Project CARS 3 Announced, Arrives This Summer

  • Thread starter Toyota GT1

Very interesting read. I know that I regrettably judged PC2 in a negative way until really got a feel for it and kept at it. Hopefully the wide range of system, car settings etc is not reduced. Instead hope the settings adjustments are explained better in game - perhaps with in game videos and or example screen shots.

Would probably get it eventually this year, even if perhaps it was not my main sim racer when I transition to compture.

The ability to customize livery will be good, might even be able to mod cars (power upgrades).
All I need out of this is reasonable mod support. Not into the VERY SERIOUS race scene, just something to fool about with in cars I'll likely never see in person.

That, and some diversity in the track list.
Another big racing game hitting ps4, acc and this game will do damage to GT sport,
This game will have dog **** matchmaking options just like every SMS/Codemasters game, I don't think it'll hurt the online playerbase.

ACC however, well if that has decent matchmaking, I'd be perfectly fine if it stole some of us from GT Sport.
2020 Supra!

Seeing the direction it is going, I'm not liking this.

I want to make a plea. I've been following this since pCARS 1 on WMD. If SMS has any sense of what the hardcore simmers want; Please, make at least project CARS 1 or 2 more open to modding. Seeing how Assetto and rFactor are going with the modding community, they are catching up. Yes I know pCARS has some mods (only cars), but we need it to be more open so enthusiasts create, code, fix and release more content. Those games are dead and they would benefits the help of the community. That was CARS was always meant to be (Community Assisted Racing Simulator). That way you will please both gamers, casual will have pC3 and we'll have pCARS as it was meant to be.

Please open the game for modding.
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I like the variety of tracks I saw in this trailer. I've waited for a very long time for anything to come along that had the wonderful track variety that GT4 had (I keep a system permanently setup just so I can hop in GT4 whenever I want I drive my favorites). I'm not a big fan of PCars2 Physics at all, but they are far, far better than PCars1, so at least they are moving in the right direction, and they include VR support, so that's a huge plus. Here is hoping they keep moving in the right direction. I keep hoping someone will actually release what I want: Track, car, and deep single-player career mode on-par with GT4: Physics, FFB, Graphical detail, clarity and performance on-par with AC: weather, season and time-of day on-par with PCars2.
From reddit

  • Revamped career mode. Ten car classes to progress through, with the ability to spend in-game currency (no microtransactions) to skip levels

  • Increased car customization. You can now upgrade your car with new performance packages, allowing use of the same car through multiple series

  • Skill-based matchmaking for quick-play multiplayer

  • Addition of "scheduled events," similar to GT Sport's weekly races
Please tell me I'm not the only one whose refreshing this thread non stop.

Also, I'm guessing that all racing game enthusiasts are going to have interest in this game (whether they buy it or not) just because we haven't had a new raching game for console in a long time.

Can the thread be moved out of PC2 and can a new PC3 forum be created?
This is my first login to gtplanet in probably 2 years. When I saw the tweet I was so excited, then I watched the video..... then I watched he gameplay.... I went from 100 to 0 sooooo fast.

Now, I couldnt believe they would completely change the game so I've been reading all of the various publications to help calm me down. Everything is pointing to it still having the sim elements which I am very happy about. They still claim the "sandbox" approach and there are apparently multiple career paths i.e. similar to the last game. This makes me think we can definitely still have a proper sim experience. I guess now I'll just wait for some previews from people I trust...
It is looking very much like a pCARS2 screen.

Aren't the clouds supposed to be in the background? Some look to be in front of the hill.

Thats's probably because this hill is part of the 2d scene that makes a circle around the track. Everything, including the clouds, are inside of it.
watched the gameplay footage again and I notice the pits are closed, I do hope this is just early beta or career events thing.

Still surprised to see the "works kit" style upgrades came back, I was hoping FM8 will be doing something like this and was expecting pCARS 3 will just be pCARS 2 with better career structure.

Still proud to see my NSX GT3 livery running around in the reveal trailer, never have that happen to me before.
Looks like my tweet on the subject was deleted, so I'll say it here.

Not content with wrapping the GRID series up in newspaper, setting fire to it and booting it out of a tenth-floor, Codemasters, the masters of driving decent games into the ground, are back and now own the studio which makes a truly good game series. Of course, knowing Codemasters, they've absolutely 🤬 it seventeen ways from Saturday to ensure the sim racing pedigree the PCARS games are founded on dies.

Betting they'll plug it full of assists and drifty handling to 'make it more accessible': to a toddler, or perhaps an incredibly drunk person.
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Looks like my tweet on the subject was deleted, so I'll say it here.

Not content with wrapping the GRID series up in newspaper, setting fire to it and booting it out of a tenth-floor, Codemasters, the masters of driving decent games into the ground, are back and now own the studio which makes a truly good game series. Of course, knowing Codemasters, they've absolutely 🤬 it seventeen ways from Saturday to ensure the sim racing pedigree the PCARS games are founded on dies.

Betting they'll plug it full of assists and drifty handling to 'make it more accessible': to a toddler, or perhaps an incredibly drunk person.

Codemasters must be ridiculously efficient in making drastic changes to pCARS 3 considering they just bought SMS 6 months ago.

The whole SHIFT like theme/style is in line with what Ian Bell mention back in 2018, pretty hard to put the blame on Codemasters on this.
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