Project CARS General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
I'd love to share your optimism gents but I can't see Fanatecs and Logitech support.

If so, that was my last fanatec and Logitech product. I won't support such companies. Especially fanatec must do anything they can to give Sony a driver for ps4.

Thrustmaster is the official sony partner so my next wheel will be a thrustmaster then.
Not picked up. They are responsible for making sure the game gets to the shops and nothing more. They are not a publisher like EA was for the Shift games.

If that's as far as the relationship goes, then it's alright. Hopefully they don't drag their feet with online and offline distribution.
I would be upset...but it only means Forza Horizon 2 gets my undivided attention. :D:tup: What lucky timing.

In any case it's nice to have an update on the progress of the Wii U version (@Classic).
Gah. Guess I will be sweating out Captain Toad's Treasure Tracker and Bayonetta 2 this holiday season!
I have no intention at all to get a wii u, but I sincerely hope this game gives a huge sales boost. There aren't a ton of good games for the wii u yet and I really wanna see this take the spotlight and move some product.

Any news how grid auto sport drives?
It occurs to me that part of the reason for this delay may be to keep PCARS from being overshadowed by other Wii U titles this winter like Bayonetta 2 and SSBU. I'm sure Slightly Mad would also like extra time to make sure the one hardware platform with a different architecture is properly sorted, but Namco may be strategizing, too.

@Jump_Ace -- Lack of wheel compatibility isn't stopping them from bringing it to the XBone. :sly: :P

I already have two control schemes in mind. Right analog stick for throttle/braking (I grew up with this in the PS1/PS2 days), or motion-control steering with the left stick for braking and the right stick for throttle. I'm also going to try ZL/ZR, because the gradated input filter won't be too far removed from using the narrow range of the PS2's pressure-sensitive buttons. Playing Enthusia Professional Racing, I developed a technique of quick button presses/lifts to accomplish smoother throttle control.

Having played Live for Speed with the shoulder buttons on my Rumblepad 2 (digital with gradated input), I wouldn't turn off ABS or challenge skilled wheel users, but it's more than adequate otherwise. What remains to be seen is just how accessible SMS will make the game for people who aren't lifelong gamepad-wielding sim racers like me. :lol:
@Jump_Ace Like Wolfe said, the most obvious implementation should be dual analogue sticks. I use it for GT so I'm hoping SMS put in functionality for it.

In the mean-time...


Was snooping on Twitter..
Andy Tudor:
@PetP106: @wmdcars @realandytudor Can we at least expect steering wheel support?” <- Yup, watch out for info next week!

:drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool: Wheel support for Wii U! @Wolfe
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Shouldn't some of you guys already be in the loop about the wheel situation since they tell you every thing regarding development?
Shouldn't some of you guys already be in the loop about the wheel situation since they tell you every thing regarding development?
They don't. We get more than you guys but because there is the possibility of it slipping out if it is released to us the majority of unannounced deals are not told to us.
Well, at least they're not like GT5 where they delayed it a million zillion times before something actually happens...

Hyperbole? Trying to rewrite history? Fanboy bashing? Or just ignorance?

Because as it happens, Project Cars has had the same exact amount of delays as GT5. Two answers technically. None, and 1 and a half years. Both are right in a way. Neither had an official launch date until pretty close to launch, and unless PCars gets delayed now that it's actually got a date.......neither game was ever technically delayed.

The other half of that is both games had "windows" each game's developer mentioned in passing in public. GT5's first window they were shooting for was mentioned some time after Prologue launch and it was Sping 2009 (yea, the same time as GoW3, Killzone 2, Heavy Rain, MAG, FF13 and others, that wouldn't be saturating the market too much, lol). Well the game came out Holiday 2010. Same exact numbers for Project Cars. First passing mention by the devs of a hopefull window was Spring 2013, and it's coming Holiday 2014.

So if you want to count a passing mention of a possible, hopefull, could-be but this isn't official window for launch as an official launch date.......which so many people here seem to for GT5 so I'M SURE they would hold another dev to the same standards, RIGHT? Well in that case both games were delayed for a year and a half.

Why bash one game over the other when both game's development cycles nearly mirrored each other? The only difference is that one's development happened in the open view of the public (basically), while the other's happened behind closed doors.
Still can't believe this going to be released on the Wii U.

Doesn't the consol have limited HDD space?

Like most games on current gen hardware there is normally a fairly large install so with the limited space couldn't that cause issues?

Fair play to them for aiming to get it out on wii but I can only imagine it being a massively cut back version to the point it hardly seems worth doing.

Hope I'm wrong tho.
I was about to post a similar thought regarding the delay. We've been told that some features aren't quite going to make it on time, and will be added with at least one early post-launch update. Well, the base Wii U has 8GB of storage. If SMS spends the delay folding these features into PCARS U at launch, 8GB Wii U owners with a retail copy won't need to use space on content that was almost finished at release. Maybe Nintendo has a (well-intentioned) policy against DLC/updates like that in the first place.

To reply to your questions, @priesty_lfc, I have the 32GB Wii U Deluxe and it seems plenty enough for someone who prefers retail DVDs like me. If you prefer digital distribution for all of your gaming needs, an external HDD can be used. Installing a game from the disc isn't an option; it would indeed cause issues with the 8GB unit, and loading times are as quick as a GameCube anyway. FYI, the largest digital release so far is apparently Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze at 11GB.
Ah, you've purchased an X1? Congrats! :)
No, I'm getting FH2 for 360.
A lot of people don't seem very clued up on the Wii U architecture. It seems a presumption that SMS are making a 'cut back' version but who knows? Maybe they are making a version to take advantage of the system's capabillities, and believe me, it does have them. Sure i'm not ecstatic that SMS have basicially commited sudoku in regard to sales, last game to pull the whole staggered release thing was Most Wanted U and it absolutely bombed despite being the best version of the game. pCARS can still be a good experience on the U. The problem is that unlike other consoles, people do usually buy Nintendo consoles for the tons of exclusives, and have it as a 'secondary' to PC or whatever to play cross-platform games. So, for SMS to be a bit behind schedule this fact could cost them quite a bit of money. Let's also not forget which console won the poll for most anticipated version.
Sms posted an image of an thrustmaster rs8a shifter on their official Facebook page. I hope that means nothing :S like an new official thrustmaster wheel for ps4 and the others we can forget.
@Jump_Ace -- Lack of wheel compatibility isn't stopping them from bringing it to the XBone. :sly: :P


@Jump_Ace Like Wolfe said, the most obvious implementation should be dual analogue sticks. I use it for GT so I'm hoping SMS put in functionality for it.

Using the classic or pro controllers may be a decent option, not much different than using a 360 controller like Wolfe mentioned. 👍
