Precisely. Wheres your discussion other than telling me to leave something alone? When we're discussing precisely that thing?
Ah, that was the sentence that created the turmoil?
By "leave GTS alone", I meant "taking out GTS from the comparison"....not that you were forced to do, but saying that was even easier to compare it with PC2.
If you want to compare GTS with PC3, please go ahead.
But to me is a sort of pointless comparison because they are the products of two different companies, one is a first party game while the other is multi, one can benefit probably from dedicated libraries the other may not have access to, different budgets, different physics....etc etc..
I see this as comparing apples and pears. Always fruits, sure.
That's why in my mind it makes more sense to compare PC2 to PC3.
Same company, same engine, similar physics...and yet very different.
At least on two consoles I own (PS4 Pro and Xbox One X), difference in graphical quality is self explanatory.
Race at Silverstone Classic GP, Class C.
Time: evening. Weather: start with dry, then become rain and wet.
At the start, the cockpit itself of the car is so pixelated and jagged, as I don' t recall having seen in any other racing game this gen, even the ones at the beginning of the gen.
I then fired up PC2, and recreated the same race setting. Well, it was damn good.