Project CARS 2 Videos

  • Thread starter jake2013guy
I feel that same fear, I have pre-ordered disc already (like I did with pCARS 1) but now I'm starting to worry should I keep it or not? And I know everyone here would just tell me "then just wait a bit and stop talking about it already, game will be waiting for you even after day 1" :embarrassed:

But - it would be so easy for SMS (Developer!) and/or Bandai (publisher) to produce just one comprehensive video highlight of how game in general (but also particular features) perform on actual consoles.
AND here that mantra of "first day patch" becomes really really awkward to swallow - Developer must have COMPLETED day 1 patch by now! Because approval process for patches on consoles take at least two weeks!!! so either SMS have game with day one patch and are just avoiding to give us console preview...
Or they are still working on it, witch means Sony/MS have not even received it yet and it will not get approved in time for "day one"!


I expect that SMS has already finished it and submitted it (on time to get approved till "day 1) - but are just avoiding talking more about console performance ... for some reasons...
You say the same thing every single day in different threads. Being extremely dramatic and making big assumptions isn't going to help your cause.
AND here that mantra of "first day patch" becomes really really awkward to swallow - Developer must have COMPLETED day 1 patch by now! Because approval process for patches on consoles take at least two weeks!!! so either SMS have game with day one patch and are just avoiding to give us console preview...
Or they are still working on it, witch means Sony/MS have not even received it yet and it will not get approved in time for "day one"!


I expect that SMS has already finished it and submitted it (on time to get approved till "day 1) - but are just avoiding talking more about console performance ... for some reasons...

D1P is submitted but they're already working on the next one of course (and the upcoming DLCs too).
I feel that same fear, I have pre-ordered disc already (like I did with pCARS 1) but now I'm starting to worry should I keep it or not? And I know everyone here would just tell me "then just wait a bit and stop talking about it already, game will be waiting for you even after day 1" :embarrassed:

But - it would be so easy for SMS (Developer!) and/or Bandai (publisher) to produce just one comprehensive video highlight of how game in general (but also particular features) perform on actual consoles.
AND here that mantra of "first day patch" becomes really really awkward to swallow - Developer must have COMPLETED day 1 patch by now! Because approval process for patches on consoles take at least two weeks!!! so either SMS have game with day one patch and are just avoiding to give us console preview...
Or they are still working on it, witch means Sony/MS have not even received it yet and it will not get approved in time for "day one"!


I expect that SMS has already finished it and submitted it (on time to get approved till "day 1) - but are just avoiding talking more about console performance ... for some reasons...
You could simply buy the game a few days after the release like me. Lots of videos on PS4 will be available to see how the game looks and most important how it plays with a controller. I give them the benefit of the doubt.
D1P is submitted but they're already working on the next one of course (and the upcoming DLCs too).

Thank you, this is kind of dialog that can be usefull 👍 Not just to me/us but for the proper marketing of game that could help it sell, so we get more good content or other sims in general.

You say the same thing every single day in different threads. Being extremely dramatic and making big assumptions isn't going to help your cause.

Unlike this answer... You know "damage controlling" has proven actually to be counter productive (from proven issues with WiiU or Xbox One) preventing from pushing for change until it gets really to bad to fix.

I have been trying to get answers, not just me but always a couple of new people join same conversation (or I join when they express worries themselves). But all I got are funny quips, put downs or jokes & "PIVOTING" away from issues.

D1P is submitted but they're already working on the next one of course (and the upcoming DLCs too).

This also means that D1P is finished and there is nothing to justify TWO things that should be happening but are not:
1. SMS as developer can produce on console official material about features and everything INCLUDING fully that D1P, but also as much of follow-up patch as they have done.

2. Same way journalists got their old pre-D1P version they CAN BE issued versions with that amazing "D1P". Bigger ones could have already been provided within days, others just couple more days later - to give us reviews, full reviews, with D1P before release day! But...:confused:

All other patches (post D1P) will not be finished by release day. Even if they get finished, they need couple of WEEKS to go trough Sony/MS approval process - so they are not important for this particular conversation.
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Thank you, this is kind of dialog that can be usefull 👍 Not just to me/us but for the proper marketing of game that could help it sell, so we get more good content or other sims in general.

Unlike this answer... You know "damage controlling" has proven actually to be counter productive (from proven issues with WiiU or Xbox One) preventing from pushing for change until it gets really to bad to fix.

I have been trying to get answers, not just me but always a couple of new people join same conversation (or I join when they express worries themselves). But all I got are funny quips, put downs or jokes & "PIVOTING" away from issues.

This also means that D1P is finished and there is nothing to justify TWO things that should be happening but are not:
1. SMS as developer can produce on console official material about features and everything INCLUDING fully that D1P, but also as much of follow-up patch as they have done.

2. Same way journalists got their old pre-D1P version they CAN BE issued versions with that amazing "D1P". Bigger ones could have already been provided within days, others just couple more days later - to give us reviews, full reviews, with D1P before release day! But...:confused:

All other patches (post D1P) will not be finished by release day. Even if they get finished, they need couple of WEEKS to go trough Sony/MS approval process - so they are not important for this particular conversation.
More assumptions that you can't even hope to prove true or not.
No, in fact damage controllers seem to do that thing.

One day it is "juornalist must wait release day to get D1P and we would love not to have any reviews without it, we are happy to wait weeks after release for reviews". But when it is asked "so for D1P to be ready for all gamers day1 it must be already finished and going trough approval process?" - so journalists could have been ALREADY provided with those D1P's just like they managed to get old builds before? And SMS could (but are CHOOSING not to) produce any official GOLD + D1P materials on CONSOLES...

But you answer to argumented question with - "FAKE NEWS" :rolleyes:
No, in fact damage controllers seem to do that thing.

One day it is "juornalist must wait release day to get D1P and we would love not to have any reviews without it, we are happy to wait weeks after release for reviews". But when it is asked "so for D1P to be ready for all gamers day1 it must be already finished and going trough approval process?" - so journalists could have been ALREADY provided with those D1P's just like they managed to get old builds before? And SMS could (but are CHOOSING not to) produce any official GOLD + D1P materials on CONSOLES...

But you answer to argumented question with - "FAKE NEWS" :rolleyes:
Ok sir, how do you know SMS are CHOOSING not to produce console content because they are hiding something? Please do explain because according to you SMS have "nothing to lose" since Gran Turismo Sport has more PREORDER RATINGS. Following that logic SMS should have produced console videos months ago. They haven't and Ian Bell posted here saying himself and the SMS team wanted to give a "huge thanks for this amazing response" in relation to the preorder numbers and the "fancy" editions as he put it. Based on that knowledge don't you think there might possibly be another reason why console videos have been limited other than "SMS is "avoiding talking about console performance"? Such as this post which you entirely dismissed.
We want reviewers to review gold with Day 1 Patch. We've added a ton of small improvements since the Gold build.
And as I have already written in two posts just above you - All this you say means GOLD is finished weeks ago - and D1P is finished weeks ago! And same way selected journalists received (or any of alternative ways in 21 century!) their old builds, they could have or still can get new ones and review them before release day.

Even disregarding argument above - SMS them selves have it all from even further ago and could EASILY do all of the mentioned in these threads. Or, at least anything... But, no, nothing :confused:
And as I have already written in two posts just above you - All this you say means GOLD is finished weeks ago - and D1P is finished weeks ago! And same way selected journalists received (or any of alternative ways in 21 century!) their old builds, they could have or still can get new ones and review them before release day.

Even disregarding argument above - SMS them selves have it all from even further ago and could EASILY do all of the mentioned in these threads. Or, at least anything... But, no, nothing :confused:
Wow, have a nice day.
And as I have already written in two posts just above you - All this you say means GOLD is finished weeks ago - and D1P is finished weeks ago! And same way selected journalists received (or any of alternative ways in 21 century!) their old builds, they could have or still can get new ones and review them before release day.

The pre-release distribution setup on Steam is vastly different to the one on XB1 and PS4. Doubly so when this is a third-party developer. Iterative weekly alpha builds aren't really feasible.
The pre-release distribution setup on Steam is vastly different to the one on XB1 and PS4. Doubly so when this is a third-party developer. Iterative weekly alpha builds aren't really feasible.

Absolutely, this is why I am mentioning how obvious it is that all those D1P must have been finished weeks ago - other thing I'm saying is that methods for supplying selected journalists with updated version can be numerous - they do not need to download anything via Steam or PSN or XBL... SMS can provide them in numbers of direct ways. Goes equally for any versions, platforms, i believe.
Absolutely, this is why I am mentioning how obvious it is that all those D1P must have been finished weeks ago - other thing I'm saying is that methods for supplying selected journalists with updated version can be numerous - they do not need to download anything via Steam or PSN or XBL... SMS can provide them in numbers of direct ways. Goes equally for any versions, platforms, i believe.

IIRC, @IanBell recently stated the day one patch was submitted. It still needs to be certified.

How exactly do you propose distrubution be done then, if not via any of those three platforms? As a reminder, I said "feasible"; shipping untold numbers of expensive dev kits all across the globe every week is not that.
IIRC, @IanBell recently stated the day one patch was submitted. It still needs to be certified.
How exactly do you propose distrubution be done then, if not via any of those three platforms? As a reminder, I said "feasible"; shipping untold numbers of expensive dev kits all across the globe every week is not that.
I'm not talking about distribution to all of us gamers, only to selected journalists they are already cooperating with - AND already found ways to bring THEM old press builds! Same way they can bring them new builds. If not to all, just to one or two then. I agree.

Why dev kits? What ever "dev kits" for? Journalists already have functioning PS4's and XBO's - look at Scaff's video above, one problem with it is that it is again that same oooooooold press build that is much more a "Vertical Slice" of a game than it is not! We all know how many times have vertical slices been misleading (intentionally or not).
But even so that particular video brings to light another thing - why do not they provide that VVV with gold build + D1P. Directly. Or in witch ever way they gave him this old one! Or any way of many other ways we have in 21.century? "Many. many ways" - president Trump :D
AEven disregarding argument above - SMS them selves have it all from even further ago and could EASILY do all of the mentioned in these threads. Or, at least anything... But, no, nothing :confused:

I think you underestimate the limitations platform holders put on developers. They are not allowed to give out review copies of any versions, that MS or Sony do not approve. Since the D1P will be for all intents and purposes the release version that everyone will see first and it will very likely be still under approval from said platform holders, reviewers will have to wait too.

Absolutely, this is why I am mentioning how obvious it is that all those D1P must have been finished weeks ago

It is extremely likely it has been, unless some issues are found by MS or Sony.

other thing I'm saying is that methods for supplying selected journalists with updated version can be numerous - they do not need to download anything via Steam or PSN or XBL... SMS can provide them in numbers of direct ways. Goes equally for any versions, platforms, i believe.

You believe wrongly. :) On consoles SMS (any dev really) can provide whatever MS and Sony allows them to provide. Not so on PC.

Why dev kits? What ever "dev kits" for?

Code not signed by Microsoft or Sony, that is development versions of games, can only be run on special development kit consoles. These are only given to developers approved by platform holders (and I assume used during game shows for showcasing pre-release versions) and differ in a few key ways compared to non-dev kits, meaning commercially available consoles won't run development code normally.
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That build is more than 2 months old BTW. But as you can see, the graphics are basically identical to PC when set to 1080p. We have 4X MSAA rolling and it's pretty much 60 FPS solid in normal racing. We've done a lot of polishing and optimising since this build of course.

Game looks so good man. Just watched this video on my TV. I have to commend you and your team for acknowledging the first games short comings and making real efforts to fix them.
That build is more than 2 months old BTW. But as you can see, the graphics are basically identical to PC when set to 1080p. We have 4X MSAA rolling and it's pretty much 60 FPS solid in normal racing. We've done a lot of polishing and optimising since this build of course.

Is this only for PS4 or also for Xbox one (not X) ?
PLEASE do a smooth start this time on Xbox, otherwise your great and 1000x better game then Forza will loose on Xbox completely... the hype is high for Forza (btw. i dont unterstand that...) and the most user remember the not so nice start of PC1 on Xbox one ;) PLEASE PLEASE dont do it again :) :) :)
I was curious if there's been any good drifting footage lately to see how the physics look -- ie. not just sim-racing/gaming journalists pulling some awkward skids while repeatedly apologizing for their lack of drifting skill -- and found a couple good showcases.

This video of the Radbul with an XBone controller -- default car setup, default controller settings! -- is a mighty impressive display of the improvements to controller input compared to my experience with the Radbul in the first game:

And this short drift lap in a Mustang is a great preview of the new low speed physics, plus it confirms (as of August) that you're still allowed to drive a car on kart tracks in solo practice:

👍 👍
I think you guys have to realize that we are in a whole new generation of time and that videos of any part of the game are way to easy to come by whether it be for your system or not. Back then before youtube or even when youtube was still out, pre footage for a video game was so rare man. Remember when you just knew a game was coming out by seeing the commercial (which sometimes wasn't even actual in-game footage) and having a description and that was it. Im only 19 but not seeing as much footage for the PS4 or consoles in general isn't killing me.
I think you guys have to realize that we are in a whole new generation of time and that videos of any part of the game are way to easy to come by whether it be for your system or not. Back then before youtube or even when youtube was still out, pre footage for a video game was so rare man. Remember when you just knew a game was coming out by seeing the commercial (which sometimes wasn't even actual in-game footage) and having a description and that was it. Im only 19 but not seeing as much footage for the PS4 or consoles in general isn't killing me.

Excellent post @TheoSkullz12 .

Now, I have to say this......

As an almost 50 year old, hearing a 19 year old say "remember when...." kills me.... :crazy: :lol:

And before I get jumped on, I will clarify that I say this as a JOKE and not with any malicious or offensive intent. (too many "lawyers" in forums these days)
I think you guys have to realize that we are in a whole new generation of time and that videos of any part of the game are way to easy to come by whether it be for your system or not. Back then before youtube or even when youtube was still out, pre footage for a video game was so rare man. Remember when you just knew a game was coming out by seeing the commercial (which sometimes wasn't even actual in-game footage) and having a description and that was it. Im only 19 but not seeing as much footage for the PS4 or consoles in general isn't killing me.
The only reason I registered for GTPlanet at first was to access preview footage of Gran Turismo 4. :) I didn't start posting until a couple years later, as GTP's Enthusia subforum became the place to be for that game. It took a moment before I realized, "wait a minute, don't I already have an account here?"

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