PS3 General Discussion

Can anyone name two official 360 08 Exclusives? Shouldn't Microsoft hold on to one of these games(there 07 exclusives) and release it march? Dont expect Forza3 or PGR5 in 08.

Official? Alan Wake and Fable 2. There's also a highly likely chance of Banjo 3, Ninja Gaiden 2, Cry On, and Halo Wars in '08 as well. But that's about it, and that's the reason why I made my "selling 360" comment a couple hours ago.
18 E3 videos are now on the US store - big scale downloading happening on my PS3 right now.


18 E3 videos are now on the US store - big scale downloading happening on my PS3 right now.



But still no Resident Evil 5 trailer. But then, what they showed at E3 this year didn't look that good.

Also, the new GT5 Prologue they aired on TV about an hour ago isn't there, either. Meh, give it a few more hours, I guess.
GD! What is going on with the F1 license/future games situation? How can there be this much continuous 🤬 silence regarding a very simple question. :mad:
Sweetness, I just bought a PS3 and a copy of Rainbow 6 Vegas!

Hope you enjoy R6:V, I've just got to the final parts this evening and its been bloody hard work in a few places but very enjoyable.

Have fun with it (and give terrorist hunt a go as well - its and excellent test and good practice for on-line).


WARNING!: If you or someone you know has epilepsy, DO NOT watch the video clip from the PSN store for Sony's E3 closing montage!

Seriously, if it flashed any more I swear I was going to go blind. Even if you pause it and play it at half speed it still has more cuts than an MLB club during Spring training... although at half speed at least that annoying high pitch "singing" sounds nice and creepy! :D
Thoughts on Sony's E3 Presentation:

First things first, they need to stop trying to be funny. I was about to shut it off five minutes in, as it was needlessly stupid. Furthermore, the awkward transitions between hosts, platforms, and games really was annoying as well, but I delt with it as long as I could until I had to leave for work.

So overall, how good was it?

I'd rate it pretty low, just like the rest of the presentations. Sony bloviated on and on about how things have changed, and will change, so it was the same ol' same ol' for me. The PSP is still stupid, no surprise, and having a video output isn't going to save anything.

But, what I was more worried about was the games, and Sony did manage to show off some stuff that may eventually be worth getting. I'm still very impressed by MGS4, so it was no surprise when it showed up again. I'm really not a fan of the franchise whatsoever, but this game does sound interesting, so I may have to borrow a friends PS3 to see what the hype is all about.

But everyone was worried about Killzone 2.

Personally, its a "meh" for me. Nobody played the first game, and while it looks good, you can't help but to notice them stealing for the Halo and GOW pot. Either way, it looks pretty, and thats a plus, but that doesn't automatically make it a good game. If this is the closest they can come to Halo, by all means, but IMO, its not a deal-maker for the PS3.

As for GT5, its the same story again. Dangle the trailer in front of us (which looks like PGR4 I might add...), tell us it might come out sometime, and hope for the best. Great. Maybe by the time they get the game out they'll be selling the PS3 for $300...


Comparing the Sony conference to that of the others, I think it was more a matter of who was worried about the near-future, and who was worried about the distant future. While all of the companies are focused on the '07 holiday season, Sony had more that was coming after to show off, while Nintendo and Microsoft seemed to be clinging onto the '07 year only. But if we're going to talk killer apps, and what it means to the consoles, thats where Sony loses out. MGS4 and Killzone 2 are still a bit too far off to make a difference, and while Nintendo has a good number of Mario titles on the way (Galaxy, Kart, SSB), we were left with Wii Fit, which clearly demonstrates that Nintendo is looking to grab onto the casual gamer crowd.

Its between Sony and Microsoft, clearly, and it depends on what you like as to who is winning. If we're going to put Halo 3, Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey, PGR4 and Bioshock up against Killzone 2, MGS4, GT5: Prologue, SOCOM, and FFXIII... I'd lean more towards Microsoft there.

Either way, we all benefit here, no matter what console you've got. I have yet to find that game that tells me I need a PS3, but then again, I'm sure there are many people who feel the same way about an X360 or Wii.
If we're going to put Halo 3, Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey, PGR4 and Bioshock up against Killzone 2, MGS4, GT5: Prologue, SOCOM, and FFXIII... I'd lean more towards Microsoft there.
I believe the majority of people would go towards Sony, though. Five successful franchises (Killzone not so much) against two.

I can't agree at all. You're entire post basically reads like a 'downplay' instruction booklet, and that's all there is too it. And just for your info:

Killzone sold over 2 Million copies. You can talk to Seb on the PS Forum, he can confirm it, as he already has multiple times. Killzone Liberation is also, as far as I know, a million seller, world wide.

I have yet to meet anyone who thinks Sony's conference wasn't the best. Nintendo's was boring (Reggie..just stop). MS, well, it was good, but they basically showed us what they've been showing us for the last 6 months, with nothing new, while Sony had good surprises, and tons of new content.

E3 is about Games dude, and Sony showed more games than anyone else in SPADES. Plus their PSN lineup got a lot more 'killer' after this conference. Say what you will to think you're good to go and happy you didn't buy one, whatever, but that conference was what everyone wnated to see, and people are hyped about it.

and lol @ you thinking Killzone 2 is 'stealing' from Halo 3 and Gears of War. Just wow man. Desperation total.
And just for your info:

Killzone sold over 2 Million copies. You can talk to Seb on the PS Forum, he can confirm it, as he already has multiple times. Killzone Liberation is also, as far as I know, a million seller, world wide.

Do you have a source for that? I've tried searching it and haven't been able to. I'm just curious where you get those figures, and would greatly appreciate if you could provide it.

I can't agree at all. You're entire post basically reads like a 'downplay' instruction booklet, and that's all there is too it.

Read some of my other postings about the show, its all generally negative. We really didn't see anything we didn't know about already, so to me it was more or less a matter of pulling out the big guns, and finally deciding who is more important; Snake, Master Chief, or Mario?

Killzone sold over 2 Million copies. You can talk to Seb on the PS Forum, he can confirm it, as he already has multiple times. Killzone Liberation is also, as far as I know, a million seller, world wide.

Where are those two million people then? I know I'm not one of them...

I have yet to meet anyone who thinks Sony's conference wasn't the best. Nintendo's was boring (Reggie..just stop). MS, well, it was good, but they basically showed us what they've been showing us for the last 6 months, with nothing new, while Sony had good surprises, and tons of new content.

I believe I said that Sony's was the best, but I said in general that they all weren't very good. IMO, Sony droned on and on about the same crap that they always do, tried to spin the disappointing launch of the PS3 into something positive (did you see the interview on G4?), and tried way too hard to be funny. Sure, MGS4 and several other titles impressed, but it wasn't a "shocker" to see all of those there.

E3 is about Games dude, and Sony showed more games than anyone else in SPADES. Plus their PSN lineup got a lot more 'killer' after this conference. Say what you will to think you're good to go and happy you didn't buy one, whatever, but that conference was what everyone wnated to see, and people are hyped about it.

Where didn't I say that it wasn't about games? I think the distinction I made was that while PS3 may have had games in "spades," at least to me most of their titles don't seem that appealing. While games like MGS4, Ratchet, and the obvious GT5 continue to hold my attention, the rest of the PS3 lineup seems to consist of multiplatform games that will be available on X360, so they're nothing special to me. Although, I will openly admit that the one PSN game, Electrochome (or whatever its called) looks rather interesting, and would be fun to spend a few hours with.

and lol @ you thinking Killzone 2 is 'stealing' from Halo 3 and Gears of War. Just wow man. Desperation total.

Looks back to 2004: Hey look, Sony says they've got a "Halo Killer!" Well, its Sony, so it has to be good...

Right. That turned out well. It has been chasing Halo since the start my friend, and denying that it isn't is just plain silly. It looks like they took Halo, crossed it with Gears of War, and threw in a few hints of Half-Life and FEAR for good measure. So tell me the last time when this was an "origional" franchise again?
Personally, its a "meh" for me. Nobody played the first game, and while it looks good, you can't help but to notice them stealing for the Halo and GOW pot. Either way, it looks pretty, and thats a plus, but that doesn't automatically make it a good game. If this is the closest they can come to Halo, by all means, but IMO, its not a deal-maker for the PS3.

I'd personally rank KZ2 among the ranks of PGR4, Ratchet and Clank, and Mass Effect – it looks damn good, and it might move a few systems, but it's not going to make sales skyrocket (like with Halo 3, GT5, and Wii Fit).

I don't get where you think it's "meh", though. It looks freakin' awesome, with the fire effects, the chaos, the depth of field, the environmental destruction, etc. And the game is still early pre-alpha and has around a year of development time to go. And it's missing half its animations.

As for GT5, its the same story again. Dangle the trailer in front of us (which looks like PGR4 I might add...), tell us it might come out sometime, and hope for the best. Great. Maybe by the time they get the game out they'll be selling the PS3 for $300...

GT5 > PGR4. No contest. Yes, it's lacking rain (which makes PGR4 stunning), but GT5 looks better. And PGR4 is coming out in two months whereas GT5 is more than a year away.

Comparing the Sony conference to that of the others, I think it was more a matter of who was worried about the near-future, and who was worried about the distant future. While all of the companies are focused on the '07 holiday season, Sony had more that was coming after to show off, while Nintendo and Microsoft seemed to be clinging onto the '07 year only. But if we're going to talk killer apps, and what it means to the consoles, thats where Sony loses out. MGS4 and Killzone 2 are still a bit too far off to make a difference, and while Nintendo has a good number of Mario titles on the way (Galaxy, Kart, SSB), we were left with Wii Fit, which clearly demonstrates that Nintendo is looking to grab onto the casual gamer crowd.

IMO, Nintendo, with Wii Fit and Mario Kart, they were focusing on some of '07 and some of '08. Microsoft did some of that as well (Viva Pinata Mario Party clone, Scene It!), but mostly focused on '07 and really just thanked the 3rd parties for supporting them. Sony definitely focused on '08.

Its between Sony and Microsoft, clearly, and it depends on what you like as to who is winning. If we're going to put Halo 3, Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey, PGR4 and Bioshock up against Killzone 2, MGS4, GT5: Prologue, SOCOM, and FFXIII... I'd lean more towards Microsoft there.

Not a fair comparison. You're comparing MS '07 titles to Sony's '08 titles. And besides, FFXIII, GT5, and MGS4 will move a ton of systems. The only 360 game that has that power is Halo 3. Yes, Mass Effect and PGR4 will move a few systems, but not a whole lot. About KZ2 level like I said before.

If you're comparing Sony's '07 lineup to MS' '07 lineup, MS would win solely because of Halo 3. Compare '08 lineups, however, and Sony goes on a rampage.

EDIT: The PS3 version of DiRT is getting really special treatment:

Looks fantastic compared to 360
PS3 version best edition
Optimized with PSSG rendering platform from Sony
7.1 Uncompressed audio
Supports "older Logitech PS2 wheels"
G25 support
September release
Demo coming

Supports DFP, looks the best, uncompressed audio, demo... I'm glad I held off. If they stabilize the framerate I'll jump for joy.

EDIT2: Yes yes yes!

Content-wise, we'll be seeing all of the same tracks, options and so forth that we saw on the 360 release. There are a number of technical improvements that the team has implemented during the few extra months of development time, however. The all-important framerate has been improved and from what we've seen, it's much steadier than the 360 release.

Codemasters has strived to make sure that the visual fidelity is identical to the Xbox 360 version, and in large part this is true, though we noticed that it didn't have the same smooth and bloomy look that said release did. The representative at the demo claimed that this was partly due to the display it was being shown on, though we're going to have to hold out judgement on whether that's true or not until we can do a side-by-side comparison on our own terms. Regardless, it does look very good.

Much better framerate and less bloom? Day 1 purchase. :D
It appears someone is wearing green-tinted sunglasses... ;)

*Sony/PS3 E3 rant snip*

But, what I was more worried about was the games, and Sony did manage to show off some stuff that may eventually be worth getting. I'm still very impressed by MGS4, so it was no surprise when it showed up again. I'm really not a fan of the franchise whatsoever, but this game does sound interesting, so I may have to borrow a friends PS3 to see what the hype is all about.
Frankly, I was not overly impressed with that MGS4 trailer. The frame rate was too low and even showed some additional frame editing problems in a few of the scenes, and as someone else pointed out, what was up with the stiff hair, did she use "Foker Hair Gel"? ;)

Although I noticed in another part of the video that the hair from another character did move somewhat freely, so obviously this is a work in progress and only represents just a hint as to what they are working towards.

But everyone was worried about Killzone 2.

Personally, its a "meh" for me. Nobody played the first game, and while it looks good, you can't help but to notice them stealing for the Halo and GOW pot. Either way, it looks pretty, and thats a plus, but that doesn't automatically make it a good game. If this is the closest they can come to Halo, by all means, but IMO, its not a deal-maker for the PS3.
"Nobody played the first game"? Come on, can we please avoid the blatant exaggerations? They only hurt your opinion any way by making it appear quite biased. Yes, obviously Halo & GOW sold far better than Killzone, but Killzone still was a good seller, and obviously had an audience despite all the reported problems that game had which I'm sure turned a lot of people off. So as a first time effort going against some wildly popular competing games, Killzone actually did fairly well.

More to the point though, KZ2 is hardly just a copy of either GOW2 or Halo3, and at least from the trailers and video of the actual gameplay it is a huge step up from the first Killzone (which came out nearly three years ago) and in many ways, despite being a work in progress, looks far better than Halo 3 footage and GOW2.

As for GT5, its the same story again. Dangle the trailer in front of us (which looks like PGR4 I might add...), tell us it might come out sometime, and hope for the best. Great. Maybe by the time they get the game out they'll be selling the PS3 for $300...
"Looks like PGR4"? I'm not at all convinced that is or will be the case. While the still shots of PGR4 do look impressive, they are also clearly not stills from actual game play, and even the car's movements in the video clips of PGR4 movies (again not actual gameplay) look very flat and superficial. The only really remarkable thing about the PGR4 footage is the beautiful tracks and environments... and having bikes and cars in the same race, which is a great idea for entertainment purposes. 👍

Interesting too is how you make it a point to say in a negative way that KZ is just a copy of Halo & GOW, but don't seem to have a problem with the fact that PGR and Forza are just following in the footsteps of GT. :)

Just like how the Forza and PGR franchises are doing an excellent job expanding on what GT started, so has Killzone with what GOW and Halo helped establish as a popular game format.

So the fact that you criticize a PS3 franchise and not criticizing other Xbox franchises for doing the same things makes your assessment seem very biased.

This also seems to have affected how you determined what games qualify as being “killer apps” for the various consoles, for which I believe many would disagree strongly with your assessments. That said, much of these types of assessments are almost entirely based on subjective opinion, so they don't mean much other than sharing ones personal preference... and possible loyalty to a franchise or even console.

Either way, we all benefit here, no matter what console you've got. I have yet to find that game that tells me I need a PS3, but then again, I'm sure there are many people who feel the same way about an X360 or Wii.
... and many people obviously have found games that they need on the PS3 and X360 and Wii, but excellent statement for which many I'm sure can agree on. 👍
Yssman, I think we understand your negativity towards Sony. But is it really worth coming here to tell us such shallow opinons:

"Nobody played the first game, and while it looks good, you can't help but to notice them stealing for the Halo and GOW pot."
Um Halo and Gears were original? Nothing about Killzone1/2 reminds me of Halo, since in Halo you don't shoot people and you can jump 50 feet into air. I don't see anything Gears in Killzone1/2.
"The PSP is still stupid, no surprise, and having a video output isn't going to save anything.

PSP has out Sold the Xbox(similar price) since it released and fore casted to Ship 11million more by the end of year. The PSP is doing just fine regardless of DS sales.

So tell me the last time when this was an "origional" franchise again?

Nobody played it remember. If you've played Killzone you'd know its nothing like Gears, Half-Life or Halo. The gameplay(Killzone) is realistic unlike them, no lazers, no aliens and no super human tricks.

Dangle the trailer in front of us (which looks like PGR4 I might add...)

That was for GT5 Prologue. GT4 Prologue did not even use the final game engine and came some 10 months before the game.

You are really sounding like a fanboy. I hate to use the word but whats the point if few of your opinions make sense. If you are under 22 then i could understand you better. Trying to end you post on good notes doesn't help.
I just wanted to link this HD vid of Heavenly Sword.

I just think the facial animation and the look is incredible. I know it's not gameplay and I know it doesn't make a game, but there will always be cutscenes etc in games so if you're gonna do them, do them well. And Hevenly Sword does them brilliantly...👍
Um Halo and Gears were original? Nothing about Killzone1/2 reminds me of Halo, since in Halo you don't shoot people and you can jump 50 feet into air. I don't see anything Gears in Killzone1/2.

IMO, practically everything in this day and age is unoriginal... games almost always get their ideas from other games. Heck, just as an example, Gears was heavily influenced by Resident Evil.
I'd personally rank KZ2 among the ranks of PGR4, Ratchet and Clank, and Mass Effect – it looks damn good, and it might move a few systems, but it's not going to make sales skyrocket (like with Halo 3, GT5, and Wii Fit).
That's my impression as well... and I won't be getting KZ2 because I'm a pansy... ;)

I don't get where you think it's "meh", though. It looks freakin' awesome, with the fire effects, the chaos, the depth of field, the environmental destruction, etc. And the game is still early pre-alpha and has around a year of development time to go. And it's missing half its animations.
Agreed... that footage was astonishing, especially the transition from cut scene to gameplay. 👍

I was particularly blown away by the detail of the bullet impacts on both enemies and the environment! :eek:

GT5 > PGR4. No contest. Yes, it's lacking rain (which makes PGR4 stunning), but GT5 looks better. And PGR4 is coming out in two months whereas GT5 is more than a year away.
I really like how the rain puddles on the track look on PGR4, and the spray effects from the cars when they drive through them, but the actual rain fall effects need a lot of work. They look like anime rather than real rain.

Not a fair comparison. You're comparing MS '07 titles to Sony's '08 titles. And besides, FFXIII, GT5, and MGS4 will move a ton of systems. The only 360 game that has that power is Halo 3. Yes, Mass Effect and PGR4 will move a few systems, but not a whole lot. About KZ2 level like I said before.

If you're comparing Sony's '07 lineup to MS' '07 lineup, MS would win solely because of Halo 3. Compare '08 lineups, however, and Sony goes on a rampage.
Excellent observations and I share much of the same opinions.

EDIT: The PS3 version of DiRT is getting really special treatment:

Supports DFP, looks the best, uncompressed audio, demo... I'm glad I held off. If they stabilize the framerate I'll jump for joy.

EDIT2: Yes yes yes!

Much better framerate and less bloom? Day 1 purchase. :D

That is impressive news, can you save me a spot in line? ;)
Hey guys, thanks for going a bit easy on me. I know some of you would really like to open up on me, so feel free...

Either way, I try not to be as biased as others on these forums have been before. Sure, I openly admit to buying into the Microsoft machine more times than not, but that doesn't mean I won't give Sony a fair run either. My problem is, I just wasn't blown away by anything at the show. That includes Microsoft's stuff.

On the originality issues, its a common thing. Everyone steals from everyone, but at least in the Killzone 2 trailer, I saw a physics system that appeared to be something like Half-Life and FEAR (not to mention the similar, now better, looks), the duck-and-cover-and-move combat from GoW, and an overall galactic war feel similar to Halo.

Otherwise, the PGR4 and GT5 comparison was just a quick one based on their new city racing (judging by some of the new city tracks), and the inclusion of what appeared to be the F1 circuit. The GT5 car models look far superior to that of PGR4, but environment wise, Bizarre seems to have won-out (I'm sure that will change, however...).

So yes, I will concede that I am a bit one-sided on occasion, but I do my best to be fair. Killzone 2 still looks good, MGS4 is going to be sweet, and I can't wait for GT5. But I've got a long, long, long, long time to wait. So until then, I'm still in the X360 camp...
I just wanted to link this HD vid of Heavenly Sword.

I just think the facial animation and the look is incredible. I know it's not gameplay and I know it doesn't make a game, but there will always be cutscenes etc in games so if you're gonna do them, do them well. And Hevenly Sword does them brilliantly...👍
Couldn't agree with you more. Like Lair, my interest in this game is really starting to grow!

IMO, practically everything in this day and age is unoriginal... games almost always get their ideas from other games. Heck, just as an example, Gears was heavily influenced by Resident Evil.
Excellent point that needed to be said. 👍

That said, I am impressed with how many of these developers are able to expand and add new concepts into what otherwise would be very dull and played out genres, often times breathing much needed fresh air into these genres and adding exciting new gameplay elements!

I know it sounds odd, but the game footage that really impressed me was the new footage of Little Big Planet! I can see this as easily being my family's favorite group game. 👍

It also reminded me of one of the reasons why I think the PS2 was and continues to be so popular, and that's because it offers such a large collection of a wide variety of game types. Xbox developers seem to focus almost entirely on fast paced FPS and adult oriented games. Developers for the Nintendo seem to focus almost entirely on games that appeal mostly with young kids and families. While developers for Playstation offer a much broader range of games that appeal to many different demographics.

Nothing has really changed much in terms of the typical styles of games for the X360 and Wii. It will be interesting to see if the PS3 will continue to offer a wider variety of game types like the library of PS2 games. Little Big Planet and Super Rub-a-Dub are certainly indications they are not planning on neglecting family friendly games in favor of only releasing adrenaline filled death and destruction games. 👍