PS3 control pad : hit or miss ?

  • Thread starter Max_DC
I would love to know how sensitive this motion sensor is going to be. It's really gonna suck if you've got to keep it dead level while playing.

I was thinking the same thing, i often play games while laying down on the sofa and find the controller pointing up at the ceiling. Mayber there is a calibration feature which sets itself up based upon the controllers direction/axis

I also don't see why the rumble and motion sensor can't be alternated between. I understand that they can't work at the same time but seperatly should be an option, unless it really is all about the amount of space available in the DS casing.

My thoughts on this are, they wont put both feature in the controller together as the rumble feature would make the motion sensor unaccurate but even if there was rumble feature while the motion feature wasnt being used it surely has the ability to still make it unaccurate. Kinda like bashing a spirit level against the wall a few times, it wont be as acurate as it was before the bashing took place. (best comparison i could think of at 10am)

Another thing is, is there the possibility of expansion through the USB port? Perhaps a bolt on rumble feature or maybe even a screen for small read outs?

I dont think this will happen because of the issues i raised above

Hope this is usefull

^^ Nice post, but I've got some input.

There probably won't be any "calibration" feature that will drastically change the input of the controller, because it's gravity drivin, so as long as gravity is in effect, it'll always read and function properly.

Everything else was great :)
My thoughts on this are, they wont put both feature in the controller together as the rumble feature would make the motion sensor unaccurate but even if there was rumble feature while the motion feature wasnt being used it surely has the ability to still make it unaccurate. Kinda like bashing a spirit level against the wall a few times, it wont be as acurate as it was before the bashing took place. (best comparison i could think of at 10am)


If I understand you correctly, you say that the rumble effect could cause damage to the motion-sense-feature ? If that was true, Sony has a serious problem. How often does a controller fall off the couch ? Like 3 times a week ? I don't want to buy new pads every 2 weeks ,so they better make it stable or forget that feature....
If I understand you correctly, you say that the rumble effect could cause damage to the motion-sense-feature ? If that was true, Sony has a serious problem. How often does a controller fall off the couch ? Like 3 times a week ? I don't want to buy new pads every 2 weeks ,so they better make it stable or forget that feature....

Well i dont think that will be a problem, my original post was based on the assumption that the motion sensor would be some electronic sensors sending feedback to the ps2 on its current angle. However if it is indeed a gravity based sensor (Analogue) then you can bash it about and it should not loose its calibration although im no expert on the matter.

My thoughts on this are, they wont put both feature in the controller together as the rumble feature would make the motion sensor unaccurate but even if there was rumble feature while the motion feature wasnt being used it surely has the ability to still make it unaccurate. Kinda like bashing a spirit level against the wall a few times, it wont be as acurate as it was before the bashing took place. (best comparison i could think of at 10am)
As pointed out by some others this would point to a certain flimsiness in the design.

I was thinking the same thing, i often play games while laying down on the sofa and find the controller pointing up at the ceiling. Mayber there is a calibration feature which sets itself up based upon the controllers direction/axis
This wouldn't be fool proof. I rarely sit still for too long playing a game and I can't think of a time that I've kept a pad in the same position while I play.

My other concern is for younger players. My brother and his mates will NEVER sit down while playing games that excite them. That could be anything from Pro Evo to the latest Wrestling game. It would be a shame to have to shun this enthusiasm just so they could play.
Okay two things about this new feature of moving the pad, no one has said you will have to use it to play a game, so if using it will have a negative effet on your gaming, switch the feature off or opt to use the sticks or d-pad for the funtion the pad's tilt sensors would have operated. Secondly, what makes you think you can't or won't be able to set how sesnetive it is for a game? It'd be stupid if you couldn't, but it's so obviouse to include that feature.
I wonder when they will reveal "the PS3". Now that the controller is made, I'm waiting for the change of the console.

The case is very small for what it got inside.

There's like a lot of port in the back. not to mention the front. There a lid in the left of the tray where there's more input.


Now that we know they don't have a Power supply block like the XBOX 360, how can they fit all of the component inside that case...💡
That pretty much is the final PS3 and its already functional as seen by e3 pics from the interface demo. The size in the comparison screens is waaaay off.

The consosle is pretty big and weighs 11lbs.
Okay two things about this new feature of moving the pad, no one has said you will have to use it to play a game, so if using it will have a negative effet on your gaming, switch the feature off or opt to use the sticks or d-pad for the funtion the pad's tilt sensors would have operated.
Were the analogue stick ever designed to completely take over from the D pad buttons? Well in games like TimeSplitters and the MoH games you have no choice.
I just wonder whether the same slow take over will happen with the tilt.

Secondly, what makes you think you can't or won't be able to set how sesnetive it is for a game? It'd be stupid if you couldn't, but it's so obviouse to include that feature.
That's a fair point, the only problem then is the risk of 'dead' zones in the sensitivity. Which then means you have to balance being able to sit still for ages with the controller reacting quick enough. Decisions, decisions...
Were the analogue stick ever designed to completely take over from the D pad buttons? Well in games like TimeSplitters and the MoH games you have no choice.
I just wonder whether the same slow take over will happen with the tilt.
I can see your point, amd it's a fair one, but a tilt isn't to an analogue stick what an analogue stick is to a d-pad, if you get what I'm saying. Both will be better for different type's of games wheras the analogue sticks are in thoery at elast, better than the d-pad at everything whereas a tilt function won't be, for example I don't see people tilting the pad to steer in GT5, I do see people using both the sticks and the tilting to steer and lean in Tourist trophy 2, eg, the sticks will steer the bike, the tile will make the rider lean, I see the tilt as being more of an added fuction than a replacment for the sticks.
What happened to all the really cool chrome trim on the black ps3?
It's still on the top package PS3's but not the lower pack PS3's.
It's still on the top package PS3's but not the lower pack PS3's.

The "Chrome Package" is the 60GB version and the all black version is the 20GB. I like the all black, if I had a choice between the two. But, I still prefer a silver PS3.
Robin ///////
But this raises another question (which was asked earier aswell)...... will the PS3 games be rumble compatable if you choose to use the DS2 instead. Im sure lets say if you bought GT5 I bet if you wanted to use the DS2 they would have rumble programmed into the game.

Uhhh, I haven't seen a set of sockets for a DS2. Am I just blind or are they not actually there?
I would happily trade back the motion sensing for the rumble. I like the new controller much better than the current Dual-Shock, but I still don't like the shape of it, I'm sorry to say. I read somewhere that you can turn PS3 on/off from the controller like the 360? I think that is great.

Tenacious D
I saw a mockup with the left analog knob and four way buttons swapped, as they are with the GameCube and Microsoft controllers. I think that would be the way to go with it, and maybe they will.
If they did that, that'll be good enough for me. Location of the left ananlog stick on the DS2 is just WRONG.
****, I don't see anything wrong with the left analog stick on PS controller, and who gives a crap about 360 controller? here we're talking about the new PS3 controller, and boom, you turn it into a DS2 VS 360 controller thread? WTF?
Uhhh, I haven't seen a set of sockets for a DS2. Am I just blind or are they not actually there?
They're not there AFAIK. No doubt an adaptor will be required to use them, if you can that is.
Such a Wii Rip Off....

PS3 controller patented in 1999

Patent number: JP11099284
Publication date: 1999-04-13
Applicant: SONY CORP
- international: G06F3/033; G06F3/033; (IPC1-7): A63F9/22; G06F3/033
- european:
Application number: JP19970265541 19970930
Priority number(s): JP19970265541 19970930

View INPADOC patent family

Abstract of JP11099284
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To instruct an operation by the movement of a small controller that is close to the movement of a character by making the controller movable, detecting its movement and outputting a signal, and switch-recognizing the direction of the movement on the basis of the outputted signal. SOLUTION: The controller detects an angular speed by a detection section provided in a connecting section that connects the right and left operating sections of a controller unit 82. For example, rotation in the direction of rolling in relation to the right and left operating buttons 55, 56 of the left operating section is detected as an angular speed in the direction of rotation in the XY plane by the detection section 70 with the Z axis as the central axis. The detection section 70 is comprised of a movement detection section 71 made up of an angular speed sensor 72 and an amplifier 73, and a direction detection section 74 made up of movement direction recognition switches 79, 80. Therefore, movement can be instructed by the movement of the controller without operating the operating buttons 55, 56, etc.;QPN=JP11099284

FROM 1999

Take that idiots.b RAWRR!!!!
Way to many options on your poll.
Question: Hit or miss?
Answer: Miss

Bottom line, the DS2 is awesome and probably my fav controller, but this pad has been around for two generations (three if you count PS1/PSOne) and I find it unacceptable. I like new designs. I'm glad some of the technology is new. Nontheless, I like it. I still consider it a ''miss'' though.
Using movable parts will no doubt cause a lot of problems down the line... Don't you guys think? I mean it's a neat gimmick, but come on... I can see the internal components that controls the motion sensing aspect of the controller getting stuck in certain positions ruining the controller, or simply breaking down through wear and tear and again ruining the controller if this kind of feature becomes a gimmick used in many games... I say "nay" on it... I can't see that feature being that important as to warrant it being on a standard controller. Further more, I'd like to know what the long term effects of constantly having to bend the wrists around in order to use the joystick properly would be... Can you say carpel tunnel syndrome? This motion control stuff is by far one of the stupidest controller gimmicks I’ve ever seen. Let Nintendo do what they will, they did this once before and it failed… It was called the Power Glove… Not sure if many of you guys remember that one… But it sucked and failed horribly. So why invest so much money into developing something that didn’t work in the past simply because another company does it? Let Nintendo break the ice… See what happens with it, then make your move. Like in the days of the first PS1. The first controllers didn’t have a “rumble” function on them… Then, once rumble became the norm, they simply came out with it. Same with headsets for online play… They weren’t the first to have it… And no one cared that they weren’t… I think this would be the same thing as well. I think PS3 is trying to hard to have EVERYTHING available from the get go. Improvement is a good thing, so is innovation, but you should never retract something that’s now become a norm of the industry, like sacrificing the rumble function for a new and unproven gimmick like motion control…

Lets not forget the U Force 3D controller…
Lets not forget the Robotic Operating Buddy or R.O.B.
Lets not forget the Power Glove
Lets not forget the Power Mat

Nintendo had some original ideas… But not all of them were great. And even more of them never caught on. Why would SONY jump on such a gimmicky thing as this is beyond me… Enough with making changes to controller and get us a freaking system already!!!
****, I don't see anything wrong with the left analog stick on PS controller, and who gives a crap about 360 controller? here we're talking about the new PS3 controller, and boom, you turn it into a DS2 VS 360 controller thread? WTF?
What is wrong with comparing the designs of PS3 and X360 controller? Am I breaking some sort of code?

Also, you and I disagree on where the analog stick should be on the PS3 controller, fine. But you have issues with me voicing my opinion on it? If everyone is just going to agree with you and say everything is fine and dandy, why does this thread even exist?

I don't mean to sound rude, but I totally fail to see why I'm getting my head bitten for voicing my opinion. :confused:
Way to many options on your poll.
Question: Hit or miss?
Answer: Miss

Bottom line, the DS2 is awesome and probably my fav controller, but this pad has been around for two generations (three if you count PS1/PSOne) and I find it unacceptable. I like new designs. I'm glad some of the technology is new. Nontheless, I like it. I still consider it a ''miss'' though.

Well yeah, to me its like a Sony tradition now and there's no need to change it. The Controller S was flawed and they fixed them with the new 360 controller. They fixed the flaw with DS2 by making the sticks more precise. and they imporved the 2's to triggers. No rumble oh well, it was a slight gameplay elemement for silent hill to know your health was low.

remember the NeGcon? I'll bet my cat RR7 uses the motion sensor for it.
personally....I'd like to see the banana thing. Looks comfortable, and more hightechish....

But nay on the motion-sensor-thing. I'd never get rid of the rumble feature. especially for something like that.
What is wrong with comparing the designs of PS3 and X360 controller? Am I breaking some sort of code?

Also, you and I disagree on where the analog stick should be on the PS3 controller, fine. But you have issues with me voicing my opinion on it? If everyone is just going to agree with you and say everything is fine and dandy, why does this thread even exist?

I don't mean to sound rude, but I totally fail to see why I'm getting my head bitten for voicing my opinion. :confused:
First, Mr. Deap was not comparing the "DS3" and X360, he just put a bunch of pictures of DS2 and 360 controller and said "No wonder why the XBOX 360 controller felt well in the first try", that was just nonsense, and if he assumed those DS2 pics as the "DS3", non of us has ever had a chance to use the "DS3", so how the heck did he know it's not as good as the 360 controller? About the analog stick, I also just disgreed with you about it, that's all.