PS3 General Discussion

Funny, after all my playtime, my fingers never slipped, nor did I get any "finger cramps" or pain.

Maybe if you don't put the titan grip on the controller, you'll be fine...I mean, it's not like it's going to "fly" away, you don't have to monster it.

As for your impressions of motorstorm, the build currently released in stores is the build from the Tokyo Game Show. The video's you've seen are from a build that came after the Tokyo Game Show build.

And if you're going to "rate" your experience based on something like price...well then that's you. I doubt the price had any factor while you were playing. Basically you're saying you can't afford it, so your peeved that you won't be able to buy it, and you'd knock it down. You should work for 1up.
Hopefully when Motorstorm is released next year any frame rate issues will be dealt with. I would assume that demo is a few months old, and like all demos they tend to have a disclaimer saying something like 'work in progress' or 'this demo does not reflect the finished product' etc.
However the controller's comfort (or lack of) is easy to gauge. It's lightness is not an issue for me. But comfort is, though not enough to deter my wish to own a PS3 (when I got the Xbox I really didn't like the controller at all but I still played it). Maybe a third party controller may come along for those who desire more comfort.
Anyway, I think most people have already decided if and when they want a PS3. Personally if I can get one at launch then great. If not then that's okay. I'm certainly too old to get overly excited about hardware and games anymore, though once I get something I can get excited then.
Some 'analyst' at has said there may be upto 200,000 PS3's for launch in the US. Perhaps this was expected by some?
I don't know if it's true or not. I always wonder where they get the figures from. Not Sony obviously.
Well, PS3 launch approaches for us USA people. I'm working launch day (friday) at gamestop this week... Should be fun telling all of the people who didn't pre-order the ps3 that we don't have any extras to sell. You had to have had it reserved, haha...

Oh well.
I want to see the bratty little child who forced her mother to take him in and he just yells telling her, even though there are none; " BUT MOMMY I WANT IT NOW!!!! :mad:"
Funny, after all my playtime, my fingers never slipped, nor did I get any "finger cramps" or pain.
Well, that's me. And I said that my fingers slipped when put on the bottom of the trigger. Put them on the top and they don't slip. However, it's still uncomfortable nonetheless.

Maybe if you don't put the titan grip on the controller, you'll be fine...I mean, it's not like it's going to "fly" away, you don't have to monster it.
I might put a titan grip on my controllers, but then again I might not. However, I didn't grip it all that much.

As for your impressions of motorstorm, the build currently released in stores is the build from the Tokyo Game Show. The video's you've seen are from a build that came after the Tokyo Game Show build.
Thank God. 👍

And if you're going to "rate" your experience based on something like price...well then that's you. I doubt the price had any factor while you were playing. Basically you're saying you can't afford it, so your peeved that you won't be able to buy it, and you'd knock it down. You should work for 1up.

When I use my rating, I factor in "bang for your buck". I thought the PS3 is a great machine and all, though when I see the price I just turn into :indiff:. I can afford multiple PS3s, however, I can't justify the $600 pricetag. If the 20GB version would be a lot more common so that we could use it in comparison, and if it were $200 cheaper, I can justify the pricetag.

I'd be doing the same thing with the Wii. The next time I go to GameStop and try it out, I'll be able to justify forking out the moola for it. However, if I think it's not worth the $400-450 (console + Zelda + ExiteTruck + GameCube stuff off eBay + tax), then I'll rate it lower.

It might not be how you rate things, but IMO, I'd like the best bang for my buck.
If you can't justify the PS3's price how can you possibly begin to justify the XB360's? By comparison the PS3 is a bit of a bargain don't you think, with the free onlione and what not. I can understand some people not wanting or having a use at this time for a high definition disk drive, but when you take the extra costs of Live into account simply being subscribed to live for a few years takes the premium 360 right upto the PS3 price wise when the PS3's online serive is free. Personally bang for buck rarely factors in my purchases, ofcourse I always want things cheaper and strive to get as good a price as I can find but I want what I want, I will not waver in what I want because something that's not quite what I want turns out to be a bit better bangs for bucks and will save me a few quid. Ofcourse your perfectly entitled to your opinion and to rate things how you want to rate things but I really don't see the fuss regarding the PS3's price, the lower priced PS3 is compable if not already above a premium XB360 with the HD-DVD add on, the premium PS3 is above that.
What's funny is thus far in the video game industry, the only company to offer even BC support has been Nintendo with it's Gameboy consoles, and even those were never 100% (often times closer to 95-98%), other than that, Sony has been the industry top dog.
Nope, Sega never did it 4 times and Atari never did it twice. Never. Or Coleco. Or Mattel. Or SNK. Nope, just Sony and Nintendo. And by the way, the PS2's backwards compatability was never 100% either (though it was probably a somewhat closer than the Gameboy's before the slimline model came out).
If you can't justify the PS3's price how can you possibly begin to justify the XB360's? By comparison the PS3 is a bit of a bargain don't you think, with the free onlione and what not. I can understand some people not wanting or having a use at this time for a high definition disk drive, but when you take the extra costs of Live into account simply being subscribed to live for a few years takes the premium 360 right upto the PS3 price wise when the PS3's online serive is free. Personally bang for buck rarely factors in my purchases, ofcourse I always want things cheaper and strive to get as good a price as I can find but I want what I want, I will not waver in what I want because something that's not quite what I want turns out to be a bit better bangs for bucks and will save me a few quid. Ofcourse your perfectly entitled to your opinion and to rate things how you want to rate things but I really don't see the fuss regarding the PS3's price, the lower priced PS3 is compable if not already above a premium XB360 with the HD-DVD add on, the premium PS3 is above that.

I don't really give a crap about Blu-ray/HD-DVD, or even movies in general. People like you and Jeremy Ricci and Solid Lifters and anyone else who likes HD movies will like the Blu-ray and all, and it'll definitely let you justify the price of the console more. To you it's a multimedia machine. To me it's a game console.

And with the free online, I seriously doubt it's as good as Sony is hyping it to be. Now, if it's about as good as Xbox Live, then I'll agree that XBL is a ripoff. However, I seriously doubt that'll happen.

And part of the justification is the games. On the PS3, I'll essentially be buying it for GT5 and Lair (since I loved Factor5's Rogue Squadron games, and I'm sure Lair would be as good). Motorstorm looks good, though it's not a system seller, and I don't really care for Warhawk that much anymore. Now, if I didn't own a 360, I'd be able to justify the PS3's price more, since you can factor in multiplatform games that I would've gotten on the 360. But even still, I'd be able to justify the 360 more, believe it or not, since it has more exclusive games that I'll like.

Just my 2¢.
Ill add my 2c (NZD) for what its worth.

I have no idea what the price will be here in NZ but say its worth $800. Ill be getting rid of my PS2 and if I get say $100 for that (again... NZD) then I could effectively take that $100 off the $800 price tag as the PS3 will (should) play all what the PS2 could. Also Ive been looking around for a cheap/standard DVD player anyway, so I could take another $200+ off for that, bringing the price down to $500 (NZD) which seems pretty damn cheap for the games/internet/music side of the console.

I think just the fact that its a PS3 will be reason enough for me to buy it. Ive never really been a huge fan of Xbox, Im not sure why but Im loyal to my PS console. I think there'll be some out there who need good justification for buying the console, and then theres the others who like to have new and the latest tech' stuff out there and will get it eitherway.

You guys having the PS3 release on 17th better not leave us other GTPlanet members in the dark when you get your grubby hands on the console. Be sure to touch base with us and let us know your impressions!!!
When I use my rating, I factor in "bang for your buck". I thought the PS3 is a great machine and all, though when I see the price I just turn into :indiff:. I can afford multiple PS3s, however, I can't justify the $600 pricetag. If the 20GB version would be a lot more common so that we could use it in comparison, and if it were $200 cheaper, I can justify the pricetag.
LMAO... admit it, you'd only be truly happy if everything in life was free. ;)

While you are certainly entitled to your opinion, its quite clear that many consumers can justify the price, and many are even willing to camp out for several hours, even days for the privileage... In fact, by all accounts most of the PS3s will be going to those that did wait hours to get one. Some are even willing to pay as much as $2,000 to get their hands on them... so while you may not care about the advantages that the PS3 has to offer, or have any interest in blu-ray games, blu-ray movies, free online gameplay, etc... others obviously are.

And when compared to an equally equipped XB360, the PS3 is a huge bargain...

$__600 PS3
$1,370 XB 360

  • $400 XB360
  • $250 5 Years XB Live
  • $200 HD DVD Drive
  • $200 2x20GB Hard Drive
  • $100 Wireless Network Adapter
  • $ 50 Wireless Controller
  • $ 20 Play & Charge Kit
  • $150 Original Xbox (Unlike PS3, XB360 isn't backward compatible)
and even then, the XB360 will still fall short in its inability to support HD DVD games. PS3 also holds the advantage of supporting 3rd party HDD and its supports of Java, which has recently been open sourced by Sun... or so I heard.

If you can't "justify" the cost, despite being able to afford it, suggests to me that the XB 360 should also not be "justifiable", unless of course you limit yourself to the very basic necessities, no online gaming, and have no interest in future 10gb-50gb games (and yes, despite all efforts by the marketing department at MS to try and convince the public that developers wont make games that large - they are already!)... well then maybe it might be justifiable. ;)

Personally, for that type of individual, they would propably find the best bang for the buck by buying a Wii. :)
$__600 PS3
$1,220 XB 360
  • $400 XB360
  • $250 5 Years XB Live
  • $200 HD DVD Drive
  • $200 2x20GB Hard Drive
  • $100 Wireless Network Adapter
  • $ 50 Wireless Controller
  • $ 20 Play & Charge Kit
Nothing major, but if I wanted a 360 I would buy a Premium 360 and nothing else, except maybe the Play and Charge kit. I can understand where Duck is coming from. I'm assuming the Premium 360 comes with 1 wireless controller. So I'd be out of the store only $420 in the hole, less taxes (I'm behind the fairly limited philosophy that if it is online, I'll play it on the computer, so I could care less about XBox live or the Wireless Network Adapter; and I wouldn't touch the HD-DVD drive with a 10 foot pole). The fact that the PS3 comes with most of that standard is nice, but when (not if) I get one it won't be for any of that as I have most of it one at least one of my computers (and if I want a Blu-Ray drive I'll buy one seperately when I need one). If I wanted to play it online (and I imagine many do), I would be of a different opinion.
Apparantly you didn't read this part:

I don't really give a crap about Blu-ray/HD-DVD, or even movies in general. People like you and Jeremy Ricci and Solid Lifters and anyone else who likes HD movies will like the Blu-ray and all, and it'll definitely let you justify the price of the console more. To you it's a multimedia machine. To me it's a game console.

I didn't say that everyone can't justify the pricetag of the PS3. I can't, and I'm sure others can't either. But there'll probably be more people being able to justify it.
Oh just let duck have his opinion. I know he really likes his 360 and has probably spent more than $600 on the system over time. When the homebrew scene takes off the ps3 sales will be very high. Plus PS3 will hold its value longer than the 360 after 1 year.

Firmware updates will be the key to sucess inthe long run as sony has added a few features to the psp no one saw coming(PS1 emulation, Location free videos, remtote acesss media files from any wi-fi hot spot). Plus the added operating system support adds a lot of value to the PS3. The $200 difference is a good $200 diference.
Good point LaBounti.

It sounds like that "justifying" simply came down to having already bought a XB360, and becoming attached to the exclusive titles it offers. Nothing wrong with that, as I am sure there are plenty of PS users who feel the same way about PS and the many exclusive games it has had and will continue to have. That said, I wouldn't be shocked at all that the majority of console users even those who have already bought XB360's and Wii's will have no problem justfying the purchase of a PS3...

If they can get their hands on one that is. ;)
I can relate to the idea that if you already own one console then even if the other is better, and better value for money it becomes less viable to you individually because you already have one console. I have an XB360 but I don't play it that often, then again I don't play on any of my consoles that often. But I'm definitely getting a PS3, for Metal gear solid 4 if nothing else.
Okay, time for a new topic.

I found a pretty good read.

It may or may not be completely correct, but it seems pretty accurate (except there's a few things that aren't).

EDIT: Bad news. 1080i gets the shaft. If you got a 480i/480p/1080i TV like my dad has, you're stuck with 480p.

PS3 Downscales 720p on Incapable TVs
If your TV doesn't support a specific resolution, expect to go low-res.
by Jeremy Dunham
November 15, 2006 - As final PlayStation 3 units continue to trickle into more and more hands, additional details about how the system works and what it can and can't do are hitting the web. The latest (rather major) tidbit is how the console treats the upscaling and downscaling of 720p titles on televisions that don't support that resolution -- specifically those that are only 1080i capable.

As it turns out, gamers who own older HD sets that feature only 480i, 480p, and 1080i resolution input capabilities will have to settle for the display quality being downsized as the game boots in its 480p mode rather than upscaling the image from its more desirable 720p mode to the TV's 1080i. We tested this development on older HDTV sets with games designed for 720p but not 1080i -- Resistance: Fall of Man, NHL 2K7, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07, and Need for Speed Carbon. Sure enough, the system downshifted all four titles to 480p rather than moving up to 1080i.

The PlayStation 3's competitor, Microsoft's Xbox 360, does upscale 720p games to 1080i if the HD set supports the latter resolution but not the in-between and commonly-employed 720p resolution.

IGN contacted Sony representatives for comment regarding this feature, but SCEA spokespeople have yet to return our phone calls as we went to press (we'll update this story when they do). It is not known yet if this is purely a software issue or a deeper technical problem and whether or not this lack of upscaling might be resolved on launch PS3 systems in future updates of the hardware via downloadable firmware patches.

For the laymen, 720p is a high-definition format that offers a complete 720-pixel line frame on the screen at 24 to 60 frames per second (progressive), while the 1080i signal is presented as two 540-pixel fields that when displayed back to back look like a complete image (interlaced). The difference being that a 720p picture offers quicker refresh rates while 1080i offers more detail with stationary imagery. The maximum resolution of the PlayStation 3 (and currently the maximum for available HDTV sets) is 1080p. It is thus capable of displaying all major standard-definition and high-definition video outputs wherever HD standards are employed (in PS3 games and Blu-Ray Movies, most commonly), but as has already been reported about PS1/PS2 games and DVD playback, it does not currently upscale any lower resolution images to higher image standards.
Ha ha ha ...............(at least now I realize why you couldn't put that in the funny vid thread :lol: )

It sucks to hear about the 720p PS3 games, especially after learning(just now from the article) that Xbox 360 games will go from the 720p to 1080i, upscaling. Which is the only way that makes sense to me. :indiff:

Edit: BTW, very nice to see you, Viper Zero. :)
I just thought I would pass this along:

Okay, time for a new topic.

I found a pretty good read.

It may or may not be completely correct, but it seems pretty accurate (except there's a few things that aren't).

EDIT: Bad news. 1080i gets the shaft. If you got a 480i/480p/1080i TV like my dad has, you're stuck with 480p.

That IGN article is riddled with inaccuracies and is in need of a serious dose of salt for those who try to digest it.

For one thing... why did they even mention TVs that are limited to 480i or 480p? If it downscales it to 480p there is no difference.

As for TV's that are limited to 1080i (CRT HDTV/FPs), many have built in interlacers that interlace a progressive signal, and use their onboard scaler to maximize the resolution - remember, CRTs are not fixed pixel displays, and so they don't handle video the same way that LCD, DLP, LCoS, and Plasma TVs do (all of which by their standards accept a 720p signal - making this so-called breaking news even more of a non issue).

Furthormore, for owners of CRTs that do not accept a progressive signal, they can easily use an outboard processer to convert it to 1080i, and there is no reason whatsoever that these processors wont do the same when fed a 720p or even 1080p signal from a PS3.

It sounds like the author of that IGN article used a CRT that not only doesn't accept a progressive signal, but that they don't understand how CRTs work, and the need for an outboard processor for interlacing, line doubling, and scaling signals prior to displaying the signal.

While it would have been a nice bonus to have the PS3 do that, considering the cost, and that CRT HDTVs have been almost entirely phased out of production, and that anyone who owns a 1080i CRT that cares about image quality should already either have a CRT that accepts a 720p signal, or has a outboard processor that does.. makes this a rather uneccessary cost to add to the PS3... and considering how much Duck complains about having stuff on the PS3 that adds to the cost that has no value.. he should be congratualteing Sony for not adding this feature to the PS3. ;)
My first HDTV set didn't display 720 or handle that resolution. But, it had DRC, the first HDTV set to have it, and it would do a great job of upconverting images to 1080i.

How many people does this scenario effect? 200-300 people at the most?

Who cares. It's time these people bought a new HDTV set, anyway. There's been an entire evolution of new HDTV technology since then.
he Tv can do either 1080i and 720p, so no problem for me.

Btw, IGN and gamespot are very eager in making the PS3 look bad, so don't be surprised :sly:
From a Reuters article published today:

Sony Corp. said on Wednesday that online software upgrades to its new video game console, the PlayStation 3, will fix glitches that make some older PlayStation and PlayStation 2 games not run properly on the PS3.

Kaz Hirai, president and chief executive of Sony Computer Entertainment America, told Reuters that more than 8,000 PS2 games will play on the PS3, and that so-called "firmware" upgrades will address problems found with about 200 games since sales of the PS3 started last week in Japan.

"We are aiming for perfect compatibility. Our goal is 100 percent compatibility," he said in an interview. "We are trying to get there as quickly as possible."

A Sony spokesman said the glitches in the 200 games in question were related mostly to audio problems and conflicts caused by the fact that the game controllers, held in users hands as they direct the action on the screen, differ from one PlayStation generation to the next. For example, buttons found on a PS One may not cause the same action on a PS3.

Sounds like these compatibility issues aren't as severe as previously reported, and that Sony apppears to be committed to fixing even the few problems that do exist. 👍
Has anyone ventured out to check PS3 wait lines? I was out and about today and we have them at two local Best Buy stores. The one on Alpine had people showing up Wednesday morning, tents and all. The local news was there tonight as well, and apparently almost everyone is looking to buy and re-sell the consoles online after Friday.

I remember when the 360 launched, people got in line early, but not that early... But when you have consoles re-selling for over $2000 on eBay, I can understand why you would want to make a fairly easy $1200 before Christmas. All the better to buy that new 1080p HDTV, or whatever else you want...

It will be very interesting to see if the wait lines will be longer for the Wii or for the PS3. My guess is that Sony will win-out there, but the Nintendo will probably sell out just as well anyway.
$__600 PS3
$1,370 XB 360

* $400 XB360
* $250 5 Years XB Live
* $200 HD DVD Drive
* $200 2x20GB Hard Drive
* $100 Wireless Network Adapter
* $ 50 Wireless Controller
* $ 20 Play & Charge Kit
* $150 Original Xbox (Unlike PS3, XB360 isn't backward compatible)

Now that's just being silly. What matters is out of the box price. You can get a 360 premium, with 2 wireless pads, pgr4, and pro evo 6 for £299.99. That my friend, is a freaking bargain.

Oooo isn't ps3 day or something for you American types? Enjoy your launch titles bwhahaha! I keed, honestly, enjoy, I look forwards to having a go on one myself when it comes out over here. mmm mgs4.
Okay, time for a new topic.

I found a pretty good read.

It may or may not be completely correct, but it seems pretty accurate (except there's a few things that aren't).

EDIT: Bad news. 1080i gets the shaft. If you got a 480i/480p/1080i TV like my dad has, you're stuck with 480p.

Does that mean the PS3 only displays games @720p and never @1080i?
Does that mean the PS3 only displays games @720p and never @1080i?
No, it means if the game runs at 720p and your tv can't support that resolution it'll downscale instead of upscale.

If the game runs at 1080i, then it'll run at 1080i.