Project CARS General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
Unfortunate that western third party Wii U projects continue getting back burner treatment, but based off of years passed, it seems the Big N likes it that way.

img9801_18 (1).jpg

Sidenote: A statement from SMS....

Our devs just need more time to adapt a WiiU version… PS4 and XBoxOne are closer to the PC version.” “If people want a sim race on WiiU, they’ll buy it, even in one more year… If they prefer Mario Kart…”

Edit: Comment was from a Facebook fanpage, making false statements ruffled some feathers and was taken down. Photo said to be a year old incomplete build.
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I really hope that joke of a console the Wii U doesn't limit the abilities of the console version for PS4 and Xbox One which are far superior. If it does then they should have never made it for the Wii u.

I really hope this can be expressed to the devs by our members who are currently part of pCARS.
@haitch40 -- That Facebook page has also been taken down now, so apparently the ire it caused among Nintendo fans did not go unnoticed. Oops.

If we're gonna talk about that Wii U photo Ddrizle posted, they hadn't even finished porting the engine yet. When I still had WMD forum access I also found a shot of the still-unrevealed XBone version, so if expectations are to be based upon that, you can expect the final version to have big graphical errors. :rolleyes:
@haitch40 -- That Facebook page has also been taken down now, so apparently the ire it caused among Nintendo fans did not go unnoticed. Oops.

If we're gonna talk about that Wii U photo Ddrizle posted, they hadn't even finished porting the engine yet. When I still had WMD forum access I also found a shot of the still-unrevealed XBone version, so if expectations are to be based upon that, you can expect the final version to have big graphical errors. :rolleyes:

Damn... Looked forward to visit that page every once in a while. Its ridiculous how some of the disappointed Wii U fans raged on there to the point it was taken down. I mean, the reason it got delayed in the first place is so the game is better overall on the Wii U version. Really pisses me off.

How did that Xbox One screenshot look by the way? Anything like the PC port?
I really hope that joke of a console the Wii U doesn't limit the abilities of the console version for PS4 and Xbox One which are far superior. If it does then they should have never made it for the Wii u.
I really hope this can be expressed to the devs by our members who are currently part of pCARS.
Rest assured, no version will be limited because of any limitations of any other platform. The game is scaled down as required for each platform, with the potential for the full PC treatment if the platform can handle it.
I really hope this can be expressed to the devs by our members who are currently part of pCARS.
This is how Slightly Mad Studios have worked. Don't worry about it:

Damn... Looked forward to visit that page every once in a while. Its ridiculous how some of the disappointed Wii U fans raged on there to the point it was taken down. I mean, the reason it got delayed in the first place is so the game is better overall on the Wii U version. Really pisses me off.
I agree the delay is not unreasonable if you're informed like we are. But because it was listed from the beginning, people think the Wii U version has been in development since the project was announced! So there's confusion as to why it needs to be delayed, and no answers other than maybe PowerPC vs x86.

The impression people have is that SMS shunted the Wii U version to second-rate status. Since SMS promised precisely the opposite of that, and with the lack of damage control or an explanation as of yet, it comes across as betrayal.

Perhaps SMS is reevaluating whether they can squeeze the Wii U version out by November before re-confirming the delay...
How did that Xbox One screenshot look by the way? Anything like the PC port?
I think it'll look like the PS4 version, naturally.
That grip in wet condition. Same for accelerating.

I think they focus too much on graphics and care less about physics ...

Because the people that program the graphics are the same that program the physics. 👍:rolleyes:

That said, the wet weather physics are actually still in their infancy and are most likely to be tackled once more of the tires are (near) finalized on all the cars.
Changing the physics in wet weather is actually a fairly simple process, it's just a case of reducing the friction co-eficient on the road surface, and a few other things. I'm sure it is being worked on, but it won't be released until it's ready. I have noticed that the GT3 and LMP cars all have wets and intermediates, I haven't checked the others yet.
Sms posted an image of an thrustmaster rs8a shifter on their official Facebook page. I hope that means nothing :S like an new official thrustmaster wheel for ps4 and the others we can forget.
If it does turn out no one (Sony, developers, wheel manufacturers) made the effort to make those wheels compatible, and they are working together to part us with our hard earned cash for a brand new wheel (which we don't bloody need), they can forget about it and i'm going PC. That way only SMS will get my money and the rest can go screw themselves.
And another confirmation tweet what we can expect this week

“@Zxleeman: Steelbook? Steering ps4 wheel compatibility list this week? Will it be available on PSN digitally?” <- Not decided, Yes, Yes!
And another confirmation tweet what we can expect this week

“@Zxleeman: Steelbook? Steering ps4 wheel compatibility list this week? Will it be available on PSN digitally?” <- Not decided, Yes, Yes!
Can you post a link as well?
Just a thought, if thrustmaster is evil, they could have paid Sony a b.load of money to not support other/older wheels.
The incentive for wheel makers is to not produce drivers for older wheels in the hopes of selling new wheels for new games. The incentive for game makers is to have drivers for all wheels because they'll sell more units since not everyone is in the market for a new wheel and some people with existing wheels simply will avoid driving games without wheel support for their hardware.

The more squawk there is, the more that forums are flooded with angry consumers demanding wheel support, the more likely Sony is to up the pressure to Logitech, Thrustmaster et. al. to produce drivers for current hardware. If we go through this silently we'll get the bare minimum of support for our hardware. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. I for one will likely avoid the console platform if my 1 year old piece of hardware isn't supported. I'll take the money I would have paid for a new wheel and the PS4 and invest it somewhere else.
Here's a small update on the situation. I wrote a question regarding the compatibility of the Thurstmaster T500 on the PS4 on their official Facebook page, and got this answer.

"Regarding upward compatibility of the “T500 RS – PS3” racing wheel with PS4 racing games:
This decision is upon each game developer and will therefore vary from racing game to racing game.
In the event of upward compatibility with PS4 racing games, the T500 RS – PS3 racing wheel will only be recognized in the game, and not in the console’s menus. Please note that the “SHARE” and “PS” functions will not work on the wheel in PS4 racing games."

So basically. The T500 works with games (and only games) on the PS4 that have been designed to work with the T500.
Considering how much promotion SMS have done with the Thrustmaster T500 in the past, I'd be extremely surprised if it doesn't work. Regarding Logitech wheels, I think it's worth noting that their 4K setup at E3 (run on a PC off course) was using what appeared to be a Logitech G25 or 27. Perhaps they'll make an effort to include it in the PS4 version. Whether or not that possible with no new drivers, is a different matter though.
Just like how Sony & Microsoft paid SMS to delay the WiiU version of PCARS :scared:
It's true goddammit!! :lol:

I love conspiracy theories. But anyway, the wording of SMS' statement about how 'Wii U owners will wait' is likely what really got people really annoyed. It seemed very off-hand and almost arrogant. I know they didn't mean it like that but come on, it was a bit of a snarky comment to make. I honestly think if they weren't so secretive about how the build was coming along this wouldn't have happened. I know SMS have operated the entirety of pCars this way but a single screenshot would ease the minds of the people who even doubt it exists.

A bit like Watch_Dogs on Wii U as it stands, although I'm pretty sure Rayman getting a place as a trophy in Smash obviously highlights Ubi and Nintendo are still bros.
/end offtopic
But anyway, the wording of SMS' statement about how 'Wii U owners will wait' is likely what really got people really annoyed. It seemed very off-hand and almost arrogant. I know they didn't mean it like that but come on, it was a bit of a snarky comment to make.

That comment is NOT from SMS. It was made by the admin of the biggest pcars fan page on FB, he is a regular WMD member.
That comment is NOT from SMS. It was made by the admin of the biggest pcars fan page on FB, he is a regular WMD member.
The page is also gone. Found this on the Brazilian Project CARS fan page.




...That makes a lot more sense then!
It does. However it's not going to make one bit of difference what the facts are. The "hurt" ones have latched onto it and nothing can change that. BTW, there was an extreme display of childish arrogance and entitlement amongst a few "news" sites and their commenters, a sudden change from what I perceived to be a happy and easy going Nintendo community. It's only a small noisy minority losing their heads, of course.

The good side of it was coming here to GTP and see that everybody on here was still calm and collected :cool:
It does. However it's not going to make one bit of difference what the facts are. The "hurt" ones have latched onto it and nothing can change that. BTW, there was an extreme display of childish arrogance and entitlement amongst a few "news" sites and their commenters, a sudden change from what I perceived to be a happy and easy going Nintendo community. It's only a small noisy minority losing their heads, of course.

The good side of it was coming here to GTP and see that everybody on here was still calm and collected :cool:
I know exactly what you are talking about, there has been a lot of over-the-top comments being made that don't highlight just how grateful the majority are to get the game. Some people can take one bad thing and run with it and there is a mentality growing that developers are 'out to get' Nintendo.:indiff: