Project CARS 2 sign up is open!

  • Thread starter DrJustice
No it's not, for my £100 I get:

Regular PC build access (usually daily) during development
Can read & post on the Project CARS 2 forum
Holds 1 Game Design Votes
Premium Digital Edition version of Project CARS 2 (your platform of choice)
An AI opponent named after you
Gold Member playar avatar identification in-game
Credits listing in the "Special Thanks" section
Exclusive Project CARS 2 Gold Member wallpaper
Digital version of the Project CARS 2 soundtrack
Project CARS 2 "WMD Crew" shirt
Project CARS 2 poster

For me that is good value for money. I'm not funding a game I'm paying for the items listed above. So PR don't have to spin anything is there for you in black and white.
Do you even know where that 100 pounds go and what Slightly Mad do with it?
I know that they have split teams for PCARS 1 and 2, and game development can take a few years. But man, I'm quite sure they are not running on fumes financially. Patch up and support PCARS1 fully for 1 year, then announce crowdfunding next year. I don't think it'll make that much difference to the progress of things, but image wise it'll do them a lot of good.
I think waiting an entire year to start development, would put the game back an entire year. Makes no sense to me. It has nothing to do with money, and everything to do with sticking to the concept.

According to Ian, PCars was already built with DX12 in mind.
Also, the xbox will fully take advantage of DX12. It was built with that in mind.
DX12 will be huge and should put them another leg up on the competition by getting PCars2 out quickly to take advantage of it.

Well the whole developing with the community has failed then with the Backlash.

The pay for say is kinda stupid if you ask me at this point if they have the funds. A lot companies make good game through any feeback from any fan, not the ones who are giving you money. Though we are living in a world where the top priority for a car games is profit so there is that you can add a point to on your score.
What's the alternative? Free access to the dev forums and game development? Then you'll have to deal with 100x the number of people and mass numbers of trolls just clogging up the forums. Charging an entry fee separates the serious from the non-serious and keeps the whole crowd funding concept alive, which IMO, is a good thing.

Do you even know where that 100 pounds go and what Slightly Mad do with it?
Why does this matter? No one is forcing you to do it, so don't do it.
Do yourself a favor and take that crayon that's stuck in your brain out, your comments here are laughable

Ian Bell loves people like you. They are the ones who are funding his bank account :lol:

Also, seeing as your comment suggests that you've actually read my previous comments on the matter. Do you care to actually attempt to refute any of my points? Guess not. It's a lot easier to attempt to ridicule them, rather than come up with actual arguements.
I think many people in this thread are confusing an open beta (done usually to stress test a game, mostly for massively multiplayer games) with day 1 development access to all builds.
What's the alternative? Free access to the dev forums and game development? Then you'll have to deal with 100x the number of people and mass numbers of trolls just clogging up the forums. Charging an entry fee separates the serious from the non-serious and keeps the whole crowd funding concept alive, which IMO, is a good thing.
There doesn't necessarily have to be a paywall, an application process could also work if this is truly to 'contribute' to the development of the game. I've seen a few studios do a similar type of method although they aren't an indie kickstarter/WMD company.
Ian Bell loves people like you. They are the ones who are funding his bank account :lol:

Also, seeing as your comment suggests that you've actually read my previous comments on the matter. Do you care to actually attempt to refute any of my points? Guess not. It's a lot easier to attempt to ridicule them, rather than come up with actual arguements.

If its his intention to make a racing sim then he can have my money because I buy racing sims, all your comments and points have followed the usual knee jerk trend which has followed this subject of "they are instantly abandoning PCARS1" and that they are trying to take all your money for the annual sequels! And as a result have retorted to trolling and throwing around garbage information.

hey've sold more than a million copies, plus all the extra money they got from the crowdfunding of the original game. You'd think they could use this money to invest into their new installment. You know. Like other big companies do?
Big!? SMS is a tiny studio, 1/5th of the size of Turn 10 and did it occur that 70% of that goes to the investors of PCARS1 and Bandi, that they may want to invest in new expensive technology's and licences!

I don't recall any other franchise that announce cars that are going to be featured in their game 6-12 months before release, only to then sell them as DLC.
Because they are open about licencing and that the other franchises didn't tell you until release, also Assetto Corsa announced many cars before release that aren't in game (Audi, Lambo, Toyota, Ford).
I suppose it just depends what you consider good value for money then. Good luck on the project. :)
Which is exactly what I have been saying all along despite your protestations. Everyone has a choice whether or not they think it's good value for money. If they do they pay if they don't they don't have to do squat. A completely different picture to that which many are painting in this thread. Like I said a cheap shot. I've got no problem with people having a pop at SMS for the deficiencies in Pcars but there is no need for that to spill over into this thread and for people to just make stuff up to fit that cause.
Do you even know where that 100 pounds go and what Slightly Mad do with it?
Do you know where any of the money you pay to a business goes for the products that money gets you? What is your point? I'm paying £100 pounds to get what is listed. What do I care where it goes as long as I get what I payed for?
Do you know where any of the money you pay to a business goes for the products that money gets you? What is your point? I'm paying £100 pounds to get what is listed. What do I care where it goes as long as I get what I payed for?
Well, the fact that the 100 likely goes to amking the game so by definition, you are still funding the game.
Which is exactly what I have been saying all along despite your protestations. Everyone has a choice whether or not they think it's good value for money. If they do they pay if they don't they don't have to do squat. A completely different picture to that which many are painting in this thread. Like I said a cheap shot. I've got no problem with people having a pop at SMS for the deficiencies in Pcars but there is no need for that to spill over into this thread and for people to just make stuff up to fit that cause.
So I'm not allowed to share my opinion on why I believe it isn't good value for money? That doesn't seem very fair,the picture I've been painting is based on my own beliefs, feel free to challenge me(as you have) but don't even think for a second that your value of money somehow exceeds the opinions of mine.

My protest is the sharing of my opinion, I don't expect many to care but that doesn't mean I don't have the right to challenge SMS's 'perks'(using that term loosely).
Well, the fact that the 100 likely goes to amking the game so by definition, you are still funding the game.
Do you understand how business works? Some of it might go to paying for the christmas party, no doubt some will pay for the yearly supply of toilet roll. Every penny you pay a business goes to paying for that business to do what they do and hopefully there is a little bit left over so everyone can slap each other on the back.
Do you understand how business works? Some of it might go to paying for the christmas party, no doubt some will pay for the yearly supply of toilet roll. Every penny you pay a business goes to paying for that business to do what they do and hopefully there is a little bit left over so everyone can slap each other on the back.
I doubt game companies will ask for other peoples money to do trivial things that we can do with cheap jobs.
So I'm not allowed to share my opinion on why I believe it isn't good value for money? That doesn't seem very fair,the picture I've been painting is based on my own beliefs, feel free to challenge me(as you have) but don't even think for a second that your value of money somehow exceeds the opinions of mine.

My protest is the sharing of my opinion, I don't expect many to care but that doesn't mean I don't have the right to challenge SMS's 'perks'(using that term loosely).
So by me saying 'Everyone has a choice whether or not they think it's good value for money' that somehow translates into your head as 'I'm not allowed to share my opinion on why I believe it isn't good value for money?'? Your quite entitled to share your opinion on that. Up until now, however, that's not what you or many other people in this thread have been doing. Most have been slagging off SMS for trying to con people out of their money and abandoning the first game.
I doubt game companies will ask for other peoples money to do trivial things that we can do with cheap jobs.
Not meaning to sound unpleasant in any way, but this comment comes over as being from a 12 year old just starting to learn about money, value and business in general. Have you ever actually worked for a company in any shape or form, or are you still of school age?
I have the same feeling to you ;)
How do you imagine businesses pay for those things I mentioned? Do you think they have a special toilet paper jar they keep coppers in or do you think that when they budget for the year they include all of their costs (including toilet paper) in that budget and set their pricing structure accordingly?
No problem with SMS working on a sequel, but I believe it was too soon to announce it to the world, and way too soon to ask for another round of funding.

The biggest issue with this, is the fact there are so many people unhappy with how project cars turned out, from WMD insiders like myself, to people who just wanted a good racing game on their system of choice. I know not everyone has been effected by bugs, but in regards to project cars, that is the minority this time around. Especially where the xbox one version of the game is concerned. SMS should have waited at least a couple more months before entering a second crowdfunding phase, and given the whole team a chance to fix the current version of their game.

It is what it is though, and I am split on whether to crowdfund this new version or not.
You guys want more car licenses right? Well where do you think licenses come from, pixie dust? No, its money. Also, I don't see anywhere where it says you have to give them your money, but you guys are seeming pretty pathetic about this. For those upset about them announcing PCARS 2 so early, you realize every game studio does this don't you? With GT people complain that they never say what they are working on, it just goes to show that most of you just want to find something to complain about. I've never found any so-called "game breaking" bugs in Project CARS. I've found bugs, but nothing that makes the game unplayable like most of you say. I've had the game since it launched.
You guys want more car licenses right? Well where do you think licenses come from, pixie dust? No, its money. Also, I don't see anywhere where it says you have to give them your money, but you guys are seeming pretty pathetic about this. For those upset about them announcing PCARS 2 so early, you realize every game studio does this don't you? With GT people complain that they never say what they are working on, it just goes to show that most of you just want to find something to complain about. I've never found any so-called "game breaking" bugs in Project CARS. I've found bugs, but nothing that makes the game unplayable like most of you say. I've had the game since it launched.

The thing is though, is it is one thing to quietly work on a game, say for a year+ like a studio such as T10 does. And then not even a month down the road announce to the world a sequel and hand out a begging dish for more money.
Not meaning to sound unpleasant in any way, but this comment comes over as being from a 12 year old just starting to learn about money, value and business in general. Have you ever actually worked for a company in any shape or form, or are you still of school age?
I guess that comment did come up as a bit childish I'll admit.
Though many news articles like this one show that this is mainly funding for PC2
The thing is though, is it is one thing to quietly work on a game, say for a year+ like a studio such as T10 does. And then not even a month down the road announce to the world a sequel and hand out a begging dish for more money.
You're not making sense with what you are saying, they are not forcing you to pay them money, and also, you get the game for free if you do pay. Would't it be nice to be able to have a say in the development of a game.
You're not making sense with what you are saying, they are not forcing you to pay them money, and also, you get the game for free if you do pay. Would't it be nice to be able to have a say in the development of a game.

Actually no, I would not get the game for free. In fact, I would be paying more for it in the long run, since I tend to buy my pc games from "greenmangaming" with a bare minimum of 20% off the retail asking price. Which would probably be £49.99 on steam in my case.
Actually no, I would not get the game for free. In fact, I would be paying more for it in the long run, since I tend to buy my pc games from "greenmangaming" with a bare minimum of 20% off the retail asking price. Which would probably be £49.99 on steam in my case.
So what exactly are you upset about?
The thing is though, is it is one thing to quietly work on a game, say for a year+ like a studio such as T10 does. And then not even a month down the road announce to the world a sequel and hand out a begging dish for more money.
Except it's not a begging dish. They already made it clear that the WANT the community in for the benefits they bring (unlike T10/PD). They are just setting an arbitrary paywall around participation. This ensures (as far as I can tell from their thought processes) that only motivated testers who actually want to contribute to the project are going to sign up.
The thing is though, is it is one thing to quietly work on a game, say for a year+ like a studio such as T10 does. And then not even a month down the road announce to the world a sequel and hand out a begging dish for more money.
This makes no sense how can you have a comminity built game if you hide it behind closed doors ?
The fact that is is too early for SMS to be asking for handouts to develop the second game in the franchise, and they should have waited a couple more months, and fixed the current iteration first.

@skazz & @Myles Prower I know it comes with early access to the game, I did the crowdfunding phase for Pcars one. I know exactly what it brings with the entry price. I have been a WMD member for almost 4 years as it is. At the moment it just feels like shift 2 all over again, a game SMS dropped almost as soon as it released. But they where not the only ones to fault for that, as EA was equally to blame for allowing it to be dropped from their support cycle so quickly.

The thing that annoys me the most, is SMS used to make some awesome racing games alongside SimBin. And those games had awesome support and no way near as many issues. It is not as though SMS do not know what they are doing with game development, they just seem to be walking on a very fine tightrope at this particular moment in time. All I am saying is, they should have held off on initiating this new crowdfunding phase until the game breaking bugs in Pcars1 where fixed.

I just hope this time that SMS will actually listen to the people informing them during the dev cycle about the bugs, and actually fix them. Instead of listening to the people who are kissing their backsides like last time. I tried to speak out about the issues myself, and I got nothing but insults from some others in the WMD member circle. It was damn near impossible to say that Pcars had problems because of this, and ended up making people who wanted to bring them to light be quiet instead.