


Also please inform me what rule of the AUP came into violation.
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I would facepalm, say, "wuuuut"? or something else, but it's cool.
You're entitled to all, being blind, ignorant, or even biased.

I'm neither Republican nor Democrat, in case your wondering, they both piss me off. ;)

I just look at evidence. There has been a dynamic shift in political philosophy since Reagan took office, and there has been no benefit for anyone who isn't rich. But keep up the ignoring of facts, it lets the Republican inside smile.

I implore you to find anything substantial that supports Republican ideology, specifically trickle down economics and regulation hampering growth.
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I just look at evidence. There has been a dynamic shift in political philosophy since Regan took office, and there has been no benefit for anyone who isn't rich. But keep up the ignoring of facts, it lets the Republican inside smile.

I implore you to find anything substantial that supports Republican ideology, specifically trickle down economics and regulation hampering growth.

Regan made dare you! :sly::dopey:
Not really the point don't you think? Even still, the Supremecy clause is in there and is pretty clear. Beyond that, it makes sense.
Once upon a time just making something illegal in the federal penal code was unacceptable because of state sovereignty, so that when the federal government wished to make something illegal they amended the Constitution, which requires state involvement. Today they just add it to the penal code and claim supremacy. Do you see a problem with that at all?

I am not trying to say supremacy doesn't exist today and doesn't now trump the 10th Amendment, but rather that it shouldn't.

If one of the states legalized murder, that state's government and by extension the US government would necessarily be considered illegitimate. The whole reason we have government in the first place is to protect rights, no government on this Earth can legitimately permit murder.
If we are drawing an arbitrary line to determine the legality of abortion, why wouldn't allowing each state to determine their own arbitrary line be the same? Each state defines cruel and unusual punishment differently, some to the point of having no death penalty while others do. There is a very old precedent for states to define the arbitrary details in defining how they handle Constitutional rights. By the definition of California, Texas practices cruel and unusual punishment. As it is a Constitutional right should all forms of punishment prescribed for specific crimes be federally mandated?

See the abortion issue is not about defining murder, but rather defining when a fetus becomes legally protected by the laws of the land. What Texas considers murder California may consider a medical procedure, just as what California considers cruel and unusual punishment (maybe even murder? CA has too many laws to keep up) Texas considers a just punishment served by due process.

Now, it is possible a Supreme Court ruling would disagree with me, but it wouldn't be the first time I felt they were wrong (eminent domain comes to mind).

The federal penal code says murder is illegal - that makes murder a federal issue. The US constitution and associated founding documents guarantee a right to life, that makes murder a federal issue. The entire function of government is to protect human rights, that makes murder a federal issue.
But none of them define abortion as murder. And as you point out, it is because there is an arbitrary legal line drawn.

Or, take it this way: Federal penal code doesn't say abortion is murder. So then it is up to the states to determine the arbitrary line and enforce their own laws. We do it with substances such as alcohol and tobacco all the time now. If I did enough research I could probably find numerous things not prohibited on a federal level but regulated on a state and local level.

Is it seriously your position that states can legalize murder?
No, but they can regulate federally allowed acts unless prohibited to them by the Constitution.

I apologize that my tact appears to have changed, but I realized my opinion on abortion (which we have discussed at length before) and the use of the term murder caused me to try defending my position with that language. I read your response this time and then got sidetracked with real life and your post stuck in my head and as I thought on it I realized what I was missing.

That said, for a territory to become a state they must have their own state constitution, which is a determining factor for admittance. As such, every state has its own founding document which defends human rights. The first section of the Kentucky Constitution is right to life. So ultimately, no a state cannot legalize murder and remain a sovereign state, as they will have violated their own founding document required to be a state. Supremacy has squat to do with it in this case.

After even more reading I have this take on the Supremacy issue. California is not testing supremacy. As best I can tell, no court decision has ever eroded supremacy and it is not a controversial issue. California is basically saying "feel free to make pot illegal federal government, but we're not going to enforce it for you - you're in charge of enforcement". This is the other side of the coin that Arizona took saying "this is federal law, and even if you won't enforce it federal government, we will".
I likely described it poorly, as the challenge itself would not come from California but from someone charged with the federal crime. Someone could argue that they did what is claimed, but federal law has no jurisdiction according to the 10th Amendment. Unfortunately, most trial lawyers are more interested in claiming the accused didn't do the act he is charged with, and everyone has failed to pass an outright legalization, which would force the hand of federal government to act or give an unspoken blessing.

That said, sovereignty is part of the healthcare dispute, even if supremacy is not.
Am I right in thinking that the Federal penal code simply should not exist, because defining crimes and their punishments is a State issue?