Project cars DLC

  • Thread starter SK8RBOI
The long version is the best. Remember most of these old tracks will not be great if you only race modern high downforce cars on them, the idea is to race the old cars on these tracks, and then the high speed sections suddenly aren't so easy or boring. Getting the last three corners right at the long Rouen in Test Drive: FRL in the old gp cars was no easy task, and that had way simpler physics than Pcars.
The short version of Rouen cuts off the high speed section of the long circuit with a single long straight through the middle of the course. The camber of the circuit through the first half, and the way the circuit flows, will make it more than technical enough to master though trust me...

Edit: Here's a circuit map. The versions in SMS' past games were the first two, so the green and blue layouts, and I'm willing to bet that's what we'll get in Pcars. The short version will be the '51 version. I doubt we'll have the '72 version, but I could be wrong.

I'm sure in the Rouen video that was posted here yesterday the player highlighted both tracks in the menu and it looked like the red layout was there, not the blue one. I'll have to find it and double check though.
No Solitude Rennstrecke is heartbreaking after the enormous effort we put into it. Thats over 100 hours down the drain for nothing, thanks SMS. Yet another promise Ian Bell broke. No old Spa and no old Monza also sucks big time. Dunno why they keep making this insanely boring old Silverstone layout again and again, except for the funky looking last chicane it has no redeeming factors whatsoever imho. The only track I would love to have out of that pack is Rouen. But I m not going to shell out expansion pack money for one single track, so this will be the third DLC in a row that I m not gonna buy. Not interested in those old Lutuses neither.

PS: LOL @ the BS PR talk once again. "Huge track expansion", yeah right. 3 tracks, OMG so much hugeness! :grumpy:

we are only assuming that there will be 3 tracks added...... and some cars
(I know people can check the files on their pc whats in it)

Because they said the november update will be huge, i hope we are missing some things we have not seen yet...

(i hope they are not taking the same idea as turn 10 when announcing stuff,..... before they revealed a Ford f100 with fallout skin, they said there was a special suprice coming, a lot of people hyped it up, when it turned out it was a ford f100 internet collapsed :D)

But the fact that it isn't in this pack doesn't mean it isn't comming, right?


But spa, Monza and solitude have been removed or have been planned for another DLC?

we are only assuming that there will be 3 tracks added...... and some cars
(I know people can check the files on their pc whats in it)

Because they said the november update will be huge, i hope we are missing some things we have not seen yet...

Come on guys, when was it ever the case that something was coming as part of the DLC that wasnt in the game files after the monthly patch? Yes of course, those 3 missing tracks and the scottish one could be coming somewhere down the line (I dont know any more than you guys) but do you really believe that..?I ll believe it when I see it.

Oh and since somebody asked: I m playing pcars on my PS4 because it looks better and runs smoother than on my 3 year old gaming laptop. It is true though that I m getting all the DLC for free on PC, so I might take a spin at Rouen there. Uhm... Yay, or something.
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@Mike_grpA if you pause this video @ 0:13s you can see the Rouen Short track map, looks like the red layout to me. What do you think?

You're right mate it shows quite clearly in that vid that Rouen short is the newer track, so I stand corrected!

The track logo shows all three layouts in it, but by the looks of the track list we'll miss out on the original '51 layout, but that's the lesser of the three layouts so it's good we're getting the best two. :)
Come on guys, when was it ever the case that something was coming as part of the DLC that wasnt in the game files after the monthly patch? Yes of course, those 3 missing tracks and the scottish one could be coming somewhere down the line (I dont know any more than you guys) but do you really believe that..?I ll believe it when I see it.

Oh and since somebody asked: I m playing pcars on my PS4 because it looks better and runs smoother than on my 3 year old gaming laptop. It is true though that I m getting all the DLC for free on PC, so I might take a spin at Rouen there. Uhm... Yay, or something.

I also think that it will only be the 3 tracks teased for this month,...
(strange that the rs01 is already in these files then though)

But for racing on another platform,..... there is no better crew available than on the PS4: CRAP Club :gtpflag:

(i also have the game on my Xone, but i only raced for 15 minutes orso on that one,.. on the ps4 +- 300 hours, mostly with the crap crew)
Don't really know that layout, still not my favourite version of Silverstone but looks way more flowing than the current layout.

I've played it before on some Ferrari game in the PS3 and it's not the best circuit to be honest. Best layout for me has to be the early 90s layout with the faster Copse corner, remodelled modern Maggots/Becketts complex and the Abbey corner as a flat out curve before the incredible Bridge corner...

Looking forward to the older simpler tracks though. Just doesn't feel right taking classic cars with low grip around finicky modern tracks like Oschersleben and Dubai.
Considering they're already working on historic Monza for PCars 2...they definitely have the rights. Now if they're dropping it for PCars 1, who knows.
Y'all already know we gonna have to get some races in with these new cars and tracks @Football67611 and @HammyMansell along with other's.:D I wonder how that lotus 40 is gonna stack up against the ford mk iv.

You bet Elite!!! It'll be epic!!! Those cars are very difficult to drive, like they're on cold tyres, even when warmed up! Can't wait!