Project CARS 2 General Discussion Thread - Out Now on PS4/XB1/PC

  • Thread starter jake2013guy
The game feels and looks like an early access game. I have a 1080Ti and this game still looks garbage at max settings and the way the cars handle is abysmal.

Looks great on my 1070.

You talking to someone who plays Iracing I think I know when a game has bad physics.

Yes, if you play iRacing you should be an expert in bad physics. :P
I have a G29 but upgraded from a DFGT. Massive improvement. Without ABS I push 100% and then go back and hold at 90 or so I guess to keep from locking up. The tire noises are hard to decipher though. Is blocking up the only noise they make under braking or will they make a lot of noise before locking up too? I feel like I hear a lot of noise like I'm locking up but I get that in ABS cars.
I'd really like to be shown my current lap time the way it was in the first game, as in it flashing up every time I cross the line. I don't mean the list of laptimes, but the current one. Theres plenty of room where it says 'current lap' which I really don't see the point of because if you see something like 7/12 you surely know you're on lap 7 of 12? Lol.

Instead of it saying 'current lap' how about 'best lap' with the time underneath and leave it on that part of the HUD at all times.

We get a nice lap delta pop up but have to use the lap times list in order to see what the time was. Seems a bit silly.

Also why does the box with 'potential' have to be so long? There's way more box than is necessary for the times. Be nice to be able to resize HUD elements as well as move them.

Anyway that's my semi rant. Be back in the F40 later tonight. So nice.
I've had a couple random bugs like a wheel exploding off upon spawning in the pit garage, and some of the bigger known issues -- like snow/ice not working as intended, the Skip Qualifying problem (why was the time acceleration option removed??) and lagging menus -- but nothing I haven't been able to work around (and gladly). I'm sure a lot of it will be solved, as it turned out for PCARS1.
You talking to someone who plays Raceroom,Assetto corsa, and Iracing I think I know when a game has bad physics.

I play those games too (minus iRacing these days) and i can´t understand the comment. If there´s one crowd who couldn´t complain is the AC crowd. The handling right now is very similar to the one found in AC, but with a bit more control over the limit. Low speed physics are almost the same (the low point for me in both games) and to be honest people can complain about the handling coming from other racing games, but not from AC.

It just doesn´t make sense. I know it´s subjective, but still, i just had to comment because in the first hour of playing Pcars 2 all i could think was "this is just like AC, but refined and with more options and features".
What about traction control? Every car goes from 1-100% now and default is 10%. I feel like you won't notice anything unless you go in increments of 10, maybe even more. Think of it like a high end sports car. 100% is RACE. 75% is Sport. 50% is Road. 25% is Comfort.
I'm somewhat impressed by how well everyone (well a good majority) behaves online in public lobbies on console, people get off the racing line and let you by if there not on there hot lap during qually, everyone seems to be cautious at turn 1 so there license isnt affected negatively, and it's still clean racing from there. Even in lobbies with the license filtering off. Great stuff guys 👍:cheers:
I'm somewhat impressed by how well everyone (well a good majority) behaves online in public lobbies on console, people get off the racing line and let you by if there not on there hot lap during qually, everyone seems to be cautious at turn 1 so there license isnt affected negatively, and it's still clean racing from there. Even in lobbies with the license filtering off. Great stuff guys 👍:cheers:

Seems like the online license feature is paying off. I haven't been online yet because i hear it's buggy at the moment. Probably will until they release a patch and see how it is then.
I have exactly the same issue with the R32, everytime I go near a 3rd/4th gear corner the car loses control and it's almost impossible to catch, I haven't tried adjusting the roll bars or anything yet but on default setup that car just doesn't stick the way I thought t would. And yes the Audi V8 is much easier to drive and the car does oversteer a fair amount but unlike the R32 I can catch the slides relatively easily.
Definitely a tire temperature/pressure issue. If the track is twisty and hot enough, the car feels much better. At Bathurst on default date, at 10:00 AM the car felt like a dream. Still challenging but capable of and possible starting super heavy on fuel (82kg).

Edit: I was only running 75% boost. And I do realize that I'm about 12 seconds off the qualifying record of 2:12 in 1990, I'm not a pro after all.
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A question for wheel users and cars with no ABS. What do you usually lower brake pressure to? With ABS I have it at 95%.

Default pressure 99% of the time, the other 1% I might increase it. I've never needed to lower it.

On the subject of brakes, the ABS implementation is fantastic IMO, the way it vibrates/pulses the brake pedal on my ClubSport V2's when it kicks in and makes the car shudder along with the sound effect is very good.
I don't understand why people are complaining about the graphics on the base PS4. Aside from the occasional frame rate hiccup, it already looks better than PC1. And I have to admit, I find the 30fps replays reminiscent of the 7th gen days, which is quite charming to me. The only gripe is the bug that rewrites the final results with a real-time classification as it's happening in the replay once I exit it. I'm sure this will be fixed.
Yes, if you play iRacing you should be an expert in bad physics. :P
I disagree with this. iRacing's Physics model has been the industry standard bearer.
Their Tire Model, however, is where they lose it.
Just drive the Miata around Laguna Seca. You'll see.
I disagree with this. iRacing's Physics model has been the industry standard bearer.
Their Tire Model, however, is where they lose it.
Just drive the Miata around Laguna Seca. You'll see.

Tire physics is parts of the overall car physics. It's the part that touch the ground. It's one of the most important aspect of the simulation
I'm somewhat impressed by how well everyone (well a good majority) behaves online in public lobbies on console, people get off the racing line and let you by if there not on there hot lap during qually, everyone seems to be cautious at turn 1 so there license isnt affected negatively, and it's still clean racing from there. Even in lobbies with the license filtering off. Great stuff guys 👍:cheers:

I had the same experience yesterday on PC.
We had about 22 in an online lobby and everyone was very careful on the first lap.
I ended up having 3 very enjoyable online races in a public lobby.
I am having such a great time with this game now that I have my wheel setup properly. I have so many favorite car/track combos that it takes me a good 5 minutes just to decide which combo to get lost in.
I know this game has bugs, but none of them are to the point where the game is unplayable or ruins my enjoyment. With so much packed into this great title there are bound to be somethings that slip through the cracks.
I can only speak from my experience and I am thoroughly impressed and can't wait to get back on track. Great job SMS.