Well, but I think that this was Broadbent's absolute best point - why would anyone DO that? Why would you give out a build knowing that it was crap and not representative of the final product? And why not rectify it afterwards, giving out a better build now?
I mean, it's really a pattern at the moment. GTPlanet gets out a review that is anything but positive - well, it appears there was something wrong with the setup of the build. Then, some YouTubers have complaints about physics and especially FFB - suddenly, the build is complete crap and not representative and whatnot.
Now, what
@IanBell & Bandai Namco could do if they are in any way interested in good PR is sending the newest build out, which they all seem to agree is awesome. But for some reason, this doesn't happen, instead, anyone is simply told that the current press build isn't representative.
Am I the only one that sees what might be fishy there? I'm not saying there IS something strange going on, just that it SEEMS like there is.