Before I respond to everything... I would like to say that im actually a big sony fan and that the only reason why I am probably sounding like a 360 fanboy slagging it off it that I am quite disappointed with the console at the moment... sure its an amazing piece of kit but there has been quite alot of muck ups in this launch and I see along road ahead before something amazing happens to bring it into the limelight. Like for example Killzone not showing at GDC... quite a big dent in the console!
Can you list all the ones that you know for a fact look worse than the XB360 version... and how many ports are there right now?
I refer you to this post made by Duck... most of the original PS3 launch games ended up looking worse than the 360 version!
Umm, you're kidding me, right? Practically every multiplatform launch game was worse on the PS3.
I can say that the only port I have seen so far in person was Fight Night Round 3. It was at a HD DVD vs Blu-ray shootout, and as one of the HD DVD players, two people brought their XB360's as well as some games. The person who brought the PS3 as one of the Blu-ray players also brought a few games including Fight Night Round 3, so after the shootout, they also set the two systems up for side by side comparisons of both versions, and everyone agreed, even the XB360 owners, that the PS3 version looked much better. On a 12080x720 display the differences may not be as noticeable, but even then everyone still agreed the PS3 looked better.
Not everyone... Gamespot for sure didnt, I personally havent seen it but they are a gaming review website.
Quoted for Gamespot...
"Fight Night Round 3 was one of the first games to really show off the Xbox 360's graphics power with fantastic lighting and incredibly detailed player models. The PS3 still has great looking player models but the crowds are less detailed and the lighting effects are definitely inferior. If the graphical losses weren't enough, the PlayStation 3 version takes almost twice as long as its 360 counterpart to load into the menu screen, and a third longer to load a quickplay."
"most developers"? Again, please list them, and the games that you know for a fact are simple ports for the PS3 from the XB360 edition.
Well for a start alot of EA stuff, Madden, Fight Night, NFS Carbon are all ports. Activision's COD3 & Tony Hawks P8 same again. Then there are countless other games scheduled for multi platform released primarily been developed on the 360 first.
It's been how many months since the PS3 came out?
How many years has it been in development when they had time to sort these things out?... they started work on it like a month after the PS2 launch.
Seriously, you make a lot of claims that I don't think in reality bare out, but regardless, the PS3 hasn't even been released world wide yet, so I think its a tad premature to jump to any conclusions, especially making 10 year predictions based on a few short months.
I said is it going to be like this for 10 years as a rhetorical question, it wasnt meant to be a solid prediction. I haven't claimed anything, its based on what I have so far seen. Whatever happens I am definitely going for a PS3.
As far as longevity, I'd be more concerned with buying or even owning an XB360 what with how quickly Microsoft abandoned the Xbox, and that the current XB360 lacks any digital and HDCP outputs, and no support for Dolby HD or DTS-HD, and can't support games on any HD optical media such that they are limited to only 7GB of game data. It also is currently supporting HD DVD for movie playback, which is quickly losing the limited support it has left.
Xbox are working on an Xbox 360-2 as it where because now they realize they have to up their game, I think they are adding a HDMI port, built in HDDVD and a larger HDD... bit of a mess up in my mind and the people who have already bought them will probably be slightly annoyed.
Technologically speaking, the XB360 was outdated before it was even released, which doesnt bode well for how long Microsoft plans on supporting it once developers and consumers realize how crippled it really is.
I agree the launch was rushed and its not quite up to par but its odd that they didnt really receive as much slagging off (about the games or hardware) when they launched whereas sony has seemed to have taken the brunt of the media mockery, I dont get why that is...
I'm not sure where you are getting your information that leads you to say that all ports looks the same or worse, and that most developers are only going to develop for the XB360 and port to PS3. However, if you read through this thread, and even some of the XB360 threads, there are several links and quotes directly from third party developers that have made it quite clear that they are developing games to take advantage of the performance capabilities and much larger disc capacity of the PS3.
So far most (not all) of the multi platform games I have seen are ports from a 360 developed version and suffer abit of graphical problems on PS3 hardware due to harder coding. I would love to see more developers doing it the other way and develop for PS3 but currently they are reading the media and going where (in thier eyes) the money and market is... which Xbox (at least outside of Japan) is managing to hold, alot of people are put of buy the PS3's price. Just look at the amount of 360 exclusives.
The only thing GoW and RSV have in common are its cover systems. And that's about it.
But still, you should buy it when it comes out. It's not a Gears alternative, but it's a very fun game nonetheless.
I agree, I know its by far and away not a gears of war clone but Im buying it because it looks really neat and I like the idea of controlling a team. It just has a slight GOW essence in, as you said, the cover system. Will hopefully give me my fix till Killzone.
As for the better graphics part, I seriously doubt it.
Again, wheres the developers saying we are going to hardness the full power of the PS3... when is this happening exactly!
First, the PS3 has only been out for 3 months. Give it time. Not to mention it's hard to develop for anyway.
I can wait, its the people who don't have any console allegiance that wont, they will think, xbox 360, cheaper, more games, its all next gen...... and BUY! How many sales can sony loose!
And developers aren't going to be actively developing for the PS3 in 10 years from now. When Philly Cheesestake (Harrison) said it'd last for 10 years, he meant that the PS3 would be supported for 10 years (they'd still make controllers, have customer service, etc).
They better get a move on then!
Not to mention games like Call of Duty 3 and Tony Hawk P8 lack features available in the 360 version...
It's pretty much lazy developing on EA's part mostly, but Activision takes some blame too.
Exactly! Why does this keep happening, 360 gets downloadable content, extra features etc etc... PS3 gets a port and squat else! WHY! I hear this all the time on shows like On The Spot..... "oh we will have some cool stuff for the 360 but nothing extra as of yet is planned for the ps3 version"
Most developers will probably be developing on the 360 and porting it to the PS3 for the next several months. However, around fall everyone will have their act together and do things the other way around.
I really do hope so!
Just a note:
Burnout 5 is being developed on PS3, and ported to 360.
Finally something thats going the other way!
Madden, FNR3, Oblivion, and Tiger Woods look better on PS3. Don't believe me? Look for yourself, but honestly, don't take Gamespots word for it. Their journalistic ability is so far below "sub par" at this point, it's not even worth debating.
Ok I do agree that gaming website can twist stuff and be bias and I will make my own judgment when the see the stuff here at UK launch.