PS3 General Discussion

What games were tested with this? All of them? Sony has a custom resolution setting. Did they set games at 1080i or just left it at 720p for it to downscale to 480p. I would think setting the system to 1080i then booting it would boot it in 1080i. If not it could be that fact that the games were not meant to be 1080i like they say why would the game upscale to somehting it wasnt meant to be use at.

Or let these people with old HDTV's be sad as I've ever heard of a TV like this until now.
I hate to say it, but I've been putting off buying a new HDTV myself, since I could see the HD technology evolving rapidly. On top of that, I grew interested in the new SED display technology coming out next summer or fall, though it may be that LCD is still the way to go for gaming for a year or more. Many of the new LCDs refresh fast and have almost no to no ghosting, and look stellar. Unfortunately, I have had a big burden dropped on me so Christmas is going to be spent on the extended family alone this time. Meh.

Oh well, my Samsung still looks superb even in standard mode, so it's not like I'll be suffering.
This person brought....Dish network with him to PS3 camping: :lol: :lol:

While it would have been a nice bonus to have the PS3 do that, considering the cost, and that CRT HDTVs have been almost entirely phased out of production, and that anyone who owns a 1080i CRT that cares about image quality should already either have a CRT that accepts a 720p signal, or has a outboard processor that does.. makes this a rather uneccessary cost to add to the PS3... and considering how much Duck complains about having stuff on the PS3 that adds to the cost that has no value.. he should be congratualteing Sony for not adding this feature to the PS3. ;)

Great work Sony, thanks for not letting me have the HD Gaming experience on my 2-year-old 52" HDTV because I don't want to fork out another $1800 for a new one!


At least I have my own 26" LCD, thank God, or this would've been the last straw.
Former Senator John Edwards trying to cut in line for a PS3... at a Wal Mart?

"The Company noted the PlayStation3 is an extremely popular item this Christmas season, and while the rest of America's working families are waiting patiently in line, Senator Edwards wants to cut to the front. While, we cannot guarantee that Sen. Edwards will be among one of the first to obtain a PlayStation3, we are certain Sen. Edwards will be able to find great gifts for everyone on his Christmas list – many at Wal-Mart's "roll-back prices."

Hmmm, politics and gaming. Bliss.
Former Senator John Edwards trying to cut in line for a PS3... at a Wal Mart?

"The Company noted the PlayStation3 is an extremely popular item this Christmas season, and while the rest of America's working families are waiting patiently in line, Senator Edwards wants to cut to the front. While, we cannot guarantee that Sen. Edwards will be among one of the first to obtain a PlayStation3, we are certain Sen. Edwards will be able to find great gifts for everyone on his Christmas list – many at Wal-Mart's "roll-back prices."

Hmmm, politics and gaming. Bliss.
I think politics is becoming synomonous with hypocrisy.
Great work Sony, thanks for not letting me have the HD Gaming experience on my 2-year-old 52" HDTV because I don't want to fork out another $1800 for a new one!

Rolling eyes indeed. Please reread my response... there is a solution.... also, if your set is only 2 years old it should have an interlacer and thus be able to accept a 720p signal and convert it to 1080i... so again no reason to freak out... and certainly no reason to make posts that suggest that anyone with a TV that can't accept a 720p signal (of which there are very few HDTVs that have been made over the last five years that can't) is stuck having to only see 720p games in 480p. That is absolutely untrue.

BTW: I just had my first hands on experience with the PS3, and I have to say I'm not crazy about he L2 & R2 triggers. They could really use either some rubber grip stickers, or just a small edge so that you don't have to keep adjusting your finger position for games where you have to hold down these button for any reasonable length of time (like the demo of Motorstorm that I played).

I also didn't like that the button to go in and out of menus in the game was the O button, and not the Triangle as is customary with PS2 games. This may be just how it was setup for that particular demo, and if so, its a non issue.

Playing Motorstorm, I did actually miss having a rumble controller... as that game would be REALLY fun with it. :(

None of these are in any way deal breakers, or even worthy of strong criticism, but I do think Sony could have done a better job on the L2/R2 triggers. 👎

I would not be surprised if someone comes out with a grip sticker for those triggers. I'll probably make my own when the time comes.
Rolling eyes indeed. Please reread my response... there is a solution.... also, if your set is only 2 years old it should have an interlacer and thus be able to accept a 720p signal and convert it to 1080i... so again no reason to freak out... and certainly no reason to make posts that suggest that anyone with a TV that can't accept a 720p signal (of which there are very few HDTVs that have been made over the last five years that can't) is stuck having to only see 720p games in 480p. That is absolutely untrue.
Well, I tried outputting 720p with my 360 on the 52", and it did not work at all. Only 1080i and 480p. Maybe I'm one of the rare ones to be affected, or maybe it's because my parents were looking for an affordable HDTV a few years ago.

The true estimated cost of a PS3. Oh goodie, now we get to hear from the X-Idiots who think the PS3 is still a rip-off. :rolleyes:
Wow, the Blu-ray drive is only $120 to produce? :eek:

I would've thought it'd be at least $300 judging from the price of Blu-ray players.
The true estimated cost of a PS3. Oh goodie, now we get to hear from the X-Idiots who think the PS3 is still a rip-off. :rolleyes:


Nice find! I'd only add that these are just estimated costs for Sony, and they also don't account for documentation, packaging, shipping, distribution, and marketing. While there is no set figure, on average, the suggested retail price for electronic home entertainment products are usually set at a minimum of 200% of just the manufactuering costs.

In other words, if the PS3 was anything but a console (which traditionally sell at a loss with the resonable expectations of making their profit from licensing and software), and if it costs $840 to build, the MSRP would be a minimum of $1,680. This is because in order to be profitable, the manufacturer, distrubtor, and retailer must all receive a proportional amount over each of their costs.

This can add up very quickly, and for some products, especially high-end HT gear, the mark-up over manufacturering costs can sometimes exceed 500%. :eek:
Hey guys, quick question. Some of the guys where I work at (Best Buy) were talking about how the PS3's games will only play on one system, eliminating the possibility for reselling the games or buying them used. Is this a true statement because I have heard no such claim before.
Hey guys, quick question. Some of the guys where I work at (Best Buy) were talking about how the PS3's games will only play on one system, eliminating the possibility for reselling the games or buying them used. Is this a true statement because I have heard no such claim before.

Nope, it's not true.
Hey guys, quick question. Some of the guys where I work at (Best Buy) were talking about how the PS3's games will only play on one system, eliminating the possibility for reselling the games or buying them used. Is this a true statement because I have heard no such claim before.

The technology is there, but it's not going to happen. This is rumor-crap spread by X-Idiots.
Who out of you all are actually buying a PS3 tomorrow and will have some decent reviews up here for us? Its already 3.43pm on Friday 17th here dammit and it must be about early evening in America on Thursday only. So there's still a bit of a wait.

For tomorrow then, what kind of reviews might we see other than PS3? ie any specific games that people are buying tomorrow for their PS3 that we might get some review on the games too?

... am I too excited?? :nervous:
I'm going to take a look at opening time to see what kind of line there is at Best Buy. Gamestop 'lost' my number from their reservation list. Might hit all the rest of the stores in the morning as well... Chances are really slim, but hopefully most people will be at work or school. Yeah right...but one can hope.
I went to Quarterdeck for dinner and saw a big line at the circuit city next door. I was like, "PS3, YEAH!!!!!" and they were like, "YEAH!" It was pretty cool. Except, this one guy brought one of those elevated camper/hospital bed thingies; he was PASSED OUT cold on the bed. It was funny, man. I like how people without jobs can't afford to live, but they can wait in line and have 600 bucks to spend on a game console.

I'll wait until there's a hot Sony chick with nice boobs handing me my special-awesome-edition ps3 before I wait outside the entire day in Florida.

Also, I'm just going to wait until we finish our thesis papers for english class. I have a feeling I will become an addicted cave monster otherwise.
Umm, paid days off? Or Vacation pay? I could have done the that, but I'll wait for PS3, i'm not wasting gas or my life to get one first.
What games were tested with this? All of them? Sony has a custom resolution setting. Did they set games at 1080i or just left it at 720p for it to downscale to 480p. I would think setting the system to 1080i then booting it would boot it in 1080i. If not it could be that fact that the games were not meant to be 1080i like they say why would the game upscale to somehting it wasnt meant to be use at.

Or let these people with old HDTV's be sad as I've ever heard of a TV like this until now.

I hate to continue on with something that we have seemed to move past, but I was watching DL.TV earlier today and they addressed the problem with their PS3 they had for testing.

According to the folks on the show (mish-mosh of Digital Live, EGM, PC Mag, etc), the issues are comming from games like Resistance that are designed to run at 720p, but on TVs that do not support that format, the PS3 won't upscale to 1080i for some reason. That of course would be a problem for people with older HDTVs, ones that only display in 480i/480p/1080i.

...According to those folks, who were using a brand-new 1080p set, they set up the TV to display at 1080i and the PS3 to do the same, and it simply down converted to 480p, not the HD glory that they were expecting. They did make note that when they hooked up the PS3 to the network in the office, it did download some kind of firmware update, so they are not certain if it fixed the problem or not.

My guess is that it won't be a huge deal, as most people who are buying PS3s will have the money for a big-buck, modern, HDTV. But for those who don't that is a bit disappointing, especially when you do have to buy the component cables, or the HDMI cable to get the best from the system anyway.

I look at it this way; If the 360 can do it (that is, up-convert the video), the PS3 should too. I'm sure it was something that was overlooked, and an online update should fix it very soon.


EDIT: BTW, I'ts like very cold here. Windy too... I kinda feel like I should go give out some soup to the guys camping out at the local Best Buy.
I look at it this way; If the 360 can do it (that is, up-convert the video), the PS3 should too. I'm sure it was something that was overlooked, and an online update should fix it very soon.

IIRC, the PS3 doesn't have a scaler like a 360, and so supposedly because of this, it couldn't upscale to 1080i. Now, it might be a hardware thing, so a firmware update couldn't do anything about it. Or, it might be a software thing, so a firmware update could fix it, along with the hundred quirks with the PS3.

Hopefully this could be resolved with an update, but I think this type of stuff should work out of the box.

Not to turn this into a System wars thread, but the scaler in the 360 is terrible, and I find games often function better at normal or lower resolution. When games get upscaled they look like garbage, and I have a lot more issues with frame rates and overall performance.

Not saying it's fine that Sony left it out, but if no one can get it perfect, I really don't care if it's an option or not. And honestly, I'd prefer a 480p image over a 1080i upscaled image...1080i upscaled from a 720p source signal is really really bad looking, at least on sets that I've seen.
IIRC, the PS3 doesn't have a scaler like a 360, and so supposedly because of this, it couldn't upscale to 1080i. Now, it might be a hardware thing, so a firmware update couldn't do anything about it. Or, it might be a software thing, so a firmware update could fix it, along with the hundred quirks with the PS3.

Hopefully this could be resolved with an update, but I think this type of stuff should work out of the box.


Oddly enough, I don't think I ever said what you quited me say about the 360 scaler.
Not to turn this into a System wars thread, but the scaler in the 360 is terrible, and I find games often function better at normal or lower resolution. When games get upscaled they look like garbage, and I have a lot more issues with frame rates and overall performance.

Not saying it's fine that Sony left it out, but if no one can get it perfect, I really don't care if it's an option or not. And honestly, I'd prefer a 480p image over a 1080i upscaled image...1080i upscaled from a 720p source signal is really really bad looking, at least on sets that I've seen.
I have used 1080i from my 360 on my DLP and the pic was fine, as good as 720p more or less. The only issue I had was that in 60hz the pic would flicker. But that's my tv's fault not the 360.
As for the PS3 it doesn't need more bad publicity, though this may only effect a small minority (but then again may not). It's still ammo for critics and cynics.
I have used 1080i from my 360 on my DLP and the pic was fine, as good as 720p more or less. The only issue I had was that in 60hz the pic would flicker. But that's my tv's fault not the 360.
As for the PS3 it doesn't need more bad publicity, though this may only effect a small minority (but then again may not). It's still ammo for critics and cynics.

No, the flicker is a well known 1080i side effect. It happens all the time with even the best 1080p sets on the market today.

Not upscaling to 1080i is a pretty big screw up and I'm sure a fix will be on the way very soon. I'm not too worry about it since my HDTV upscales everything to 1080p, anyway.

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