Prize lights

  • Thread starter Keshian
Does anyone know how the XP works? The amount of credits earned is shown, but the XP is not. So my guess is that XP is the same amount as the credits.
Does anyone know how the XP works? The amount of credits earned is shown, but the XP is not. So my guess is that XP is the same amount as the credits.
When you collect the prizes it tells you how much XP has been earned.
Why? It can be turned off, as long as you shared your driver you can earn while its turned off, I am looking forward to see how many CR and XP that J Bauer, K Bauer, J Montoya, L Nielsen and L Austin have earned since I turned it off 12 hours ago :sly:
It has to be on to host right?
Yeah if YOU are doing the race with friends' drivers, you must have your console on and sit through the entire race. However the friends' whos drivers you used, do not need to be online to have their drivers participate in your lobby
I'm taking one driver all the way. If you see Vettel while doing remote race him to the limit. Think I'm half way there already.

I would do but everytime i look at your drivers they are all in use ;) I got one at about 300k but i emptied them all this morning
I'm taking one driver all the way. If you see Vettel while doing remote race him to the limit. Think I'm half way there already.

I've been taking Vettel every chance I get to see if I can help get you there.
You must be close, though - I have 3 Bobs at $600K and 2 at $500K and they are all level 21 and under (can't wait for the big payout tonight so I can see how much I will level everyone up!).

I have 3 Bobs at $600K and 2 at $500K and they are all level 21 and under (can't wait for the big payout tonight so I can see how much I will level everyone up!).

Glad to have helped (actually I have your F. Freeh running laps around Daytona right now)! 👍

P.s... I see you're from Winnipeg. I visited that place a couple of years ago. Winters get seriously cold there, dude! :crazy:
Glad to have helped (actually I have your F. Freeh running laps around Daytona right now)! 👍

P.s... I see you're from Winnipeg. I visited that place a couple of years ago. Winters get seriously cold there, dude! :crazy:

haha - quite cold right now, actually. -24C (or -11F). It does get a little colder than this, but it is the kind of day where you don't really want to be outside if you can help it. Gets hot in the summer and frigid in the winter. Glad you got to see it, though. I am going to Germany in the spring to drive the Nurburgring. We were hoping to get to the Netherlands, but just not enough time this trip (first time in Europe, actually).

Thanks for the races, too!

Nah, it's just an indicator:

No lights: 0 Credits
One light: 1-49,999 Credits
Two lights: 50,000-199,999 Credits
Three lights: > 200,000 Credits

I can confirm that this matches what I see in my "My Drivers" window.

Driver 1 2pips 132,910cr
Driver 2 3pips 204,700cr
Driver 3 2pips 149,760cr
Driver 4 2pips 109,520cr
Driver 5 2pips 154,850cr
Driver 6 3pips 222,840cr
3rd light appears at 200k according to the FAQ.
Nobody knows the limit but I'm guessing 20mill.
Bobs have been know to go up to 900,000
3rd light appears at 200k according to the FAQ.
Nobody knows the limit but I'm guessing 20mill.
Bobs have been know to go up to 900,000

Mine is darn close to a million now. Wondering when/if it will stop.
892,000 so far. Maybe in the next day or so I will know.

Really! I have been running your Vettel every chance I get and he is frequently taken.

I have two at $895K now, determined to get them there tonight! Bobs Freeh and Wirth.

I am just running a race with your Vettel, I'll help get yours to $1M - put him with a bunch of 0's and teens. As long as he doesn't get the disadVantage... 8-)

There definitely seems to be either a random winning amount happening? I also seem to suspect that the lights may be a modifier to your totals? If not, then something is affecting how much cash you win because it is not consistent.

I had thought that it may have something to do with the average of the bobs selected for a race? So, if you chose all level 30 bobs, it would be a level 30 race and as such the payouts would be higher than if it happened to be all level 1 bobs and just your level 30? Since it seems PD would want to prevent people from having "unfair advantages" you know?

It may also have to do with the level of your bob to the average level of the competitors? So, if your bob is level 3 and miraculously wins against an all level 30 group, the payout is rather significant.

Just theories really... and slightly off topic I suppose.
Actually i will go with that because i checked one of my drivers and he was only raced twice. By me and someone else but got over 25k, although i forgot what positions he finished in.

I been racing your bobs this morning WRECKU soo hopefully it might help ;)
Well here is living proof we can go over 999,999 credits.

A Big Thank You to everyone who raced my Bobs to prove this. :cheers:

Hey wrecku, I try & race you quite often but your guys are popular! You always seem to win as well? Guess that's to do with the experience bar shown in your pic (it's called career on my drivers pages?). Any tips on rising this value? All my drivers are under half on this bar despite being L33-37. Randomly my highest L37 driver who has both raced & won more than 2 of my other drivers has LESS experience/career?!?!?!
Ignore my stupid question. It turns out google IS my friend! D'oh! It relates to number of ingame days so race lots of short races to raise the bar.
Ignore my stupid question. It turns out google IS my friend! D'oh! It relates to number of ingame days so race lots of short races to raise the bar.

No question is stupid and a lot of people read posts like this and learn something. 👍
No question is stupid and a lot of people read posts like this and learn something. 👍

Hmm, also looks like all your drivers career bar raises when any driver races but NOT if they're shared. So may have to pull a few guys out of remote racing for a few hours & run lots of short offline races.
Great job WRECKU! Thanks for racing my guys to get me there as well (two of my guys went over $1Million sometime last night as I slept). I had your Vettel in one race made an incredible 14-place trek through the field in the 430. 15th place to first. Hopefully the payout on that one was alright. It was the same race where a low level Bob flipped the VW Concept on that front chicane at trial mountain. Funny stuff!

I am going to do a recap of races tonight and will post my averages and progress. I wonder if low and mid-level guys make more $$ than the higher level guys, even if the higher level guys are making up lots of places. I swear my level 9 guy was bringing in $20 or 30K a race at times.
