PS3 General Discussion

The Ps3 looks far more handsome than the goofy-looking 360 in those comparison pictures, in my opinion. It may be slightly bigger, but it's got much more style and appeal.
Considering how the HDD looks easily replaceable chances are I'll get the 20GB PS3 and replace the HDD. The SD slots etc are'nt useful to me and I don't have wireless either. Chances are quite a few will go this route too if they save money.
The Ps3 looks far more handsome than the goofy-looking 360 in those comparison pictures, in my opinion. It may be slightly bigger, but it's got much more style and appeal.

...Until you want to reposition it, or hell, even eject a game, and then there's fingerprints ruining it.
...Until you want to reposition it, or hell, even eject a game, and then there's fingerprints ruining it.

How do you get finger prints on the system by touching the eject button? And who exactly goes around repositioning their consoles frequently?

If only you'd stop posting nonsense...the forums would be so much easier to read.
How do you get finger prints on the system by touching the eject button? And who exactly goes around repositioning their consoles frequently?

If only you'd stop posting nonsense...the forums would be so much easier to read.

Umm, ever saw the GameSpot On the Spot video where some people played the PS3 and it's games (it's the 11/3 show)? There were fingerprints all over the power and eject "buttons". Remember, the "buttons" aren't actually buttons that click like with most other consoles, they're touch sensitive.

And I move my consoles frequently. Yes, you read that correct. While I don't, say, take them up and down the stairs once a week, I do move them around some to make space for other things. That might not be the case for other people, but that's my case.

And as for that nonsense remark, all I can do is :rolleyes:.
Apologies if this has been posted before but I found the online PS3 users guide -
At least I'll know the details of the PS3 like the back of my hand once it gets here in the UK.
...Until you want to reposition it, or hell, even eject a game, and then there's fingerprints ruining it.

Problem solved, you obsessive-compulsive freak. Fingerprints get the biggest :rolleyes: of all. :lol:

Problem solved, you obsessive-compulsive freak. Fingerprints get the biggest :rolleyes: of all. :lol:

I bet Duck would s*** his pants if he saw my PS2. Inch thick dust covering the entire thing.

If I dust it, I get DREs. I haven't dusted this thing in over a year-and-a-half, and no DREs.

Problem solved, you obsessive-compulsive freak. Fingerprints get the biggest :rolleyes: of all. :lol:
Meh. :lol:

Though I do agree with you about the PS3 looking tons better than the 360.
I bet Duck would s*** his pants if he saw my PS2. Inch thick dust covering the entire thing.

If I dust it, I get DREs. I haven't dusted this thing in over a year-and-a-half, and no DREs.

Pics, please.
What about the mystery Chip? I see that if they took away the HDD and power supply the system could be smaller that the 360.

The Emotion Engine has no connetion to the XDR or GDDR ram or Cell. Thats a good thing because when Sony developes a software/Hardware Emulator they wont need to redsign the main system bus. Thts why there are no enhancments.

Edit: Web browsing on PS3 seems very crippled at the monent. giving the same psp "out of memory" warnings an choking on Flash enabled sites. hopefully Sony will suck up to Microsoft, Apple and Divx and add support for streaming video in those formats.. Othere wise Linux and firefox will be the browser of choice when using the PS3.
I don't think I've ever seen a fan made for a piece of electronics as big as that one! Good find.
But haven't they invalidated the warranty?

There's a website up for the PS3 called Open Platform for PS3 -
holy crap, they cleaned up that controller mobo quite a bit.

Now we know the reason behind ps3's size. It's 90% heat sink. :lol: That thing is just totally AWESOME. They splooged paste all over the processors and threw 10 pounds of solid aluminum and copper on top. That fan and its housing are just gorgeous. What is it, like 180mm? Brilliant design!
Anyone else see the new PS3 add they played during SNL last night?

It was the one focusing on the Sixaxis Controller:

Sony definetely likes the creepy marketing angle... lol
Clearing up some HDD swapping issues:

from the website above^
Of course the PS world went hopping mad (mad in a good way) over the option to swap your hard drive - first the manual, then the real deal. Now, word from the official PS forums says that the swap won't void your warranty, but the guys over at NeoGAF have gotten hung up over trying to translate the Japanese manual's warranty warnings. Or, in this case, the Japanese PlayStation support webpage.

For a moment ddk_ps3 thought a line on the support page read, very crudely translated, "Q:Can we swap out the HDD? A: Yeah, u can use any SATA 2.5 inch one but you void the warranty when you swap it." Engrish bites hard in the tailpipe.

But that's not the case. Crude translations are, after all, "Lost in Translation." After a very extensive discussion in the forums, comparing Babelfish Google translations, and a call to PlayStation support, this is what they've got now (and we quote):

If u swap it and it stops working during the warranty period we (Sony) can't support that. If u use the original HDD and it still doesn't work and the drive you tried to swap in didn't break the PS3 we will honor the warranty.

In other words, and to paraphrase ddk_ps3's post, Sony can't be expected to honor the warranty of a PS3 bricked or plagued (and we quote again) "by a crap HDD from a different company." Seems much like Microsoft support asking if you've used a Nyko Intercooler in your 360. In any case, one comment in the forum noted that "the chance of a new HDD actually physically damaging your hardware, PC, PS3, or whatever, is slim." And finally, this may apply to Sony Japan. No specific word yet on SCEA-specific warranty policies.

If anything, the warning is there for legal convenience (and the suggestion in NeoGAF is to swap the old HDD back into the PS3 if you wanna get it repaired under warranty). And as Gino D. pointed out correctly, if the manual teaches you how to swap the HDD out, then, Sony can't hold that against PS3 users. Still, however slim the chances seem to be, no one would really want to risk it unless they were sure there was a safety net or fallback. Simply put: we can't confirm anything 100% until a warranty case actually happens.

The best thing Sony can do is to at least stay on top of the situation, noting which SATA HDDs conflicts with the PS3 (if it even does so in the first place) without holding it against the PS3 owner. Or come up with a list of known reliable SATA HDDs. It's early days yet for the PS3, and there is time to learn a lot of this new machine. And besides, remember that psmania swapped her 20GB out for a 120GB, and so far it still seemed okay (The PS3 detected it and all...).

My question is, will $ony be selling bigger HDD for us to buy if we need them (within the 1 year period) and if so, will it be the same deal as it was with the 360; "brand name HDD's only,ie. Sony HDD only in the PS3

So, you thoughts/anwsers?
My question is, will $ony be selling bigger HDD for us to buy if we need them (within the 1 year period) and if so, will it be the same deal as it was with the 360; "brand name HDD's only,ie. Sony HDD only in the PS3

So, you thoughts/anwsers?
Seeing as the HDD in the PS3 is made by Seagate (I think) I don't see a problem. It's not like the 360's HDD which is designed solely for the 360. As long as the HDD works with the PS3 any will do. I've even seen a pic where someones hooked up a 320GB HDD to the PS3 - not a 2.5" SATA but a 3.5" HDD.

I assume it works...:crazy:
Seeing as the HDD in the PS3 is made by Seagate (I think) I don't see a problem. It's not like the 360's HDD which is designed solely for the 360. As long as the HDD works with the PS3 any will do. I've even seen a pic where someones hooked up a 320GB HDD to the PS3 - not a 2.5" SATA but a 3.5" HDD.

I assume it works...:crazy:

So I suppose you can use any external HDD? If that's true, well... :crazy:.