PS3 General Discussion

IMO it reminds me of Chucky. And that's not a good thing. 👎
PS3: A Console Odessy... Stanley Kubrick is not impressed. ;)

Speaking of commercials... have you seen the latest PC vs Apple commercial? It looks like a spoof of the PS3 vs Wii commercial... which was a spoof of the PC vs Apple commercial... Thus the new Apple ad looks like a spoof of a spoof... :lol:

Personally, I love the ad, it's creepy, funny, and says a lot of things. Like, "this is not for children".

Also, you see the child change, stop crying, and reach, saying "this is the new generation".

I think it's pretty cool, definately better than the giant "3" shadow...

And it beats the hell out of "JUMP IN"....double dutch? get outta here.
...Those PS3 ads scared the crap out of my siblings while we were watching the World Series, and my Mother usually has to change the channel when it is on. Its just far too "creepy" to get anyone to buy. I have yet to see the point to it other than it is supposed to be a "shocker" ad to get people interested, apparently.

Given that all it does is scare children and confuse adults, whats the point? Maybe "the kids" get it (I kinda do, kinda don't), but it seems to alienate more than cause a stir. Just like those weird PS2 ads they used to show during Manchester United games with the vulture... What gives?

...But I digress, it isn't the worst ad on TV right now...
The baby represents all old electronic toys; toys that were in their electronic infancy. This ad is saying the PS3 is the "mother of all electronic toys." Notice the baby calls the PS3 "momma?"

That's what I got out of it. And no, nobody is correct or wrong, so there doesn't need to be any fighting over this.
As an ad, it draws attention, and that's a good thing. It does all what it's supposed to do, gets attention.

Worst ad? far from that. You gotta see "auto connection" ad on my local channel, so stupid, it's not even funny.
Why does playstation insist on making great websites and rubbish adverts! I think the general campaign for the PS3 is MIND CHILLINGLY POWERFUL IN A VERY CREEPY AND MYSTERIOUS WAY!...... and I think thats quite cool..... the PS3 is a creature.. not just a run of the mill piece of electronic entertainment!

hahaha I still love that Wii vs PS3 advert! Is that really real because I doubt they can get away with that!
As an ad, it draws attention, and that's a good thing. It does all what it's supposed to do, gets attention.
...Unless it's negative attention.

Worst ad? far from that. You gotta see "auto connection" ad on my local channel, so stupid, it's not even funny.
Yeah, I agree it's not the worst (the worst has to be the "Head On" commercials - I'd kill the creators of it if I ever met them), but even still it's pretty crap.
^^^ Seriously, what "negative' attention can this bring? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

^^^ Seriously, what "negative' attention can this bring?
"Mommy, that PS3 commercial with that doll scared me."

That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.


"I have a Skyline with 2500 horsepower and it can fly to Saturn and back in 14 seconds with a pint of gas."

"Mommy, that PS3 commercial with that doll scared me."

And I don't know what the hell double dutch is.

And the commercial isn't going to deter people who are going to buy a PS3 already. However, for the people on the fence of deciding to buy one or not, I doubt it'll help.
Some commercials are designed more to get people to talk about them than to convince people to buy the product. By making really "weird" commercials, they stick in people's minds, and become a water-cooler discussion. In essence, spreading the word about the console without worrying about things like games.
Some commercials are designed more to get people to talk about them than to convince people to buy the product. By making really "weird" commercials, they stick in people's minds, and become a water-cooler discussion. In essence, spreading the word about the console without worrying about things like games.

Hmm, good point.
Some commercials are designed more to get people to talk about them than to convince people to buy the product. By making really "weird" commercials, they stick in people's minds, and become a water-cooler discussion. In essence, spreading the word about the console without worrying about things like games.

Even though the ads for Head-On are truly obnoxious... they have been imenselly sucessful! Which only proves that commercials don't have to be enjoyable to watch to get the job done. The ultimate goal of an ad is to spread the word and sell products. The genius design of mind numbing commercials like those for Mentos a decade ago, and the Head-On commercials is that they are "so bad" that everyone wants to talk about them, and their influence is then spread many times over. When a commercial gets mocked and/or spoofed on SNL & Mad TV you know its sucessful. ;)

The opposite is also true, in that a marketing agency can make entertaining/interesting commercials... but if it doesn't inspire people to investigate and discuss the ad and more importantly the product, then it is a complete failure.

Unfortunately for Sony though... while it was certainly an attention grabber style commercial... because it was played during this year's World Series... no one was around to watch it. ;)
Why does playstation insist on making great websites and rubbish adverts! I think the general campaign for the PS3 is MIND CHILLINGLY POWERFUL IN A VERY CREEPY AND MYSTERIOUS WAY!...... and I think thats quite cool..... the PS3 is a creature.. not just a run of the mill piece of electronic entertainment!

hahaha I still love that Wii vs PS3 advert! Is that really real because I doubt they can get away with that!

I think that advert is positive for both sony and nintendo. I think this as it lets consumers know that PS3 will be the big powerful one, and nintendo the simple cute fun to play with. The advert makes it seem that xbox is neitehr but simply inbetween, or not worth mentioning. Either way I dont think PS3 customers would get stolen by that advert, if anything that advert will take sales from the 360.
I think that advert is positive for both sony and nintendo. I think this as it lets consumers know that PS3 will be the big powerful one, and nintendo the simple cute fun to play with. The advert makes it seem that xbox is neitehr but simply inbetween, or not worth mentioning. Either way I dont think PS3 customers would get stolen by that advert, if anything that advert will take sales from the 360.
Excellent analysis.

Seeing as this is a GT forum, comparing these consoles to cars, its like Nintendo is marketing the Wii like VW did when they came out with the new Bug. The PS3 on the other hand seems to have the image of a Porsche 911 Turbo... which for those who fancy VW Bugs are likely going to feel intimidated by it. I'm not sure what car I would compare the XB360 to... maybe one of those conceptual hybrid SUVs?

The more I think about it, even the name choice of Nintendo's latest console is quite emasculating. "Momma... can I play with my 'weeeeeee' now?" :lol:

In all seriousness, I bet that the majority of female console consumers are going to own the Wii over any other console, and perhaps there will even be more women who buy the Wii then men. This isn't a bad thing for Nintendo mind you.. after all there are billions of women in the world (over 1 billion in Japan, Hong Kong, North America, and Europe), and every year, more and more women are getting into gaming, and Nintendo already has a history of having games that are less male oriented.
Here are the two PS3 ads for the European/UK market:

(I like how they use the controller key symbols as DNA - evolution at work?) ;)
Knock off the slow chatting. This thread regards the PS3, not the opinionated shortcomings of the XBOX360.

20+ posts deleted.

There'd be more, but I don't want to slosh back through this thread.
i dont think those two adverts will be shown on tv because most adverts on the telly are about 30 seconds to a minute at the most whereas those where about 3 minutes so theyll have to cut them down to go on the telly but i do like the dna strands made up of the playstation controller symbols
i dont think those two adverts will be shown on tv because most adverts on the telly are about 30 seconds to a minute at the most whereas those where about 3 minutes so theyll have to cut them down to go on the telly but i do like the dna strands made up of the playstation controller symbols
They are internet commercials hosted on Sony's European Playstation site, but they could be used as advertising trailers for newly released films.

I would be very surprised if Sony and other Studios that support Blu-ray, do not place trailers advertising the PS3 on new Blu-ray releases, and even standard DVDs to target home theater consumers who may be on the fence on getting a Blu-ray player.
Hm. I didn't think Sony was going to have mome problems manafacturing units. Good thing they didn't modify the American release date numbers.
The PS£ is on the Gadget Show right now :cool:
I saw that, I know what happened to Jason will happen to us, but are you going to enter to win one on The Gadget Show. Anyway on last weeks on the spot, they said the PS3 has a noise level of 20db.
20db is very good. It depends how far away the reading was made of course. But I read a piece on the 360 where they did a reading at 10 feet and came to just under 54db. But anyone with a 360 knows it's very loud. Mainly due to the DVD drive I believe.