Project CARS General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
Fantasy conversation at SMS.

Game Designer: Mr. Bell, do you realize that we can fit 64 cars on the PS4 version of the game at a fully stable 1080P/60fps? I can get it done this afternoon if you like.

Ian Bell: Nah, let's just play golf.

If it was possible to fit 64 cars in without sacrificing something else, don't you think they would just do it? In other works, if it can be done, what possible logic would there be for not doing it? Why would they not want that huge marketing edge?

Optimization costs time and by extension, money. And I can bring you lots of examples of game devs defying logic.
Yeah, I remember seeing a picture of a dev kit posted by someone involved with AC. I was hoping something formally had been announced, but I have yet to see anything.
Marco Massurrato said that they were testing it on the PS4, Baically if they decide in a year to go ahead with a PS4 version then they wont be starting from scratch.
So after looking at the loading screen for PCARS at the E3 Demo, I've concluded that the Xbox One Gamepad controls will be the following;

X-Shift Down
B-Shift Up
Y-Look Back

D Pad:
Up-Headlights on/off
Down-Winscreen Wiper on/off
Left-Change HUD
Right-Change HUD

RS-Look around
LS Clicked down-Reset Car

I would change that slightly, based on my controls for the X360 controller;

X-Shift Down
B-Shift Up
Y-Look Back
RB-Change view

D Pad:
Up-Headlights on/off
Down-Winscreen Wiper on/off
Left-Change HUD
Right-Change HUD sub-menu

RS-Look around
RS Clicked down-Change MOTEC display


Select - Reset car (although the XBone controller doesn't have this, so I would change RS down to Look back, Y to change view, and RB to reset car).
Why have a clutch on a sequential gearbox? I suppose you could change A to clutch, Y to KERS, D-Pad right to reset car, but as most of the cars are racing cars, the need for a manual clutch is removed as it is as fast as it could be. Also, the clutch is used on the start, making life much harder for you.

@TheMinority, there's no reason for you to have the layout the same as mine, you should be able to change it to whatever you like.
Even on a sequential you sometimes still have to use a clutch, I know when you downshift in a Ginetta G40 you have to use the clutch and blip the throttle from personal experience and that has a sequential gearbox. And there are the cars with H pattern gears
I think it's only a rumor, because the devs of AC posted a picture of a PS4 dev kit. But I hope it does come out on PS4, because I'd much rather have it on console.
After the stunning Corvette Daytona Prototype mod I wouldn't say so.
So, is this one of the examples of when a working title ends up becoming the official game name? I haven't read that it's officially official. I assume that people are very much used to the name by now.

Would be odd if that happens with Next Car Game. Even more for a sequel: Next Next Car Game.
So, is this one of the examples of when a working title ends up becoming the official game name? I haven't read that it's officially official. I assume that people are very much used to the name by now.

I think the general consensus is to leave it in place, simply because the pCARS name has so much press associated with it. It's not a bad name for a game, as names go. At least it's not another pretentious Italian name. Gran Turismo and Forza got in early, but that hand is overplayed now.
I hope this means a disc in a box with a small Bandai Namco logo on it, so I don't have to play a downloaded version of the game. 👍

Yes, it does. The WMD members have been asked in a poll whether they want a boxed version for release a long time ago already and the people have voted in favor of it, by quite a margin.

Starting from November sounds not good for consoleros. I am still not sure if I get it for pc or ps4. Will wait for reviews if the ps4 version is really 1:1 to pc in physics, options etc. And then also the wheel support for ps4.

Why do you automatically assume "starting from November" is bad news for the console version? There was a public demo recently where the game ran fine on a PS4 at E3, there are more than enough PS4/XBone updates as part of the build notes... Remember: pcars is also coming out for SteamOS. Steamboxes wont even be out until November.
From the unofficial facebook page
Quick Race Weekend is where you have complete control. Set the weather, time of day, amount of cars on track (up to 64 on PC, 16-32 on console) and all the other options available to you to get the perfect racing experience.
I don't understand why online would be limited to 16 players. Battlefield has 64 players, so if Pcars only has 16, then clearly, SMS is doing something wrong. There is no logic in the new generation of consoles only being able to handle the same amount of cars as the older ones. Same goes for online, as both MS and Sony has invested a significant amount of time, energy and money on upgrading their online infrastructure. Something they loved to make a big deal of when announcing their consoles.
Sony doesn't has dedicated servers thougth. Correct me, but isn't Microsoft allowing every developer to use azur on xbox one?