Project CARS General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12

According to the Playstation 4 FAQ, every periphial on the PS4 needs the official PS4 license. Quote from the official FAQ under a chart about PS3 periphials.

"Only Sony Computer Entertainment products and officially licensed products will be compatible with PS4."

I asked on the official Thrustmaster Facebook page about wheel compatibility, and got this answer.

"Regarding upward compatibility of the “T500 RS – PS3” racing wheel with PS4 racing games:
This decision is upon each game developer and will therefore vary from racing game to racing game.
In the event of upward compatibility with PS4 racing games, the T500 RS – PS3 racing wheel will only be recognized in the game, and not in the console’s menus. Please note that the “SHARE” and “PS” functions will not work on the wheel in PS4 racing games."

Old wheels work on a game to game basis.

Driveclub is an arcade game, and has been from the start. This was always very clear.
But that doesn't mean that a wheels doesn't make the experience better.
yeah it's like Daytona USA, Outrun, Split/Second, Burnout, recent NFS... noooo

A simulation simulates the real world. For racing games, this means simulating physics and such.
Taking a few real world elements and putting them into your racing game, doesn't make it a simulation.

There's arcade racing games. And there's simulation racing games. There's nothing wrong with being an arcade game.
A simulation simulates the real world. For racing games, this means simulating physics and such.
Taking a few real world elements and putting them into your racing game, doesn't make it a simulation.

There's arcade racing games. And there's simulation racing games. There's nothing wrong with being an arcade game.

I give up, for me there aren't only two categories
I thought Wii U would get wheel support, too. Any informations on that?
The Nintendo communitiy has a darkside?:(
Sony has no reason to not hand out Devkits. If you have anything that suggests that they are holding these back, then please do share.

The only thing I have is the time frame. Since the launch of the PS4 there haven't been any news reports on compatible wheels other than from Thrustmaster or Madcatz.
The same goes for the Microsoft camp and the Xbox One.

So there must be some reasons why there hasn't been a break through in reports of compatibility either being achieved or actively worked on. Also as Doc Justice says... making the drivers won't be the hard part. It's the political aspect that's most of the biggest hurdle to overcome.

Besides that, there is no company that has just 'handed out' devkits without a reason. 99% of the devkits of any console have been bought through licensing at some point.

That said...

Feel free to register your own device, if you'll be making one:

If you are interested manufacturing a peripheral for PlayStation® please complete the form below, giving us details about the device you intend to manufacture.

As you can see it is up to Sony to accept the hardware you wish to make compatible with their device! Else they wouldn't need that form to review the inquiry. ;)
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I can give you the reason for Logitech and Fanatic not being supported.

Logitech is out of the console racing wheel market, and Fanatic are apparently too cheap to develope their own stuff.

According to the Playstation 4 FAQ, every periphial on the PS4 needs the official PS4 license. Quote from the official FAQ under a chart about PS3 periphials.

"Only Sony Computer Entertainment products and officially licensed products will be compatible with PS4."
Thanks for the link!

The old T500RS is not specifically PS4 licensed AFAIK and still supported through backwards compatible drivers. At least the latest boxing (post GT6) says PS3 on it for a wheel we now know can still be used with a PS4 game. Of course if you want to put a PS4 stamp on anything you make, you'll need Sony's blessing like you always did. The annoying bit is that we may have come to a point where we may see, and the public may accept, this redefinition: "License" = "Compatibility".

According to the Playstation 4 FAQ, every periphial on the PS4 needs the official PS4 license. Quote from the official FAQ under a chart about PS3 periphials.

"Only Sony Computer Entertainment products and officially licensed products will be compatible with PS4."

I asked on the official Thrustmaster Facebook page about wheel compatibility, and got this answer.

"Regarding upward compatibility of the “T500 RS – PS3” racing wheel with PS4 racing games:
This decision is upon each game developer and will therefore vary from racing game to racing game.
In the event of upward compatibility with PS4 racing games, the T500 RS – PS3 racing wheel will only be recognized in the game, and not in the console’s menus. Please note that the “SHARE” and “PS” functions will not work on the wheel in PS4 racing games."

Old wheels work on a game to game basis.

The talk about game to game basis and it being up to each game developer leads me to suspect that Sony might allow for some direct communication to the IO layer. So we can get a situation like in the old pre driver days... Just speculating...
The talk about game to game basis and it being up to each game developer leads me to suspect that Sony might allow for some direct communication to the IO layer. So we can get a situation like in the old pre driver days... Just speculating...

I really doubt USB would be permitting that. Besides, why would we wish to go back to the pre-Plug'n'Play era? It makes no sense.

Besides, it was EXACTLY the same with the Playstation 3. The driver had to be included with the game. It is the reason why say NFS Shift 1 and 2 don't work with the T500 while GT5 and GT6 do.
I know the list isn't final yet, but realistically I am heading to college and can't afford to get another wheel on top of a ps4. Looks like a no go until a possible patch or new news of the g27. Because really, this was like 90% of the reason for me to buy a ps4.
Really hope the situation changes, if not then I'm looking at either the expense of a new wheel & PS4 or a decent gaming PC...either option is going to come close to £1000 or so.

If forced to choose it will probably be PC, there's nothing wrong with my lovely modded G27, clutch & gearshift and pedals!

I maybe spending more time with Grid Autosport on the PS3 than I planned...
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“@Gregz0r: You’re not supporting the Logitech DFGT on PS4?!?” <- We support every wheel for which the manufacturers have provided drivers

Well we know it's not up to sms now. Fanatec, sony, Logitech, they must react now if they want to keep their customers happy.
Not sure though if it's locked at 30 or 60 fps. @Wolfe, care to comment?
They announced 30fps for their target. Considering the amount of details they're claiming to put into the physics and various mechanics, I'm willing to accept a lower framerate if it means better gameplay.
It does. However it's not going to make one bit of difference what the facts are. The "hurt" ones have latched onto it and nothing can change that. BTW, there was an extreme display of childish arrogance and entitlement amongst a few "news" sites and their commenters, a sudden change from what I perceived to be a happy and easy going Nintendo community. It's only a small noisy minority losing their heads, of course.

The good side of it was coming here to GTP and see that everybody on here was still calm and collected :cool:
I think the kindling for the fire was the fact that, as an unprecedented title from a developer boasting about the Wii U's underrated capabilities and their commitment to a quality product (particularly in contrast to the dour press Nintendo received over the winter), Slightly Mad had really caught the attention of "casual" racing fans and non-racing fans who own a Wii U.

Not to say that describes the entirety of the Wii U audience -- that's absurd, as much as some people believe it -- but SMS had won admirers who probably wouldn't enjoy a racing game as hardcore as this one. People were saying, "I'm not fond of racing simulators but I want to support this game because this is 3rd party done right." Potential customers don't get much more fickle than that, and with a diverse group there's sure to be noisy-whiner types.

Add a delay that superficially resembles the shady dealings surrounding other Wii U multiplatform games, and a cheeky comment attributed to the developer themselves, and you've got ignition.
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Wow. I really hope this PS4 list is going to be updated with a load more wheels, especially the current crop we all own. Otherwise many many PS4 or potential PS4 customers are going to be either shedding out a ton of money, or forgetting this game all together.

At this rate, I'm going to have to buy a PS4 + Thrustmaster T500RS (with the possible option of getting the T300 wheel and T500 pedals) + the Thrustmaster shifter + the game itself. Costly.

Thinking about that, I might as well spend that kind of money on a PC... either way I'll have to shed out around £800 - £1k just for PCars.
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I can give you the reason for Logitech and Fanatic not being supported.

Logitech is out of the console racing wheel market, and Fanatic are apparently too cheap to develope their own stuff.

As we know the Fanatec stuff works on the PS3 only because of the "PS" compatibility mode. So it basically behaves like a G25/27 with arguably better hardware i.e. belt drive, realistic wheels etc....So if Logitech is "OUT" of the market, do we really think Fanatec would 1. pay for a Sony license and 2. develop drivers for a Sony console?

I highly doubt there are enough Fanatec CSW owners that use their hardware on the PS3 for Fanatec to justify getting a Sony license to make sure it works for the PS4. I hope I'm wrong, but I realize CSW owners who want it to work on the PS4 are probably in the minority and I mean very small minority.

I hope to be surprised once the list becomes final =)
As we know the Fanatec stuff works on the PS3 only because of the "PS" compatibility mode. So it basically behaves like a G25/27 with arguably better hardware i.e. belt drive, realistic wheels etc....So if Logitech is "OUT" of the market, do we really think Fanatec would 1. pay for a Sony license and 2. develop drivers for a Sony console?

I highly doubt there are enough Fanatec CSW owners that use their hardware on the PS3 for Fanatec to justify getting a Sony license to make sure it works for the PS4. I hope I'm wrong, but I realize CSW owners who want it to work on the PS4 are probably in the minority and I mean very small minority.

I hope to be surprised once the list becomes final =)

I would expect a company that charges as much money for their hardware as Fanatic does, to properly support their customers, and make their own drivers. Anything but is just cheap, lazy and disrespectful to their customers.
PS4 and T500RS can be picked up for £650 so it's not quite the £800-£1000 been mentioned here.
Call me tight arsed, but it's the principle that counts. They scam together to make us fill their pockets again whilst it's totally not necessary, and it's an insult to us, their own client base that they try to force this.

Thinking about that, I might as well spend that kind of money on a PC... either way I'll have to shed out around £800 - £1k just for PCars.
Better spend that money on a pc then on them i would say.

I maybe spending more time with Grid Autosport on the PS3 than I planned...
Same here, luckily GAS gives us the racing kick we need to get through this year :)
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Call me tight arsed, but it's the principle that counts. They scam together to make us fill their pockets again will it's totally not necessary, and it's an insult to us, their own client base that they try to force this.

And be prepared to throw your t500/t300 away and buy another expensive wheel for ps5.

Really, normally this is the way how Microsoft treats their customers and they are used to it and accept it. But Sony was never like that. So I am pretty confident that they are working on an Logitech/fanatec compatibility for ps4.
And be prepared to throw your t500/t300 away and buy another expensive wheel for ps5.

Really, normally this is the way how Microsoft treats their customers and they are used to it and accept it. But Sony was never like that. So I am pretty confident that they are working on an Logitech/fanatec compatibility for ps4.
It's a CSR ;)
I'll just wait it out and see how PCARS will hit the shelves, if it stays like it is now regarding compatibility there will be no consoles for me anymore. Also PC games are a lot cheaper, yes you don't have the console exclusives but in the long run i think you win the money you invested extra for a pc back this way if the price differs 30 bucks a game, and you don't need an annual subscription to play online.

Imagine if you buy 4 games over the course of 2 years, 4 x 30 = 120 + 2 x 40? is 80 is already 200 saved + no need to buy a new wheel and you can add 400 bucks on top of that.
It's a no brainer really.
It's a CSR ;)
I'll just wait it out and see how PCARS will hit the shelves, if it stays like it is now regarding compatibility there will be no consoles for me anymore. Also PC games are a lot cheaper, yes you don't have the console exclusives but in the long run i think you win the money you invested extra for a pc back this way if it differs 30 bucks a game.

Yep I bought a ps4 the first day but I regret it because I only own BF4 and fifa14 and there is yet no reason to have a ps4.

I was always a huge console fan but with this mess I seriously think about to sell it and build me a gaming pc.

Played 3 years only gran turismo, my Fanatec gt2 came alife the first time in its life as i connected it to my old pc and played Assetto corsa. That half support on ps3 sucked. You had almost no ffb in gt. It was so weak.

I guess even if it gets support on ps4 the ffb and effects will be as weak as on ps3 anyway. I wish fanatec would make their own drivers.
Better spend that money on a pc then on them i would say.

I would love to have the PS4 compatibility though, as I will be getting GT7. Sure, it will probably disappoint us all again, but I can't miss a GT release. Especially if Photomode is going to get better! (I'm a shiny photo junkie)

Basically I'm gonna have to think long and hard about what I'll do regarding PCars. It's a pointless problem right now though cos I don't have 60 quid kicking about let alone 600.
It's a CSR ;)
I'll just wait it out and see how PCARS will hit the shelves, if it stays like it is now regarding compatibility there will be no consoles for me anymore. Also PC games are a lot cheaper, yes you don't have the console exclusives but in the long run i think you win the money you invested extra for a pc back this way if the price differs 30 bucks a game, and you don't need an annual subscription to play online.

Imagine if you buy 4 games over the course of 2 years, 4 x 30 = 120 + 2 x 40? is 80 is already 200 saved + no need to buy a new wheel and you can add 400 bucks on top of that.
It's a no brainer really.

It all depends on people's preferences I guess. I like consoles as the games that come out on it are always optimized for the platform. On PC you can play for probably one or two years before you need to make compromises on graphical quality, upgrade your equipment, etc. to play new games.

You don't pay an annual subscription to play online on the PC, but you need other stuff like AntiMalware and AntiVirus.

In that regard the PS4 still is a better option for me personally. I might need to buy a new wheel, what I absolutely don't want as long as my DFGT is working fine. But on the other hand if I would buy a more expensive PC, I will still need to buy a new wheel sooner or later as my DFGT is 6 years old now and will probably give way at some point :P
It's a CSR ;)
I'll just wait it out and see how PCARS will hit the shelves, if it stays like it is now regarding compatibility there will be no consoles for me anymore. Also PC games are a lot cheaper, yes you don't have the console exclusives but in the long run i think you win the money you invested extra for a pc back this way if the price differs 30 bucks a game, and you don't need an annual subscription to play online.

Imagine if you buy 4 games over the course of 2 years, 4 x 30 = 120 + 2 x 40? is 80 is already 200 saved + no need to buy a new wheel and you can add 400 bucks on top of that.
It's a no brainer really.
It's a lot cheaper to go to a tripple screen setup on PC aswell, only 1 PC required :)