PS3 General Discussion

...Ahhh, the beauty of capitalism!
Jeepers, that's an oft abused term by way too many people. Frankly, I like being able to own my toothbrush without the government having too many strings attached. And a PS3. Besides, what does capitalism have to do with a shortage of blue-violet laser diodes? Wouldn't they be even more scarce under socialism, if they existed in any numbers at all??

Anyway, I'll have to put off getting a PS3 since I'm having to help a bro out, so any extra money is going to the extended family for Christmas. But in January, I intend to chase down a black box and a few games.
Well certainly it would be Sony exercising their strong arms in capitalism by beating the drums for the PS3 when they know damn-well they aren't going to have enough to make anyone happy. Increase demand, keep supply low, you theoretically would make more money. Theoretically of course, since Sony has to control the prices at the various stores. But, there is money to be made on the internet... And people will do it. I wouldn't be surprised to see quite a few PS3s go on eBay for over $1000...
Well certainly it would be Sony exercising their strong arms in capitalism by beating the drums for the PS3 when they know damn-well they aren't going to have enough to make anyone happy. Increase demand, keep supply low, you theoretically would make more money. Theoretically of course, since Sony has to control the prices at the various stores. But, there is money to be made on the internet... And people will do it. I wouldn't be surprised to see quite a few PS3s go on eBay for over $1000...

Because obviously MS didn't do the exact same thing, going even further and having their own MTV special during MTV's prime viewing time. I mean, there's no way that MS was beating on their chest trying to get everyone and their mother to buy a 360, "when they know damn-well they aren't going to have enough to make everyone happy" (your words, not mine).

Funny how that blind bias plays out huh? By far the silliest post you've ever made.
Because obviously MS didn't do the exact same thing, going even further and having their own MTV special during MTV's prime viewing time. I mean, there's no way that MS was beating on their chest trying to get everyone and their mother to buy a 360, "when they know damn-well they aren't going to have enough to make everyone happy" (your words, not mine).

Funny how that blind bias plays out huh? By far the silliest post you've ever made.

When did YSSMAN say that MS was much better? You, sir, have the blind bias.
Because obviously MS didn't do the exact same thing, going even further and having their own MTV special during MTV's prime viewing time. I mean, there's no way that MS was beating on their chest trying to get everyone and their mother to buy a 360, "when they know damn-well they aren't going to have enough to make everyone happy" (your words, not mine).

Funny how that blind bias plays out huh? By far the silliest post you've ever made.
I'm quite positive that when Microsoft launched the 360 and the regular XBox with their incredible pop culture parties, ads and shows that they had far more than 400,000 and 500,000 (respectively) systems to launch; and that when "MS was beating on their chest trying to get everyone and their mother to buy a 360" they at least had enough systems for anything resembling a decent hardware launch.
Duck - The fact that he comes to this thread, to "laugh" about Sony's launch, citing their small number of consoles (as if it's new to console launches) shows his bias. He never mentions MS having done the exact same thing, he simply say's it humors him that Sony is "pumping up" their system with no consoles to launch.

Tornado - If you're including all territories, you're right, however, in the US, MS only shipped around 380K 360's. However, they also shipped a little under 600K to EU and Japan. But given that we're speaking about america, no. Their American launch was no better than sony's will be.

Anyway, talking about this is pointless, as we clearly know that YSSMAN think Sony is a terrible company, this is reflected frequently in his posts.
He he..wonder how many 360 MS to shipped to Japan, they really thought that Japanese people will rush out and buy their rushed console:lol:
I believe they have sold around 150,000 or so in Japan; this being despite Peter Moore's assertion that the XBox 360's lead was to be imminent even in Japan.
That's why I call him Mr "I'll say anything" Peter Moore
Pes/Winning elven exclusive to the 360 - check
RE exclusive to the 360 - check
Exclusive GTA4 contents for the 360 - check

this guy is just like the company he works for, ridiculous.

**PS network use single ID for all PS3 games:***

Final Fantasy XIII Update
Nomura and Toriyama speak about the two upcoming PS3 blockbusters.

November 8, 2006 - Motomu Toriyama and Tetsuya Nomura are currently working away in Square Enix's Shinjuku office on two of the biggest PS3 titles for the next couple of years: Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy Versus XIII. While there hasn't been much in the way of new information since both games debuted at this year's E3, Dengeki PS3, a one-time publication released to coincide with the Japanese PS3 launch, managed to score some commentary from the two.

Toriyama, director of FFXIII, commented a bit on the differences between the PS2 and PS3 versions of the game. FFXIII was originally in development for the PS2, but underwent a platform change following May 2005.

There is apparently very little shared between the two versions. The graphical elements that were prepared for the PS2 couldn't be used, explained Toriyama. "The areas that we kept are the Fabula Nova Crystallis world, the pieces of the mythology related to FFXIII, and the character details. On the other hand, the battle and gameplay systems were restarted from scratch when production moved to the PS3."

The development staff also underwent some changes. "During development for the PS2, the staff was centered on the Final Fantasy X-2 team. However, in an effort to work with the new PS3 hardware, many new staff members are now taking part."

Nomura, director and character designer for Versus, discussed the difficulties of working with the new hardware. "The hurdles are greater than they were in the move from the PS1 to the PS2," said Nomura. To deal with the transition, Square Enix has all its programmers gather together to work under FFXIII producer Yoshinori Kitase on the White Engine that will power Square Enix's next generation titles. "We're probably at the point where we could make a PS3 title. However, we're currently researching how to fully tap the specs."

It seems as though we'll have to wait a bit to see anything real time from Versus. "Things like real time footage and specifics on areas like the battle system will come once the White Engine is complete," explained Nomura. "We're currently working hard on the development of [the White Engine], and once it's done, we'll have to research what can be done with it. Of course, we do have an idea of what we'd like to do."

The White Engine, it should be noted, isn't just something being made for Final Fantasy XIII. Square Enix will go through many versions of the White Engine over time, according to Nomura, with different games being developed using different versions of the tools. "It's sort of like FFXIII is there as a target. FF Versus XIII will also use the White Engine, and it will be tuned for FF Versus XIII."

The magazine asked the two creators about their opinions on the Tokyo Game Show. "There were more games running on real hardware that I'd expected," said Toriyama. "We're working hard to get FFXIII playable early as well."

Nomura commented on the titles that caught his eye at the show. "Of course, Metal Gear Solid 4. But personally, I'm excited about Devil May Cry 4. I was surprised that they've already shown something in a working state. Also, maybe Gyakuten Saiban 4?"

And the big question, will these Square Enix power players be buying the PS3? "I'm waiting to purchase a plasma television with a PS3," said Toriyama. "Once you've seen video through HDMI, there's no going back."

We'll let you know if we spot Toriyama or Nomura in line on launch day.
That's why I call him Mr "I'll say anything" Peter Moore
Pes/Winning elven exclusive to the 360 - check
RE exclusive to the 360 - check
Exclusive GTA4 contents for the 360 - check

this guy is just like the company he works for, ridiculous.

**PS network use single ID for all PS3 games:***

I don't think anyone but the X360 fanboys are denying that Peter Moore is an idiot. He looks like one too, and when I saw the Halo 2 emblem and the GTA4 emblem tattooed to his arm, I just rolled my eyes. I think he, along with almost all PR, are like cigarette ads. You can't lie, but you don't really have to tell the truth either.

BTW, the single ID thing is definitely very good, though I still want my unified buddy list back. :(

And in other news, Genji 2 got a 6.0 at IGN. I'm not really surprised though.
Genji had it coming. I dont think I've read a positive opinion on it from editors. But an editors opinion doesnt truely reflect how the game actually is. IGN has many questionable reviews.

I read thier reveiw and there's nothing wrong with Genji 2, they just dont think its new enough as far as gameplay. IGN can give Dungeon Seige 2 a good rating yet it only really added special moves to the gameplay. I own both DS and DSII.
Anyway, talking about this is pointless, as we clearly know that YSSMAN think Sony is a terrible company, this is reflected frequently in his posts.

Now where have I outright said that Sony is "a terrible company," can you give an example? I don't believe I have at any point, but certainly I have made fun of their arrogance (same goes with their fans) when it comes to this new console war, and if anything, I'm simply pointing out things that most "normal" people would.

I think I've made it clear that I don't care much for the PS3 and where Sony is taking the brand, but that doesn't mean I hate Sony. I like their TVs, and I like their digital cameras. But thats for a different thread...

If anything sir, it is you who has a bias one way or another. We have all seen you stop through the 360 and Nintendo forums with a bad attitude, and it becomes obvious that when the mud gets thrown back, you can't handle it. Ohhh thats right, I forgot that the PS3 is the messiah, and it will take us all to gamer heaven. If we reject it, we will all be sent to the 7th circle of hell to sit with Hitler and Ghandi and burn for all eternity...

There isn't anything wrong with being skeptical and questioning what exactly Sony is doing, is there? Or are the Sony Police going to come after me? So, I have a 360, big deal. I plan on getting a Wii as well. But with the PS3, I'm not interested so far. The only franchises Sony has that still interest me is Gran Turismo and Guitar Hero, and even then, Guitar Hero is going multi-platform very soon. So does one game validate the purchase of a $600 console when slowly but surely Microsoft is cranking up the system I already have to match it?

I'll probably end up with a PS3 by the end, I don't know. It has been a complete turn-around from the last two generations, when I bought the PSOne and PS2 first before anything else. But thus far, I'm not convinced. Is there a problem with that?


On Peter Moore: There are times when I like him and there are times when I don't. To be frank, I think all of the gaming gurus from Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony are quite stupid, obviously with Pete "look at my tattoos" Moore and Kaz "Ridge Racer!!!" Hirai taking the cake there.

I think Peter is a good man, and he says a lot of things that should be said, but there have been other times where you just have to hit yourself on the head and shout "Why did you say that!?" Kaz Hirai isn't any better, as he has had his fair share of stupid quoteables...


Anyway, I'm eager to get my hands on a Resistance demo. The game looks like fun, and understandably plays quite well. I'm sure a friend will have it (maybe not...), but I'm looking forward to trying it out at Game Stop or EBgames in the near future.
Yssman, your remarks about the PS3 are frankly tin foil hat quality stuff.

Sony manipulating profits by selling very few PS3s during the early part of December, when a lot of the big ticket buying happens? I can see why you aren't a market analist. ;)
I found what IMO is the best size comparison out there, with the 360, PS3, HD-DVD add-on, and Wii.


The Wii is ****ing small.
Great comparison shot. I'm surprised to see the PS3 looking to be larger than the Xbox core system, of course you need an entire shelf just for the Xbox accessories. My sediments exactly on the Wii.
I choked when I saw the 360's power brick. It's almost two bricks!

Has anyone remembered that the PS3 is coming out to civilian hands tomorrow night sometime, overseas? We should be getting some reaction and preliminary net melt then.
I saw the PS3 at Best Buy the other day. There was another guy playing it (Motorstorm). For some reason, the PS3 is actually running in HD on the kiosk, something they never quite got right on the 360.

It looked good, sure.. but nothing groundbreaking. Nothing the 360 can't do. Although I'll be honest in that after playing Gears of War for a couple days now, it's hard to be impressed with most of what's out there.. hehe.

I picked up the second controller that wasn't being used, so I did get a feel for that. It's built solidly enough, but it is very lightweight compared to almost every other controller I've ever held. So it does end up with kind of a "flimsy" feeling just because of that. The sticks seem looser than the ones on the PS2. The triggers were pretty nice, though, good movement.

One rumor I read ended up being true... the "display" PS3 wasn't actually doing anything. No power lights, no cables, nothing. Just looking pretty. And yes, it was quite pretty.. hehe.
I saw the PS3 at Best Buy the other day. There was another guy playing it (Motorstorm). For some reason, the PS3 is actually running in HD on the kiosk, something they never quite got right on the 360.

It looked good, sure.. but nothing groundbreaking. Nothing the 360 can't do. Although I'll be honest in that after playing Gears of War for a couple days now, it's hard to be impressed with most of what's out there.. hehe.

I picked up the second controller that wasn't being used, so I did get a feel for that. It's built solidly enough, but it is very lightweight compared to almost every other controller I've ever held. So it does end up with kind of a "flimsy" feeling just because of that. The sticks seem looser than the ones on the PS2. The triggers were pretty nice, though, good movement.

One rumor I read ended up being true... the "display" PS3 wasn't actually doing anything. No power lights, no cables, nothing. Just looking pretty. And yes, it was quite pretty.. hehe.

How was Motorstorm?
How was Motorstorm?

I didn't get a chance to play it, but it looked pretty good. Not very fast-paced, surprisingly, so it's more sim-based in that it takes your car a bit to get up to full speed (and then it gets kinda crazy).

Looked pretty solid, though. Gameplay looked pretty good from what I saw the guy doing, graphics were good. Some aliasing (can't tell if it was the game or the TV), ran at a solid framerate with no slowdown or tearing that I saw. Pretty detailed overall, no obvious segmentation or anything. I'll have a better chance once I actually play it (which I'll try to do next time I'm at BB).
PS3 is definitely going to be an awesome system.. I mean you can't really judge the system by its launch games.. I mean, look how long it took for gears of war to come out.. And that game truly shows the capabilities of the 360.. Compare that to the launch titles of the 360 and you'll see what i mean. The ps3's launch games are pretty amazing, but i doubt they harness the full potential of the system..

You just have to wait until someone finally releases a game that can show you what the ps3 can really do.. Then you'll be in awe.

But for now, i'm satisfied.

I recently got hired at Gamestop down the street from my house, and the release date for the ps3 is nov. 17th, but we still have yet to get a ps3 kiosk. We recently got the Wii kiosk, about 3 days ago. I must say nintendo did a really good job with the Wii.. The controller is quite cool. I love how they made every game based on the actual motions of the controller. We have this demo of an offroading game and you actually flip the controller sideways and use it just as if it were a steering wheel. Not to meniton certain sounds come out of the controller..

Anyway, thats enough of my wii rambling. Im looking forward to the ps3, but i can't get one even if i wanted to. 1. Too expensive, 2. Our whole first shipment is already reserved.

I hope the PS3 doesnt have a huge ugly powerbrick like the 360, although judging by the PS3's size its got plenty of room inside it!

I seem to recall Sony saying a few times that the power transformer is internal, no seperate 'brick'.
Ah, too bad. I have a Pro Duo in my cell phone. :P

Hmm, but it did came with a Pro adaptor... 💡 Okay, I have the memory card already, now I just need the console! :D