Prize cars?

Perhaps the best solution would be to hold content hostage for those that enjoy having incentive based gameplay, winning prizes and releasing content a bit at a time by earning it. But also offer a Ransom DLC pack available from Day One for a reasonable price that will release all the content that's being held hostage for today's "Instant Gratification" generation, if you want it now simply pay the ransom.

Isn't that trendy thing games seem to be doing these days, provide DLC that unlocks various game content right away so you don't have to play through and earn it?

(NOTE: I'm joking, don't take this as a serious suggestion :) )
It's been proven in tests that you're more likely to do something if you have an incentive. If you don't believe me then I'll happily research a source on that.
That's fine. What's strange is that some seem to think there is no incentive outside of prizes. I have incentives to play, but they aren't prize cars.

Giving people a prize car for game completion definitely provides a reason to finish the game further, and I see nothing wrong with that.
I doubt anyone does. The problem is you have to go through with it whether you want to or not.

And those who don't want to deal with it just for some unique cars don't sound like people who would enjoy the gameplay much.
Why is that? If I didn't like the gameplay I wouldn't be complaining about the junk that gets in the way.

If you have to have everything available to you to enjoy the game then there is something seriously wrong with the gameplay to start out with.
When the game makes you waste time, there is a problem. Unlocks are completely unnecessary and there is no reason why they can't coexist with a free mode or something else. Having content locked away can certainly harm the game because it needlessly limits how you can play. It will also most likely go against someone's preferences. Anyone who is mainly interested in racing LMP cars will be disappointed with GT5 early on for instance.

It simply means that they like the aspect of the challenge of having to finish more of the game for those unique cars, such as Senna's Williams in GT3.
Prize cars don't really add much challenge, especially as they are in GT. I suppose the only way you could really say they were made things more challenging was that you absolutely needed them to complete certain races. And even then, that just annoying more than anything.

And to those who feel that this is ridiculous to make you complete the game to get these rewards, that's fine. But it seems as though you don't like the game much or else you would probably feel more entitled to the challenge.
Again, you bring up challenges, but these challenges related to unlocking cars are no where to be seen. And if there is a reason certain people don't like the game, it's because having to unlock things is spoiling it.

I completed GT3 and GT4 for the special F1 cars because the gameplay was good and it wasnt really an issue. In GT5 I find the gameplay to be poor in comparison for some reason and therefore see no need to finish the game as I feel it would be too much trouble.
In every GT, human opponents are better than the AI, and online racing has proved far more challenging. Not only that but being able to pick any car/track at will has only enhanced the fun.

This isn't about making up a reason for people to finish GT Mode. It's about catering to multiple interests.

Perhaps the best solution would be to hold content hostage for those that enjoy having incentive based gameplay, winning prizes and releasing content a bit at a time by earning it. But also offer a Ransom DLC pack available from Day One for a reasonable price that will release all the content that's being held hostage for today's "Instant Gratification" generation, if you want it now simply pay the ransom.

Isn't that trendy thing games seem to be doing these days, provide DLC that unlocks various game content right away so you don't have to play through and earn it?

(NOTE: I'm joking, don't take this as a serious suggestion :) )

There is zero reason to pay for content on the disk more than once. They already rip you off by taking your money and then making you unlock stuff.

I know it's joke post, but the point should be made anyway.
I see your points on catering to multiple interests.

Perhaps an option (similar to how a certain other game on the Xbox lets you choose whether or not car classes are enforced for races) could be introduced to where if you wanted all these cars to be hidden, they could be, but you could turn this off and have them all available.

Or better yet, a mode where you can drive any car at any track the first time you put the game in.
No, that takes away from the game. The not knowing part is part of the appeal.

Agreed. 👍

Although, some people want to be the first to know. I don't want to know how the plot goes and turns, how the ending turns out, and who-does-what-with-this-and-when-do-they-do-that...and before I have seen the movie, or have read the book. And if we're going to hold games in the same regards as these art forms, why should a game be any different? Ooooh...bragging rights as to who can be the most obnoxious know-it all, who can hold the most disappointing illusions, or just to argue ad infinitum over trivial details. That's just not interesting nor fun to me, that's like studying for a test.

Not to take anything away from this site (heh, heh) but "knowing" everything before you've even started just isn't all that fun to me. Until I was finished with the game, I didn't bother with researching anything about GT, GT2, and (almost-completely-done-with) GT3. Admittedly, that's what kept me playing GT2 for nearly 4 years, or delving into a bunch of newly re-started GT garages for the fun of it. Sure, if you're lost, confused, or don't know what to do next, GTPlanet is a wonderful resource. But I don't want to ruin the fun before I've played it. I think in this age of a media that provides instant answers, that emotion and feeling can be lost...since that kind of excitement can't always be duplicated (if at all).

Some people want to dispatch the game it as quickly possible. Some folks want to savor every aspect of the game. Some want the easiest path, and others want to complete it in the most challenging ways. And for the most part, Polyphony has allowed the game to be opened up in this way, such that people are still finding out more about the depth and breadth of it over two years later. I think we're trying to quantify and qualify what is just an opinion about how we'd like the game to be. PD tinkers with the formula a little with every iteration, and either goes back to the old way, or abandons it for what it deems to be "better".
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I like unique prize cars. It gives you more of a sense of reward and accomplishment to win the race/series. Winning cars you can easily buy gives little satisfaction and less motivation. It's difficult to quantify. It is the je ne sais quoi of gaming, the prize you cannot buy and must win.
I think we're trying to quantify and qualify what is just an opinion about how we'd like the game to be. PD tinkers with the formula a little with every iteration, and either goes back to the old way, or abandons it for what it deems to be "better".
In the end it will be the way they think it should be and we will play it either way. Some will complain no matter what they do with it and some will be happy.

I personally am much more interested in the way the cars feel when driving them and the online aspects of the game.
Like a few other posters said, the fact that we want prize cars has no bearing on whether we enjoy the process of acquiring them itself, but I'd sure be pissed if a mechanic that I loved in the first 4 installments and that added so much to the single-player mode (I almost exclusively play single player) was permanently cut out of the series. Unlockables are a key part of any game, GT or not.
Well whatever they do, they better not have the prize car be the same car that you ran the race with.
Okay, how about a compromise then?

There could be a special type of difficulty option that allows you to either have all of the cars available to buy right away or where some are locked from being allowed to buy and you have to unlock them by winning races.
Back on the subject of the prize cars themselves (rather than whether there should be prize cars or not) I'm interested in seeing unusual/unique prizes, especially for the more difficult/time consuming events? Sort of like the
Model T for GT4's super license
Actually GT4 is my favorite game in the series because of how the career mode was handled.
Back on the subject of the prize cars themselves (rather than whether there should be prize cars or not) I'm interested in seeing unusual/unique prizes, especially for the more difficult/time consuming events?
Actually GT4 is my favorite game in the series because of how the career mode was handled.

I hope it's not a stupid Honda that can do 60 KM/H for a 2 hour long race. No more of that please!
I preferred GT4 way of obtaining prize cars, where it allowed you to clear the events you won, renter the series again for a chance to win another car prize, having a random prize would even more preferable.
GT2 was better yet,a car won per race along side national events,this implemented with the ability to re-win or re-buy the car when it's been run to the ground,or sold if it's a piece of work would be good.:)
As in GT3's infamous wheel of randomness? YES PLEASE. Why should I want to do the same event loads of times to get all the prize cars?
👍 :dunce: :sly: 👎 :grumpy: :crazy: 👍 = Simulation of feelings whilst playing GT3.
Yeah random would not be to good I think. GT4 did a good job on the prize cars. The fact that you could reset and win them again helped a lot with gaining credits to get other cars as well.

I would like to see them increase the credit reward for online races as well in order to give us the ability to run online and earn enough credits to buy cars in a reasonable period of time.
The way I look at it, If there is randomness, then there's a incentive to rerun the event a number of times til you obtain the prize car your looking for, some 3 to 5 random cars only obtainable through that event would work.

In GT2 you could sell the prize car for a lot of credits, that was an incentive to rerun the event a number of times just for the cash such as Red Rock Valley you could win the Speed 12 and sell for 500,000 cr, but PD trend is to give little credits of the prize car or not let you sell at all, the only other option is to win random cars at the event, that keeps it fresh.

I remember in GT3 rerunning the Seattle Endurance race a number of times because I needed the F687, if it was now with a single prize car of little value or one I can't sell, might not rerun the event ever again.:)
To me the fact that GT3's absurd carousel led to tons of duplicates and purchaseable cars as prizes is the far more annoying factor.

Save before the last event, if possible. Once I learned that trick, I picked up a few less Vitzes.
Save before the last event, if possible. Once I learned that trick, I picked up a few less Vitzes.

Okay, I'm going to keep that tip in mind. Thanks for sharing that Pupik. Whenever I play GT3 and do the American Championship, I keep trying to get the Camaro Race Car, but end up with an Audi TT instead until after 3-5 tries. This trick helps though.
Save before the last event, if possible. Once I learned that trick, I picked up a few less Vitzes.

Wish I'd thought of this too,I recently went back to GT3 and have won 3 Yaris's and 3 Audi TT's when I could have won much better,what hurts even more was that I had saved it after each race...
Yeah random would not be to good I think. GT4 did a good job on the prize cars. The fact that you could reset and win them again helped a lot with gaining credits to get other cars as well.

I would like to see them increase the credit reward for online races as well in order to give us the ability to run online and earn enough credits to buy cars in a reasonable period of time.

Didn't you say that being able to make money online was a problem with Forza?

The way I look at it, If there is randomness, then there's a incentive to rerun the event a number of times til you obtain the prize car your looking for, some 3 to 5 random cars only obtainable through that event would work.
Just out of curiosity, what happens after you get those cars? Is the event no longer fun?

This just seems like a painfully artificial and frustrating way to add "longevity" to the game, like GT5's level system. Having to go through a potentially boring list of events 5 times just to get cars sounds like a disaster. Even if the events are fun, it would be a pain.

In GT2 you could sell the prize car for a lot of credits, that was an incentive to rerun the event a number of times just for the cash such as Red Rock Valley you could win the Speed 12 and sell for 500,000 cr, but PD trend is to give little credits of the prize car or not let you sell at all, the only other option is to win random cars at the event, that keeps it fresh.
Why not use another incentive, like racing under different weather, or different car classes. Or the same event with different tracks or slightly different rules. What you're describing is just pointless grinding. I don't see how this adds to the game at all.

I remember in GT3 rerunning the Seattle Endurance race a number of times because I needed the F687, if it was now with a single prize car of little value or one I can't sell, might not rerun the event ever again.:)
Is the prize car that valuable, that the race doesn't even matter? I mean if you're only going to run for the prize, why not just have PD set aside one or two races that give you 1 prize from a huge list. Then you can do that event hundred of times. If you don't even want to do the event, I don't see what's good about adding something to it that forces you to drive it.
Getting the most desirable cars in the game should take a lot of time and effort, be that through being astronomically priced or the reward for a difficult tournament, with plenty of prerequisites.

I was six when Gran Turismo 3 came out, and the best car I ever owned was a Vauxhall VX220, after ages spent playing the game, and I loved that. The super cars and Le Mans cars were the most exciting carrot that could possibly have been dangled in front of me, and I was ok with the fact that I never got them.
Didn't you say that being able to make money online was a problem with Forza?
No, It is not a problem, what I said was that Forza took away any incentive to run the career races by changing the prize car system. Yes early on you can make a lot more in online mode than in career mode and even more in rivals mode but if the prize car system was still based on career events then you would still have a reason to run them but as is it is easier to get the prize cars running online or rivals events as they also award more XP early on and of course are more fun.

I would like to see GT up the prize in the online races as that would help to get the money to buy those high $ cars we all want while racing with our friends online. The seasonals help a lot in this aspect but they were not there yet when I did most of my racing and I found myself doing a lot of laps around Indy to get the money to buy many of the cars along the way.

But again to be clear it is not the online credit reward that is the issue in Forza but is the XP based prize car system that makes career mode a non factor for many of us.

The other thing GT should do is raise the cap on the maximum credits you can have 20mil is a bit of an odd choice when there are cars that cost 20 mil in the game. If there is to be a cap it should be at least double the price of the most expensive car in the game.
Getting the most desirable cars in the game should take a lot of time and effort, be that through being astronomically priced or the reward for a difficult tournament, with plenty of prerequisites.

I was six when Gran Turismo 3 came out, and the best car I ever owned was a Vauxhall VX220, after ages spent playing the game, and I loved that. The super cars and Le Mans cars were the most exciting carrot that could possibly have been dangled in front of me, and I was ok with the fact that I never got them.

It's not much of a carrot if you never got them.

The other thing GT should do is raise the cap on the maximum credits you can have 20mil is a bit of an odd choice when there are cars that cost 20 mil in the game. If there is to be a cap it should be at least double the price of the most expensive car in the game.

The 20 million cars were just as bad as the credit limit being set at their price.
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It's not much of a carrot if you never got them.

The 20 million cars were just as bad as the credit limit being set at their price.

Very true, the challenge required to get the best cars shouldn't be impossible. I still think that it should be at least somewhat difficult.

I agree about the price, 20 mil is too high of a price. Either the prices should be lowered a bit or players should be able to earn more cr to get the car. I still don't get why 20 million CR is the limit in GT5.

Anyway, I changed my mind about the compromise idea; the GT5 style was alright; PD just gave the player the option to either buy the car for a huge price or win it from a race.
It's not much of a carrot if you never got them.

The 20 million cars were just as bad as the credit limit being set at their price.

Very true, the challenge required to get the best cars shouldn't be impossible. I still think that it should be at least somewhat difficult.

I agree about the price, 20 mil is too high of a price. Either the prices should be lowered a bit or players should be able to earn more cr to get the car. I still don't get why 20 million CR is the limit in GT5.

Anyway, I changed my mind about the compromise idea; the GT5 style was alright; PD just gave the player the option to either buy the car for a huge price or win it from a race.

I do not mind so much the price of the cars but would be nice to earn more in online races and would be nice to have the cap a bit higher. I was stuck the other day at 19,994,000 won a seasonal that paid 350k and got nothing from it.

I already have all the cars so it is no big deal but the cap is definitely not a good idea.
Why not use another incentive, like racing under different weather, or different car classes. Or the same event with different tracks or slightly different rules. What you're describing is just pointless grinding. I don't see how this adds to the game at all.

My comments where focused on prize cars, but to make repeating the same events again more appealing, adding time of day & weather changes would be great. Maybe another idea for example say a FR event, the event would change based of what PP level the car you entered & the prize car would determined off of the level you where at in the game & PP of the car you entered.

With the possibly of lot more tracks getting the time of day treatment, it would be possible that time of day would match the time of day where you are where at.

I have completed almost all the events in A-Spec with the exception of the last two endurance races, I haven't rerun them except a few, spend more time running races in Arcade Mode where I set up 30 lap races or Seasonal Events.:)