PS3 General Discussion

Nothing's going to stop those, but the distribution is both far more expensive and much more limited than just posting it on the PS3 Network. For Sony's sake, I hope this is a rumour. Third-party developers are essential to all platforms -- including Microsoft.

Exactly! We have seen hard media demos for some time. Even if Sony charges a sum of money for allowing the demo to be listed, my guess is that it would be far cheaper for the publisher to pay that fee than to make pressed and printed material demos. If they have to charge to recover some of the network costs to keep it free to the end user, what's the problem? This is, of course, assuming that Sony is charging and that the charge is reasonable.
Posted a few pages back was an article from GameDaily about Sony planning a firmware fix for the downscaling of 720p games on 1080i only tv's. It seems now that Sony have yet to plan anything -

Sony has contacted us to let us know that they may have spoken a bit prematurely. SCEA's Dave Karraker, Sr. Director, Corporate Communications, informed GameDaily BIZ that they currently cannot confirm that this 1080i issue will be resolved via a firmware patch. The official line is now that they are "looking into the issue and haven't stated any actions that will be taken regarding it."
Posted a few pages back was an article from GameDaily about Sony planning a firmware fix for the downscaling of 720p games on 1080i only tv's. It seems now that Sony have yet to plan anything -

Eh, I can see why some people are mad, but it's nothing new, so I'm not angry or upset. The market penetration for HDTV's that the amount of users this pertains to is minimal when you look at the larger picture.
Yeah, I don't think it'll hurt Sony much in the meantime. But it's a shame the PS3 can't do something the 360 can. It makes it look worse when it isn't at all. And I would have been very sore if after getting a PS3 I had found out this prob on my 18 month old HD (supposedly) tv. Luckily in the UK HD take up only really begun early 2005 and then there were strict guidelines on what could be classed HD Ready. So my HD TV should have no issues as the vast majority in the EU.
Still, it's a shame Sony didn't mention this before the PS3's launch. It's almost as if they didn't even think this scenario would happen and I do think this has caught them off guard.
Still, hopefully something will be done. Until then there's no point in worrying about it anymore.
Just updating you guys...

People have been ticking me off saying how the PS3 is unstable and freezes a lot, blah, blah, blah (not really anybody here). These people have only played demo PS3s, which are very likely to be running system software v1.0. Version 1.1 has been released (since last Wednesday at least, my system made me aware of the update immediately) and probably cleared any of those problems up. The PS3's LEDs will flash (alternating the green and blue I think) when it is beginning to get too hot. If you ignore this long enough it will shut itself off. Then the red LED will flash until a) it cools off, or b) until you touch the power button, which puts it back into the normal standby mode. I don't think it will restart until it is cool.

Anyways...My PS3 has been on for about 45 hours. I'm gonna give it one more day to satisfy the haters. ;)

Edit: Do you think we could rename this thread to "PS3 General Discussion" or something similar?
I can hand pick bad looking screens of Gear of War or pretty much any game. Doesn't mean anything.

Ebiggs I dont think anyone should complain about any of the three systems as they have all had problems so far. Wii bricking from updates, 360's overheating and freezes. Ps3's disc loader and what ever else.
My PS3 has been on non-stop for the past 6 days and locked up on me once. I really wasn't surprised when it did.... No load errors yet. My non-1080p TV still looks great but wish the technology in my 60" was a little newer to support HDMI/1080p titles. On the discussion of publishers paying for network support for their demos? Big deal, I'm sure it's a heck of a lot cheaper than pressing DVD's, packaging, and printing..., etc. Not sure what, if any, that price is, but if it's reasonable, it could actually allow more demos to be available.
Of course there are some who believe the success of the PSOne and PS2 was down to, in part, pirated software. But as Sony and publishers lose money I don't see how it's good for them.
Anyway, how long before the actual ripped games can be played on a PS3?
I can hand pick bad looking screens of Gear of War or pretty much any game. Doesn't mean anything.

So you're saying I cherry picked the photos.


If you want me to cherry pick and pick out the best "before" photo and the worst "now" photo, I can easily do that. 👍 👍
I can see where Duċk is coming from, but I think it's about the same. Lighting is bit brighter in the top picture. Also, the background is sharper in the top pic, but it's also much simpler, as "now" pic shows the spectators and other smaller details.
has anybody tried to install the yellow dog linux? what is it like? running emulators??? anything extra cool that we don´t know yet?
I can see where Duċk is coming from, but I think it's about the same. Lighting is bit brighter in the top picture. Also, the background is sharper in the top pic, but it's also much simpler, as "now" pic shows the spectators and other smaller details.

I cant', because I've played all versions of FNR3. The fact is that it's two different arena's, and both have different lighting. The Warehouse is brighter than the other arena they are in. Simple as.
So you're saying I cherry picked the photos.


If you want me to cherry pick and pick out the best "before" photo and the worst "now" photo, I can easily do that. 👍 👍

No, i'm not saying that. but you are pretty quick to say the game looks worse rather than saying the screens dont look as good as the others. Which is the case. The screens dont look as good, not the game.

Edit: I dont think games will be playable any time soons as it has been said the RSX is disabled with other OS's
According to an article I read, the answer is yes. When booted into the Linux OS, simply type "game-boot-os" to launch the PS3 OS. I am going from memory here don't quote me on the syntax.

I have been real tempted to format the drive and create the two partitions, but I think I'll try that with a different (larger) hard drive down the road after more people have determined the best after market hard drives for these. I'll let someone else be the guinea pig. ;)
According to an article I read, the answer is yes. When booted into the Linux OS, simply type "game-boot-os" to launch the PS3 OS. I am going from memory here don't quote me on the syntax.

I have been real tempted to format the drive and create the two partitions, but I think I'll try that with a different (larger) hard drive down the road after more people have determined the best after market hard drives for these. I'll let someone else be the guinea pig. ;)

Exactly what I've been thinking. I knew about typing the "boot game-os" (I think that is what its supposed to be), but I wasn't sure if it actually had a separate partition or if it did something else. I wish it was possible to boot from an external HDD for Linux.


72 Hours Completed with ZERO Glitches

Take that haters. :lol:

72 hours, eh? I locked up on me again...that's twice, but then I realized that the Satellite receiver that sits under the PS3 was left on by my nephew which was cranking out the heat. Between that and the internal heat from the PS3, I attribute the lock up to abnormal working conditions. :)

I wonder if they will have a 'boot from USB device" option in future PS3 OS updates. I would love to try something like that out. I just don't like the idea of formatting my PS3 OS drive... :scared: