Prize cars?

It's not much of a carrot if you never got them.

I was six, and the fact that they were so hard to obtain made a lot of sense. And it also gave it far more realism, as I was mostly racing in tuned mx-5's and cars like that, rather than DTM cars with thousand horsepower turbos and racing slicks. If I, at the age of six, was able to access those cars on GT3 it would've obviously been far too easy, and thus made it less enjoyable when I buy those 20million cr. cars now, on GT5
I was six, and the fact that they were so hard to obtain made a lot of sense. And it also gave it far more realism, as I was mostly racing in tuned mx-5's and cars like that, rather than DTM cars with thousand horsepower turbos and racing slicks. If I, at the age of six, was able to access those cars on GT3 it would've obviously been far too easy, and thus made it less enjoyable when I buy those 20million cr. cars now, on GT5

But the people who can't win those events aren't going to be able to drive the car they want, thus blocking them from the game's enjoyable potential. In a good game, events range from extremely easy to extremely difficult, to challenge even the hardcore of the demographics. Obviously, this means a lot of casuals probably aren't going to be able to beat all of the events, meaning some people could be locked out of driving their favourite cars, which isn't at all fair.
No unique 'unlock only' prize cars. Some events and license tests are hell to complete, and if you couldn't complete them, you couldn't get a car that you'd want to drive.

The only requirement to buying a car should be that you have the credits for it. It frustrated me how in GT5 I wanted to buy a Ferrari early in the game, only to be denied as I needed to be a certain level. Even worse in GT1 - GT4 where I couldn't drive cars such as the Model T since I struggled getting gold in all of the license tests, and I couldn't receive them using other methods.
I may get more than a few angry replies for this but it annoys me to no end that people on this forum actually want to trash the mechanic that the most desirable unlockables are the most difficult to obtain. Look, anyone, anyone can unlock ANY car in ANY GT if they put enough effort into it? Want that TS020 badly enough in GT2? Complete the ****ing license tests and attain it. Want the Polyphony FGT in GT4 but don't have time to play for 24 hours straight? Pause the game, do whatever you have to do and return. Prize cars may be difficult to obtain but they are only "impossible" to obtain if the player wants them that way by sheer lack of willpower. I'm actually disgusted that some people here actually want the more desirable cars to be easy to unlock. A casual player would be perfectly content and understanding if said cars took actual effort to obtain, an immature crybaby that wants rewards of any value handed to them on a silver platter would not. Are you implying that it's a good idea for Polyphony to cater to immature crybabies?
Are you implying that it's a good idea for Polyphony to cater to immature crybabies?

No, it would be a good idea to get rid of a boring and annoying mechanic.

If people want to be cut off from content, that is fine. Not everyone does, and there isn't a single good reason to keep that content from them.
No, it would be a good idea to get rid of a boring and annoying mechanic.

If people want to be cut off from content, that is fine. Not everyone does, and there isn't a single good reason to keep that content from them.

That sentiment works just as well in reverse too:

No, it would be a good idea to keep an interesting progression / prize based mechanic.

If people don't have the attention span to actually play through a singleplayer game that's fine. Not everyone does though and there isn't a single good reason to remove a mechanic people enjoy just to satisfy the instant gratification / "I want it, NOW!" generation.

Not that that's necessarily my personal view, yes I like the concept of progression and actually earning content through gameplay but I can appreciate that some players only care about the multiplayer side of the game.

I guess the simplest solution would be to have some sort of Sandbox Mode available, so for example when you start the game the first time you get a choice of Progression Mode (where you unlock cars, get prizes, earn rewards and wotnot) and a Sandbox Mode (where there is little progression necessary and most everything is available from the get go).
I may get more than a few angry replies for this but it annoys me to no end that people on this forum actually want to trash the mechanic that the most desirable unlockables are the most difficult to obtain. Look, anyone, anyone can unlock ANY car in ANY GT if they put enough effort into it? Want that TS020 badly enough in GT2? Complete the ****ing license tests and attain it. Want the Polyphony FGT in GT4 but don't have time to play for 24 hours straight? Pause the game, do whatever you have to do and return. Prize cars may be difficult to obtain but they are only "impossible" to obtain if the player wants them that way by sheer lack of willpower. I'm actually disgusted that some people here actually want the more desirable cars to be easy to unlock. A casual player would be perfectly content and understanding if said cars took actual effort to obtain, an immature crybaby that wants rewards of any value handed to them on a silver platter would not. Are you implying that it's a good idea for Polyphony to cater to immature crybabies?

Have you even tried to get gold on some of the license tests in previous games? Remember the infamous test from GT2 that not even the demonstration could get gold on?

Not everyone has the same level of skill. Nearly everyone puts effort into trying to get gold on license tests, yet some of those tests are tough even for the best GT players. Now I'm not saying that tests and events should be an ease to complete, but they don't have to be insanely difficult either. It took me years to gold some license tests in GT3, even those that were in the B license. And I've been playing that game since I was 6!

There were plenty of cars (in GT3) which I wanted to drive that I couldn't due to the difficulty of the license tests and events. Why should players with less skill have to miss out on driving cars that they want to? If all cars were purchasable from the start of the game, there wouldn't be that problem. Not to mention, PD spent a good amount of time modelling those cars. Having only skilled players be able to drive them would be a major waste of PD's time and resources that could have been spent on other features.

If you think people are immature crybabies for having their own views on things, there's always that red X on the top right corner so you don't have to hear what we have to say. Share your own views all you want, but calling people 'immature crybabies' for having their own views on things, that's shameful. 👎

If people want to be cut off from content, that is fine. Not everyone does, and there isn't a single good reason to keep that content from them.

Want that TS020 badly enough in GT2? Complete the ****ing license tests and attain it.
No thanks. I'll skip over the licence tests entirely because I've been playing GT games since 1998 so they have no learning value to me, and just Gameshark those cars into my garage instead.

Want the Polyphony FGT in GT4 but don't have time to play for 24 hours straight? Pause the game, do whatever you have to do and return.
No thanks. I value the life of my gaming equipment and my power bill. I'll just give the 88C-V to Bob and let him at it in a third of the time.

I'm actually disgusted that some people here actually want the more desirable cars to be easy to unlock. A casual player would be perfectly content and understanding if said cars took actual effort to obtain, an immature crybaby that wants rewards of any value handed to them on a silver platter would not. Are you implying that it's a good idea for Polyphony to cater to immature crybabies?

It's actually kinda sad that someone wanting to play a game in their own way brings out disgust in you; which manifests in you insulting people again.
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That sentiment works just as well in reverse too:
Indeed it works in any direction. The game can have unlocks and a free mode, giving everyone what they want.

I guess the simplest solution would be to have some sort of Sandbox Mode available, so for example when you start the game the first time you get a choice of Progression Mode (where you unlock cars, get prizes, earn rewards and wotnot) and a Sandbox Mode (where there is little progression necessary and most everything is available from the get go).

This is basically what I've been saying. Just to fix the last bit:

Sandbox Mode (where there is no progression necessary and everything is available from the get go)
Perhaps in sandbox mode they should also start you with the max possible credits so you can just buy any car you want without racing at all. Would seem to be the next logical step.

Personally I find sandbox mode pretty boring

Were any cars actually locked in GT5? Seems like I have saw some of the prize cars or perhaps most of the prize cars for sale either in the UCD or NCD in GT5. Seems like they were only restricted by your driver level.
I may get more than a few angry replies for this but it annoys me to no end that people on this forum actually want to trash the mechanic that the most desirable unlockables are the most difficult to obtain. Look, anyone, anyone can unlock ANY car in ANY GT if they put enough effort into it? Want that TS020 badly enough in GT2? Complete the ****ing license tests and attain it. Want the Polyphony FGT in GT4 but don't have time to play for 24 hours straight? Pause the game, do whatever you have to do and return. Prize cars may be difficult to obtain but they are only "impossible" to obtain if the player wants them that way by sheer lack of willpower. I'm actually disgusted that some people here actually want the more desirable cars to be easy to unlock. A casual player would be perfectly content and understanding if said cars took actual effort to obtain, an immature crybaby that wants rewards of any value handed to them on a silver platter would not. Are you implying that it's a good idea for Polyphony to cater to immature crybabies?

I'm more disgusted that you can't respectfully disagree with people, just because they have a different view on how the game should word from yours.
Were any cars actually locked in GT5? Seems like I have saw some of the prize cars or perhaps most of the prize cars for sale either in the UCD or NCD in GT5. Seems like they were only restricted by your driver level.

Looking at it from Exorcet's point of view I might say yes, as you've mentioned already there was the level restrictions which means many cars are locked until you attain the level required to unlock them.

Then there's the actual cost of the cars, not so much a problem for the cheaper ones but they are all locked until you obtain enough credits to buy them. Especially when it comes to high cost cars, granted Seasonals made that much easier but still.

Then there's the lack of availability of "standard" cars that's compounded by the rarity of some (and the cost) that made them extremely difficult to obtain. The OCD helped a little but still a lot of standard cars are locked out until they happen to come around in the UCD / OCD cycles.

There's also the two original Academy cars, the GT-R Vspec you could only get from completely a License Test and the 370z that I think was only available through a particularly year ticket (or as a gift). I think the Jaguar XFR might also be a prize only car, I've never seen it appear on the UCD though it might have made the OCD once.

Not necessarily my stance, I don't mind so much the mystery of the "Wheel of Used Cars" or earning things in that way. Just trying to see both sides of coin.
So what about that other game where some cars are considered special and can only be gotten as a gift from the author and then can not be sold, gifted or traded.

To me that is a lot worse than having to win a couple of races or earn a gold on a test to get the car.
Perhaps in sandbox mode they should also start you with the max possible credits so you can just buy any car you want without racing at all. Would seem to be the next logical step.
You wouldn't even need credits. Everything would be free.

Were any cars actually locked in GT5? Seems like I have saw some of the prize cars or perhaps most of the prize cars for sale either in the UCD or NCD in GT5. Seems like they were only restricted by your driver level.
X1's. Also, as already pointed out, the sheer amount of cars coupled with the UCD, coupled with GT Auto, coupled with permanent upgrades, coupled with trade limits made getting cars take even longer.

So what about that other game where some cars are considered special and can only be gotten as a gift from the author and then can not be sold, gifted or traded.

Also a horrible idea that I would love to be without forever.
So what about that other game where some cars are considered special and can only be gotten as a gift from the author and then can not be sold, gifted or traded.

To me that is a lot worse than having to win a couple of races or earn a gold on a test to get the car.

I agree. Unicorns are one of the few things I dislike about Forza.
As a working adult that is constantly pressed for free time, I want to be able to build up my garage quickly to go racing online and have a variety of cars to tune for online racing. Every single car should be available for purchase in a dealership, used or new and prize money should be substantial from the beginning of the game. If the "sandbox" option were there as suggested by Exorcet, I'd be all over
I would also like to be done with cars that can't be sold, traded, or gifted. That's why I'm not a fan of the unicorn cars in the Forza series nor a fan of the Bonus cars in GT5 at times. The only challenge I want to get a car with is either unlocking it in a challenging event or buying it for a certain price.
I might get flamed for this, but say for the series championship or endurance race in GT 3 you got a pot luck car e.g. you get 4 cars for winning the comp but you only get 1 of the 4 cars, so that means you get re playable of that same comp or endurance race to try and win the other 3 cars,

In GT 5 you only get 1 car for each comp, which in mind it pretty pointless, I can go through the last series as many times as I want to get the prize money but I've already won the car so why would I want to race it again, if the series championships had 4 prize cars and I would do them over and over and over again to get the other 3 cars
I can go through the last series as many times as I want to get the prize money but I've already won the car so why would I want to race it again

I'd figure that would be the whole reason behind buying a racing a game if single player is your thing.
I might get flamed for this, but say for the series championship or endurance race in GT 3 you got a pot luck car e.g. you get 4 cars for winning the comp but you only get 1 of the 4 cars, so that means you get re playable of that same comp or endurance race to try and win the other 3 cars,

In GT 5 you only get 1 car for each comp, which in mind it pretty pointless, I can go through the last series as many times as I want to get the prize money but I've already won the car so why would I want to race it again, if the series championships had 4 prize cars and I would do them over and over and over again to get the other 3 cars

Take it a step further and how about an unlimited number of cars? You'd have reason to run the race over and over again.
I think I have a good analogy now. Bear with me.

In the Street Fighter series and most fighting games, you have a one player mode where you go through a set of challenges and have bosses and an ending (progression based). You can unlock stuff and sometimes unlock characters.

But what if two people want to play? Do you have to go through the single player mode to unlock all the characters just to use them in 2 player mode? Usually not. It's a sandbox mode as you guys are calling it. Pick any level, pick any character, and have at it.

PD needs to hire a big name game designer or something. They miss the ball on basic gameplay stuff like this. The two player (online) mode should never have been buried in, or dependent on the one player (A-spec).

I'm all for limits and challenges in one player mode, but I concede there should be something more freeform when people aren't up for A-spec mode and want something quick and dirty. Exhibition mode/2 player mode in Madden for instance.
All of the cars need to be able to be purchased.

I think a good trade off would be something like a special winner’s plate to show others that the car was a prize, and not just bought.

I don’t care that some cars are rare though. I like the way the UCD works. I liked surprising people in my Primera, knowing it was probably a car they had seen before but didn’t buy. There is still an Accord I am looking for.

I am not a crybaby, nor am I immature (though I would love to be less mature than I am). I have absolutely no desire to race the AI in this game. I will do what I have to do to make money to finance my online career, but please, PD, don’t force me to race your horribly flawed AI.
No, it would be a good idea to get rid of a boring and annoying mechanic.

If people want to be cut off from content, that is fine. Not everyone does, and there isn't a single good reason to keep that content from them.
If you consider the mechanic of conventional video game unlockables a way of "cutting people off from the content" you may want to reconsider quitting gaming altogether.

For the record, I did get gold on all the license tests in games 1-3 as of now and my skills are mediocre at best, but that is beside the point because the truth is "not everyone has the same skill level" is in no way an excuse for instant/easy gratification in a game. As I said, any prize cars are only as unavailable to the player as the player themselves wants them to be. If, like me, you're willing to invest in the time to collect every single prize car in the game and get 100% completion, you do so, but not overnight. If you're someone who just wants to jump right into the game, choose one of the 700-800 cars that are, hypothetically, not prize-exclusive.

No thanks. I'll skip over the licence tests entirely because I've been playing GT games since 1998 so they have no learning value to me
First of all, I really hope for your own benefit that you're not trying to represent not only the larger GT fanbase, but the future players who have not yet experienced the series, with that statement. Secondly, that is a rather bold statement. While it is true that anyone can complete/gold the license tests provided they try hard enough I am highly dubious to the claim that you can gold any license test from the get-go or your skills are flawless.

It's actually kinda sad that someone wanting to play a game in their own way brings out disgust in you; which manifests in you insulting people again.
This is actually blatantly hypocritical. Let's say that Gran Turismo 6 had "only" 900-1000 cars as opposed to the planned 1000, the 200-300 missing cars in this scenario being vehicles that would otherwise be exclusive prizes. Would you, as a self-proclaimed strong black GT expert that don't need no career mode, feel cheated out of an experience? I highly doubt it; 900 cars is still a whole lot.
On the converse, imagine a Gran Turismo that has a terrible prize car system with no surprises, uniqueness or any excitement whatsoever...oh wait that already happened, and you can literally find pages of threads complaining about this particular mechanic; the GT5 forum is your oyster.
So which of us is really the one arguing for a mechanic that would enable them to play the game in their own way again?
...snip... but that is beside the point because the truth is "not everyone has the same skill level" is in no way an excuse for instant/easy gratification in a game. As I said, any prize cars are only as unavailable to the player as the player themselves wants them to be. If, like me, you're willing to invest in the time to collect every single prize car in the game and get 100% completion, you do so, but not overnight. If you're someone who just wants to jump right into the game, choose one of the 700-800 cars that are, hypothetically, not prize-exclusive.

You're under the assumption that all players receive gratification from beating insanely easy races against the AI or insanely boring and easy license tests. No one wants to close that option off to you, some of us just don't want to have to flog our way through endless races against the AI, we want to race online against real people. We also don't want to be stuck at the wheel in a boring race against AI for two hours just to get a particular car.

PD needs to recognize there are some players who want a career mode and a huge offline component and give it to them. And there is a huge component that just want to race online against real people and the offline component is pure drudgery. That doesn't have to be achieved by making all the cars immediately accessible, but could be achieved by much higher prize payouts for online racing for example, Time Trials (how about $1Million for gold and $100,000 for every tenth after that?)etc. Large seasonal payouts should be available right away as well.

This way anyone can play the game whatever way they want and everybody wins.
If you consider the mechanic of conventional video game unlockables a way of "cutting people off from the content" you may want to reconsider quitting gaming altogether.
The logic behind that being?

This is actually blatantly hypocritical. Let's say that Gran Turismo 6 had "only" 900-1000 cars as opposed to the planned 1000, the 200-300 missing cars in this scenario being vehicles that would otherwise be exclusive prizes. Would you, as a self-proclaimed strong black GT expert that don't need no career mode, feel cheated out of an experience? I highly doubt it; 900 cars is still a whole lot.
So is grinding for 200 cars that are unavailable for no reason.

On the converse, imagine a Gran Turismo that has a terrible prize car system with no surprises, uniqueness or any excitement whatsoever...
When hasn't this been the case.

So which of us is really the one arguing for a mechanic that would enable them to play the game in their own way again?

Who ever isn't asking for poor game design to be pushed onto everyone else.
So we obviously have to two very separate ideas about how achieving cars should function.

One side wanting access to all case given enough credits have been acquired.

The other side wanting certain to be only accessible by as prize cars.

So in order to solve this i have come up with an idea that should make everybody happy, simply by having all cars available from the beginning, given you have enough credits, satisfying those who have no desire in running challenges/License test/events versus AI, but instead of prize cars being regular cars that can already be bought, the prize car would come in a special livery that is only obtainable by completing that event, thus satisfying the people that want special rewards for their achievments.

An example of this is the X2010 in GT5, where anyone can buy one from the dealership, but if you gold the event you get the special carbon fiber version.
So is grinding for 200 cars that are unavailable for no reason.
Grinding? Since when is running a race in a racing game considering grinding? I can understand not wanting to run the same race over and over and over but that is not the case here. To win the cars you simply need to win the races 1 time each.

What is the point of buying a racing game if you don't want to race?
Grinding? Since when is running a race in a racing game considering grinding? I can understand not wanting to run the same race over and over and over but that is not the case here. To win the cars you simply need to win the races 1 time each.

What is the point of buying a racing game if you don't want to race?

It is not that anyone doesn't want to race. I want to race. I just don't want to race the stupid AI.
First of all, I really hope for your own benefit that you're not trying to represent not only the larger GT fanbase, but the future players who have not yet experienced the series, with that statement. Secondly, that is a rather bold statement. While it is true that anyone can complete/gold the license tests provided they try hard enough I am highly dubious to the claim that you can gold any license test from the get-go or your skills are flawless.

I burned through GT5's licences, golding every one in the first 3 tries at most, until I got the IC-10. That was back in the days where SRF wasn't forced on and the AI contact rules were much more strict, by the way. My skills aren't flawless, but GT5 was the first GT game I bought where I owned a wheel from the start, I know of all of the concepts that they are trying to teach; so they have no learning value to me beyond "get grips on the physics engine," which I would learn better just racing. At best they are basically just testing your ability to do repetitive tasks.

This is actually blatantly hypocritical.
You're not using that word correctly. For it to be hypocritical, I would have to be insulting you and telling you how much disgust your opinions causes me while at the same time criticizing you for doing it. As it is now, the only person resorting to such tactics is you.

Let's say that Gran Turismo 6 had "only" 900-1000 cars as opposed to the planned 1000, the 200-300 missing cars in this scenario being vehicles that would otherwise be exclusive prizes. Would you, as a self-proclaimed strong black GT expert that don't need no career mode, feel cheated out of an experience? I highly doubt it; 900 cars is still a whole lot.

Considering I barely ever played GT5 online even when I had a huge group of friends who played the game and only played it online once a month or so up until February when I stopped playing it altogether, I find it rather funny that you are attributing me as being someone who doesn't want a career mode at all.

On the converse, imagine a Gran Turismo that has a terrible prize car system with no surprises, uniqueness or any excitement whatsoever...oh wait that already happened, and you can literally find pages of threads complaining about this particular mechanic; the GT5 forum is your oyster.
Outright making stuff up doesn't strengthen your argument anymore than insulting people or misrepresenting opinions. I was an outspoken member in the GT5 forum the day the subforum was started to now. The only major complaints about the prize car system that GT5 had was that the cars it actually gave out tended to be awful and you only got them once. The fact that you could buy all of the cars awarded except a select few was never any more than a minor quibble in comparison.

So which of us is really the one arguing for a mechanic that would enable them to play the game in their own way again?
The one who is forcing a gameplay style on others, insulting them, misrepresenting their opinions, lying about how common the argument against them is, and saying how much them wanting to play the game differently causes disgust.

So you.
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\To win the cars you simply need to win the races 1 time each.
Exactly 200 pointless events. Time I could spend having fun.

What is the point of buying a racing game if you don't want to race?
That's what I'm asking. I don't want to collect prize cars, I want to race. I don't want to be given a Miata and nothing else with a choice of 3 events. I want to pick my car, my track, and my race.