How can you even begin to think for a minute that the motion abilities of this controller will do ANY game justice? The sensing will have its limitations met well before you can enjoy using them. I'd be willing to bet all my nickles that the analog controllers will be far more accurate than the user tilting and turning their controller. Do you not see the limitations here?
Okay, you want examples, fine, since you want to be feeble.
Let's say your playing god of war 3 (just for examples sake).
You're walking across a beam, and balancing, do you think users will have an easier time tilting their controller, or using the analog sticks (which, for fine movement, have proven to be rather cumbersome for a lot of users).
Or how about Resistance? Now, when grabbed, you no longer have to use the analog sticks to shake your way free, you merely shake your controller. Why does this do the game justics? Well it's easier, but why does it do your controller justice? Because rappidly wiggling your analog sticks is hard on the sensors, and the sticks themselves, increasing wear and tear and shortening your controller life span (or rather, that of your analog sticks).
Let's say your playing GT5. If in a bonnet cam, bumpercam, or even in cab camera (should there be one) now you can tilt your controller in the direction of the turn to look slightly into the apex. Or another idea, now you can tilt your controller to look left and right to see who is on your sides. This free's up buttons for other features, like shifting, using rear view mirror, etc (as it's been for years). You could not implement these functions with the current layout of the Dualshock because you would have to re-map functions, and use buttons combinations.
Let's say the next fight night comes out, and retains it's 1st person view options. Now you have the ability to sway by using the controller, left right, back, and duck. However, without tilt, you'd be forced to hold another button, and then move the analog stick in the direction you wish to sway. Obviously tilt would simplify controll and enhance functionality.
Still lost? Still think it's a gimmick? I can go on and on, want me to continue to prove you wrong? Are you having fun yet?
Let's go on to madden, that'll be fun, since the options are plentiful. Now you can juke by tilting. Let's say you get a tackle, now you can pull back on your controller to attempt to lift the reciever or running back up, similar to the hitstick, however this is just an additional feature. Let's say you're a QB, and there's a sack, but it's partial, they've got you by the leg, but not your other leg. Previously in madden, this meant nothing, as it was just a sack because you are now "immobile". But now? You can use the tilt features to shake free and break out to the left or right to finisht he play. Previously, this wasn't possible, because all the other buttons are mapped to your recievers. Still useless?
Point is, it's only as useless, apparently, as your imagination. It takes thought, if you can put it in, you won't get it back. It's standard, and it will improve games. I can promise you multi-platform games will get the controller benifits on the PS3 a minimum of 6 times out of 10.