Ian Bell
- 729
- Ireland
Well, depending on how much rain falls a track can stay pretty close to dry, at least not affecting driving significantly. As BaldBastard also mentioned, there is localized weather in PC2, so there is no single rain intensity for the track as a whole, it can change pretty quickly as it can in real life. We've had on/off thunderstorms in Hungary recently.
You are right though, the sudden reflectivity change on the road at 16:24 is quite jarring, but before I make any conclusions about it I would like to know the exact graphical settings Jimmy used to record that video. From what I've heard most people who drove PC2 in VR did so at low/medium settings, where I would expect more graphical artifacts like this.
Great video nonetheless. Shame about the crash at the end.
You're going to get sudden reflectivity changes when one part of the track is much wetter than the previous part. I know it's jarring and we discussed it internally but it's actually how it should be when you have localised dynamic weather.
I think a lot of this comes from the assumption that dynamic weather should 'blend in' and we do that, but we also have weather localised on sections of the track and when you drive into that, you get an instant change.