Project CARS General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
So are cautions currently disabled then? Or does it skip straight to a rolling restart?
So you get notified of the area in which then yellow flag has been displayed however as the ai get there car to the pits
That's a shame about the safety cars, how soon do you think it will be after release that we see them? A lot of the time developers say thing like "implemented after release" and it either never happens or it happens way down the line, AFTER they release paid DLC. (EA/DICE I'm looking at you)
We dont know as of now when the devs will tackle what after release, since currently all focus is on getting whats gonne be in for release ready in time. The devs know that safety car is one of the higher priority wishes from the community, so I think/hope they will give it high priority as well and include it asap.
That's a shame about the safety cars, how soon do you think it will be after release that we see them? A lot of the time developers say thing like "implemented after release" and it either never happens or it happens way down the line, AFTER they release paid DLC. (EA/DICE I'm looking at you)
people working on code/gameplay are not the same working on cars and tracks, so you can be quite sure that it's not about giving priority to one or the other but just how much it will take to implement. The list of post-release things keeps growing as people continue to suggest things, but i think safety car is a quite high-priority one
You can pre order PCARS at Gamestop for under £20
probably a deposit.
people working on code/gameplay are not the same working on cars and tracks, so you can be quite sure that it's not about giving priority to one or the other but just how much it will take to implement. The list of post-release things keeps growing as people continue to suggest things, but i think safety car is a quite high-priority one
not just that but also the mechanics will vary depending on the tier and type of racing. it may be that they do several to fit different tiers. but first they got to finish of alot of the cars and tracks still be worked on.
That's a good move. Will your career history show the % race length run for each season?
Not sure... Has someone else checked that out?

Re. knock out qualification format:
A question to all those who have tried it. Was it working in game or bugged and removed/simplified for now as it is so close to release?
To my knowledge it was never in the game. The specifics of it has ("strangely") not been discussed at WMD. In part "Strangely" because there are quite a few people who are into every little detail (that's the WMD way) - however, with the million and one little details that goes into it, it might simply have got lost so far... I have passed on the question now though.
Not sure... Has someone else checked that out?

Re. knock out qualification format:

To my knowledge it was never in the game. The specifics of it has ("strangely") not been discussed at WMD. In part "Strangely" because there are quite a few people who are into every little detail (that's the WMD way) - however, with the million and one little details that goes into it, it might simply have got lost so far... I have passed on the question now though.

Ok. Thanks. Maybe it's something that will be considered for the future. It's a "nice to have" rather than an essential.
I'm curious to know if anyone can comment on the overall state of the game at this point. I skim through the build notes from time to time and it looks to me like there is still a massive amount of work both being done and left to do.
I'm curious to know if anyone can comment on the overall state of the game at this point. I skim through the build notes from time to time and it looks to me like there is still a massive amount of work both being done and left to do.

It's in a good shape, I think, with 2 month left to go. Now, the release of the game to the publisher for printing the disks is sooner than 2 month, so expect a big Day 1 patch, which should make the game run pretty smoothly.

The two things I'm a little concerned about are - pit stop animations (those seem to be progressing slowly and seem to have a number of bugs) and the testing of career events (not sure how much testing is going on behind the scenes at SMS, but I have my worries that it's not enough based on the WMD activity). Having said that, I think pit stop animations are nice to have, but if they are not perfect it's not the end of the world. Now career, I hope it's has a little bugs as possible come release time, because I'd hate to have to restart the whole thing because of some bug.

Otherwise, car physics tuning is going full throttle with Doug and Casey going at it 7 days a week it seems, and with great results. I have full confidence that cars will drive well at release.

Sounds are improving and being fixed up a lot and quickly as well with Greg doing lots of work on it daily. You can see the results of his work on the latest Formula A sound video. Overall, I think sounds are in a very good shape.

Tracks are in the same boat. Looking good for release with some bugfixing still required, but nothing major.

I don't follow Multiplayer progress, but seems like a lot of people are testing it and lots of bugs are being smashed, so I think it's going to work well.

Graphics still has some bugs here and there and 2 bugs that I'm personally not happy about and I'm not sure they are high priority, but I hope they get fixed up before release. Overall, as you can see from the videos, graphics are amazing, but there are still some things that need to be fixed.

In general, I think the game's gonna be ready. It will not be perfect, but with a Day 1 patch, and some smaller ones after release, we'll be fine. I think SMS is fully behind this game and if something's gonna be broke, they will fix it, since it's their reputation and their baby, not EA.
I agree with the above, which I think is a good assessment of pCARS at this point in time. Really starting to looked polished - GUI, track environments, frame rate, AI. With that said, this game is so deep and my time limited so I can't speak for everything. I also agree that it's going to need a fairly substantial day one patch as its still rough in places.
We dont know as of now when the devs will tackle what after release, since currently all focus is on getting whats gonne be in for release ready in time. The devs know that safety car is one of the higher priority wishes from the community, so I think/hope they will give it high priority as well and include it asap.

people working on code/gameplay are not the same working on cars and tracks, so you can be quite sure that it's not about giving priority to one or the other but just how much it will take to implement. The list of post-release things keeps growing as people continue to suggest things, but i think safety car is a quite high-priority one

Thanks guys :cheers:
Perhaps they don't update all new stuff in and are saving a lot till the end? Or for a day one patch like someone above suggested?
Perhaps they don't update all new stuff in and are saving a lot till the end? Or for a day one patch like someone above suggested?
I'm not sure what you mean by "new stuff". What's there (and not WIP) now is what will be there at release, bar some unforeseen circumstances.
Is there a set release date in March? I'm wondering because then Ill know when I should by my wheel. Holding it off until closer to the release date no point getting a wheel now for ps4.

Edit: I just saw at my jbhifi store it's coming out 19th of March is that correct? Might pre order the limited edition if so.
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I assume like always Australia gets it late. is there going to be anymore delays or am I safe to pre order it? With out worrying about it being delayed I'm going to get the limited edition.
I recently preordered again as I lost the last receipt. I would say preorder :)
It's in a good shape, I think, with 2 month left to go. Now, the release of the game to the publisher for printing the disks is sooner than 2 month, so expect a big Day 1 patch, which should make the game run pretty smoothly.

The two things I'm a little concerned about are - pit stop animations (those seem to be progressing slowly and seem to have a number of bugs) and the testing of career events (not sure how much testing is going on behind the scenes at SMS, but I have my worries that it's not enough based on the WMD activity). Having said that, I think pit stop animations are nice to have, but if they are not perfect it's not the end of the world. Now career, I hope it's has a little bugs as possible come release time, because I'd hate to have to restart the whole thing because of some bug.
To add to the career most of the bugs have been taken out. however its difficult to to test as a patch every other day means that progress is reset. so far i've only found one minor bug but that was fixed in the following patch.
The time taken to do a season even at short sessions means i only ever complete 1 to 1 1/2 seasons per patch. there are very few bugs in the career now.
Is there a set release date in March? I'm wondering because then Ill know when I should by my wheel. Holding it off until closer to the release date no point getting a wheel now for ps4.

Edit: I just saw at my jbhifi store it's coming out 19th of March is that correct? Might pre order the limited edition if so.

There has been a bit of a backlog of orders on some wheels and add ons from Thrustmaster so you might want to allow a bit of extra time if you want to use it on day one.
From the leaderboards, what is this about??

Rank User Vehicle Time Gap Assists Uploaded
1 Zagator Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG GT3
12/01/2015 21:42
2 Moonchild Formula A
5:05.711 +4:57.709
26/01/2015 20:04
3 Lucfra555 Formula A
5:09.815 +5:01.813
30/11/2014 11:20

Eight seconds to lap Nurburgring :odd:
Is cheating already goin on, or it´s just some random bug?

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