Project CARS General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
Can someone explain trolling to me, lol. Is that what I'm doing now? Just asking cause when the game goes to crap and I get pissed about it. I'll sometimes go onto the Pcars forum and do some venting. I always get a couple guys over there calling me a troll or trying to dispute whatever I'm talking about. Or they talk to people like this is the first racing game they ever used.
Or am I considered 'trolling' if I'm on a media site looking for answers and see a statement that is totally incorrect and say something about it?
Some of those guys on the Pcars forum act like they haven't had a single issue with the game and anyone else who has is just doing something wrong.
Call me a troll I guess, but don't that make 90% of the people on the internet trolls? I go to sites that I have interest in and do some reading, is that trolling?

Won't go back the that forum anymore BTW. At least not for awhile.

You do go a bit trolly in the 'party chat' thread, but you're put on the back foot straight away, for being misinformed about the 3rd party apps being anything to do with filling SMS' coffers.
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Can someone explain trolling to me, lol. Is that what I'm doing now? Just asking cause when the game goes to crap and I get pissed about it. I'll sometimes go onto the Pcars forum and do some venting. I always get a couple guys over there calling me a troll or trying to dispute whatever I'm talking about. Or they talk to people like this is the first racing game they ever used.
Or am I considered 'trolling' if I'm on a media site looking for answers and see a statement that is totally incorrect and say something about it?
Some of those guys on the Pcars forum act like they haven't had a single issue with the game and anyone else who has is just doing something wrong.
Call me a troll I guess, but don't that make 90% of the people on the internet trolls? I go to sites that I have interest in and do some reading, is that trolling?

Won't go back the that forum anymore BTW. At least not for awhile.

I think you answered your own question , if the only reason to go to the forums is to "vent" you arent looking for answers your looking to round up a bunch of people with pitch forks
Trolling isn't going onto PCars forum and saying "I have an issue the game keeps crashing" or "why oh why did they leave out custom championships"
Trolling to me would be going over to PCars forum to say "AC is much better than PCars"

Problem is people tend to use the 'troll' card to derail a thread once they start losing the debate...

Also its just hypocritical, i.e. trolling isn't allowed, but if you go onto the PCars forum and say "forza is for children" this is fine and visa versa i guess.

Its all very odd but then so are forums really, case in point the use of :rolleyes: and ;), these 2 simple things make me want to kill people.

Troll is used too much and mostly in the incorrect context.

In the UK the media calls 'trolls' people who go onto facebook obituary comments for dead children and say horrible things and you can get arrested and jailed quite rightly...But its Hardly the same as saying "i hate PCars" on PCars forum...

I fear i just made it all more complex...

Every few weeks i wonder why i'm so angry and need a massage and generally i can pin point it to being on forums and getting wound up, PCars is one of the very worst, so i try to avoid it, you could have an argument that Ian Bell was a troll on his own forum, just don't have an argument over on PCars forum as you'll be called a 'troll'.
I think you answered your own question , if the only reason to go to the forums is to "vent" you arent looking for answers your looking to round up a bunch of people with pitch forks

So only people like yourself who purchased the game can go on there to suck up to MODS and Ian Bell then?
That sums up the PCars forum attitude quite clearly...
Trolling isn't going onto PCars forum and saying "I have an issue the game keeps crashing" or "why oh why did they leave out custom championships"
Trolling to me would be going over to PCars forum to say "AC is much better than PCars"

Problem is people tend to use the 'troll' card to derail a thread once they start losing the debate...

Also its just hypocritical, i.e. trolling isn't allowed, but if you go onto the PCars forum and say "forza is for children" this is fine and visa versa i guess.

Its all very odd but then so are forums really, case in point the use of :rolleyes: and ;), these 2 simple things make me want to kill people.

Troll is used too much and mostly in the incorrect context.

In the UK the media calls 'trolls' people who go onto facebook obituary comments for dead children and say horrible things and you can get arrested and jailed quite rightly...But its Hardly the same as saying "i hate PCars" on PCars forum...

I fear i just made it all more complex...

Every few weeks i wonder why i'm so angry and need a massage and generally i can pin point it to being on forums and getting wound up, PCars is one of the very worst, so i try to avoid it, you could have an argument that Ian Bell was a troll on his own forum, just don't have an argument over on PCars forum as you'll be called a 'troll'.

This is the UK official definition ? wow pretty specific
You do go a bit trolly in the 'party chat' thread, but you're put on the back foot straight away, for being misinformed about the 3rd party apps being anything to do with filling SMS' coffers.
You have to admit the voice chat is the worst though. When I brought up the spotter app, it was in reference. In that it tells a driver something that the other competitors could have said if the mics worked better.
In many other games and leagues we were always able to inform drivers of being on their inside, outside etc. etc. And not have such horrible feedback.
That was my main point with chat party, but then someone says it all volume control. And money spent by an individual on apps or DLC, is spent for Project cars. Please don't think I'm staring a argument, just because some money doesn't go to Project Cars, it is spent for Project Cars.
So only people like yourself who purchased the game can go on there to suck up to MODS and Ian Bell then?
That sums up the PCars forum attitude quite clearly...
And were did you read this ? I leave this alone , if this the way you act here i can just imagine how act at Pcars forums. The more you type the clearer it gets
Case in point a 'mate' of mine was over on the PCars forum and was asking about the pit crews or lack of, so he gets the answer that Ian Bell said that the game certificate wont allow humans in pit lane if they can be run over....OK, he asks if Ian only found that out after they said in the glossy ltd ed manual that full working pit crews were in game, and why did they not research this before hand? Or was this just yet another excuse?

So he gets called a 'troll' is that being 'troll'?
And were did you read this ? I leave this alone , if this the way you act here i can just imagine how act at Pcars forums. The more you type the clearer it gets

"I think you answered your own question , if the only reason to go to the forums is to "vent" you arent looking for answers your looking to round up a bunch of people with pitch forks"

You just wrote it... you say people cant 'vent', venting is complaining about something, so if we aren't happy with PCars we cant 'vent' according to you..

You have started to be rude with your replies already!! Brilliant! you will call me a 'troll' are classic.
I know how you act already as i see you climbing up MODS and Devs backsides on PCars forum..
"I think you answered your own question , if the only reason to go to the forums is to "vent" you arent looking for answers your looking to round up a bunch of people with pitch forks"

You just wrote it... you say people cant 'vent', venting is complaining about something, so if we aren't happy with PCars we cant 'vent' according to you..

You have started to be rude with your replies already!! Brilliant! you will call me a 'troll' are classic.

Why do you need center stage to vent ? People that do that are only looking attention
Why do you need center stage to vent ? People that do that are only looking attention

Who said center stage? Where is center stage on a forum exactly?

To recap simply in internet forum land a 'troll' is someone who disagrees with you...
Who said center stage? Where is center s
Internet troll
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Trolling)
"Trolling" redirects here. For other uses, see Troll (disambiguation).
"Please do not feed the troll" redirects here. For the Wikipedia advice, see Wikipedia:Deny recognition.

Don't feed the trolls sign, near Fløyen, Bergen, Norway
In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1]extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as anewsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion,[3] often for their own amusement.

This sense of the word "troll" and its associated verb trolling are associated with Internet discourse, but have been used more widely. Media attention in recent years has equated trolling with online harassment. For example, mass media has used troll to describe "a person who defaces Internet tribute sites with the aim of causing grief to families."[4][5] In addition, depictions of trolling have been included in popular fictional works such as the HBO television program The Newsroom, in which a main character encounters harassing individuals online and tries to infiltrate their circles by posting negative sexual comments himself.[6][7]

tage on a forum exactly?

To recap simply in internet forum land a 'troll' is someone who disagrees with you...

just a little help for you ,sorry its in english might make it harder for you to understand
How long would Ian Bell last here if he had an account and a feedback thread up ?
He has an account here and actively participated in the feedback on Shift 2. Haven't seen him here after that though.

I've come here looking for PCARS not pages on definition of a troll.
The ignore function makes this thread (and the whole subforum) a whole lot more bearable.
He has an account here and actively participated in the feedback on Shift 2. Haven't seen him here after that though.

The ignore function makes this thread (and the whole subforum) a whole lot more bearable.

Really ?, never knew that :eek: He might be lurking around then :P
Case in point a 'mate' of mine was over on the PCars forum and was asking about the pit crews or lack of, so he gets the answer that Ian Bell said that the game certificate wont allow humans in pit lane if they can be run over....OK, he asks if Ian only found that out after they said in the glossy ltd ed manual that full working pit crews were in game, and why did they not research this before hand? Or was this just yet another excuse?

No, you're mixing up two things now. It was said that you can't have animated pit crews if you can control your car manually in the pit as we would be able to run them over. That's why the pits in pCARS are automatic.
I've come here looking for PCARS not pages on definition of a troll.

Whens the dlc out?
I think the best bet is to use the pCARS DLC thread to talk about that. Recent regular posters to this thread appear to have changed focus for a bit. I'm holding on assuming normal service will resume later.

And more on topic: was the recent PSN price drop for pCARS solely US, or were other territories also affected? EU pricing is still the same as launch (€69,99) and it just seems surprising that there would be such a large difference in sales approach. I guess it means EU has been the big seller?
No, you're mixing up two things now. It was said that you can't have animated pit crews if you can control your car manually in the pit as we would be able to run them over. That's why the pits in pCARS are automatic.

OK whatever, but still stands when did they find that out? Right at the last minute? I call BS, they sold a lot of PCars on blatant lies.
Dont forget though that PCars 1 is too good for consoles, they are at max...... but PCars 2 will be bigger and BETTER on the very same consoles that PCars 1 maxed out on...
Racist, nice.... i may be French but i can read English thanks...

With Shift he had to pretty much go steady as EA were behind them.

I like that, now that is witty.:cheers:

I've come here for the PCars discussion thread, not the "PCars DLC thread"..... sort it out.

OK whatever, but still stands when did they find that out? Right at the last minute? I call BS, they sold a lot of PCars on blatant lies.
Dont forget though that PCars 1 is too good for consoles, they are at max...... but PCars 2 will be bigger and BETTER on the very same consoles that PCars 1 maxed out on...

Hey, if you hit the button that say's (+Quote ) on a post you can make multiple reply's in one post 👍, instead of a single post for each reply.

On topic.
Generally project cars has been a good buy for me, the couple of hours i've had chance to play have been fun.