Project CARS - Logitech Wheels NOT Supported on PS4

  • Thread starter biffdiver
No playstation exclusives for you, my friends! :P

Since the only thing I do is race, this isn't really a concern. The only reason I have the PS3 in the first place was the GT series (because of the people I race with, not the game). I understand your point. For others this is a concern, not for me.

And that's the point. It's all about software. I like the ps4 exclusives that's why I bought one (instead of xbone or pc)! Plus, I don't want to waste time and nerves to get this driver running and optimize that setting... to finally get it working. :)

I prefer the PC route over the PS route because it affords me the flexibility to do what I want to do. As someone who makes his living in the technology industry, I am not intimidated by the infrequent need to install some new driver or software to do what I want to do. The fact that I CAN install some small piece of software to do what I want to do is exactly why I WANT to be on a PC. Third party/Community apps is a perfect example. No second screen options for those playing pCARS on PS4 or X-Box.

For those concerned about Logitech not being supported under Win 10, I can't see that ever being an issue. My very first Logitech wheel (Wingman Formula Force introduced during Win95 era) is STILL supported in Win 8. So long as Logitech keeps making their Gaming Profiler software the wheel will be supported, as the driver has only ever been an evolution, not a complete replacement. Logitech is not exiting the PC Gaming accessories market, only the consoles due to the ridiculous licensing scenarios.
All right beside the licensing part. Oh and just in case give the last of us a play. Impossible not to like it no matter what you usually like or play.
Since the only thing I do is race, this isn't really a concern. The only reason I have the PS3 in the first place was the GT series (because of the people I race with, not the game). I understand your point. For others this is a concern, not for me.

I prefer the PC route over the PS route because it affords me the flexibility to do what I want to do. As someone who makes his living in the technology industry, I am not intimidated by the infrequent need to install some new driver or software to do what I want to do. The fact that I CAN install some small piece of software to do what I want to do is exactly why I WANT to be on a PC. Third party/Community apps is a perfect example. No second screen options for those playing pCARS on PS4 or X-Box.

For those concerned about Logitech not being supported under Win 10, I can't see that ever being an issue. My very first Logitech wheel (Wingman Formula Force introduced during Win95 era) is STILL supported in Win 8. So long as Logitech keeps making their Gaming Profiler software the wheel will be supported, as the driver has only ever been an evolution, not a complete replacement. Logitech is not exiting the PC Gaming accessories market, only the consoles due to the ridiculous licensing scenarios.
So again to re-iterate, BOTH Sony and Logitech don't give a crap about their consumers! Really irritated about the whole mess! They both point the finger at the other party and do absolutely nothing to resolve with a simple solution. All they care about is your money. If you have a g27 Logitech already has your money. If you want to play anything new and modern Sony will get your money. And neither will give a dang about the lowly consumer.
If you have a g27 Logitech already has your money. If you want to play anything new and modern Sony will get your money. And neither will give a dang about the lowly consumer.
Yes to the first part and no to the second part. I kept the first, switched to pc and now Sony gets none of my money.
So again to re-iterate, BOTH Sony and Logitech don't give a crap about their consumers! Really irritated about the whole mess! They both point the finger at the other party and do absolutely nothing to resolve with a simple solution. All they care about is your money. If you have a g27 Logitech already has your money. If you want to play anything new and modern Sony will get your money. And neither will give a dang about the lowly consumer.
Wrong. Sony isn't involved in this. It's up to manufacturers to provide drivers. You can't just go and disassemble another company (Logitech) patented software (drivers) like that.

Logitech used to be a top notch manufacturer with great customer care. It's no more like this, we have to face it and blaming them, not Sony.

I know it's fashinating to be anti-Sony and it's became a trend by now, but in this particular case it's not their fault.
So again to re-iterate, BOTH Sony and Logitech don't give a crap about their consumers! Really irritated about the whole mess! They both point the finger at the other party and do absolutely nothing to resolve with a simple solution. All they care about is your money. If you have a g27 Logitech already has your money. If you want to play anything new and modern Sony will get your money. And neither will give a dang about the lowly consumer.

Same thing could've been said about Fanatec up until very recently when we found out that they were working behind the scenes with SMS to make PS4 drivers. Who knows whether Logitech are up to exactly the same thing right now? Only time will tell!

Time is about to run up and pcars release is nearer day by day.

If, and i stress if, they were doing something for compatibility instead of playing with themselves and play a marketing joke with the "bad sony not allowing them to do anything" it would be very smart from logitech to state it asap.
Wrong. Sony isn't involved in this. It's up to manufacturers to provide drivers. You can't just go and disassemble another company (Logitech) patented software (drivers) like that.

Logitech used to be a top notch manufacturer with great customer care. It's no more like this, we have to face it and blaming them, not Sony.

I know it's fashinating to be anti-Sony and it's became a trend by now, but in this particular case it's not their fault.
It's all hearsay on both sides. I bashed both companies and placed the blame on both. If it was simply a case of Logitech having to come up with a new driver and they are ignoring it well shame on them. But I am guessing there is more to it than that, probably Sony wanting some ridiculous licensing fee or a nut stroking or something to make Logitech an "officially supported" product. The whole thing stinks of corporate greed and has left me with a bad taste in my mouth and a wheel that I like but cannot use.
Its a shame someone can't set up something like a crowd funding project to get Logitech to make the drivers. I'd gladly put money into rather than looking at dodgy dongles or new wheels
I'm assuming this is a dumb question but has anyone been pro actively been complaining on Logitech forums?
I'm assuming this is a dumb question but has anyone been pro actively been complaining on Logitech forums?

Many people have. There was even a very successful online petition (successful in number of signatures, not response from Logitech). Logitech made it very clear in 2013 that they were exiting the console accessories market. This effectively was an announcement of "End of Sale and End of Support", therefore any new drivers for new consoles/console games will not be forthcoming.

Anyone thinking that Logitech might be working on something in the background is simply deluding themselves. They made a clear and public business decision and they will not be wasting time, money or resources on making a new driver for an old product for a market they no longer support or play in. IIt's simple business, and is the kind of decision every major company makes every single day. They have simply decided that it is in their best interest to focus on the PC side of their business.
Uhm, Thrustmaster made drivers,Fanatic made drivers for consoles, what is so hard to figure out,Logitech is not in the "console game" anymore. So why would they bother to make drivers for something they don't support. I'm pissed too. Posting your thoughts about it here are about as useful as tiets on a bull.
Everyone should be bombarding Logitech's support site. That's the only way to get heard.
Many people have. There was even a very successful online petition (successful in number of signatures, not response from Logitech). Logitech made it very clear in 2013 that they were exiting the console accessories market. This effectively was an announcement of "End of Sale and End of Support", therefore any new drivers for new consoles/console games will not be forthcoming.

Anyone thinking that Logitech might be working on something in the background is simply deluding themselves. They made a clear and public business decision and they will not be wasting time, money or resources on making a new driver for an old product for a market they no longer support or play in. IIt's simple business, and is the kind of decision every major company makes every single day. They have simply decided that it is in their best interest to focus on the PC side of their business.

For those hard to understand this; Sony is not to blame.
For those hard to understand this; Sony is not to blame.
Sony is still one half of the equation here and we have no idea how they've dealt with Logitech and how accomodating they've been. Sony could also have reached out to Logitech to make things easier for them because IMO it's in Sony's best interest to allow Logitech wheel owners to continue using their perfectly good wheels on the new system.
It's a bit like a tire manufacturer (logitech) asking to change a car specs (sony) to fit better their product, isn't it :D

I do not see why one would think sony was all nasty with poor logitech and all friendly with fanatech :P
For those hard to understand this; Sony is not to blame.
Nothing is poor little Sony's fault. Somehow Logitech's stuff worked with ps3, but no one figure out how to make it work with ps4. It is low priority for all parties involved since we are a small minority of the gaming world. Even smaller since ps4 doesn't have any real racing titles as of yet. Everyone just hopes we will shut up and fade away. I'm still pissed. I'm sure sony could lean on Logitech and help get it done if they cared to, but they don't!
For those hard to understand this; Sony is not to blame.
It's a bit like a tire manufacturer (logitech) asking to change a car specs (sony) to fit better their product, isn't it :D

I do not see why one would think sony was all nasty with poor logitech and all friendly with fanatech :P

I concur and still can't understand why people are still so fixated that it's always Sony fault or Sony's best interest to get in touch with Logitech so that their wheels will work on PS4. Sorry it really sound ridiculous if then people suggest Sony should be contributing to ensure an old third-party peripheral (which was unlicensed on PS3 to begin with) to work on PS4.

First off, all those conspiracy theories about Sony being greedy and have an exclusive agreement with Thrustmaster and no other wheel will ever work on PS4 proved silly ever since Fanatec in-game compatibility announcement on PCARS.

All Logitech needs to do:
  1. Renew their licensing terms with Immersion to use their IP on a new console platform
  2. Develop new drivers and work with game studios for in-game support on PS4

Haven't been around GT threads for a long time. Maybe @Jordan can ask Kaz whether GT7 will have Logitech wheel support like they have been doing for the last 3 iteration of the game.

Maybe Logitech wheel owners should forget about waiting for Logitech and crowd fund the development of drivers for each game?
Starting off with PCARS if it's even a possibility given there's no Immersion licensing issues?
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All Logitech needs to do:
  1. Renew their licensing terms with Immersion to use their IP on a new console platform
  2. Develop new drivers and work with game studios for in-game support on PS4

And again I state: Logitech announced in 2013 that they were leaving the Console Gaming Accessories business. In other words, NONE OF THE ABOVE WILL HAPPEN.

Why do so many people find it so hard to accept that a company has made a decision that they feel is in their best interest as a business? They obviously have their own internal data that tells them they were losing too much money playing in that space. Either they weren't able to compete with the other companies, or they felt that the costs to stay in that space outweighed the benefits. They have made their decision. Get over it and move on.

For those of us with Logitech wheels, the only thing that now matters is making our own decision, based on what is in our best interest:
  • Buy a new wheel from another manufacturer and stick with Sony
  • Buy a PC (or upgrade parts) and stick with Logitech

The choice is yours, as Logitech has already made theirs. Just like Logitech did, you need to balance your needs with your financial realities. Moaning and groaning about it here and holding out false hope for a change of mind on Logitech's part is not going to get you anywhere.

My choice was easy. I upgraded my PC for about the same cost as buying a PS4. This meant I cut my total investment costs in half as I didn't need to buy a new wheel along with the PS4. Since I didn't care about anything other than racing games, my choice was easy. I also gained benefits that I could not have on the PS4 such as access to other great racing titles and 3rd party add-on apps.

If you already have the PS4, then your choice is easy too. You are already halfway there and only need to decide which new wheel to purchase. That will now probably still be cheaper than a new PC.

For those that don't have the PS4, or a PC capable of running pCARS, your choice is tougher. You need to figure out which is more important, and how much budget you have. You also need to consider whether you can build a PC or need to buy a complete one. Building yourself is cheaper if you have the knowledge.
I don't think Sony could careless to be honest with contacting Logitech first. At the end of the day what's it going to achieve for Sony. A few thousand more consoles being sold?
Little fish in a massive ocean compared to the 20+million console already sold.
Sony is still one half of the equation here and we have no idea how they've dealt with Logitech and how accomodating they've been. Sony could also have reached out to Logitech to make things easier for them because IMO it's in Sony's best interest to allow Logitech wheel owners to continue using their perfectly good wheels on the new system.

Pretty sure Sony have been saying this all along....

Will PS3 peripherals such as fighting sticks and steering wheels work with PS4?
Generally speaking, no. However, at launch, users will be able to use these controllers if a specific game title allows it to be used within the game. This decision is upon the game developer and will vary from game to game.
Yes, and in the case that each such game wants to support it, they need to write code that can process the device's input.

Having an actual driver for this in the console's operating system surely makes this process a lot easier and allows the game developer to implement support without knowing obscene amounts of technical details about each control device, but directly supporting the device without going through a system driver would work too, even if it requires much more work. Every game dev would basically have to reinvent the wheel. No pun intended.

Hopefully, if the developer is smart, they'll code their own drivers in a way that lets them use the drivers with all other games they intend to make for the console.

Kaz has allegedly said that G25 (and by extention probably also G27) wouldn't have to worry about their wheels not working in GT7, so I'm not very worried. I can play Pcars on PC anyway, and I just need one extra monitor to get a triple display setup.
And again I state: Logitech announced in 2013 that they were leaving the Console Gaming Accessories business. In other words, NONE OF THE ABOVE WILL HAPPEN.

Exactly. But then you never know, business plans/CEO can change or crowd fund the development and convince game studios to include the drivers as I mentioned if so many Logitech users still wants their wheel on PS4, crowd funding shouldn't be too hard like USD$5 X 30,000 owners = $USD150,000 which should be enough.

Pretty sure Sony have been saying this all along....

Will PS3 peripherals such as fighting sticks and steering wheels work with PS4?
Generally speaking, no. However, at launch, users will be able to use these controllers if a specific game title allows it to be used within the game. This decision is upon the game developer and will vary from game to game.

The inclusion of "at launch" means that they reserved the right in future system updates to lock down games from accessing/supporting unauthorised/unlicensed peripherals?
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Exactly. But then you never know, business plans/CEO can change or crowd fund the development and convince game studios to include the drivers as I mentioned if so many Logitech users still wants their wheel on PS4, crowd funding shouldn't be too hard like USD$5 X 30,000 owners = $USD150,000 which should be enough.

The inclusion of "at launch" means that they're reserved the right in future system updates to lock down games from accessing/supporting unauthorised/unlicensed peripherals?
So what your saying is the developer SMS,who have rights to advertising etc,should say,Hey Logitech develope the drivers for our game,it will generate money in sales for us,(games) and you (wheels) and we'll slap an advert on the windscreen for you. Sounds simple. Yeah I'm going to pay millionaires to develope drivers
So what your saying is the developer SMS,who have rights to advertising etc,should say,Hey Logitech develope the drivers for our game,it will generate money in sales for us,(games) and you (wheels) and we'll slap an advert on the windscreen for you. Sounds simple. Yeah I'm going to pay millionaires to develope drivers

Don't quite understand what you're trying to say or got the idea that I was insinuating the game studios should be asking Logitech to develop drivers for the games so that can get more sales. You completely misinterpreted. No game studios or Sony should be doing this and as I was saying this should be Logitech's full responsibility. Unless Logitech wheel owners are willing to take the initiative and crowd fund the development of drivers for games.

No point of crying over spill milk when Logitech are unlikely to budge. That why maybe it's better that Logitech users take the initiative for PS4 in-game support through crowd funding or another business idea is game studios spent more R&D to support Logitech wheels and charge Logitech users extra via DLC.
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However, if PD wants to write their own drivers for the wheels, remember that PD is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sony. It might be in their best interest to allow other (first) party games make use of it too.
However, if PD wants to write their own drivers for the wheels, remember that PD is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sony. It might be in their best interest to allow other (first) party games make use of it too.
This may not be so crazy idea, but since gt7 will be released in one or two years from now it will be too late for gamers who want to play pcars.. All of us.
I'm just glad I never forked out for a G series wheel. The dfgt I have sucks, so I had considered upgrading a while ago, but never got around to it, it was pretty low on the priority list. Glad I didn't, as I'd prefer a fanatec or thrustmaster wheel anyway, and I'd prefer something that can be used on console and pc.