PS3 control pad : hit or miss ?

  • Thread starter Max_DC
First, Mr. Deap was not comparing the "DS3" and X360, he just put a bunch of pictures of DS2 and 360 controller and said "No wonder why the XBOX 360 controller felt well in the first try", that was just nonsense,
It was my impression that he was trying to show the similarity between the design of DS and X360. I agree with him. Main button configurations and contour/shape of the controllers are similar. Going from Playstation(1,2 or 3) controller to Xbox 360's probably felt similar to some people, so I thought it was a good input.

and if he assumed those DS2 pics as the "DS3", non of us has ever had a chance to use the "DS3", so how the heck did he know it's not as good as the 360 controller?
Where did he say this? Only Mr Deap would know what he was trying to say, but I don't think he was talking smack about DS3 at all.

About the analog stick, I also just disgreed with you about it, that's all.
Cool. :) I just compared the DS2 with my GameCube controller. As you probably know, GC controller also has the analog stick on where the directional pad's on the DS controllers. On GC, it feels natural, I can navigate perfectly. On DS2, it's bit of a reach. Don't tell anybody, because it's kind of embarrassing, but I actually opt to use the directional pad to play Gran Turismo games. I'd rather use analog, but I can't stand the location of it. :D
Like I said, it's nonsense to compare the DS2 to 360 controller in the PS3 controller thread, and it's impossile to compare the "DS3" to the 360 controller at this time, so it was just unacceptable for Mr. Deap to put up those pictures and said "No wonder why the XBOX 360 controller felt well in the first try":indiff: :ill: About the analog stick, I think we're cool about it:tup:
Like I said, it's nonsense to compare the DS2 to 360 controller in the PS3 controller thread, and it's impossile to compare the "DS3" to the 360 controller at this time, so it was just unacceptable for Mr. Deap to put up those pictures and said "No wonder why the XBOX 360 controller felt well in the first try":indiff: :ill: About the analog stick, I think we're cool about it:tup:

I like the XBOX 360 controller. & I voted for the XBOX 360 controller for the rumble feature.

The Pics is just to show how similar is the DS2 & the 360 controller. It's just to precise why I voted on the 360 controller.

Did you felt insulted for my choice?
So, you go into a PS3 controller thread, put up PS2 and your precious 360 controller, then say 360 controller is the winner, What the heck?
So, you go into a PS3 controller thread, put up PS2 and your precious 360 controller, then say 360 controller is the winner, What the heck?

Yeah, there's no choice for the DS2.
What is wrong with comparing the designs of PS3 and X360 controller? Am I breaking some sort of code?

Also, you and I disagree on where the analog stick should be on the PS3 controller, fine. But you have issues with me voicing my opinion on it? If everyone is just going to agree with you and say everything is fine and dandy, why does this thread even exist?

I don't mean to sound rude, but I totally fail to see why I'm getting my head bitten for voicing my opinion. :confused:
Exactly. Don't worry about kiddies growling at you A6m5. In a thread about whether a controller is good or not, what the competing controllers are doing is bound to figure into whether we think the PS3 controller is good or not (for the era and the current competition). Whether a controller is good or not, is inherently relative to what other manufacturers have done.

The issue of comparing the various controllers is UNAVOIDABLE, in a thread such as this. Don't worry about them mate.
Thanks, James. And I think I did overreact little bit, so I do like to apologize to KENJIusa. I must've been a bit cranky or something.
Thanks, James. And I think I did overreact little bit, so I do like to apologize to KENJIusa. I must've been a bit cranky or something.

Oh I don't think that you really overreacted. Kenji started with a nice ****... and ended it with a WTF... you can't write sth like that and wait for positive feedback...

I don't see anything wrong about comparing the PS3 pad and the Xbox360 pad.... And I have to know it, since...well it is my thread ;)

So personally I don't have a problem with the position of the left analog stick, but I really would like to get the chance to actually hold one of those photoshops in my hands, it might be a lot better....
Where is it since Mr Deap post you guys compare the "DS3" and 360 controller, Mr Deap called his 360 "my precious", he couldn't have enough so he went in here and praised his precious, I thought it was nonsense, so I let him know, also, I didn't expect any positive feedback from 360 fans since I attacked the 360.
Yep, I agree with James and a6m5 here. You are to expect comparisons in a thread like this. Ok, it might be a little unfair to compare a DS2 to a 360 controler, but it's the closest we have to the DS3 design and should be pretty similar to that, so I don't think it's unfair enough not to do.

I see nothing wrong with anything else Mr. Deap said either. Opinions are opinions. The only thing I could see was him comparing the sizes to the PS2, PS3 and 360 in here, which wasn't anything to do with this thread subject.

In fact, if it hasn't been poined out already, the long travel distance on the DS3's R2 and L2 buttons, don't you just think they've copied that from somewhere? 💡
I seem to be in the minority here (I'm used to that :P) but I actually like the analog sticks where they are. Now they're positioned symmetrically and in some games in which you need the directional pad too it's a lot easier to throw the thumb up on the pad (the thumb gets pressed down a bit too if you know what I mean) than to take it down from the current D-pad position and then lift it back onto the stick. Just think the movement of the thumb joint, the current assignment is more natural.

Just my opinion of course.

- R -
In fact, if it hasn't been pointed out already, the long travel distance on the DS3's R2 and L2 buttons, don't you just think they've copied that from somewhere?
Ummm... I'm drawing a blank.

Dreamcast? ;)

Btw, I'm fine with the sticks where they are. When I'm engrossed in a game I don't really think about where the sticks are - both xbox and sony controllers are comfy for me, all modern controllers are ergonomic enough to not whinge about them IMO. Halo is great on the old Xbox Duke controller though (better than the 's' - esp. the black and white buttons), I wish MS would re-release the initial huge controller for those who want it, and brand it "THE DUKE" in huge (really gaudy) green letters on the top of the packet. 👍
IMO its kinda a situation where something was so awful aesthetically that it eventually became cherished BECAUSE of this - people become affectionate about it, so bad its good as it were. I want my "Duke" controller back... :(

Ok you'll be saying "what the hell is James talking about the stupid Duke controller so much?" but bear with me. My point is that I actually think if a product is distinctive (even with a bad initial reaction) it eventually gets a place in people's hearts - it gets remembered forever, it has mojo. So long as it works functionally, its fine.

Same idea Nintendo had with the Wii name - make it distinctive (even if in horribly bad taste) and people will grow to cherish it, just like we fondly make endless jokes about how huge the Xbox 1 is (use it as a coffee table, bigger than a Japanese apartment etc etc)...

I think Sony should've stayed with the Batarang - it was distinctive, looked comfy, and all importantly - had already gained quite a character amongst gamers. We were cherishing paying it out for it's shape... I feel gamers would've grown to love it, just like "THE DUKE". Even though the entire gaming press hated the Batarang when first announced, it seems that there is a latent dissapointment now that we've got the DualShock shape back, people had come to cherish the Batarang already (even if they couldn't understand why or would never admit it)!

I can imagine playing PS3 with my bro and then throwing him the controller when its his turn, and saying "Catch Batman"! With the normal DualShock shape, all potential humour is gone, which I think actually takes away from the gaming experience, everything becomes too clinical. I think it's good if companies don't take things too seriously, I WANT the controller to look funny, it adds spice to the culture of games.
I seem to be in the minority here (I'm used to that :P) but I actually like the analog sticks where they are. Now they're positioned symmetrically and in some games in which you need the directional pad too it's a lot easier to throw the thumb up on the pad (the thumb gets pressed down a bit too if you know what I mean) than to take it down from the current D-pad position and then lift it back onto the stick. Just think the movement of the thumb joint, the current assignment is more natural.

Just my opinion of course.

- R -
I feel the analogue sticks are in perfectley the right positions already aswell.

IMO, any argument about it being unnatural has little foundation because Sony no doubt undertake vigorous ergonomics testing before finalising a design. But it is still down to personal opinion.
Sony copied Sega with the CD drive for a console. Xbox copied PS2 with a DVD drive. Sony copied Nintendo's L/R buttons.

To me nothing is copied if its practical.
and sega released the first analog controller to play nights and manx TT... then sony copy that with their analog for gran turismo. but after that, everybody copied sony with the 2 analogs.

and i can´t remember, but didn´t nintendo copy sony with the rumble feature for the controller? i mean, the dual shock was released in 1997 in japan... i can´t remember exactly whem the N64 got his rumble thing...

companies copy things all the time because they have to. you can make a case that everybody copied atari by launching a videogame...
Ummm... I'm drawing a blank.

Dreamcast? ;)

Btw, I'm fine with the sticks where they are. When I'm engrossed in a game I don't really think about where the sticks are - both xbox and sony controllers are comfy for me, all modern controllers are ergonomic enough to not whinge about them IMO. Halo is great on the old Xbox Duke controller though (better than the 's' - esp. the black and white buttons), I wish MS would re-release the initial huge controller for those who want it, and brand it "THE DUKE" in huge (really gaudy) green letters on the top of the packet. 👍
IMO its kinda a situation where something was so awful aesthetically that it eventually became cherished BECAUSE of this - people become affectionate about it, so bad its good as it were. I want my "Duke" controller back... :(

Ok you'll be saying "what the hell is James talking about the stupid Duke controller so much?" but bear with me. My point is that I actually think if a product is distinctive (even with a bad initial reaction) it eventually gets a place in people's hearts - it gets remembered forever, it has mojo. So long as it works functionally, its fine.

Same idea Nintendo had with the Wii name - make it distinctive (even if in horribly bad taste) and people will grow to cherish it, just like we fondly make endless jokes about how huge the Xbox 1 is (use it as a coffee table, bigger than a Japanese apartment etc etc)...

I think Sony should've stayed with the Batarang - it was distinctive, looked comfy, and all importantly - had already gained quite a character amongst gamers. We were cherishing paying it out for it's shape... I feel gamers would've grown to love it, just like "THE DUKE". Even though the entire gaming press hated the Batarang when first announced, it seems that there is a latent dissapointment now that we've got the DualShock shape back, people had come to cherish the Batarang already (even if they couldn't understand why or would never admit it)!

I can imagine playing PS3 with my bro and then throwing him the controller when its his turn, and saying "Catch Batman"! With the normal DualShock shape, all potential humour is gone, which I think actually takes away from the gaming experience, everything becomes too clinical. I think it's good if companies don't take things too seriously, I WANT the controller to look funny, it adds spice to the culture of games.

Well, too bad alot of people didn't think like you, The first time when Sony introduced their new Batman controlle:sly: r, there was alot of bashing around it, gamespot, IGN, gamespy...and most of people in the forums that I visited said that they don't like the look of it, Sony under that situation had no choice but to pull it back. I myself really like it, (me and the dude sit next to me in Computer graphic class argured about all the time:mad: :banghead: ) But I am perfectly ok with the "DS3", really looking forward to try it:tup:
I have no problem with either the batarang controller or the DS2 version.
The one thing that gets me is why they removed the rumble part to include the motion sensing?
Most games come with an option to turn off the rumble, in game, so why couldn't they have included both?
Even upgrade the rumble feature a bit.
Then it would be up to programmers to include options for us gamers to choose which we want to try, rumble or motion sensing.
I made jokes about the batarang as well but was looking forward to giving it a try.
Just seems a little odd to me.
Jesus christ.

Seriuously, everyone get out from under the rocks and check out the headlines.

Sony CANNOT use their "Dual Shock" technology without paying premium prices for the technology. WHY do you think the 360 controller is SO MUCH MONEY.

It is absolutely NOT because of the wireless features etc, it's because they are payint a ROYALTY to use the rumble technology.
And its not even called Dual Shock 3..........

I could care less for battery life since it most likely wil be wired if I'm right near the system. Sitting 15 feet from a 23in TV would be an eye sore...
Has anyone been able to find out if the battery pack is removalble or if its a stupid ipod job where you going to have to throw it out after 6 months.....

The pictures dont make it clear, although all sony's walkman stuff has removable batteries so I would hope so.....

Oh as I said time and time again..... it has a gimmicy motion thing because sony lost the rights to rumble..... thats the only reason, they had to put something in the fresh air and they let the marketing dept sell it..... I would say most games are useless without some feedback.....
Robin ///////
Oh as I said time and time again..... it has a gimmicy motion thing because sony lost the rights to rumble..... thats the only reason, they had to put something in the fresh air and they let the marketing dept sell it..... I would say most games are useless without some feedback
this is my opinion but i didnt mind the rumble feature, it was decent for some games but wasnt a big deal, i doubt ill miss it. The rumble feature on Xbox sucks tho, i turn it off on every game.
Jesus christ.

Seriuously, everyone get out from under the rocks and check out the headlines.

Sony CANNOT use their "Dual Shock" technology without paying premium prices for the technology. WHY do you think the 360 controller is SO MUCH MONEY.

It is absolutely NOT because of the wireless features etc, it's because they are payint a ROYALTY to use the rumble technology.

Then not Dual Shock. Every mobile phone has some sort of rumble, I don't care how they do it, I want at least some rumble...
Then not Dual Shock. Every mobile phone has some sort of rumble, I don't care how they do it, I want at least some rumble...

Thats the thing, sony could easy find some sort of way of doing it...... Logitech and 3rd party manufacturers like mad catz dont use the rights to the dual shock technology yet they manage to give rumble..... I really cannot see sony's reasoning behind this...... oh well...
I'm gonna ask again, what was this law suit that you guys were talking about earlier in the thread?
I think it was something about Sony being sued for using the dual shock technology without permission, because they didn't create it or something.
For all who are saying Sony ripped off Nintendo or vice versa.....

Don't forget that, quite a few years ago now, Microsoft released a PC gamepad with gyroscopic tilt/motion sensing. So neither company has a really original idea.