Absolutely true, but main issue here is that when looking at how many people pre-ordered (and then rated) pCARS 2 and GTSport on various PSN stores - we see that on US store GTSport is ahead by 40 times (not 4 times, or 12, or 25... but 40 times!) and on EU store it's 17 times (1700%). In my opinion that is not really big problem but what IS is that pCARS 2 developer is likely to do NOT MUCH to appeal to PS4 or Xbox players with actual on-console produced trailers, diaries or whatever...
It is reasonable to assume, given very problematic launch of pCARS 1, that most gamers are now more likely to buy only DISC of pCARS 2 because they have a chance of selling it if history repeats it self... So that MIGHT explain those very low PSN store numbers.
That's not huge problem, as the fact they are pushing me away from my preorder of pCARS 2, disc version, by going for that "we want reviewers to wait with reviews until AFTER they get day 1 patch" bull-thing!
I want pCARS to become awesome competition for two console racing-sim giants, and I think that if they have any sorts of problems like last time, they should just openly say so NOW and ask for reasonable understanding from us. Because if they fail console players again like last time, they will totally lose chance to ever amount to that greatness I wish them to achieve (for my own driving pleasure).