Project CARS General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
My dlc pack would be cars with the best sounding engines... stuff like new jags, maybe snappy inline sixes of the 1960s, old Ferrari v12s v8s
Officially, no.
I haven't seen any official "no" to modding. The last words I've seen is that the top dog is in favour of it, but it has been left hanging in the air for a while now. If anybody has pointers to different information, please post them.

Now, as it is, with release half a year away, it's hard to see how/when it would happen. Perhaps it will happen post release, or perhaps there will be an official "no" eventually... But not so far AFAIK.
I was going to say, I'm sure I saw Andy Tudor saying 'we won't officially support mods', but I could be wrong. It does support shared memory and SDKs with external software such as dashboards for Android tablets or iPhones/Pads, but pCARS isn't that kind of game.
So, the new Clio model is being posted on the PCARS Facebook page, this allowed? Not complaining nice to see my second favourite car in the world
Those pictures can be easily found in the internet, you just need to know where to look. Keep in mind that this was a very early work on the grid girls made many months ago. (Before someone comes hunting me down, these were posted in the Project CARS facebook page so it's not my fault if they were made public)




those the heroes of the next Final Fantasy :D (yeah it went that way lately)

That was actually the Lausitzring.
My hero Michele Alboreto died ath Lausitzring. Well my fave drivers had bad end now that i think about it... him and senna.. :(
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Re. the modding question:

I don't want to bring too much details from WMD here without explicit clearance. However, the last we heard was that the modding question would be put to a members vote and that tools would be made. Then the discussion(s) faded and nothing more has been said. The discussions generally had the semi-consensus that modding in certain (unsepcified) areas might be acceptable, but that it's desirable to not have a fragmented community resulting from mods. As mentioned, release is nearing, and SMS have their hands full ensuring the quality of what we have going, so I doubt modding support will make it, at least for this release/version.

The concept of sanctioned and vetted mods was discussed as a way to ensure high quality and avoid community fragmentation. Personally I'm advocating that route if modding, as in new cars and tracks, is to be supported - but I reckon pCARS will have enough high quality and licensed content to keep me busy. I'm hoping for longevity and diversity through themed DLCs (this is SMS' firm intention, DLCs are already planned).

For some reason, modding is a super touchy subject for some, with discussions often becoming flamewars. I'm confident that GTP'ers can discuss it peacefully though :)
Re. the modding question:

I don't want to bring too much details from WMD here without explicit clearance. However, the last we heard was that the modding question would be put to a members vote and that tools would be made. Then the discussion(s) faded and nothing more has been said. The discussions generally had the semi-consensus that modding in certain (unsepcified) areas might be acceptable, but that it's desirable to not have a fragmented community resulting from mods. As mentioned, release is nearing, and SMS have their hands full ensuring the quality of what we have going, so I doubt modding support will make it, at least for this release/version.

The concept of sanctioned and vetted mods was discussed as a way to ensure high quality and avoid community fragmentation. Personally I'm advocating that route if modding, as in new cars and tracks, is to be supported - but I reckon pCARS will have enough high quality and licensed content to keep me busy. I'm hoping for longevity and diversity through themed DLCs (this is SMS' firm intention, DLCs are already planned).

For some reason, modding is a super touchy subject for some, with discussions often becoming flamewars. I'm confident that GTP'ers can discuss it peacefully though :)

I registered here to post (been lurking for a wee while) that I hope with all my heart that modding is supported in pCARS. It's virtually inevitable that the game will end up being modded somehow anyway, just like Shift2 was, but it'd surely be better and neater if it was embraced by SMS rather than having the game hacked to pieces to achieve the same aim?

I don't think there's much in the way of solid commercial argument for including modding to be honest - in the grand scheme it probably doesn't attract significant numbers of new users, and I doubt SMS are very interested in the fact that it adds longevity to the game - but I hope that the fact that this is a hobby and a passion for a lot of people strikes a chord with SMS and means something to them. There's a lot of really good talent out there in the community that is very interested in contributing quality work to these games; for example, if you go digging through the official Assetto Corsa forums you'll find people with superb pedigree producing cars for that game, professional modelers from the video games and CG animation industry such as Weta Studios, ILM, etc. all beavering away awaiting for the tools to launch for that game. I doubt it'd be any different for pCARS, especially as interest is really ramping up now. Personally I'm trying to teach myself Blender to get into the car modelling side of things. It's tremendously daunting when you look at the level of detail the cars in pCARS have, but the modelling itself is very challenging, satisfying and surprisingly good fun.

The modding thing has always been more about building a lasting community around a game rather than any cold commercial logic, and no-one should know that more than Ian Bell; it's where he and an awful lot of the SMS guys started out. I hope they keep the process going with pCARS.
Frankly speaking, I personally would like them to leave the modding platforms to AC and rF2. That is one of the biggest sales arguments of those titles and they dont need competition from SMS in this fields. New quality mods are sparse enough for both, as it is.

I d prefer lots of quality DLC from SMS for pCARS anyday. There is so much more that they can cover anyway. Historic and Oval Racing are only the start.
Probably been asked, but what anti-lag measures have been put in place to prevent those people who seem to have dial-up internet from lag spiking and coming in like a wrecking ball?
I can certainly see both sides of the argument regarding modding, don’t get me wrong. There’s an awful lot of junk out there, whether it be from people who’re ripping/converting content from other or older games, or from people who’re just starting out with content creation. The former is all but unavoidable and will happen anyway, the best that can be done is that the community does all it can to keep it on the fringes and suitably ostracised. The latter I personally can put up with, because everyone has to start somewhere, right?

In amongst all this lesser content, there is always a sizeable chunk of exceptional stuff. If you’ve followed rF2 modding, the first name that springs to mind is obviously Feels3’ track work. Out of nowhere he popped up with tracks of quality that arguably exceeded ISI’s own content, of quality that he was very swiftly snapped up by Simbin and is now plying his trade professionally.

There will always be cars and tracks that a sizeable crowd would love to see in a game but will never be licensed officially. For example, look at pCARS’ GT3 category; at the minute it’s very substantial, and has most of the cars I’m looking forward to driving. But we’re unlikely to ever see the 458, Gallardo or the GT3R licensed officially (I know, never say never, but it’d still be a huge ask), and these cars have always historically made up a sizeable chunk of any GT grid. And then you look at some of the older cars that are still going, like the Callaway Vette, Alpina B6, etc., and it doesn’t really make commercial sense for SMS to spend time and money chasing them. If you open the game up, this ceases to be a problem as users can create their own content. I know that this instills the fear that user created content could harm future DLC sales, but is that really the case? I obviously don’t have any statistics to back this up, but my gut feeling is this would have minimal impact. People who’ll buy DLC will buy it regardless in my experience, even if there’re free alternatives available, on the basis that the studio-produced stuff will usually be more accurate and of a higher finished quality.

I don’t want to perpetuate the modding discussion too much, as I’m sure it’s been flogged to death, resurrected like a zombie and then flogged back to death a few times elsewhere. But if pCARS physics are heading in the right direction like they seem to, and the game is moddable, I literally will not need another sim for a very, very long time, and I doubt I’d be alone. Like I said, I strongly suspect the game will be modded significantly regardless of official support just as Shift 2 was, so it may as well be officially sanctioned. That way, with official tools and support available, the amount of poor usermade content should decrease.

Anyway, that’s my 2p :D
You raise some very good points. Personally I'm very grateful for user generated content in rFactor, it's the only way I could get me local track, Queensland Raceway, as well as Porsche Carrera Cup and V8 Supercars.
...I know that this instills the fear that user created content could harm future DLC sales, but is that really the case? I obviously don’t have any statistics to back this up, but my gut feeling is this would have minimal impact. People who’ll buy DLC will buy it regardless in my experience, even if there’re free alternatives available, on the basis that the studio-produced stuff will usually be more accurate and of a higher finished quality.
I don't think DLC sales (or giveaways!) would be hurt either, and I don't think that concern is a deciding factor for whether modding support will be included at some stage. Specifically, SMS has not expressed such a concern during the modding discussions.

As for the "need" for mods - well, if someone made Ferraris (se my avatar) for pCARS, I'd actually be hesitant - I'd much rather they were licensed and paid for DLC, so that the creators work with the manufacturers to get the cars as close to perfect as possible. To that end I could just run AC for the cars alone, but of course that wouldn't be the same as having them in the sim that you prefer, with e.g. the single player career.

What got me hooked on sim racing for real was actually SimBins GTR mod, and as you say practically all the SMS guys were in on that one. But the times they are a-changing - For me, the need for mods is less these days, as we have a wide selection of racers with ever more content out of the box, and new digital distribution methods makes it easy to get licenced and manufacturer supported DLC out there.

All that that being said, people will modify games anyway, and I understand them and say go right ahead! It's a good challenge and will please some people, even if the relevance isn't great to me personally.

I don’t want to perpetuate the modding discussion too much, as I’m sure it’s been flogged to death, resurrected like a zombie and then flogged back to death a few times elsewhere.
It has indeed, but even so the question of whether it will be supported was never resolved. We'll just have to wait and see.

Anyway, that’s my 2p :D
I'd say it was at least 5p worth :P
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No logitech support.. No Ps4 for me. Pc is a bit too complicated for my liking. And the moment you take the pc out the shop, its already out dated
End up Logitech will definitely provide the driver for PS4, but I doubt that it will be on G27. I don't mind if they have new product but the problem is that my G27 is attaching on a playseat and when they do that, how could i suppose to change my wheel setup regularly between ps3 GT and ps4 pCARS???
Probably been asked, but what anti-lag measures have been put in place to prevent those people who seem to have dial-up internet from lag spiking and coming in like a wrecking ball?

That's something I'd like to know the answer to as well. I hope the host can set a minimum latency requirement for all participants in the room settings, or something similar.
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End up Logitech will definitely provide the driver for PS4, but I doubt that it will be on G27. I don't mind if they have new product but the problem is that my G27 is attaching on a playseat and when they do that, how could i suppose to change my wheel setup regularly between ps3 GT and ps4 pCARS???
Would love for Logitech support on the current gen wheels. But we don't know if a driver will ever be made as Logitech has pulled out of the wheel market. I'm sure plenty people, including myself are not willing to shell out for a new console and a wheel when we have perfect working wheels that are quite pricey.
^ But have Logitech pulled out of the wheel market? As discussed here and above. The wheels are on their site, promoted as console compatible and available for purchase.
Probably been asked, but what anti-lag measures have been put in place to prevent those people who seem to have dial-up internet from lag spiking and coming in like a wrecking ball?
Originally when I saw this post I thought you were going to ask about anti-lag systems in cars and that got me quite excited to think about. On that note, are anti lag systems in the simulation, as well as launch control?
^ But have Logitech pulled out of the wheel market? As discussed here and above. The wheels are on their site, promoted as console compatible and available for purchase.
Just checked Logitech South Africa. G27 and the DFGT are still available. Listed as Pc and Ps3 compatible. I don't think they will be producing any new models though.
Just checked Logitech South Africa. G27 and the DFGT are still available. Listed as Pc and Ps3 compatible. I don't think they will be producing any new models though.
I know this isn't popular but I still think this is on the various console manufacturers to get this done. Show up at Logitech's door with a briefcase full of cash and it'll get done. Expect them to do it out of the goodness of their hearts or in the hopes it'll sell them some more peripherals is taking an awfully big risk with your potential customer base.
^ But have Logitech pulled out of the wheel market? As discussed here and above. The wheels are on their site, promoted as console compatible and available for purchase.

Because there are new consoles, it doesn't mean the last gen consoles stopped being game consoles. So yes, of course they are still marketed as console compatible.
Plus its even more stressed that it is for last gen consoles as they talk about gran turismo, a game only available on the last gen Playstation.

Also why would old console compatibility stop when they pulled out? Drivers have been already included in the games. So that won't change compatibility, as I am sure they won't be removed.

It is purely about current gen consoles. So the playstation 4 and xbox 1. They won't develop anything anymore for them, but about the past things... what is done is done.
And you know this how? You keep on posting this, but no where has Logitech said they wouldn't make drivers available.

We interpret things with a different mindset I think.

Try to be a bit more realistic about this and use common sense, I'd say. If a company would stop pumping money into an area of the market, than would your employees work for free and make new products or drivers for that market? No.
So... No money for something, no work done on something. Simple as that.

If you wish to have more confirmation, call them up. That's the only way to try to get more confirmation.

In any case. This is how I interpret their press release, if the rest of you desire to be overly positive and interpret it in another way than it's your individual decision to do so.
Do realize though that with staying positive like this one could only lose hope of having your wishes fulfilled. From my more realistic mindset I can only gain as I don't expect anything, so if I do get something it's a nice extra. This would seem to suggest that Logitech has reevaluated a few things since the press release you keep referring too. Of course I cant say for sure they will make the drivers and never have. You on the other hand repeatedly keep posting that they WILL NOT release the drivers. Im just wondering where you get the info that makes you so sure. I see now though you have no source just speculation, right?

EDIT: fixed link This would seem to suggest that Logitech has reevaluated a few things since the press release you keep referring too. Of course I cant say for sure they will make the drivers and never have. You on the other hand repeatedly keep posting that they WILL NOT release the drivers. Im just wondering where you get the info that makes you so sure. I see now though you have no source just speculation, right?

EDIT: fixed link

It seems only for the Harmony line though. I haven't seen any new products released console wise.
Of course it means a small hope, but its not sure if they reevaluated other lines/markets as of yet.

I have no source that screams anything specific, just that press release the Logitech forum moderator also refers to saying they are out. And like he said and I said a call is in order for any more definite or specific information.

So I might 'speculate' but I think you speculate even more in good hope. Cause I have the information that says they are out, yet you have no firm information that says they will be back in the console market in any way, shape or form.

That said I honestly hope for many racers that Logitech reconsiders and gets back into the game. Having just 2 big manufacturers (3 if you consider Mad Catz) is a bit on the poor side, and Logitech always had quality products.
It seems only for the Harmony line though. I haven't seen any new products released console wise.
Of course it means a small hope, but its not sure if they reevaluated other lines/markets as of yet.

I have no source that screams anything specific, just that press release the Logitech forum moderator also refers to saying they are out. And like he said and I said a call is in order for any more definite or specific information.

So I might 'speculate' but I think you speculate even more in good hope. Cause I have the information that says they are out, yet you have no firm information that says they will be back in the console market in any way, shape or form.

That said I honestly hope for many racers that Logitech reconsiders and gets back into the game. Having just 2 big manufacturers (3 if you consider Mad Catz) is a bit on the poor side, and Logitech always had quality products.
Perhaps then it be better for you to state "you don't think they will" instead of "they will not".