Project CARS General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
Thanks for the updates, DrJustice.

The contractual obligations/business partners thing makes sense. After all, they're trying to make some money. I can't fault them for that.

I'll be waiting for confirmation about timed exclusive vs. permanent exclusive. If it's not timed and these aren't just special liveried copies I guess my hand will be forced and I'll purchase LCE. Hopefully a Digital LCE offering will be made available before release.
  • It has been said that this content is made available to LE/pre-order customers first (I offer no interpretation of that...).
...and then as DLC down the line for the peasants, presumably? Anyway, thanks for the update, @DrJustice! I'd love to know more about the ''business partners and contractual obligations'' part though - but understandably none of you are allowed to reveal more outside of WMD.
For me it's not about the metal box, i'm about as interested in that as i am in reshaping my eyebrows. I want content plain and simple, no gimmicks, gimmicks cost money, money that should be spent elsewhere. I'm only a lowly senior but I still don't want to have to pay another 60 or whatever it costs to have to drive the extra cars and tracks. I probably will only want to drive the BMW M1 Procar anyway.

We were supposed to be the business partners, that was the whole idea.
We don't know that it' will be a day one DLC. In fact I doubt it. It has been suggested that this content should be made available some time after release, something which I support and am arguing for over at WMD.

For the love of god get clarification on this if it is free timed exclusive content yell it as loud and far as you can so we can stop worrying.

In all this outrage, I want to add that we always knew that some content would be DLC
Post launch DLC doesn't bother me, it is clear looking at the car list that cars wouldn't be finished for launch, and if its good (which I am certain it will be) then I will buy it. But it was the prospect of content being held back, content which I could look up on YouTube and see the car looking lovely on the track 3 months before the launch of the game which made me as a consumer angry.
@ RavingLooney : for a raving loon(e)y you're surprisingly calm... :lol:

@ Hyland : It is my belief and hope (possibly not entirely unconnected with information I may have seen) that the discussed content will indeed make its way to the general public. As for the business aspects of this, I don't think we'll be given all the info, it is after all business with many an NDA and the like.

I'll pass on any new information we're given and allowed to share regarding this case.
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For the love of god get clarification on this if it is free timed exclusive content yell it as loud and far as you can so we can stop worrying.
Trying my best... :)

Post launch DLC doesn't bother me, it is clear looking at the car list that cars wouldn't be finished for launch, and if its good (which I am certain it will be) then I will buy it. But it was the prospect of content being held back, content which I could look up on YouTube and see the car looking lovely on the track 3 months before the launch of the game which made me as a consumer angry.
It was explicitly mentioned at WMD that some existing content would be relegated to DLC, reasons being things like "unfinished", "doesn't fit (yet) in the career/series", "better released as part of a themed DLC" etc.. Personally, I can see how those loose plans and uncertainties combined with business obligations and the need to do some kind of marketing/launch acrobatics to make a little buzz could result in the LE/preorder arrangement (which is not to say that people have to agree with it or like it...)
Hahah s...storm is going on here. I thought you are GTP members? Did you not learn from that huge GT5 dissapointments? I was expecting nothing, so I got not that dissapointed. I can understand the WMD members though.

But to be honest, if these are only cars with different livery, I would not care.
I bought the GT5 special edition with 5 "extra" cars (different liverys on the cars that are in the normal game) and I did not used them once. I bought the GT5 S.E. for the Apex book. But unfortunately never readed it :D
It was explicitly mentioned at WMD that some existing content would be relegated to DLC, reasons being things like "unfinished", "doesn't fit (yet) in the career/series", "better released as part of a themed DLC" etc.. Personally, I can see how those loose plans and uncertainties combined with business obligations and the need to do some kind of marketing/launch acrobatics to make a little buzz could result in the LE/preorder arrangement (which is not to say that people have to agree with it or like it...)
Post-launch DLC, content that at the time wasn't finished or finalized, is completely fine and I'm confident when I say the vast majority of us would have expected it anyway. The way they're going about the LE and car pack is just woeful though - maybe I'm slightly more pissed because those were cars I actually looked very much forward to driving (:D).

But then again, I don't have any intentions supporting ****-ty business practices.
Learned it hard way with Simcity deluxe edition :D Never again any pre-orders.
What concerns me is that if you look at ign comments then people mostly don't have a clue what is project cars and think that Driveclub is the bestest and pcars is arcade. And then devs start with limited edition crap - history teaches that it's DLCs all over again. Bad start for mass adoption.
Well that's a lame announcement...but I'll probably buy the Limited Edition. :indiff: All things considered, supporting a game that tries something different is more important to me than protesting eye-roll-worthy business tactics. It's dumb, but special-edition exclusives aren't as dumb as the retailer exclusives and social media carrots (Unicorns) of the Forza series. And in the end, I haven't regretted buying the Forza Horizon LCE.

Either way, I have no choice but to wait it out for any further developments. Not only do I not see any Limited Editions on the u.s. retailer websites, there's no Wii U version at all.
Well what can I say? This Limited Edition really interests me, it has 5 cars that I would love to drive and it also offers some exclusive career events which if we look back at Shift 2 Unleashed, really offered a fair amount of content.

The only thing that bothers me is the pre-order cars. I am not a guy who pre-orders games, I only buy them on retailers so that means that I will never have the chance to drive them. The Ruf CTR3 SMS-R is a unique car to this game and I would really like to drive it along with the other two, if they release this pack later as a DLC I wouldn't have any problem with it.
I take that as a given. Tiers from Team Member and up wil have access to exclusive cars according to the tools & perks plan (ref.). We'll see...

We don't know that it' will be a day one DLC. In fact I doubt it. It has been suggested that this content should be made available some time after release, something which I support and am arguing for over at WMD.

In all this outrage, I want to add that we always knew that some content would be DLC (surprise...), and the LE/preorder thing can be seen as a way of celebrating the project by making some of that available early to enthusiasts. I get what the critics say, it's just that like you, I'm past the point of being upset about that part of games releases. I don't necessarily like or prefer it, it's just not a very big deal to me, and I'm much more concerned with the actual game being good. And I want that LE Metal Box...

Edit: Things are unfolding quickly at WMD, and the devs have now stepped up and given us more information. I can't quote directly or give exact details, but I'll let the following be known:
  1. The LE/preorder thing may be more complex than just SMS doing it for kicks, there are business partners and contractual obligations involved.
  2. It is SMS' intention to NOT inconvenience the members by unduly denying them expected content. The resolution of this relates to the point above.
  3. It has been said that this content is made available to LE/pre-order customers first (I offer no interpretation of that...).
  4. The devs have registered the reactions, positive and negative, and we will be given more information, although it may take some time (ref. first point again).
Sure didn't take SMS very long to start blaming the publisher, did it?
Not at all exited about this. I was really hoping they wouldn't drive a wedge between buyers who have the money the get it day one and those who don't(me).
This combined with the fact that I KNOW that most of these cars a just about finished and they're STILL cutting them from the final product bothers me. (Something we guess happens with other games that happens day one DLC.)

*sigh :indiff:
Didn't they just recently hire a publishing company? Thought that's where the guy they have doing the demo of the game came from?
Bandai Namco are the distributors of the game. Nothing more, as far as I know anyway - unless SMS do have contractual obligations towards Bamco that is.
Didn't they just recently hire a publishing company? Thought that's where the guy they have doing the demo of the game came from?
No they made a deal with a distributor though (Namco Bandai) and there are surely business implications. Namco is going to distribute (i.e. sell) the game, so they probably have ideas about how to go about it. The game is still self-published, i.e. SMS decides how to make the game, but not necessarily how to distribute or sell it.
I will fix that then.
Sure didn't take long for SMS to put the blame on someone else did it?
They did attempt to explain how the reality of business may have affected (or caused; we don't know) the decision to do the LE/pre-order. Remember, SMS is a small studio and Namco Bandai is a huge corporation relatively speaking. No "blame" has been placed by SMS.

While that isn't automatically making them saints, the LE announcement is hardly making them an evil corp either. In fact, some of the devs have expressed the personal opinion that, being gamers themselves, they'd rather have avoided the dissonance that exlusives may create. They have also reinforced points 2 and 3 in posting #7769 since I posted that. I wish you guys could've read the dev posts at WMD... :)
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SMS signed the contract, so they are just as willing a party in this as anyone. If they didn't like the idea they didn't have to sign it. They obviously didn't have an issue with it until the community cried fowl, now they are on damage control and blaming the contract that they signed.
Yes, it is voluntary of course, but it may have been necessary. I don't envy the position they're in, trying to pull off this hugely ambitious project on a modest budget, the completion of which have been dependent on more money than just that of the backers (and with money comes obligations).

They're damned if they do, damned if they don't...
Yes, it is voluntary of course, but it may have been necessary. I don't envy the position they're in, trying to pull off this hugely ambitious project on a modest budget, the completion of which have been dependent on more money than just that of the backers (and with money comes obligations).

They're damned if they do, damned if they don't...

Maybe they needed to sign maybe they didn't. My point is its a decision that they made and they need to except that responsibility. Instead they are trying to put the blame elsewhere, when it belongs to them. It really bugs mean when people try to put their decisions on someone else when it doesn't go to plan and that sure seems like whats happening again with SMS.
Sheesh. They're running a business. I hate going to certain McDonald's (I only go for the fries, seriously) and being charged extra for Chipotle BBQ but that's the breaks sometimes. The Doc has already implied that these exclusive cars will be made available at a later date. If you want the LCE, buy it. If you don't, don't. You have a choice.

I'm going to move past this and continue to count the days to what very well could be the start of a beautiful gaming relationship.


FWIW, I usually pay the extra 25 cents and get the Chipotle BBQ.