PS3 General Discussion

Does anyone have a link to a decent quality version of the trailer that's not from Gametrailers? Their version isn't downloading properly here. From the parts I have seen, it looks quite impressive.

And frankly, Jeremy, it was anyone's guess what the game was going to be like from that poor screenshot. No bowing from me.

hahaha, I was just kidding around man :P

But, like I said, I could get a lot from what I'd seen, and in motion, from that image, it was pretty easy to tell it was going to be impressive. I didn't need to be skeptic, because I'd seen games with similar qualities in screens (i.e. Gears of War, Metal Gear Solid, GRAW) that are amazing in motion...and I honestly think this game is a tad more than all the above.
Does anyone have a link to a decent quality version of the trailer that's not from Gametrailers? Their version isn't downloading properly here. From the parts I have seen, it looks quite impressive.

And frankly, Jeremy, it was anyone's guess what the game was going to be like from that poor screenshot. No bowing from me.

Right now I'm downloading it, I'm not spoiling anything by looking at anything else KZ2 related. :D

EDIT: And supposedly it's "pre-pre-alpha", and half its animations are missing. It's supposed to look like the E3 05 trailer animation-wise when finished.

EDIT2: ...Woah. This looks absolutely stellar.
I don't know what the debate is all about, everything looks fine to me. The pic, and the video. Though, the pic is a bit of a limited shot.

I've been reading your posts, You come to this topic just to be a troll, welcome to my ignore list.

Yep. He's going back to his old "Mr. Deap" persona.

Right now I'm downloading it, I'm not spoiling anything by looking at anything else KZ2 related. :D

EDIT: And supposedly it's "pre-pre-alpha", and half its animations are missing. It's supposed to look like the E3 05 trailer animation-wise when finished.

EDIT2: ...Woah. This looks absolutely stellar.
Thanks for the link. It's supposed to become available on the PSN Store this afternoon so I'm going to wait until then to see it... but I must admit, your second edit has me intrigued. :)

I don't know what the debate is all about, everything looks fine to me. The pic, and the video. Though, the pic is a bit of a limited shot.
That was my take on it as well. It looks overly stylized as well, so besides just being a single screen shot, it looks too staged to get excited over as far as actual gameplay is concerned.

BTW: There is a Killzone 2 thread on GTP, maybe we should move the KZ2 topic over there for future reference?

Yep. He's going back to his old "Mr. Deap" persona.
:eek: Is DWA really the former Mr. Deap (I thought he was banned?), or are you only referring to their similar antics?
Thanks for the link. It's supposed to become available on the PSN Store this afternoon so I'm going to wait until then to see it... but I must admit, your second edit has me intrigued. :)

The KZ2 trailer exceeds the E3 05 trailer in some ways, and falls a bit short in others. However, it's definitely one of the best looking games on PS3. And considering how early in development this is in, this will probably crap on all the PS3 games released this year (maybe

Guerrila delivered, that's for sure. I had a feeling it'd look good, but not this good.

:eek: Is DWA really the former Mr. Deap (I thought he was banned?), or are you only referring to their similar antics?

I can guarantee you DWA isn't Mr Deap. He's a previously banned member... but he's not Mr Deap.
I noticed one of controllers used in haze demonstration(in gametrailers if remember correctly) was blurred to camera. To me it looked like 360 controller ,but others say it was vibrating version of 6-axis. What do you guys think?
Haze looks like a great game btw.
Well... it looks like Microsoft bombed at their E3 conference, and Nintendo gave me absolutely no reason to keep my Wii for 2008. MS introduced a few lame casual pieces of crap, Halo 3 looks like ****, no '08 games being unveiled, most of the conference was dedicated to multiplatform titles, etc. No Animal Crossing with Nintendo, introducing 3 different piece of crap Wiimote add-ons, barely focusing on the Big Thrii, all the infomercials, etc etc.

Killzone could look like an N64 game and Sony could raise the PS3 price by $200 and they'd still "win" the E3 conference.

It seems to me I could very well be PS3-only around this time next year.

Forgive me for my semi-OT rant. I'm just pissed right now. 👎

I noticed one of controllers used in haze demonstration(in gametrailers if remember correctly) was blurred to camera. To me it looked like 360 controller ,but others say it was vibrating version of 6-axis. What do you guys think?
Haze looks like a great game btw.
Where may I ask is the E3 Feed? :confused:

There is (or was for Nintendo and MS) one for all systems at GameSpot, G4TV (has commercials), 1UP, and IGN (Insiders only). There was a feed on and the PS3 conference feed will be on the PS Blog as well. You'll probably see the entire conferences on YouTube by the end of the day, as well as slimmed down versions on the PS Store and Marketplace (or maybe the PS Store will have the entire conference, I'm not sure), so save yourself from going back to the 56k era and wait.

Sony's conference is due to start in about 40 minutes (11:30 PST).
You're gonna sell your Wii and 360 because they didn't have great E3 showings? Seriously?

Unless they show off some new pretty cool games at TGS/X07, or if Smash Bros lasts me for a long time, probably yes. There's absolutely nothing in the Wii's '08 lineup that I even remotely want, but I'll most likely end up keeping my 360 since there's a good chance MS will show off some cool new games at X07.

But anyway, let's forget about that. Onto the Sony conference...
Well seeing ive yet to see the trailer for killzone I can only go by the screenshot, and so far im not impressed, but TBH ive not been impressed by any of the shots from any game so far on the ps3.

Roll on E3 PSN videos for download.
This is just bang out of order, because GameSpot and IGN should have been prepared for the amount of bandwidth. :grumpy:
The trailer is MUCH more impressive than that crummy screen shot. The visual detail, effects and movements are quite amazing. If I was being picky, the only thing I really disliked was the explosion didn't look very good when they were flying on that ship. :P

But overall, 10/10. 👍
The trailer is MUCH more impressive than that crummy screen shot. The visual detail, effects and movements are quite amazing. If I was being picky, the only thing I really disliked was the explosion didn't look very good when they were flying on that ship. :P

But overall, 10/10. 👍

Sounds promising, im downloading it now at 200+ KB/s so not too long to go. All games so far that are on the ps3 look allot better in motion than they do static. Just hope they manage to pull off a stonker of a game, because it may look pretty but if it falls short the xbots will jump on it like fly's on a sack of ****.
Hmm. Sony is putting some of the Home community features on phones. You'll be able to take a photo with your phone and upload it to your Home space. 👍

EDIT: Unreal Tournament 3 and Haze are now confirmed to be timed exclusives.

EDIT2: UT3 will have PSN mod support and will be able to import PC mods. :D
Did you guys watch that footage of GT5:Prologue?

Looks great!

Damn you! None of the streams work. :( Seems like GT5P will have full online play.

Oh, and Infamous has been announced by Sucker Punch. Seems to be a game along the lines of Crackdown.

And Sony wins E3. Hands down. PSP slimdown + Chewbacca + MGS4 + GT5 Prologue + Wipeout + everything else = 👍
Even more Killzone footage. Looks even more impressive than the trailer!

Just gotta wait for a website to upload these videos so I can watch them again...

The new one, ND4SPD
Good to see they left KillZone 2 to last, but overall the future is looking stunning for the PS3.
Sony just blew my mind.
Seriously, my head exploded watching that. I can't even count how many times my jaw dropped. I knew I bought a PS3 for a reason!
After watching all the live press conferences, I would say the Sony was the best one out of the lot, even if GameSpot and IGN had problems with bandwidth at times.
Good to see they left KillZone 2 to last, but overall the future is looking stunning for the PS3.

It always does. MS didn't focus on future titles or features to XBL. No announcements that are significant. But their QT4 line up is looking stellar. What about next year? PS3 08 exclusives, GT5, MGS4, The Agency, Infamous, little Big Planet, unnamed NC Soft RPG, The Getaway, and Killzone. The first 2 should be heavy hitters and the rest have chances.

Can anyone name two official 360 08 Exclusives? Shouldn't Microsoft hold on to one of these games(there 07 exclusives) and release it march? Dont expect Forza3 or PGR5 in 08.

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