Project CARS 3 Announced, Arrives This Summer

  • Thread starter Toyota GT1
okay, real question: did they really think that they were going to need a total new console for this? with the MadBox thing we heard about?

i just don't understand who they are targeting with this game at all. Forza ppl aren't going to buy this, GRID didnt sell, ... and it's totally going against the idea of a sim. ... NFS fans don't like this stuff.

it's a shift successor? but like, racing games have evolved since then. are they not paying attention? sheeesh man, i just don't understand. I'm done ranting now
I believe this is the closing title for the project cars series, than the team will be involved in something new on next gen like toca touring titles. IMO codemaster will became the polar star for licensed racing games with f1, wrc from 2023 and i bet touring from 2021-22. They had to release this fastly and move on.

Getting back to pc3 i think the game is shift3 which is not bad. What will make the differences for me in buying it or not is track list. However we will see. Surprised by how many are getting mad cause it is not another sim racing title.
After watching some other videos & comments, the way it would seem, the trailer coming out of the blue, shortly before the game being released, I suspect Slightly Mad needed to get this out the door before moving onto Codemasters projects, my bet is the physic engine will be toned down so that the need to constantly spend time updating the physics would not be needed as with a sim. I think what ever comes out of the box at game release will be what is, not a lot of future updates.
Could be majorly wrong.

but wasn't that what GRID was? this looks so similar
This is the announcement I have been wanting and expecting!
As I have been telling many of you and the decision to keep PC3 workable on current gen console is music to my ears...

Thank you @IanBell for this timely announcement!

After Watching the video, I am the first one going from excited to sceptical... Are we stepping in the wrong direction here ?

What are those fake boob jobs we see on the screen?!?
Why is the camera shaking so much ?!?

I hate Grid! I didn't give it 5min.
SCREW the Crew 2.
I gave up NFS from EA years ago (decade ago)...

I am not looking forward to PC3 to have these attributes I despise so much, otherwise GTNext is going to be what gets my money...

I will continue to enjoy PC2 for now.

Please please, I hope the baseline as found in PC2 is still there in PC3 at least, and things are improved from there...

I hope Codie didn't force your hand on some things you didn't want to do...

I hate Codie's influence on anything...
They have the resources, but they don't know how to present quality product...

Same game director as DriveClub and Motorstorm...

is that good or bad ? i haven't played those games.

Thank you... looking at these from Ian is some reassurance, but still they go in opposition to the videos we are seeing here... am so very confused!

Is this the same game engine just tarted up a little in an attempt to squeeze one last game out on this generation of consoles? Or is this an entirely new build, I wonder if they’ve had input from the codemasters team?
Hopefully we can get some clarification to your questions... whichever it is... i really hope that we are not going toward Forza/Grid/NFS type of physics, which is horrendous!

Oh boy, I don't want to be pessimistic, but this is very strange. The announcement is on such a short notice, it looks very arcadey (which isn't necessarily bad, but concerning that the series is taking such a hard pivot). Do we even know if this is running on Madness Engine or Codemasters' engine? If it's still Madness, well, PC2 looks pretty bad on base consoles compared to the PC version, so I'm not sure why releasing it on current consoles would be a good idea. If it's Codemasters' engine, F1 2019 looks very good on consoles, GRID does not. It seems like the game wants to occupy the same space as Forza Motorsport, but also from the gameplay looks a lot like the last GRID...

SMS is very good at some things and very poor at other things, and the same can be said about Codemasters, so best case scenario is they combine the best capabilities of both studios and produce a good game, or it's very bad, or it's somewhere in the middle and probably still just mediocre at best.
We have been waiting for this "SOON" moment for over a year now, so this announcement is coming perfectly at the right time....
What is strange and what i agree with you is the very arcadey view and "physics" only from what we can see.... it is very disconcerting...

If we are heading the wrong direction, i really wish SMS never left Bandai...
PC2 under Bandai had the right ideas....

Codie is just Bad... prove me wrong guys...

Also rear cam very “loose” pcars2 where perfect.
I am assuming what you are trying to say is:
The Rear/Chase Cam in the PC3 videos looks very "loose", whereas in PC2 it was perfect!

if this is what you meant to say, then i am in agreement with you.

I ABSOLUTELY HATE loose CHASE CAMS that are so frequently seen in Arcade type racing games... although i dont play with the controller anymore, but even if i still do on occasion, i want to have a stiff view like in GT where it makes total sense.

The chase view and perspective in these PC3 video looks all wrong !! i hope we can change it to our liking, but right now from the videos, everything is distorted, and your main area of view is tiny with respect to everything else that you do NOT need to see...

So disappointed. PCars 2 had such promise. Why does this always happen?

That gameplay looked terrible from the start.

Stop with the glitz and glamour. If you want to get your fanbase excited show a single lap and replay going over all the improvements.

Me personally, I want to hear how it sounds,see how the car behaves etc. Not these street cars power sliding around exotic locations.

Fun career, great. Start as a weekend racer even better. But ground it in reality. Show my mazada on a trailer, other weekend warriors working behind the scenes as cars roar around the track in the background. Create real atmosphere.

This hyper, teenage, mtv crap never goes away. It doesn't belong in a game revolved around real racing. As sterile and strange GT can be at least they stick to whats important.

Last thing. I remember someone from SMS praising the replays in GTsport. Was hoping we would get something close with Pcars3.

Fingers crossed Im wrong but again this is super disappointing. I was such a fan and apologist for Pcars2

I am all in agreement with you here... by the look of things, i am shaking out of fear...
I hope SMS will prove us wrong!
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but wasn't that what GRID was? this looks so similar

I get vibes of GT6 where the game seemed destine for more, then with the PS4 PD focus & priority changed, then it was hurry get it out the door, I see this with PC3 where Slightly Mad had lot more plans for, but with Codemaster stepping in, priority's have changed and this needs to get out the door.
Soooo I’ve never played a Shift racing game. Does that mean that PC3 will be more of a simulator like how PC1&2 were? Or is it turning into something like Need For Speed where it’s crappy, clunky and Arcady? I don’t like basing opinions off official teaser trailers because the companies make the scenes very cinematic for visual pleasing. That being said I don’t like crappy, clunky Arcady racing games. I like realism.
there seem to be a lot of dev comments about how much easier it is to drive on a pad... which would be great, if this wasn't an arcade style racer.

the goal was a sim game that's playable on a pad....not another GRID style game

I think it’s going to be very difficult to make any sim game easy to play with a gamepad. If you have all these intricate details in the tires, car and track surface then it’s always going to be more difficult for someone to manage this using a stick to steer compared to a wheel.
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I was eagerly waiting for pCARS3 and was hoping it to be (sort of) more real than real (a visuals and physics feast for simulation fans). So I was very excited by the annoucement, but a tad less when I saw the PS4 trailer and even less with gameplay video.

I think the gameplay preview was to appeal to a broad audience ; I am convinced that we will be able to tune cameras, post processing effects (excessive blur and chromatic aberrations), hud and assists.

Even if pCARS2 does not have the best graphics overall, I am pretty much satisfied by its visuals : some races (COTA, Long Beach, etc) really are absolutely jaw dropping (if only every single track would look this photoreal) and for the time being I prefer visuals from pCARS2 (running on PC) than what is shown in the recent Youtube videos. Maybe it is still in early state but some scenes/closeups would greatly benefit from dynamic shades and lightings. LODs are a bit on the low side on elements where there is a focus (reflections not smooth on car bodies, tires, brakes, arms+gloves, etc). At least, I did not see tires clipping through the road!!!

Why don't they upgraded pCARS2 instead? I think there are more surprises to come and that pCARS3 might look much more evolved and refined on PC and PS5 [seems confirmed here : ]. I also wonder how they compare their physics and FFB to ACC and AMS2.

I really want pCARS3 to succeed for SMS and Codies! Depending on content and if it is already polished enough (less visual bugs than pCARS2, etc), it very might still be day-one buy for me.

Edit :
- In the previous game SMS advertized his close collaboration with tire manufacturer Pirelli, now even road cars seem to be able to feature Michelin tires.
- In the trailer, the championship serie branding featured on car liveries do not look coherent. Even for multiclass races, I would have liked not mixing "GT Challenge" (SMS) with "Blancpain" and other brandings. Special branding decals for special events/series would be good even if said series are fictionnal.
- Ferrari in an other separate trailer?
- Regading dynamic blur and chromatic aberration PP filters : instead of having it both coupled and appearing at high speed, how would it look if the two filters were decoupled? Chromatic aberration could be linked to the G-force curve and appear during hard breaking, hard cornering and very brutal gaz/acceleration (this would transform this effect into a cue for driving style). Slight blur happening on the interior parts following the speed curve and putting the focus on what is seen through glass. The current implementation, combined with stretched FOV at the edges, does give an overly simplistic arcade Nitro-boost/motorstorm feel (it does not look bad though).
- I would love to have dynamic sand and oil on the race track (after crashes), dynamic red hot glowing exhausts, less generic sounds (more complexity into impact sounds for example), better flames, having our own vehicle reflected in mirrors, multiclass lights... but I assume the current tech prevent these to be implemented, right?
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Lol everyone is really mad at this game
Nah. They're just butthurt because the trailer seemed arcade-y. For me, I'm glad PC3 seems to be taking the simcade direction in terms of fun. Hope this title gains the right following like GT and Forza. Like someone said, this looks like a fusion between Driveclub, GRID and NFS Shift, which is damn good in my book!

Oh btw, @IanBell. If you can answer this question. Is this game going to feature CarRPG elements? Please say yes! :embarrassed:
Soooo I’ve never played a Shift racing game. Does that mean that PC3 will be more of a simulator like how PC1&2 were? Or is it turning into something like Need For Speed where it’s crappy, clunky and Arcady? I don’t like basing opinions off official teaser trailers because the companies make the scenes very cinematic for visual pleasing. That being said I don’t like crappy, clunky Arcady racing games. I like realism.

Say Shift is Project Cars 0.5. And to be honest has had the best motion delivery of all racing games I have played. More close to exciting feeling of speed. It was a time when Need For Speed tried to be semi-simulator too. The difference is Shift has had more entertaining career, and less aim to exact Motorsports. Not a worst thing to compare in general.
Watched the trailer and the whole gameriot video. It looks like whenever Codemasters buy something, they do the opposite of what sim racers want. That Arcade-ish touch of their dev team, it just ridiculous, never liked their games, never ever.
I love the fact that this game is coming this summer! My favorite season of all before spring. Please, please let this game be a CarRPG like GT (not GTS, classic GT) and Forza. :embarrassed:

Also, is the Works Modification back from NFS Shift? It looks like it was shown in the trailer with the MB AMG GTR.
I think it’s going to be very difficult to make any sim game easy to play with a gamepad. If you have all these intricate details in the tires, car and track surface then it’s always going to be more difficult for someone to manage this using a stick to steer compared to a wheel.

i get what you're saying, and arcade-ish style games can be fun.

but, like, the spoilers were popping off of the cars in the trailer? why? that's such a change of direction from PC2... and it just seems like they failed to prep their audience for such a drastic change and that it's going to end up biting them in the ass bc nobody was ready for this game. plus, it's so similar to GRID, which was a huge disappointment. so why do it again?
I made it clear 2 years ago that I would buy any game with “project cars” in the name and I would support any racing game Ian Bell put his efforts in to because he’s given me so many hours of enjoyment with PC2. Perhaps too many people gave up on it before all the patches dropped

I am surprised it’s coming on the PS4 because, like many of you, I expected it to be on the PS5 and I expected it to be even deeper because of the new hardware. Perhaps it still will be.

It’s definitely impossible to miss the fact that it looks less sim like but that’s only one video and we have no idea what more is coming. If Ian says its sim, I believe it and I will hold on to that promise. I’m actually wondering if there might be two modes of racing, one that leans toward arcade and one that leans more towards sim

As a mostly off-line player I am really happy to hear that the career mode is even deeper. I don’t find the fact that they’ve included customizations and buying parts to indicate that it’s totally arcade. My son in law was a race car driver and I’ve seen first hand The challenges of scraping together enough money to buy a better this or a better that. Even if you look at Formula One, let’s say. The better upgrades and better equipment and the better teams are the ones with more money.

The second this game goes up for pre-order On PS4 Pro, I will buy the most expensive package available.
Scheduled events confirmed! :)
Not only have the singleplayer modes been improved in every way: the multiplayer it will boast scheduled events (an improved and more constant version of weekly competitions), with variable starting during the day according to the region, and rules set by the software house. Each event will have commendable rewards, plus a new (and sacrosanct) matchmaking calculated around the skill of those who sign up. The team also did a great job on server stability to avoid unpleasant incidents.
I quite liked the NFS Shift games, so I might be into this. Why do cars in the gameplay video appear that they don't have any dampers? Did cars bounce around like this in PCARS 1 & 2? I never played them.
I've got 1200+ hours in PC2. On a pad. It's safe to say I'm a fan.

This? 100% no based on what I've seen so far. Made up city tracks - hate them. Credits and unlocking - no thanks (though if it's confined to career only - ok I guess). Apparent focus on road cars - also no thanks. Don't care about upgrades and livery editor, just give me real life race cars. I'll wait for more informaion to come out but right now, based on that trailer and gameplay vid, this a firm no-buy for me.
Getting back to pc3 i think the game is shift3 which is not bad. What will make the differences for me in buying it or not is track list. However we will see. Surprised by how many are getting mad cause it is not another sim racing title.

The CARS in Project CARS stands for Community Assisted Racing Simulator. This is neither community assisted, nor is it a racing simulator. They could have at least changed the name out of respect for the people that supported their lofty promises about the racing sim of their dreams back in the day.

Also for me personally, this looks like everything I hated about Shift 2 turned up to 11 and everything I had hoped to get with pcars thrown out the window. 2 lap races of GT3 destruction derby without penalties, yellow trackside carnival everywhere, the paint by numbers style corner markers, closed pit roads, not even a tire wear indicator in sight... Yeah nah, mate. I don't even know who this game is supposed to be for, we already had a new Grid recently and it didn't sell well despite the bigger household name. :odd: Oh well.
I am completely caught off guard by this... And completely disappointed by the footage. I love PCars2 even though I have a ton of unfinished business with it. I don't want sim-cade. This looks like arcade crap and what is with the sound? Is it just me - I can barely hear the cars. Mostly what I hear is a flat ambient track/scenery background sound that makes the racing feel very oddly distant and removed.

I was not expecting anything PCars3 related until next year and only next gen/PC. Either the current gen versions will be incredibly dumbed down or, as I fear will be the case, the whole game will be simplified so they can improve graphics and "chase the middle" with arcade gameplay.

The only redeeming value I see is the Corvette C8, but at this point I'll probably just pick up the next Forza Motorsport (as I assume it will be there) for that fix.
C.A.R.S (Community Assisted Racing Simulator) is six feet under. call this opus "Codemasters Shift 2"... or Project Shift 2.
Everything has an ending.

i see a refurbisch code from project 1 and adding customization ...seems to come back in 2014


Oh well. Dont know what to think of this yet. Previous PC games were pretty serious affairs, this one looks like it will appeal to another audience... so far the Trailer reminds me of Forza Horizon, NFS, Driveclub and Grid... the kind of racing games i dont prefer. But we will see.