Project CARS General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
I'm perfectly fine with the bug ironing part. If that makes it a better game without annoying launch bugs, then the have every reason they need to delay. I just don't understand why they seem to only consider this as a secondary reason. The first reason just doesn't make sense to me, definitely considering that their new release date has nearly as many triple A games coming out as during this holiday period...

There is no secondary reason, they are both good reasons and thats that.
Man the info was true.. canceled my T300 wheel order.. and might just cancel the pre order for project cars...

Can wait for deals on the wheel now at least.
Completely fine with this.
With the way games like DriveClub are releasing unfinished, take all the time you need to give us a complete and working game on Day 1.

Now, if the game comes out in March and is broken, then I will be upset.
like drive club 10 months late ,broken online , no weather or photo mode
Although it sucks to wait until March I'm sure it's for the best. I guess I'll be playing the bejesus out of Just Dance 2015 for a little longer than planned. My downstairs neighbor will love it!

Perhaps Bamco will figure out a way to get a few boxes of LE to North America by then.

With this delay I do fully expect the game to be in tip-top shape on release. The only thing that's going to piss me off is if they take all this extra time and release a bug-riddled POS of a game.
Why is it GTP is the only forum i've been on that is so negative about it every other forum seem to understand the reasons and accept them. they're not making rash decisions on cancelling orders. so please dont be rash and immediately cancel your pre-order, come march you'll regret not having kept that this is the only game thta offers simulation
The first reason just doesn't make sense to me, definitely considering that their new release date has nearly as many triple A games coming out as during this holiday period...
The AAA titles are more spaced out and they naturally won't sell as much as the big hitters being released shortly.

now imagine your a normal parent with not much of a clue on what games to buy and you're greeted with a choice of a game to buy for christmas.
on the shelves at the supermarket there are a few games the first one see you've never heard of (pcars) or a selection of games that your child plays and have ads on tv (COD and AC, far cry) which are you gonna buy?
The marketed ones obviously. pCArs is known in the sim racing circles but outside of it not so much.

Just another point as well i have several youtubers i follow that do lets plays most of them were more pumped for drive club and the crew because they knew little about pCARS. this delay is an opportunity to make pCARS more well known.
There is no secondary reason, they are both good reasons and thats that.

If they fear competition from big titles so much, March won't be a good time either...

I'm not trying to cheese off anyone by the way, questioning their decision. I just try to understand :)
I am totally OK with the delay - (well I am bummed).. but whom ever runs the Pcars facebook page.. at one point took offence to a user who questioned the release in Nov stating the game may not be ready in time for very specific reasons. The PCars page user talked down to him and I can't remember the details but I remember thinking I bet this guy is right, why is the PCars page guy being a dick about it? Swallow your pride dude... oh well. Must be hard to run a facebook page.. it is a very negative social network.
I'm waiting until the end of the month before cancelling my LE pre-order and cancel my holiday late November reserved for PCars launch. How I wish SMS could at least give people who made LE pre-orders with access code to a single track+car demo.

I question the progress back in September in this very thread and if they need the time to polish the game FINE. Avoiding competition from big titles in November is such a lame PR spin for all that I care. Maybe they could have launch PCars in time if they aren't spreading themselves thin also working on World Of Speed. All the other racing titles on all platforms will be glad so that they can try to squeeze those few extra dollars from consumers over the holiday season.

And maybe that's the reason why no LE pre-order for North America and Japan :lol:.

(P.S. Hope they can squeeze in those planned tracks for March 2015 especially Macau)
I am totally OK with the delay - (well I am bummed).. but whom ever runs the Pcars facebook page.. at one point took offence to a user who questioned the release in Nov stating the game may not be ready in time for very specific reasons. The PCars page user talked down to him and I can't remember the details but I remember thinking I bet this guy is right, why is the PCars page guy being a dick about it? Swallow your pride dude... oh well. Must be hard to run a facebook page.. it is a very negative social network.
Its not an official page. It's just one of WMD users running it, so that's probably why he was like this.
I always thought marketing 101 taught you to Always have your product ready for the holiday season. :confused: Never heard of delaying your product till after the holidays to increase your sales. :odd:

As our retarded ex prime minister would say:
"We don't need money, we need time" :lol:
I'm waiting until the end of the month before cancelling my LE pre-order and cancel my holiday late November reserved for PCars launch. How I wish SMS could at least give people who made LE pre-orders with access code to a single track+car demo.

I question the progress back in September in this very thread and if they need the time to polish the game FINE. Avoiding competition from big titles in November is such a lame PR spin for all that I care. Maybe they could have launch PCars in time if they aren't spreading themselves thin also working on World Of Speed. All the other racing titles on all platforms will be glad so that they can try to squeeze those few extra dollars from consumers over the holiday season.
1. the cost of making a demo is high thats why we don't see many now a days.
2. its not pr spin its something that we the members voiced in recent months and because of the delay the studio is making a lot of sacrifices to ensure a good release.
3. world of speed is developed by a different segment of SMS and so does not impede development.

That and maybe all tracks licensed just in time for release.
As i mentioned on the other thread the focus is on polishing if there a month and a bit away and they have finished models they may add it but this is unlikely .
Why buy a PS4 if you wanted driving games? Xbox One has two exclusives already and is getting Project Cars as well. There's many things the PS4 is better for, racing games isn't one of them.
Not true (well ok currently it is) But By the time gt7 is out i will be certainly be spending more time on my ps4, possibly more than my xb1. Hell, by the time pcars is out I'll be on my ps4 wayyyyy more :lol:
@nepal road ps4 is still a good choice, just be patient :)
I did see this coming in a way, further backs up @Wolfe 's first thesis that the Wii U version was put in a cool down because of Smash Bros too.
Precisely what I thought, and given the current state of the game I was already wondering if there'd be much of a gap between when the Wii U version launches and when the PC/PS4/XBone versions were actually finished with those intended post-release patches. Naturally, the question remains if the Wii U version is back on the same target as the others. I suppose it is. This might even create goodwill among temperamental Nintendo fans who felt like SMS was pulling an Ubisoft maneuver.
Precisely what I thought, and given the current state of the game I was already wondering if there'd be much of a gap between when the Wii U version launches and when the PC/PS4/XBone versions were actually finished with those intended post-release patches. Naturally, the question remains if the Wii U version is back on the same target as the others. I suppose it is. This might even create goodwill among temperamental Nintendo fans who felt like SMS was pulling an Ubisoft maneuver.
I wish I had your optimism Wolfe, but I can see us getting the Wii U version around July for some reason.:indiff:
I can't believe I'm saying this... but I'm glad. Not only will it not have as much competition, but I'm on a budget for this holiday season, and I was planning on sacrificing Far-Cry 4 to get PCars... Now I will be able to have both!!! This on of the best delays of this year (BF: Hardline is second)

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