PS3 General Discussion

Is anyone else disappointed in how BAD the wireless card is on this thing? I went to my uncle's house and had a tough time connecting to his network until I put the machine 5 feet away from his router station. PS Store was still slower than beans.

What wireless access point do you have and what other wireless devices do you have near the PS3? With the limited experience I have with PS3's (exactly two), the wireless networking worked just fine. It's as slow as any other 802.11g connection, though.
Well, I'm guessing the slow speed is because of the servers on the opposite end, but connecting to networks is a pain in the ass. At his house, there were no devices, and at my house, only my computer uses the signal. I can connect at my house, but it will disconnect and reconnect frequently due to poor signal strength; a strength that my computer deals with just fine despite being years older.
If so, what OS's are people installing on them? Mac OSX? Yellowdog? Vista? XP? Win98?

Forget about installing Windows on your PS3, unless you found a way to make Windows run on PowerPC architecture.

Yellow Dog Linux is officially supported, and you can also install Fedora Core 5 on it. Ubuntu is also possible, though it's a lot trickier.

With Windows, the videos you've seen of it running is YDL/FC5 emulating XP. I think OS9 is also possible through emulation, too. OSX is impossible at this point.

Is anyone else disappointed in how BAD the wireless card is on this thing?
I don't have the 60GB, but I've heard numerous things about this too. Example: laptop would get full 5 bars, PS3 would only get 2-3, etc.

I also think that stream of spit/blood that shoots out of the boxers' mouths when they get knocked down is kind of ridiculous and fake.
Now, the X360 on the other hand was nothing but lag, but that was to be expected through USB.

Really? I haven't heard anything bad about it (except that it's a ripoff, of course), but from my experience it's perfectly fine.
Sounds like EA just didn't take the time to recode things to be efficient with the PS3's architecture. The Cell is supposed to operate similar to a 9 core processor, except one "core" is the "master core", for lack of a better word. It handles most things.

How much RAM does the X360 have anyways? I'm unimpressed with the 512MB total memory (256MB for system and for video). Maybe I'm just thinking more in computer terms and consoles really don't need much RAM, but I'd think 1GB would be good, 512MB (system) at the least. Again, I guess a console may not need a whole lot of RAM since its primarily for gaming. We would probably appreciate it with web browsing and other PC-like functions (especially Linux).

Think of this. The PS3 only had 32MB of system ram, and a whopping 4MB of VRAM.

Hopefully that clears things up as to the talent and possibility's available at a develoeprs hands.
Think of this. The PS3 only had 32MB of system ram, and a whopping 4MB of VRAM.

Hopefully that clears things up as to the talent and possibility's available at a develoeprs hands.

The PS3 must be bustin' it's britches running all those 1080p games with only four megabytes of video ram.

Before I get my new HDD as I listed before, I want to install LYD, Does anyone has a very detailed instructions? I saw a thread a while back, but I couldn't find it

I have no idea on the advantages of YDL, so im still deciding weather to do it or not
I rented Carbon since I had a free rental and nothing else I wanted was in. i'm really not liking this game. I rented it because my friend got it for 360 and said he liked it.
Before I get my new HDD as I listed before, I want to install LYD, Does anyone has a very detailed instructions? I saw a thread a while back, but I couldn't find it

I have no idea on the advantages of YDL, so im still deciding weather to do it or not
Well, there's homebrew, and you pretty much have a fully functioning PC (with OpenOffice, Firefox, Thunderbird, etc). Other than that, I really can't think of anything else.

I dont want to do that now.

looks to hard for me:( I thought you just burned an ISO and installed it

Guess not....

It looks hard since there's a bunch of long words, but it shouldn't take a rocket science degree.
So I just made like, #65 in the blast factor leader boards.

Very money, 10 mil felt good, I'm hoping to pass that up in the next few days. This game is TOO fun.
I rented Carbon since I had a free rental and nothing else I wanted was in. i'm really not liking this game. I rented it because my friend got it for 360 and said he liked it.
I have so far heard one person say it had force feedback. Do you have a wheel (DFP, G25), and if so does it have FF?
So, with YDL, do you have access to the files in the "GameOS" partition (including downloads from the PlayStation store)?
Hmm...I don't think YDL will give you access to the GameOS directory, I think it's permissions are locked or something...but I'm positive someone will find a way, if they haven't already.

Then again, you might be able to jump right in em, lol.
Well, If YDL lets you access the other partion of the disc (the PS3 OS) then yes, I guess you could.

But if you cant access it in YDL, then no, you cant access the PS3 OS stuff
I have so far heard one person say it had force feedback. Do you have a wheel (DFP, G25), and if so does it have FF?

Force Feedback works with the DFP with Need For Speed Carbon on the PS3. The lack of FF for PS3 is total B.S. That made the game a little more interesting. I only tested out drift mode.
So, with YDL, do you have access to the files in the "GameOS" partition (including downloads from the PlayStation store)?

I have a 160gb hard drive on order that I plan to upgrade in my PS3. At which time I will install YDL for some further testing. I just can't leave it alone, I gotta be taking apart something.... :)
Yeah, but can't you still use normal sized drives with the drive just sticking out?

If you wanted to make an adapter to go from the 2.5 to the 3.5 SATA drives and have wires coming out of a hole in the side of your PS3, yeah you could do it.
If you wanted to make an adapter to go from the 2.5 to the 3.5 SATA drives and have wires coming out of a hole in the side of your PS3, yeah you could do it.

I think that when the PS3 was sent as "demo" models to some of the gaming places hooked up a 320GB and it showed up!

There are pictures running around here somewhere, ill see if I can find them.

I think they biggest one they make is a 200, but im waiting for someone to prove me wrong.


In other news, I am going to try to install XP pro sometime next week ( most likely monday seeing as its MLK day here) and ill see what happens
Im going to try ok.

Keyword: try

Im not going to get a 200 or a 160, but maybe a 120, it seems a little more reasonable

Seeing as I dont have any games right now, games are going to be the first thing, then a controller

I might also think about bring it to my school and hooking it up to the projector via RCA. Playing RFOM in "life size" should be interesting