Project CARS 2 Patch and Update Discussion

  • Thread starter jake2013guy
Soooo, people are saying the demo has better ffb? Compared to pcars 2 full game? I didn't think it could get much better! Hope this is true/noticeable
Soooo, people are saying the demo has better ffb? Compared to pcars 2 full game? I didn't think it could get much better! Hope this is true/noticeable
With the T300RS it's pretty hit-or-miss for me... for example the Ferrari 333 feels awesome and fun to drive, while the 911 GT3 feels like I'm driving on gravel all the time while fighting an invisible monkey for control of the steering.
ok thanks, I've try your setup, and yes this is awful with the Porsche, and with my setup it was quite fun again (my setup is informative 75/40/60/60/0,4)
Just try the demo with the default setup on FFB (except stable setup) and let me know, I think the modification to the ffb is a game changer IMO
Ian, I personally think this, is one of two kinds of people.

Either, fan boys of other games just being salty, or shills paid to make competition's product look bad..

As you said though, they didn't have time to even try it out. I hope others where able to see past those "reviews" and tried it out for themselves.

I haven't had the opportunity to purchase the game yet, I'm waiting to either buy a ps4 pro, or Xbox one s, so I can enjoy the game at its fullest.

I have seen past the whining reviews and what not. The videos speak for themselves, the improvement the devs have worked on, show feedback has been considered. I've personally been sold. I just need a platform to play it on first. Lol.
Ian, I personally think this, is one of two kinds of people.

Either, fan boys of other games just being salty, or shills paid to make competition's product look bad..

As you said though, they didn't have time to even try it out. I hope others where able to see past those "reviews" and tried it out for themselves.

I haven't had the opportunity to purchase the game yet, I'm waiting to either buy a ps4 pro, or Xbox one s, so I can enjoy the game at its fullest.

I have seen past the whining reviews and what not. The videos speak for themselves, the improvement the devs have worked on, show feedback has been considered. I've personally been sold. I just need a platform to play it on first. Lol.
Go with the Pro
I haven't had the opportunity to purchase the game yet, I'm waiting to either buy a ps4 pro, or Xbox one s, so I can enjoy the game at its fullest.
If you are buying a console with only this game in mind then I would by a PS4 Pro. I used to have a One S and the game looked rather poor graphically. I upgraded to a One X and the game looks very good. From what I have read and looking at the recent DF video the PS4 Pro is not far behind that. So if the choice is between One S and PS4 Pro I'd go Pro. However, given free reign I'd go One X!
Sorry yeah I meant an X, it's hard keeping up with all the variations these days. Hahahaha.

Yeah I like the pro, but the X will have more and I'll still have my profile. For me is a family issue, I've been on Xbox for ever but some family members made the switch and now want me to make it as well so we can play together. I don't really online game except with family. The 4k DVD player is what sells me on the X, as pro doesn't have it.
Sorry yeah I meant an X, it's hard keeping up with all the variations these days. Hahahaha.

Yeah I like the pro, but the X will have more and I'll still have my profile. For me is a family issue, I've been on Xbox for ever but some family members made the switch and now want me to make it as well so we can play together. I don't really online game except with family. The 4k DVD player is what sells me on the X, as pro doesn't have it.
Sounds like a tough decision then.
I personally went back to Sony. Had Xbox one for a while and have zero use for it. I don’t like any MS exclusive games and multi platform I can play on PC. However, I love PS exclusives like Uncharted, HZD, the weird Japanese games, etc.
Ian, I personally think this, is one of two kinds of people.

Either, fan boys of other games just being salty, or shills paid to make competition's product look bad..

As you said though, they didn't have time to even try it out. I hope others where able to see past those "reviews" and tried it out for themselves.

I haven't had the opportunity to purchase the game yet, I'm waiting to either buy a ps4 pro, or Xbox one s, so I can enjoy the game at its fullest.

I have seen past the whining reviews and what not. The videos speak for themselves, the improvement the devs have worked on, show feedback has been considered. I've personally been sold. I just need a platform to play it on first. Lol.
You think the only people talking down on this game are fanboys, or payed shills? Really???

Do you know where I apply at PD to be a payed shill for them? Is Turn 10's trash talking department hiring this week? If anyone in the room is a fanboy, at this point, it's you :lol:

I didn't downvotw the demo, I didn't download the demo, because I can't be 🤬 to download a demo for a game I've already payed full price for.

I payed full price for PC1, and I bought every single DLC for PC1 because I wanted to support SMS, because I believed in what PCARS was trying to be. I forked over well over $100 to SMS, and swallowed all the bugs that came with PC1. I forgave the bugs, thinking, "small company, ambitious project, first time...they'll get it right with PC2."

So PC2 comes along, broken as 🤬. I payed full retail price for it, and when I went on to SMS's website to let them know their game(which was supposed to be miles ahead of the competition, the best thing since sliced bread according to SMS officials)needed fixing, I was promptly banned by an extremely proud SMS mod who couldn't deal with me telling him/her that they were full of crap for saying the AI was phenomenal. Before being banned, I also saw people making tbreads about the very broken, very well documented, Formula C cars, only to be told by SMS mods, "you're just not pushing the car hard enough."

I come onto this website, and see Ian and American talking about how great their game is. I see Ian going off to other players about how when he track days his Porsche/Ferrari/Lamborghini/Audi/flavour-of-the-month, he feels this, feels that, blah blah blah....but he, nore anyone else, can answer simple questions like, "have you ever participated in a full, player organized, online championship?" "How many hours online do you have?"

My experience with SMS over the last 2-3 months has been one of the most frustrating and disappointing customer experiences I've ever had, definitely the worst I've experience in the realm of video games. I will never pay full retail price for an SMS product again. I mean, I payed $95 for an incomplete PC2, and it's on sale for $25 now. Man do I ever feel like a sucker. You got me Ian....but you know how the old saying in Tennessee goes, "fool me once..."
So PC2 comes along, broken as 🤬. I payed full retail price for it, and when I went on to SMS's website to let them know their game(which was supposed to be miles ahead of the competition, the best thing since sliced bread according to SMS officials)needed fixing, I was promptly banned by an extremely proud SMS mod who couldn't deal with me telling him/her that they were full of crap for saying the AI was phenomenal. Before being banned, I also saw people making tbreads about the very broken, very well documented, Formula C cars, only to be told by SMS mods, "you're just not pushing the car hard enough."
Been on the SMS forums for a while now and I've seen criticism threads of both natures. One being the reasonable thread with a guy who states where the issue is and doesn't act like a 🤬. The other where they rant and rave and nothing gets resolved including the attention seeking threads.

Plus, I've just looked through a number of threads where these platform-specific bugs were stated and they were directed to a thread and the format recommended so it could be made as useful as possible.

You went and directly attacked a mod instead of discussing it. That's why you were banned. If you did that on any other forum, they'd ban you too and rightfully so. People have different experiences with software depending on a number of factors. I haven't had any issues with the AI either apart from the multiclass issue where cars just can't pass supposedly lower classed cars. I didn't rant and rave on the forums and tell the mods they had their head up their ass. You're not going to get anywhere with that.
Been on the SMS forums for a while now and I've seen criticism threads of both natures. One being the reasonable thread with a guy who states where the issue is and doesn't act like a 🤬. The other where they rant and rave and nothing gets resolved including the attention seeking threads.

Plus, I've just looked through a number of threads where these platform-specific bugs were stated and they were directed to a thread and the format recommended so it could be made as useful as possible.

You went and directly attacked a mod instead of discussing it. That's why you were banned. If you did that on any other forum, they'd ban you too and rightfully so. People have different experiences with software depending on a number of factors. I haven't had any issues with the AI either apart from the multiclass issue where cars just can't pass supposedly lower classed cars. I didn't rant and rave on the forums and tell the mods they had their head up their ass. You're not going to get anywhere with that.
Riiiight....because you were there to read the full interaction.

I spent hours writing up long ass, detailed, ass kissing posts. The only thing that happened, in a thread that had no mod participation and was completely civil, a mod jumped in and said, "The AI in this game is phenomenal, and for you to say otherwise is rediculous." I simply replied, "You're full of crap if you think the AI is phenomenal." I got banned, he replied, "Who else wants to have a go?"

I didn't attack anyone, so take that victim narrative and throw it out the window.
Riiiight....because you were there to read the full interaction.

I spent hours writing up long ass, detailed, ass kissing posts. The only thing that happened, in a thread that had no mod participation and was completely civil, a mod jumped in and said, "The AI in this game is phenomenal, and for you to say otherwise is rediculous." I simply replied, "You're full of crap if you think the AI is phenomenal." I got banned, he replied, "Who else wants to have a go?"

I didn't attack anyone, so take that victim narrative and throw it out the window.
Your last two post says it all, enough said
Riiiight....because you were there to read the full interaction.
I based my view that you went and attacked the mods because of what I understood from what you said.

"You're full of crap if you think the AI is phenomenal."
Well that's a really useful response and is going to help everything...
You could have said that you experienced x, y and z thus engaging in actual useful discussion. No software development team is going to gain anything from pointless insults.
Looks like what I perceived you said wasn't exactly dissimilar to the way you described it.

I've just said that from my experience on the forums, if you act like a 🤬, you're not going to get any useful response. Your first post could have been the most useful thing in the world but if you can't respond to anything about it, it's only going to have a limited positive effect.

The mods on the forums are decent people and will not go mad at you if you don't act like a 🤬 like any other reasonable human being would.

Your last two post says it all, enough said
See. It looks like I'm not the only one who can see why the mods are annoyed at you. They responded and you went and called them "full of crap" instead of discussing.
Riiiight....because you were there to read the full interaction.

I spent hours writing up long ass, detailed, ass kissing posts. The only thing that happened, in a thread that had no mod participation and was completely civil, a mod jumped in and said, "The AI in this game is phenomenal, and for you to say otherwise is rediculous." I simply replied, "You're full of crap if you think the AI is phenomenal." I got banned, he replied, "Who else wants to have a go?"

I didn't attack anyone, so take that victim narrative and throw it out the window.
I think a better reply would had been

"I'm sorry but i strongly disagree with you about the AI being phenomenal"

Just saying :)
Things I have learned lately:

1. SMS are good at listening to fan feedback.

2. They obviously want to produce the best game possible...BUT...

3. We should not buy Project Cars 3 until they thoroughly test for bugs. And that means not releasing the game early just because they want to beat the competition to the punch.

4. Though developers say demos do more harm than good, we should be quite mad that we were actually beta testers on release day instead of consumers.

I bought the first game and the second game on day one. That will not happen the third time around. But at least SMS are attentive. They do listen.
On Playstation the approval process was quite quick. I'm sure it was only a couple days last time around and then Xbox was nearly a week after that point?
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Has there been any suggestions that the ability to share replays may be enhanced in this patch? I had not tried to do it before this weekend so I didn't realize how impossible it was from within the game.