Project CARS 2 General Discussion Thread - Out Now on PS4/XB1/PC

  • Thread starter jake2013guy
Yessir. And just so you know, there are no hard feelings here. Just discussion.
👍 I don't know what CrewChief is. I have a monitor as in computer monitor which was bought for FPS games and the like. I believe it's 23" and it's on a desk so probably 2.5 feet.
@ozwheels download Crew Cheif on your phone and get that sorted when playing Project Cars. It's like the pit chief in game but gives way more information. Outside of all that the one thing it does that you need is the spotter feature. It will tell you when you have cars at your side and when you're clear and the best part is you customize what distance you want these things to activate and deactivate at.
@ozwheels download Crew Cheif on your phone and get that sorted when playing Project Cars. It's like the pit chief in game but gives way more information. Outside of all that the one thing it does that you need is the spotter feature. It will tell you when you have cars at your side and when you're clear and the best part is you customize what distance you want these things to activate and deactivate at.
Or you can download it onto your PC.
We (the regulars that post here often) need to get online together and wreak havok.
Give it a few months. :lol:

Also, they've updated the website. I would have shown the track image here but they're cruel and didn't add a background so they're readable on a non-dark. background.Although it might work in a spoiler. (It doesn't very well.)
So because i prefer to use chase cam (although i also dabble in cockpit view depending on track) i shouldn't be playing a sim racer?

I don't know where did you take that from as I did start that post you quoted as "That why I accept it, but I don't like it". Maybe I'm not expressing myself right.

It's my way of thinking and I will stand behind it until proven wrong but I understand why there are other options and the reasons behind others may opt for them.

To me though, it's just ruins the fun and are not immersive at all which is the point of a sim otherwise, it's just like playing an arcade with physics.

Nowadays, we're given the choice to virtually experience cars most of us can only dream to see IRL let alone sit or drive so, why not take the opportunity to experience it the best way we can afford?

PS: I really hope no one gets this personally and be offended by it. It's my POV in the end.

@jake2013guy can you post the links to the tweets in some other way? I can't seem to be able to follow them and they don't show in your posts. I just see "loading tweet..."
I don't know where did you take that from as I did start that post you quoted as "That why I accept it, but I don't like it". Maybe I'm not expressing myself right.

It's my way of thinking and I will stand behind it until proven wrong but I understand why there are other options and the reasons behind others may opt for them.

To me though, it's just ruins the fun and are not immersive at all which is the point of a sim otherwise, it's just like playing an arcade with physics.

Nowadays, we're given the choice to virtually experience cars most of us can only dream to see IRL let alone sit or drive so, why not take the opportunity to experience it the best way we can afford?

PS: I really hope no one gets this personally and be offended by it. It's my POV in the end.

@jake2013guy can you post the links to the tweets in some other way? I can't seem to be able to follow them and they don't show in your posts. I just see "loading tweet..."

This is actually what I also think. Didn't mean any disrespect, but in a sim cockpit view or helmet view is almost the full fantasy fulfillment. Cars and tracks I'll never be able to drive, why not enjoy them from the inside as one would in real life? I would even go full wheel setup if I didn't have practical limitations.
This is actually what I also think. Didn't mean any disrespect, but in a sim cockpit view or helmet view is almost the full fantasy fulfillment. Cars and tracks I'll never be able to drive, why not enjoy them from the inside as one would in real life? I would even go full wheel setup if I didn't have practical limitations.

Why have two options? Does a driver in real life have two options? You are a hardcore sim driver the only options you should have is real life. It sounds stupid when I type it, options for everyone is better for everyone. It's game just enjoy, somebody said earlier that racing series was forcing views but never saw any proof of this.
Why have two options? Does a driver in real life have two options? You are a hardcore sim driver the only options you should have is real life. It sounds stupid when I type it, options for everyone is better for everyone. It's game just enjoy, somebody said earlier that racing series was forcing views but never saw any proof of this.

Well even in FM you can find this view locked. In PC I'd say any more serious league is doing the same.
Local leagues here when I raced sure did.
Here's an FM example:

Iracond even only have cockpit view.
Helmet view came as an immersion option. Nowadays we have VR :)
Well even in FM you can find this view locked. In PC I'd say any more serious league is doing the same.
Local leagues here when I raced sure did.
Here's an FM example:

Iracond even only have cockpit view.
Helmet view came as an immersion option. Nowadays we have VR :)

I beg to differ. We are a "serious" league. While we do force things like REAL assists only, we have never, and will never force a certain driver view. This is somethign that ius a personal preference, and has no significant impact on the races. We have members with VR, some with triple screens, and some with very small single monitors. Drivers will race with the view that best suits their level of visibility. We as a league will NEVER force a specific view, since that may hinder some drivers who are unable to have sufficient visual "real estate".

We will however force things like manual gears, driver aids and driver assists (when possible - I'm looking at you "ideal racing line"), as these are key to putting all drivers on a level playing field in regards to skill requirements. Camera view gives minimal "performance" advantage, but certainly can cause hinderances within the race if forced to use cockpit in a GT car on a single 22 inch screen.
The chase cam kind of ruins immersion. I mean, why have cockpit cam if you're not going to use it? I think it's the minimum requirement for playing a sim, use cockpit or helmet cam.
To me though, it's just ruins the fun and are not immersive at all which is the point of a sim otherwise, it's just like playing an arcade with physics.
Why is maximizing immersion a requirement to play a sim? Why shouldn't someone enjoy a sim as just another racing game but with realistic physics?

Accurate handling dynamics are what make a simulator fun to play. That and the features/content are the reasons I enjoy sims, just as any other videogame. I appreciate the complexity and depth for the fact that it enriches gameplay. I enjoy arcade-style racing games too, but it's tough to beat the naturally intuitive and rewarding handling of a well-sorted sim.

I can "get into" the games I play, but driving from cockpit view or using a wheel doesn't really add to that base level of immersion (I play most racing games almost exclusively from cockpit view, but because it usually provides better visual feedback for physics/handling). A videogame is a videogame. The intrinsic abstraction of the experience is apparent enough to me that I'm convinced even a VR headset would do little other than offer the advantage of looking around freely...and make me lose my lunch.

Nowadays, we're given the choice to virtually experience cars most of us can only dream to see IRL let alone sit or drive so, why not take the opportunity to experience it the best way we can afford?
Why not also take the opportunity to experience these cars in ways that are only possible in a virtual space? Hanging out from the chase view, you can enjoy a nice exhaust note and a nice view of a beautiful car.
Why is maximizing immersion a requirement to play a sim? Why shouldn't someone enjoy a sim as just another racing game but with realistic physics?

Accurate handling dynamics are what make a simulator fun to play. That and the features/content are the reasons I enjoy sims, just as any other videogame. I appreciate the complexity and depth for the fact that it enriches gameplay. I enjoy arcade-style racing games too, but it's tough to beat the naturally intuitive and rewarding handling of a well-sorted sim.

I can "get into" the games I play, but driving from cockpit view or using a wheel doesn't really add to that base level of immersion (I play most racing games almost exclusively from cockpit view, but because it usually provides better visual feedback for physics/handling). A videogame is a videogame. The intrinsic abstraction of the experience is apparent enough to me that I'm convinced even a VR headset would do little other than offer the advantage of looking around freely...and make me lose my lunch.

Why not also take the opportunity to experience these cars in ways that are only possible in a virtual space? Hanging out from the chase view, you can enjoy a nice exhaust note and a nice view of a beautiful car.

It just has the look of fakeness and arcade. For me it isn't possible to have a full experience without cockpit view or helmet view. The car feels off and disjointed from what it's supposed to do when in chase cam.

Also, if you're serious enough to go league racing you should be serious enough to learn to drive from cockpit.