Project CARS 2 Videos

  • Thread starter jake2013guy
I can genuinely tell you from being there that yes, yes it does. Driving back to the hotel after the 6 hour race a few years ago was treacherous to say the least.
That crash on the first lap of the race looked very reminiscent of the pCars 1 collision bug yet the other videos we've seen look like the bug is gone so :confused:.

The collision bug is gone yes.

Please point me to the time you refer to as I've watched the footage through three times now and can't see it. This is a multiplayer race BTW. The old pCARS1 sticky collision bug was a specifically single player issue.

If you're referring to the blue/red Ferrari turning in to the white Ferrari up the back straight at 2.10 then I can only say that if you turn in to another car flat-out these things happen... I mean, the blue/red Ferrari was trying to squeeze through on the grass...
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The collision bug is gone yes.

Please point me to the time you refer to as I've watched the footage through three times now and can't see it. This is a multiplayer race BTW. The old pCARS1 sticky collision bug was a specifically single player issue.

If you're referring to the blue/red Ferrari turning in to the white Ferrari up the back straight at 2.10 then I can only say that if you turn in to another car flat-out these things happen... I mean, the blue/red Ferrari was trying to squeeze through on the grass...
Yes that's the point I'm talking about. It just looks strange since it's at an odd angle and you can only see the crash from the car behind. If the white Ferrari clipped the rear one in the quarter panel then I fully agree with you. My original post was that it looked like the white one clipped the blue one almost at the door. In pCars 1 the would drag both cars in to the wall while stuck together.

When you say the old bug was a single player issue do you mean it was a single player issue in pCars 2 or pCars 1?
All this coverage looks great... But no matter how good sim racing gets they can never nail down just how terrible the track side food services are......

I would say track side food quality depends on track and expectations. Food at Mosport is actually pretty good. Of course none of you will ever get to experience that until SMS finally ADD MOSPORT to the track roster...... HINT, HINT @IanBell and @The_American ;)
I would say track side food quality depends on track and expectations. Food at Mosport is actually pretty good. Of course none of you will ever get to experience that until SMS finally ADD MOSPORT to the track roster...... HINT, HINT @IanBell and @The_American ;)

I have not been to Mosport but I've been to almost every permanent circuit track in north America (including my fave Mont Tremblant in Canada) and the best food by far is COTA. They have food trucks! Kimchi french fries, now there's a feature that should be in the day 1 patch. :cheers:
Not sure if this one has been posted yet.

This one was the first footage I've seen posted from Gamescom.

One thing I always meant to ask about this particular footage regards part 10:10' to 10:30' - It is about the way rear view mirror shows Sun's reflection on concrete BUT on part of track that is actually in shadow? From drivers point of view track has ZERO reflection (of Sun's blaze type), yet when that same part of track gets in rear view mirror (1 tenth of second later) Sun is blazing on that exact part of track... I'm guessing it will get optimized, especially since to me it appears that this "surplus" of reflections is in fact unnecessary strain on performance?
The collision bug is gone yes.

Please point me to the time you refer to as I've watched the footage through three times now and can't see it. This is a multiplayer race BTW. The old pCARS1 sticky collision bug was a specifically single player issue.
I don't outright want to say that that's wrong, because it's your game and you are likely to know better, however: I experieced the sticking issue very often when I had contact with another car in multiplayer. Just take this video as an example:

Weird contact at:
0:20, 4:03 (both cars were unable to turn in as soon as they touched), 5:20 (again, both cars unable to turn into the corner after slight contact)
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I don't outright want to say that that's wrong, because it's your game and you are likely to know better, however: I experieced the sticking issue very often when I had contact with another car in multiplayer. Just take this video as an example:

Weird contact at:
0:20, 4:03 (both cars were unable to turn in as soon as they touched), 5:20 (again, both cars unable to turn into the corner after slight contact)

Yep. I'm afraid to say that we have had many cases of it in multiplayer as well sadly. I have fallen victim to it many times myself. Hopefully, it will no longer be an issue in pCARS2. Only 14 more sleeps before we find out :D
I don't outright want to say that that's wrong, because it's your game and you are likely to know better, however: I experieced the sticking issue very often when I had contact with another car in multiplayer. Just take this video as an example:

Weird contact at:
0:20, 4:03 (both cars were unable to turn in as soon as they touched), 5:20 (again, both cars unable to turn into the corner after slight contact)

This in almost every case means that in a particular game cars steering/turning is NOT simulated/calculated trough all 4 wheels - but by using only ONE PIVOTAL POINT in the centre of the car... That is why they get stuck, no matter if you turn left or right because body of the car rotates ONLY from its centre point!

Clear as day in GT5 or pCARS 1 for example.
Important question IS how is it in pCARS 2?
This in almost every case means that in a particular game cars steering/turning is NOT simulated/calculated trough all 4 wheels - but by using only ONE PIVOTAL POINT in the centre of the car... That is why they get stuck, no matter if you turn left or right because body of the car rotates ONLY from its centre point!

Clear as day in GT5 or pCARS 1 for example.
Important question IS how is it in pCARS 2?
I doubt this was the case for pCARS 1. I think you are just guessing and I think your guess is not the correct one. Definitely not "clear as day".
Well actually in pCARS 2 thread I've recently read long post from professional driver and tester of pCARS 1 on that very subject...

Also, is it really more informed to call this behaviour (for years!) " just a weird bug"? That for years remained unexplaind and unfixed?! - to you is it more true to stick to that and call out people offering actual and MOST plausible reasons and reasoning for persistence of that "weird bug"? Or is it not TRUE what I've said that "in almost all cases cause is use of ONE central pivotal point for car steering"?

Fine by me :)
Also, is it really more informed to call this behaviour (for years!) " just a weird bug"? That for years remained unexplaind and unfixed?!
Yes, why would it be called anything else? What would you call it?
to you is it more true to stick to that and call out people offering actual and MOST plausible reasons and reasoning for persistence of that "weird bug"
What's more plausible about it? There's been people offering all kinds of reasons, what makes yours the most plausible? If it's not working as intended, then that would insinuate that it's a bug. The only other option would be that it was intentional, which I highly doubt.

Or is it not TRUE what I've said that "in almost all cases cause is use of ONE central pivotal point for car steering"?
Well, since you've posted absolutely nothing to back it up, who knows if it's true.
Don't pretend... You know that MOST racers DO use "pivotal centre point" in their simulation - and that "stickiness on contact" is its number one negative feature!

It's the first thing by witch any player/reviewer can expose such game. First thing. That's all I'm saying - it is what IT IS in basically every instance.

So, imo, it is more realistic to consider that as most realistic explanation of "that weir bug" - especially as that "weird bug" never got fixed, explained or anything.

But maybe you think it is more realistic and plausible to call out people pointing at that case?

Fine, good, stomping right out such discussion will surely benefit the progress of games physics more then discussing its possible strengths and "weakneses"?
This in almost every case means that in a particular game cars steering/turning is NOT simulated/calculated trough all 4 wheels - but by using only ONE PIVOTAL POINT in the centre of the car... That is why they get stuck, no matter if you turn left or right because body of the car rotates ONLY from its centre point!

Clear as day in GT5 or pCARS 1 for example.
Important question IS how is it in pCARS 2?

Not the case. The stickiness was to do with low level collision code in PhysX that we fiddled with poorly. We've never used a centre point pivot in the 17 years... We're making a sim, not Mario Kart. Of course we simulate all 4 wheels...
Don't pretend... You know that MOST racers DO use "pivotal centre point" in their simulation - and that "stickiness on contact" is its number one negative feature!

It's the first thing by witch any player/reviewer can expose such game. First thing. That's all I'm saying - it is what IT IS in basically every instance.

So, imo, it is more realistic to consider that as most realistic explanation of "that weir bug" - especially as that "weird bug" never got fixed, explained or anything.

But maybe you think it is more realistic and plausible to call out people pointing at that case?

Fine, good, stomping right out such discussion will surely benefit the progress of games physics more then discussing its possible strengths and "weakneses"?

Some evidence would go along way (as it always does). Nothing wrong in putting forward an explanation for this issue but i think people would want something more weighty than your opinion or people will just sideline as another conspiracy.