PS3 General Discussion

Another great Sony ad, but that must have cost quite a bit to make. However think of the amount of eggs they must have had to use, just to get it right.

Anyway I hope some of the GTP people will enjoy there PS3's next weekend, but just think about us UK people who will be waiting a long time for are own PS3’s.
Another great Sony ad, but that must have cost quite a bit to make. However think of the amount of eggs they must have had to use, just to get it right.

Anyway I hope some of the GTP people will enjoy there PS3's next weekend, but just think about us UK people who will be waiting a long time for are own PS3’s.

It's probably just a few eggs filmed then digitally copied. What I do like about the ads is that they have a visual motif that's immediately recognisable as being for the PS3. They create a strong connection with the Playstation brand. It's an effective marketing tool.
PS3 manual details HDD, battery replacement...without voiding your warranty:

PS3 manual details HDD, battery replacement
We're really not sure if Sony was being serious when they said they'd be willing to replace the lithium-ion batteries in the PlayStation 3's Sixaxis controller if and when they stop holding their charge, but their "Safety and Support" manual (included in the retail box) seems to indicate otherwise. On pages 18 and 19, they detail how to remove the battery before disposing of the controller. Sure, they're not telling you it's cool to replace it yourself but follow those steps in reverse with a new battery, and you've got yourself a revitalized Sixaxis.

What they are telling you how to remove and replace is the console's hard disk. Follow a handful of instructions and you can replace that anemic 60GB drive with a whopping 200GB monster ... all without voiding that warranty!






What's the matter with IGN, they said before there was no line of people wait for the PS3, now they said the launch is chaos. This site is slowly turn in to MS fanboys' site, they may just call themselves
Just seen the PS3 advertised in a catalogue.

For £699.99 British pounds, you get


60gb hard drive,

3 games,

Extra wireless controller.

No, thank you.
Catalogues like Littlewoods etc are always, always overpriced. But it depends if you can only pay via HP. £70 a month for 10 months may be more possible for some than say £500 up front.
Of course the 20GB will sell for around £320-£350 on its UK launch, which many seem to forget.
What's the matter with IGN, they said before there was no line of people wait for the PS3, now they said the launch is chaos. This site is slowly turn in to MS fanboys' site, they may just call themselves

Umm, wow, all I can do is this:


IGN was at Tsutaya, not at Bic Camera. And Bic Camera is where the crap started flying.

Nope, one of the big gaming websites tested a swapped out PS3 with stock and some highspeed HDD.

No difference was found :indiff:
IIRC, they did find more HDD space. ;)
One thing I read was that the PS3 uses a 100v~240v PSU meaning there's no need for a step down converter in the UK...great news IF you could import one, which you can't...unless you have 'contacts' of course.
What's the matter with IGN, they said before there was no line of people wait for the PS3, now they said the launch is chaos. This site is slowly turn in to MS fanboys' site, they may just call themselves
There were no lines bfore the shops opened in America or at least that's what I was told, because the shops wouldn't open if there was or something like that, to try and avoid chaos. But once the shops did open there was a mad rush anyway.
There were no lines bfore the shops opened in America or at least that's what I was told, because the shops wouldn't open if there was or something like that, to try and avoid chaos. But once the shops did open there was a mad rush anyway.

You mean Japan? ;)
What IGN didn't report was that lines WEREN'T allowed. They simply said there weren't any lines. Not true. There were lines, but people were getting turned away by both store employees AND authorities (who said that crowds are a nusance and won't be allowed).
Duck looks like the Frito Bandito. lol


I have a feeling the US lines will be more busy, but less chaotic. I think pre-sale PS3s reduced the chaos factor that could have happened.
i just hope that it'll play PS2 games and be able to use ps2 memory cards and such as well

Nope, it wont. You'll need to get the PS2 memory card reader for $15.00 to store saved games on HDD. Most PS2 games will work on the PS3, but not all.
Nope, it wont. You'll need to get the PS2 memory card reader for $15.00 to store saved games on HDD. Most PS2 games will work on the PS3, but not all.

Correction. You'll need the adapter to TRANSFER PS2 saves. You can create the card from the start, but if you want your old saves, you gotta get the adapter.
Can't you transfer PS2 game saves to the PS3 using a USB drive?

More than likely, no. The way the OS is set up as of now, transfers happen via the USB Adapter. However, I'm not sure if anyone has tried to transfre files via a USB thumb drive or anything, so I guess it's worth a try.

But, out of the box, if you don't mind starting over, there's no problem playing or saving games.

A few titels haven't been working though. FFXI has issues with the HDD, and Tekken 5 has music issues for certain stages.
Could someone please let me know when we could expect the first lot of hands-on reviews being posted???

From what I understand (wayyyy over here in New Zealand) is that there are already some PS3's out there floating around with consumers, and that 17 Nov is an official release date for certain countries with NZ's release sometime in March 07!!!

Should we be seeing some in depth reviews anytime now, or is it unlikely until atleast 17 Nov???
Too bad WD's cook eggs after like 5 minutes. Those things are hotter than HELL!

I know. Thats why it is a good thing the PS3 has so much cooling space in it.
Nope, one of the big gaming websites tested a swapped out PS3 with stock and some highspeed HDD.
No difference was found :indiff:
Oh, I'm sure there won't be a difference, especially not with launch games. Doesn't mean people with more money than brains won't think there is.
Backwards compatibility is not guaranteed to work with every game. Here are my two favorites that don't seem to work according to reports coming in from Japanese gamers.

Hot Shots 3/4
Gran Turismo 4

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