Project CARS 2 Videos

  • Thread starter jake2013guy
I think you guys have to realize that we are in a whole new generation of time and that videos of any part of the game are way to easy to come by whether it be for your system or not. Back then before youtube or even when youtube was still out, pre footage for a video game was so rare man. Remember when you just knew a game was coming out by seeing the commercial (which sometimes wasn't even actual in-game footage) and having a description and that was it. Im only 19 but not seeing as much footage for the PS4 or consoles in general isn't killing me.

Excellent post @TheoSkullz12 .

Now, I have to say this......

As an almost 50 year old, hearing a 19 year old say "remember when...." kills me.... :crazy: :lol:

And before I get jumped on, I will clarify that I say this as a JOKE and not with any malicious or offensive intent. (too many "lawyers" in forums these days)
I remember rushing the news stands trying to get the new issue of the unofficial PlayStation Magazine for the latest demo discs. Before that, it was waiting for commercials at Christmas time.
edit: if you look at contents of my post, it's clear it was not meant as reaction to @queleuleu 's. Just saying I started writing it quite some time ago.

Guys, it looks like I'm obliged to say that I'm satisfied with PS4 early press build, for what it is. I've pre-ordered a game even though last time I bought Fanatec GT3RS wheel that was promised to work but turned out not to be coded for anything but to emulate controller (it's all in related thread, here and SMS's forum). Do you know how much money is that? And piss on my face :D literary.

Anyway... press build look good enough even for me :) Ofc. they selected content of press build long long before and went optimizing for those selected tracks and cars first. But that is intelligent and fine! Also, journalists want good relations with devs so they would stay away from showing glitches (unless they'r rampant, seems they are not) - and they would do same for any new build.

Ok? And I am not that interested in press builds, I always put in first place wish for SMS/Bandai directly produced console material, of GOLD + D1P - and they ARE allowed that, only if they wanted to... why don't they...

Otherwise, I personally am happy with that early PS4 Press build - for what it is it is great.

I think you underestimate the limitations platform holders put on developers. They are not allowed to give out review copies of any versions, that MS or Sony do not approve. Since the D1P will be for all intents and purposes the release version that everyone will see first and it will very likely be still under approval from said platform holders, reviewers will have to wait too.
So... First of all... in my post I made clear it's primarily about why SMS/Bandai do not want to produce (themselves) on console material of GOLD + D1P build... Talk about press version I clearly place as second.

ALSO - even if we would take strictly everything you've said then... hmmm... didn't you just say "NOT so on PC"?
You believe wrongly. :) On consoles SMS (any dev really) can provide whatever MS and Sony allows them to provide. Not so on PC.
Do you understand that only means there is nothing standing in way of: SMS/BANDAI being FREE to produce themselves some serious console material of GOLD+D1P build (before release) just not provide journalists with game code... AND also being free ON PC to have reviews of PC version of game (before release)! Not reviews of console versions before release, let those come after whatever... if must be.

I say "if" because all of this is secondary (spoiler tl;dr) just skip
I'm sure Sony, MS, Nintendo have some rules that protected from situations that could be scandalous. Like some dev suddenly ad content like murder or rape or nazism that appears to be framed positively instead of negatively... on a game that is exclusive, or timed exclusive... or they breach some patent rights... This is far far far removed from situations how you frame it...
Like that they make it extreme hustle to provide development patch to journalist that was clearly already approved to receive previous version of that game... Or that it would take SAME AMOUNT of time as when they control official patches that go to after release.... Publishers like EA, Activision, Ubisoft, Bandai etc... are partners not slaves and this process would otherwise put their INVESTMENTS at risk! Like here, if a dev has great game, close to release, and WANTS positive reviews before release, and great material to flood the media - then platform holder would be destroying that games chances if they were to aplly these rule in such draconian manner as you imply.
As I've said I'm sure there are plenty of very serious rules, but not to be applied anally to detriment of money making and partner relations.

Code not signed by Microsoft or Sony, that is development versions of games, can only be run on special development kit consoles. These are only given to developers approved by platform holders (and I assume used during game shows for showcasing pre-release versions) and differ in a few key ways compared to non-dev kits, meaning commercially available consoles won't run development code normally.

Alright, so here's the meat of this post. Or turnip? :dunce: (me)
This is GAMESCOM, published on AUG-30-2017
Devs themselves are playing their own build, but not on some weird dev-kit but on lowly vanilla PS4. Since they are playing it themselves (not giving it to press) they are free to play any build they have, that would mean GOLD+D1P (or almost D1P, right).
And video looks just fine! There is just one type of effects that doesn't seem to work logically IMO, but maybe I just misunderstand. That is why I already asked about it - but got no answer here.
So, I asked elsewhere, it obviously took some time but here are some opinions:

From 10:10 strange lighting effects (or defects) are happening in rear view mirror.

There are no Sun’s reflections anywhere on the asphalt (anywhere around the car) except in that rear view mirror… for a moment I thought maybe car itself is blocking the Sun and that is why reflections are only in the mirror? But, then they go to chase-view and we can see that back of the car has NO Sun on it.

If that is not completely provable, then at 10:40 even more obvious with the grandstands to the left. From the car view they are in complete shadow, in the mirror they are bathed in sunshine???

Returning now to 9:35 – I wasn’t at first thinking that there is anything more but a set of coincidences that only make this situation appear scripted… But now, “maybe a bit too much coincidences”? As car progresses down the straight, cloud cover is shadowing track right in front of players eyes – “Isn’t this lucky coincidence so we can see how cool it looks?” Also it is progressing at same speed and direction as players car…? Also when car stops in sand trap and changes direction AWAY from grand stands - THEN also cloud cover stops moving THE SAME WAY as player’s car!? Coincidence upon coincidence upon coincidence – just at 9:35

And then on top of that other strange phenomena at 10:10 and ANOTHER at 10:40…

Couple of day ago I’ve asked about this already right here, but not a single PC Master here didn’t bother to shed any light, opinion, suggestion – then I asked some real life friends and basically what their opinions boil down to is: On PC all of the weather and lighting and track effect ARE LIVE-REAL TIME rendered, but on console it is not surprising that some of it is real time BUT a lot of it are backed-in / scripted effects that get triggered at appropriate moments… But it just is not quite well scripted or optimized, yet, if it will be later.

So, is that a good thing? If it helps console versions keep performance – YES, it’s a great thing! My self I prefer dry track at mid-noon anyway.

But, if it is so (I do not know if it is!) why aren’t we told so in advance, it is still big deal.

If it’s not so, then what is happening with that mirror?
Re 9:35: The weather isn't scripted on consoles. It's the same system as on PC.

Re 10:10 and 10:40: Shadow quality and draw distance is most likely reduced in the mirrors for performance reasons. That's why you can see the sun shining through because the object that's blocking it is too far away to be drawn in the mirror.
Re 9:35: The weather isn't scripted on consoles. It's the same system as on PC.

Re 10:10 and 10:40: Shadow quality and draw distance is most likely reduced in the mirrors for performance reasons. That's why you can see the sun shining through because the object that's blocking it is too far away to be drawn in the mirror.

I can take that explanation, with really no problem, and thanks... 👍

But c'mon pCARS 2, I just can't catch a break with you. If that explanation holds then this is so extreme beyond what I have ever seen. I mean, regarding removing objects because of draw distances - I don't see any large objects so huge to come between Sun, not even trees, only HILLS themselves - and that's not object, that's surface, Earth! I have never seen THAT kind of extreme.
And for grandstands, only object there could be other grandstand - but its not somewhere far, its right across normal width track. Its right there. smh
I can take that explanation, with really no problem, and thanks... 👍

But c'mon pCARS 2, I just can't catch a break with you. If that explanation holds then this is so extreme beyond what I have ever seen. I mean, regarding removing objects because of draw distances - I don't see any large objects so huge to come between Sun, not even trees, only HILLS themselves - and that's not object, that's surface, Earth! I have never seen THAT kind of extreme.
And for grandstands, only object there could be other grandstand - but its not somewhere far, its right across normal width track. Its right there. smh
I don't know much about draw distance in video games, but I would image the "hill" problem you are talking about is rather simple. Yes it is part of the earth, but still at some distance everything would gradually disappear, wouldn't it? I would think the absolute only thing that stays is the light box aka sun
I don't see any large objects so huge to come between Sun, not even trees, only HILLS themselves - and that's not object, that's surface, Earth! I have never seen THAT kind of extreme.

That is actually a fairly common practice, even for reflections. If you want to know all the technical details of it, look up frustum culling or more specifically what a far clip plane is. In short, with it you can set a distance beyond which no geometry will be rendered.
Yeah, that is fine. True, I did say "if it helps console performance then its great" so... but I never expected to actuall surface be culled. On wich we drive (those hills are surface with asphalt we drive over, not some hills on the horizon, but track). Or grandstand right next to me, you know.

But I guess it is better option for performance on console then not doing it.

Do we know if this is an actual PS4 video and if SMS gave this YouTube channel a PS4 copy? They are claiming this is the final build and making some other interesting claims. Someone in the comments said this is an old build and that start line bug is gone now so what's going on here?

Do we know if this is an actual PS4 video and if SMS gave this YouTube channel a PS4 copy? They are claiming this is the final build and making some other interesting claims. Someone in the comments said this is an old build and that start line bug is gone now so what's going on here?

I've watched all PS4 bulilds I could find. And I saw about 10 tracks in total witch is very high content for press build...

I have not seen Hockenheim classic ever before, on ps4 build, and to me that is one of most interesting tracks - if anyone has, it would be VERY comforting if you'd link it here. 👍

Edit: ALSO never seen Azure Coast on ps4 before! His second video

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I won't give my opinion on this, we should wait for the day one patch ;)
IMO, some bugs and frame rate drops will be there. It's just inevitable, the game is so ambitious but I like that way of doing things. They don't play it too safe and try new features even if it's not 100% perfect.
If true, they could've decided to test the limits first on pc version and play more safely on consoles. I don't understand this approach from the devs. The biggest money can be dug in console grounds.
There's another video like that last one (from the same user and also claiming that it's PS4 Pro footage) in case you haven't seen it yet:

The overtake at 1:20 over the grass in Schwedenkreuz seems very odd.(the situation with the BMW and Ferrari)
Really weird. AI looks like they are drunk. Haven't seen them act this badly in any of the PC videos posted by WMD members. I can't believe that PS4 Pro would have a different AI coded. Maybe this is an older build or maybe there is some PS4 pro specific issue that messes with AI (maybe cause Boost mode is used?) It's like some PC bugs that were happening for people who had overclocked CPU in pCARS 1.
The overtake at 1:20 over the grass in Schwedenkreuz seems very odd.(the situation with the BMW and Ferrari)
It's all a bit weird from the get go, if I'm honest.

But then I wouldn't take that video seriously anyway.
Thank you so much for clarification

It looks like an old PC build set to lowest settings for me. When we're running mid PC levels on a Standard PS4 and much higher on the Pro.

I have to say I'm impressed by the sabotage efforts being employed by whomever.... VVV/Alan has already shown stock PS4 footage.
It looks like an old PC build set to lowest settings for me. When we're running mid PC levels on a Standard PS4 and much higher on the Pro.

I have to say I'm impressed by the sabotage efforts being employed by whomever.... VVV/Alan has already shown stock PS4 footage.

I see.

I am very confident.
It will be great.
Thank you
Some comment on the video (youtube)

really stupid.


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