PS3 General Discussion

The Darkness demo is just... meh. The shooting and auto-cover are alright, but I'm not overly impressed with the graphics. The animation in the car during the beginning scene was almost comical. I just hope that's the only time you get a ride in a car...

Yeh I downloaded it this morning and it sucks, ive only seen bad graphics like that on the old pc we had. Everything about the demo is poor, I will leave it on the PS3 for the time being but im sure it will be dropped soon.

on a cooler note, ive just found out that you can have your music playing in the background on a slide show, something new to me anyway.
Yes, I figured out how to do that a while back - the PS button is handy, eh?

Saying that, flicking through my Pamela Anderson collection isn't quite the same with Simon & Garfunkel in the background...
Saying that, flicking through my Pamela Anderson collection isn't quite the same with Simon & Garfunkel in the background...

::steps away from TM::

Anyways, don't let the Demos fool you too much, I rented The Darkness and enjoyed the very small amount of time I had a chance to play it. As D-N has said before it's a damn shame so many of the demos in the store are such crappy examples of the games they represent...
Yes, I figured out how to do that a while back - the PS button is handy, eh?

Saying that, flicking through my Pamela Anderson collection isn't quite the same with Simon & Garfunkel in the background...

^^ :embarrassed: ^^

Im just looking around for some good DLNA software for my mac, I whish that I-tunes would work like it does with apple TV but so far no joy.
SONY should be paying us royalties considering the last 3 or 4 pages :)
Our payment is that by increasing PS3 sales it keeps third-party developers interested and prevents the situation the Gamecube found itself in.

Or at least our own dedicated GTP building in Sony's PS Home. :)
I wonder if they wouldn't do this kind of thing for the popular fan sites. Honestly PD/Sony can't not know about GTP, and must realize the value we give to them by word-of-mouth, or should that be word-of-browser. Anyone looking into getting started with a GT game doing a Google search will find GTP and upon seeing the sheer size of the community would, at a minimum, think its worth a rental. And then we help so many new players get started into the game with tips and advice that they won't give up before getting a chance to really get deep into the game, and thus will buy future editions. And then after people get sucked into GTP they will find we are more than happy to help them with all their Playstation needs.

Did I just make us sound more important than we are?

More importantly though, the reward for helping someone see the value in the PS3 is really just knowing that they are going to really enjoy it and that they are getting a really great console... and a fantastic Blu-ray player as well. :)👍
I think the problem is people just see console and the price. I think a major key is to get people to realize they are buying so much more. I feel it was worth it and I have yet to even get into the Linux stuff yet.
I find that a few people who visit out house see the TV and then see the graphics of the games and then see the other capabilities of the PS3 and as soon as they see this they want one ASAP, most people who come around are over 21 so they were expecting the PS3 to be another console, and as soon as they see the Picture/photo playback they go "wow it can do that?" they then see the video playback and say "where are the video's? are they on a cd or something?" short explanation later and they have a jaw bone on the floor, then to top it off they see music playback and they see the PS3 for what it really is "HUB OF THE HOME" then after the playing SSHD and GTHD and Motorstorm they say that the games look great but its the other things it does that makes it worth the hefty price tag, they then pipe up "What are those small DVD like cases, are they films?" my answer "Why yes young sir/madame, they are Blur ray (in a low mystical voice)" then I proceed to show off the abilities of the BD movies with short demos from some of the films, then if all this wasn't enough I show them the internet side of things stating that they never need switch on the PC again for surfing the net. And after all that they say "bet its hard to get all that, the only reason you have done it is because you are a computer genius" With me being modest and brushing off any notion that i'm a genius my reply is "I may be good with computer type things, but you don't have to be, its as easy as turning it on and popping in a disk"

Some people then go away wanting the PS3 others still think the price is still out of reach, and not because they cannot afford it, but because they are as tight as a duck's butt with their money (no offense Duck :D), the moral of the story is, as great as the PS3 is (and it is great) some people will be won over by all that was said above, but most still see the price tag, and if you are to combine this with a HDTV you have a very expensive deal, we all know that the PS3 is a very good price considering the amount of stuff it can do, but the layman see his wallet and hears it creaking open and the moths flying from it, until the price is more than a match for its competition then its dosn't matter if the tricks up its sleeve are.
Even something as basic as the slide show I put together for two of my sisters birthdays was much easier to show on the ps3 than on a laptop, after the show (which even had its own music playing during the slides) my older siblings were "proud" that I was able to put it together whereas the PS3 actually did all the work :)
Hehe, my best friend kept saying he wouldn't get one because of teh price and was probably going to get a 360 because a couple of other friends have one. Then I got my PS3 and started talking about everything it does. He piped up at the media sharing thing because whenever he has a party he takes his laptop down to his bar/basement and hooks it up to a shelf system to run the music from iTunes. I forwarded the GT5:P email I got from GTP the other day and suddenly he is very interested, and was even more impressed when I showed him the clip of grass blowing as teh R8 drove by.

He's going with me to the Le Mans/Indy race this weekend and I am taking the PS3 along. If I don't have him sold this weekend I'll get the job done when GT5:P comes out. He already has an LCD HDTV so for him it will just be a matter of buying the PS3 and some BD movies.

He also was impressed that I haven't had to send my PS3 in for repairs yet, where one of the 360 guys has sent his in three times now. I think the reliability issues may convert a few people, especially with a GT game with some substance coming out soon.

On a related note: While at my friend's house last night I read the Car & driver article about GT5 and it even said that a GT game for the PSN was coming out this fall. I can't believe no one caught that before E3. Well, no one that I saw at least.
actually someone posted a thread about it in the GT5 section I believe, plus anyone who isn't stupid reads car and driver:sly:
Sorry, I was trying to work my way through a Harry Potter book, Racer, and Motor Trend as well, all while on vacation.

Plus, it didn't get a ton of buzz and everyone acted like E3 handed them a pleasant surprise.
The Darkness demo is just... meh. The shooting and auto-cover are alright, but I'm not overly impressed with the graphics. The animation in the car during the beginning scene was almost comical. I just hope that's the only time you get a ride in a car...

Eh, I thought it was decent. It doesn't live up to the hype that was raised, though.

At least a Heavenly Sword demo is coming next week.

EDIT: The 360 demo for Darkness just went up, looks like I be comparing.
Guys, I bought the Darkness a few weeks back, mainly because it came with a $10 gift card with it, but I bought it, and its not as bad as the demo is. The game progresses with little time, and the graphics get much more impressive. Although still not amazing. Its not as bad as the demo, but its not an amazing game by any means. But its fun. Although I havent played it since I bought RS:V and SSDHD.
Anyways, don't let the Demos fool you too much, I rented The Darkness and enjoyed the very small amount of time I had a chance to play it. As D-N has said before it's a damn shame so many of the demos in the store are such crappy examples of the games they represent...
Unfortunate, but true.

Let's hope the upcoming demos for Heavenly Sword and Lair are a decent refelection of those games.

In addition I believe Snakeball is coming out soon on the PS Store.

Im just looking around for some good DLNA software for my mac, I whish that I-tunes would work like it does with apple TV but so far no joy.
I need some advice from PS3 owners with Macs... I posted my question HERE.
Let's hope the upcoming demos for Heavenly Sword and Lair are a decent refelection of those games.

Ugh, Lair. I got some unfortunate info about that, I'll be updating the Lair thread about it soon.

I need some advice from PS3 owners with Macs... I posted my question HERE.
Well, there's TwonkyMedia... and that's it. It doesn't really have a good GUI to help set it up, and it makes my system slow down like molasses even with the Intel release. Basically a cancer. Getting music, photos, and videos displaying properly with playlists and such is a pain. And codec support is limited.

I think having the PS3 streaming from Macs is a bit dead until Nullriver decides to release the inevitable ConnectPS3.
Just wanted to weigh in with a few simple thoughts. :D

First, the price of the PS3 in my opinion has never been what put people off of the PS3. That's just garbage. :P
As I've said before, anyone willing to buy a next gen system for $500 dollars just to save $100 over a superior product deserves to suffer the consequences. I mean come on! 500 vs 600 (what, that basically amounts to a difference nearly equal to the tax paid on either system?) (in LA. tax is 10% roughly which means 50 or 60 bucks... which after paying for live service on xbox evens out the price!)

Instead of the price, I think it is fanboyism (can't deny the Halo issue and the fanboys it created). I think it is industry bias (can't deny the industry has been more critical of the PS3 than 360). I think it has been impatience... I don't entirely trust the vast spectrum of people who have purchased 360s out of impatience only to claim a PS3 will be in their future if GT5 is good enough (to emphasize my distrust of un-named members... I just look at how good Forza 1 was in the eyes of fannies until Forza 2 came around and then suddenly every fanny was saying Forza 1 was crap but it didn't matter since FM2 was so good... That's not to say it isn't good either but it has stained the reputation of many FM players who I now consider foolish fannies! :lol: ).

I feel like most of those people have been trying to justify their purchase of a 360 (which is perfectly fine and justifiable) while attempting to retain a persona of impartiality. My guess is that anyone who really does buy a PS3 for GT5 will be blown away and I doubt they will ever go back to the 360 (unless they don't trade it in and decide to waste 50 bucks on FM3). Just my guess though, that's not to say I'm right either! :lol:

That said, I don't think there will be too many 360 owners who purchase PS3s for GT5. Rather, I feel like the vast majority of switches will come from players who eventually find out the most important game on the 360 (halo 3) is just another online shooter and no online shooter (regardless of how good) is worth the frequency of melt-downs the 360 experiences.

Also, while I agree with all of you that it would be nice to get something from Sony due to our efforts here on the GTP, I feel it is enough to simply get good friends from the GTP that will serve as excellent buddies on the PSN. 👍

Finally, a question...
Can you erase stuff off the hard drive? I'd hate to download a bunch of demos and trailers only to find out they have stolen most of the space on my HDD. :ouch:
Finally, a question...
Can you erase stuff off the hard drive? I'd hate to download a bunch of demos and trailers only to find out they have stolen most of the space on my HDD. :ouch:

Erasing is no problem. In deed, copying and transferring files to/from the PS3 is quite easy and pain free. Sony is much less restrictive than MS in that regard.
First, the price of the PS3 in my opinion has never been what put people off of the PS3. That's just garbage. :P
As I've said before, anyone willing to buy a next gen system for $500 dollars just to save $100 over a superior product deserves to suffer the consequences. I mean come on! 500 vs 600 (what, that basically amounts to a difference nearly equal to the tax paid on either system?) (in LA. tax is 10% roughly which means 50 or 60 bucks... which after paying for live service on xbox evens out the price!)
You forgot adding Wi-Fi and an HD-DVD drive is roughly another $250.

Finally, a question...
Can you erase stuff off the hard drive? I'd hate to download a bunch of demos and trailers only to find out they have stolen most of the space on my HDD. :ouch:
Triangle - Delete - Yes "Delete Completed"

EDIT: You can also delete game saves using the same process.

And you can also rename personal files that you copied to the hard drive. I haven't tried with files downloaded from the PSN though.
And you can also rename personal files that you copied to the hard drive. I haven't tried with files downloaded from the PSN though.
Yes, you can rename/edit video file names from any source including videos from PSN. In fact I use this to organize the videos on my PS3 because as of yet XMB still does not have the option of creating folders in the Video menu. 👎

So what I do is I add a number in front of every file. The numbers identify then in the following way:
  • 01 = Movie Trailer/Clips/BHS: Not Yet Released
  • 02 = Movie Trailer/Clips/BHS: In Theaters Now
  • 03 = Movie Trailer/Clips/BHS: Previously Released
  • 04 = Internet Videos
  • 05 = Short Films
  • 06 = Home Movies
  • 11 = PS3 Game Trailer/Clips/BHS: PSN Games
  • 12 = PS3 Game Trailer/Clips/BHS: Blu-ray Games
  • 15 = PS3 Misc (Home, E3, etc)
  • 21 = PS3 Promotional Videos
This makes it very easy for me to not only find a video, but keep similar types of videos in the same place and sorted. 👍

It's easy to do, but having folders would be oh so much better!
  • 06 = Home Movies
And I am jealous, because as of the moment the only home videos I have are motion jpeg from my digital camera in an avi format that the PS3 doesn't read and the only editor I have on my PC that does read them is Windows Movie Maker, which creates WMVs that my PS3 doesn't read.

I need to find a decent converter, especially since my DVD software only likes mpgs.

Any clue if the PS3 will support more video formats in the future?

EDIT: And I just saw Solid Lifters thread about PS3 Video 9. I'll try that when I get home.
Don't know if someone has already mentioned or not,

but at E3 after pushing the PS button on those particular PS3s a select music icon is now displayed

the ability to listen to your music on the HDD during games included in the next patch?
Last month I've read an an interview with these firmware updates' developers where they said that the option to use custom soundtrack in games was available already. It was up to the game developers to include it in the game.
Last month I've read an an interview with these firmware updates' developers where they said that the option to use custom soundtrack in games was available already. It was up to the game developers to include it in the game.

Yeah, we've seen proof of that in Ridge Racer 7... and we've also seen proof that we should never rely on developers for custom soundtracks in MotorStorm, GT:HD, F1:CE, the sports games, etc etc...

I want to choose whether or not to listen to my own music, and not rely on developers which may have bias against this (licensed music would go to waste).
Personally, I've never really understood the importance of playing music during a game. I almost always set the music to "off" in the game settings as I find it distracting and would just as well focus on the sound effects much more so than music... I mean, how many race cars have a stereo? How many soldiers, ninjas & warriors, and dragon riders wear iPods in the middle of battle? ;)

Then again, if I was one who had to listen to my own music during a game, I'd just play my music on my stereo while playing the game (again with the game music turned off), so for me at least either way I don't need to rely on developers... except to always have the option to turn off the music in a game. 👍
I mean, how many race cars have a stereo? How many soldiers, ninjas & warriors, and dragon riders wear iPods in the middle of battle? ;)
So you think movies shouldn't have soundtracks too?

To me, it depends of the game. GT4, Tourist Trophy, and other sims where the engine sound plays an important part of the game play I turn the music off. In arcades like NFS and Burnout I leave the music on, usually louder than the sound effects actually.
So you think movies shouldn't have soundtracks too?
The experience is entirely different as I am not participating or playing a role in a movie. I'm just watching.

However, this is also why I prefaced my comment with "personally", as I completely respect the fact that many people do like to have music playing while they play games. It’s just that I am not one of them... and if I were one of them, I'd play the music on the stereo system if I didn’t like the in-game music. 👍