Project CARS 2 Videos

  • Thread starter jake2013guy
Don't pretend... You know that MOST racers DO use "pivotal centre point" in their simulation - and that "stickiness on contact" is its number one negative feature!
Not pretending. Just saying you keep insisting you're right with no backing to what you're saying. What games use a center pivot point? Most sims seem to simulate the front and rear points, as the tuning menu's would show that. Where as Pcars2 is at all 4 corners.

It's the first thing by witch any player/reviewer can expose such game. First thing. That's all I'm saying - it is what IT IS in basically every instance.
Just not this instance, it seems.
So, imo, it is more realistic to consider that as most realistic explanation of "that weir bug" - especially as that "weird bug" never got fixed, explained or anything.
No, that's just what you want to associate with it.

But maybe you think it is more realistic and plausible to call out people pointing at that case?
Don't post if you don't want people to discuss what you've said.

Fine, good, stomping right out such discussion will surely benefit the progress of games physics more then discussing its possible strengths and "weakneses"?
If anyone is stomping it out, its you by insisting that what you said is what is going even though it's not. If asking you to provide some proof to what you're saying is considered "stomping out" the discussion, then go ahead and keep calling it that.
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Tonight's Live Stream:

Now that's a career mode.

Career mode looks very well polished & thought out, for example everything seems to be in the right place & you have the right options but i'm not especially excited about it, was hoping for something a bit more innovative & fresh but it's more a reworking of the pcars 1 career mode. Sure i will get mullered for being negative but Im just saying it a bit safe & lacking vision not that its bad.
Career mode looks very well polished & thought out, for example everything seems to be in the right place & you have the right options but i'm not especially excited about it, was hoping for something a bit more innovative & fresh but it's more a reworking of the pcars 1 career mode. Sure i will get mullered for being negative but Im just saying it a bit safe & lacking vision not that its bad.

I share mostly the same sentiment. I've expressed my desire to have an owner mode of some sort, but it would also be nice to have a dedicated historic path considering how many older classes are represented.

Still, despite it's shortcomings, PC2 looks to be a very good game for solo playing and I'm looking forward to spending lots of time in career mode.
What the hell is up with the videos in this thread? Mine was suddenly some developer stream, even though I definitely put the right link in when I first posted it?
He mentioned career weather is scripted but his excuse sounded a bit rubbish to me. What is the reasoning behind this?
I'm going to assume it's because of the slots system. A random slot just randomises the weather for that slot. When a random slot makes the weather more likes the Codemasters Variable setting, I think that's when it will be implemented into career.
One more thing.
There is a new option inside pCARS2 ( sorry i think PC only ) to acces the drone cameras used to create the cool SMS announce videos.
While spectating or replay you can call some cool drone cam flights.
As most WMD members have overseen this feature, i did a quick video to showcase.
Used it very excessive in this demo :lol:.

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I'm going to assume it's because of the slots system. A random slot just randomises the weather for that slot. When a random slot makes the weather more likes the Codemasters Variable setting, I think that's when it will be implemented into career.

I'm only guessing here, but since Stephen mentioned that the not fully dynamic career weather is due to how they track career progression, I think the main reason behind it is that with some hard to achieve trophies, achievements, career goals being in the game, it wouldn't exactly be fair if one driver's 24h of Le Mans race would consist of rain all the way, compared to someone else's sunshiny day. While it would be realistic (weather is unpredictable after all), it's probably better to not put difficult challenges like this behind what would essentially be random difficulty.

All that said, if this is indeed the reason, I would still very much like to see a hardcore option, with fully random weather as well. Given how SMS has always been about player choice with Project CARS, there could be technical reasons behind their decision though.
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I thought scripted weather was for the real date and time function. If I pick Bathurst last year, the weather would be the same for everyone that chooses that date & time.

Nice! So, we get:








Am I missing any?
What exactly is that debris flying off the green Bentley to the far right at 0:27? Can't see it hitting anything, nor would tires be wearing to the degree they're throwing off pieces of rubber at this point in the race. Debris from a previous session within the same weekend?
Here's the official explanation for that.

So we won't get videos til after release probably :/

PCars performance on consoles was really average to decent at best and with so many more features this time, i'm a little bit skeptical if this is going to run well on the standard consoles.
So we won't get videos til after release probably :/

PCars performance on consoles was really average to decent at best and with so many more features this time, i'm a little bit skeptical if this is going to run well on the standard consoles.
yes there are more features, but given its the same physics engine and the team has now over five or so years experience working on it, i wouldn't worry about performance.
yes there are more features, but given its the same physics engine and the team has now over five or so years experience working on it, i wouldn't worry about performance.

Im hopeful this is the case. Especially being on Xbox. I'm sure xbox X would resolve any issues but I don't think I'll be affording that anytime soon.
The lack of console gameplay videos less than 2 weeks to go is really worrying me.

I feel that same fear, I have pre-ordered disc already (like I did with pCARS 1) but now I'm starting to worry should I keep it or not? And I know everyone here would just tell me "then just wait a bit and stop talking about it already, game will be waiting for you even after day 1" :embarrassed:

But - it would be so easy for SMS (Developer!) and/or Bandai (publisher) to produce just one comprehensive video highlight of how game in general (but also particular features) perform on actual consoles.
AND here that mantra of "first day patch" becomes really really awkward to swallow - Developer must have COMPLETED day 1 patch by now! Because approval process for patches on consoles take at least two weeks!!! so either SMS have game with day one patch and are just avoiding to give us console preview...
Or they are still working on it, witch means Sony/MS have not even received it yet and it will not get approved in time for "day one"!


I expect that SMS has already finished it and submitted it (on time to get approved till "day 1) - but are just avoiding talking more about console performance ... for some reasons...

This game looks gorgeous. The sun, the rain, reflections on the puddles - everything.

Noticed some pretty jarring hiccups at :55 though, and during the lap, it seems like clouds just kind of appear out of nowhere.

The 4-wheel aquaplaning at 1:52 is sick!