PS3 General Discussion

Why is the PS3 so annoying?

Step 1: Turn PS3 on.

Step 2: Grab controller and press PS button.

Step 3: Take CD out of console.

Step 4: Insert desired memory card.

Step 5: Assign Memory Card Slot to Slot 1.

Step 6: Insert CD, and wait for it to read.

Step 7: Click CD.

Step 8: Press PS button again.

Why is the PS3 so annoying?

Step 1: Turn PS3 on.

Step 2: Grab controller and press PS button.
Cut this down to one by pushing and holding in the PS button to turn the system on, unless you are flipping teh switch in the back.

Step 3: Take CD out of console.
Why? To prevent auto-start? You can turn that off in the settings.

Step 4: Insert desired memory card.

Step 5: Assign Memory Card Slot to Slot 1.
Shouldn't this just be a one time thing?

Step 6: Insert CD, and wait for it to read.

Step 7: Click CD.
It's either this or auto-start, take your pick.

Step 8: Press PS button again.
You have to press PS button again so the controller can find the PS3 thing. Now Playstation is too hard for a caveman like me to start up. :confused: :grumpy:

And I got multiple memory cards with different saves on each of them.
You have to press PS button again so the controller can find the PS3 thing. Now Playstation is too hard for a caveman like me to start up. :confused: :grumpy:
What are you trying to load up?

And I got multiple memory cards with different saves on each of them.
What's the maximum virtual memory cards that you can save on the system? I only saved one PS2 and one PS1 card.
Anyway, I was going to write a long, drawn out post about the whole financial argument thing, but I'll just wrap my larger thoughts into bite-sized bits.

  • I wouldn't be surprised if MS stayed or left the hardware market next generation.
  • They have two system selling games this year, along with the potential $100 pricedrop to $300, and that could skyrocket sales this fall. The migration to 65nm "Falcon" 360s, with fixed hardware, have been rumored to halve the costs of manufacturing. With that in mind, hardware production in '08 could be significantly cheaper, but that also might be dwarfed by marketing costs and the like.
  • They have no system sellers for 2008. Gears of War 2 comes to mind, but that only will sell to the current audience. Ninja Gaiden typically doesn't sell all that great, so the sequel won't make a big splash. Banjo Kazooie IIRC doesn't sell systems all that much (correct me if I'm wrong), and since it's going to be compared to the Pixar-like graphics of Ratchet and the gameplay of Mario Galaxy, which looks to be the true follow-up to Mario 64.
  • If they leave the market, I do not believe it will be because of 2008. It'd be because of the cumulation of losses from the previous 9 years (assuming they leave in 2010).
  • They have no system sellers (games that makes Joe Gamer buy a PS3) this year. MGS4 was delayed. GTA4 is coming out on the 360, a cheaper system, but they could negate that if they somehow come up with a $400 PS3 this year. Even if they market Uncharted extremely well, it won't sell systems either as evidenced by Gears of War.
  • They have a complete metric ton of games coming out next year that is going to absolutely murder everything in its path, wallets and competitors' lineups alike. Go into my Exclusive Games threads (the three first dots in my signature) for list wars if you like.
  • Sales aren't doing well at all. The only time it has outsold the 360 is in March when it launched in Europe. In America, Sony has said that sales have risen 135% since the price drop at 5 major retailers (think Best Buy, Circuit City, etc). If MS decides to drop the price before Halo 3, Sony's fast sales will end abruptly. If they do it in November and try to squeeze as much money out of the Halo 3 and GTA4 adopters, Sony could have enough momentum. In Japan, Nintendo steamrolled everything. They may be able to build a respectable userbase there next year with FFXIII, DMC4, MGS4, GT5, etc.
  • Sony would be idiots to not make a PS4. The PS3 will be the catalyst for Blu-ray's dominance, and the Cell since they want to put it in camcorders, TVs, phones, etc. Both the PS1 and PS2 had unprecedented sales, so even if the third iteration is a dud, that doesn't mean they can never do it again. Their investment in their first party by optimizing everything for the PS3's unique hardware would also go to waste, so I don't think all this would be tossed away that quickly.
  • The Wii and DS print money, 27 out of the top 30 selling games in Japan last week were on Nintendo platforms, in worldwide sales they are only 1 million units away from surpassing the 360, etc. They're not going anywhere. I bet Iwata, while sitting on a solid gold toilet wiping his butt with $100 bills, is looking at Sony and Microsoft battling for second place and laughing maniacally.

OK, so that's not bite-sized. Sue me!
heres the better way
step 1- press PS button to turn both controller and ps3 on
step 2- insert desired game
step 3- start game ( if you're playing a ps1/2 game and need to select a memory card you can do it before selecting the game or while the game is loading OR whenever you want during the game)
step 4- only if it's a ps1/2 game do you need to press the ps button again to turn the controller on after starting the game (and even then it seems like I only have to do this with some games and I believe this only applies to systems that still have the EE)

so that cuts your steps in half and thats with an older game, with ps3 games you just push the PS button and either select the game or leave auto start on
You have to press PS button again so the controller can find the PS3 thing. Now Playstation is too hard for a caveman like me to start up. :confused: :grumpy:

And I got multiple memory cards with different saves on each of them.

Well then I am sure you could easily fix a 360. :ouch:
I tend to play my PS2 games on here, like Burnout Takedown, which is still better than other Burnout's, and Gran Turismo 2-3. I hate GT4 though, but let's not get too off-topic.

I have around 6 memory cards saved onto the system, but I got more memory cards than that. :indiff: I don't know the maximum yet, I should try that out sometime.

It's harder than I thought to save a memory card here, because the buttons are barely highlighted, and I didn't know if I was pressing OK or something else. :confused:

EDIT @ Kent: :lol: That is just terrible.
No no... you miss my point. Screw the service and software, I just hope the HARDWARE makes it to 09. xD
Not sure how I misunderstood you. When you say, "I think I got a little in over my head because I'm gold til 09 and 4000 pts. I hope it makes it that far.", none of that has anything to do with whether or not MS is selling X360's by 2009, it has everything to do with whether or not MS will continue to offer their XBL service.

Also, if you already own an X360, the only thing you need to be concerned about is software support. MS is obligated to continue to service existing X360's for a minimum of the next three years, and even after that you'll always be able to get it serviced by independent service centers. 👍

You have to press PS button again so the controller can find the PS3 thing. Now Playstation is too hard for a caveman like me to start up. :confused: :grumpy:
To quote a terribly annoying insurance commercial... "PS3's are so easy to operate; even a caveman can do it!" :D

Seriously, all your list shows is that not only does the PS3 give you several different ways of achieving different tasks, but that you apparently didn’t read any of the PS3 info that comes with the PS3 and available online where they explain quite clearly the various shortcuts you can take for many of the operations that might otherwise take a few extra steps to accomplish. Although frankly, even the guides are not really necessary as most of these shortcuts are fairly obvious with just a little bit of hands-on exploring of the PS3.

As FoolKiller has already pointed out, several of your steps are unnecessary, and in the case of Step 8, rather odd.

For instance, all you have to do is place a disc halfway into the slot and it will automatically turn the PS3 on for you, slide the disc into position for the laser, and with auto-start enabled, it will immediately start playing the disc.

One VERY simple step and you accomplish some of the things on your long list of steps…. So easy a caveman can do it. :)👍

That said, if there are shortcuts that are not already available that you would want to see added, you might want to post your requests on Sony's PS Developer's Blog, they seem to be responding to many requests and adding some of the features that have been asked for with each new system update. 👍
DWA is trying to say that it might have been a bad idea to buy thos points and the XBL gold since the 360 is pretty much just a time bomb
:odd: I think you're just challenged... I don't have that much of a problem.
You had trouble with PS3 I bet too. I am pretty smart, but still, 'm not used to new technology like the PS3. I play my PS2 most of the time, because of all the work it takes to change a CD ad so on... I'm lazy. :guilty:
To quote a terribly annoying insurance commercial... "PS3's are so easy to operate; even a caveman can do it!" :D

Seriously, all your list shows is that not only does the PS3 give you several different ways of achieving different tasks, but that you apparently didn’t read any of the PS3 info that comes with the PS3 and available online where they explain quite clearly the various shortcuts you can take for many of the operations that might otherwise take a few extra steps to accomplish. Although frankly, even the guides are not really necessary as most of these shortcuts are fairly obvious with just a little bit of hands-on exploring of the PS3.

As FoolKiller has already pointed out, several of your steps are unnecessary, and in the case of Step 8, rather odd.

For instance, all you have to do is place a disc halfway into the slot and it will automatically turn the PS3 on for you, slide the disc into position for the laser, and with auto-start enabled, it will immediately start playing the disc.

One VERY simple step and you accomplish nearly everything on your long list of steps…. So easy a caveman can do it. :)👍
Well not if a CD is in there already. I am just not used to this stuff really, can't teach an old dog new tricks. :indiff:
Not sure how I misunderstood you. When you say, "I think I got a little in over my head because I'm gold til 09 and 4000 pts. I hope it makes it that far.", none of that has anything to do with whether or not MS is selling X360's by 2009, it has everything to do with whether or not MS will continue to offer their XBL service.

Also, if you already own an X360, the only thing you need to be concerned about is software support. MS is obligated to continue to service existing X360's for a minimum of the next three years, and even after that you'll always be able to get it serviced by independent service centers. 👍

Yeah, they better... I'm paying for it. Anyway, have you been reading the news about the hardware?! Have you been hearing about G.T's situation concerning 4 360s already? I literally hope this hardware lasts till 09. Of course XBL service will be around til 09. Better.

argh... keep forgetting this is a PS3 thread. To get back on topic... I have full confidence my PS3 will last til 09.
I hate to disagree, but the textures are not very different in either version, I own them both. The opening scene, also, is not a polygon or physic's calc different. Both are *identicle* the only difference being motion blur. You're making detail where detail isn't there. Also, the textures are *clearer* on the PS3 version due to enhanced AF (at the expense of AA).

Just wanted to clear those up, but it's very much NOT a poor version of a multiplatform game.
Can I ask why you own both versions?

I agree the PS3 version is considerably clearer, but I suppose it's personal preference. I prefer the motion blur, probably (thinking about it) it hides even more of the aliasing which mainly ruins my personal expereince. Other than that, they're nearly identical. Blood still definitely looks better in the 360 version closer-up. Unless they improved that for the full version.

Edit: Oh, forgot about the Heavenly Sword demo! Game definitely looked very pretty. Gameplay was pretty good too - just got to learn how all the combos work. It's just sad that the demo is only 10 minutes long at most.
Can I ask why you own both versions?

I agree the PS3 version is considerably clearer, but I suppose it's personal preference. I prefer the motion blur, probably (thinking about it) it hides even more of the aliasing which mainly ruins my personal expereince. Other than that, they're nearly identical. Blood still definitely looks better in the 360 version closer-up. Unless they improved that for the full version.

Edit: Oh, forgot about the Heavenly Sword demo! Game definitely looked very pretty. Gameplay was pretty good too - just got to learn how all the combos work. It's just sad that the demo is only 10 minutes long at most.

try to remember that demos can be poor representations of the full game sometimes (especially lately with demos from the PS store) Its really quite frustrating how bad some of these demos are considering the whole point is to make you want the game even if there is another platform available
Well not if a CD is in there already. I am just not used to this stuff really, can't teach an old dog new tricks. :indiff:
But if a CD is in there already, how would that be any different than any other player/console. After all you started this off with the bold statement of "Why is the PS3 so annoying?" (which BTW, there is a specific thread for that as well) :)

Thus it certainly sounded like you were saying it's annoying compared to a similar product that doesn’t have the same annoying steps... which in the case of the PS3, also offers ways of consolidating multiple steps.

BTW: Here is another step saving option for PS3 owners who leave discs in the slot when they shutdown. If you plan on putting in a different disc, simply put your finger on the eject icon on the PS3. It will then automatically turn on the PS3 and eject the disc... all with just a light placement of a finger. :)

BTW part 2: While you were posting your reply, I had edited my previous post with the following, which may also help you some time in the future:

That said, if there are shortcuts that are not already available that you would want to see added, you might want to post your requests on Sony's PS Developer's Blog, they seem to be responding to many requests and adding some of the features that have been asked for with each new system update. 👍
Well then I am sure you could easily fix a 360. :ouch:

Everyone, please stop with these kind of posts.

I've been noticing a lot of these lately, from several different people, and quite honestly it's tiring. This is a PS3 discussion thread, in a PS3 subforum. This isn't the "make insecure, unwarranted, out-of-the-blue bashes against 360" thread. Keep that away from here. All it does is make people lower their opinion of you, and unless you're trying to win the Biggest Dunce GTPlanet award this December it's not going to make others respect you.
Another thing I forgot to mention. Did the Heavenly Sword demo freeze on any of you guys? It's done it to me twice, both in the second fighting sequence. I'm wondering if it's the console or not if it's never happened to anyone else... Or coincidence...
Everyone, please stop with these kind of posts.

I've been noticing a lot of these lately, from several different people, and quite honestly it's tiring. This is a PS3 discussion thread, in a PS3 subforum. This isn't the "make insecure, unwarranted, out-of-the-blue bashes against 360" thread. Keep that away from here. All it does is make people lower their opinion of you, and unless you're trying to win the Biggest Dunce GTPlanet award this December it's not going to make others respect you.

Thanks for the warning there buddy... I'll be sure to keep it in mind. ;)

Or should I just say... Lighten up chap, no need to get your panties in a bunch, it was just some good clean joking between members. :rolleyes:

Then again, I imagine you never make jokes that go slightly off topic.

Of course, maybe you didn't get the joke... You see, he called himself a caveman because he couldn't get the PS3 to work and I pointed out that caveman style bashing the console seems to work with fixing the 360.
Seemed to make sense to me. :confused:
(Also it didn't seem insecure, however that's possible, or unwarranted, and certainly not out of the blue... Actually, as I think about it and re-read your statement, it looks like you were just trying to say that my statement makes you respect me less). :indiff:

Btw, I'm definately going for biggest dunce... That's my shoe-in category. Now, my other category for "Biggest Indirect Insulter" might have some competition. :ouch:

Any way... Back on topic, back on topic!!! :D

On the subject though, what do you guys think they will do with the 80gb after it has been out for a while?
I get the feeling they may keep the motorstorm bundle in place until GT5 is out and then they may go with a GT5 bundle. Just my guess though as I'm not really sure what they can do.
In any case, it seems a price drop on the 80gb is inevitable since the bundle will run for 600 and eventually they will have to drop the bundle and start selling systems by themselves. So, what, a $500 80gb should be coming around in something like July '08?
I understood your joke Kent and found it a little amusing, as I knew exactly which video you were going to post when you said it.

On another note, still no PSN-ID for me though, been too busy working and playing the games I have now to think of one. :dunce:
:lol: I played nine holes today and I made a bloody mess of myself on the course. I was playing from all over the course and got all kinds of nasty scores.
What I'm saying is that MS is on the down-slope and Halo 3 is their best bet of keeping sales up.
It would be interesting to see a chart or graph of monthly PS3 vs 360 units sales since the PS3 came out.

With the PS3 helped by/helping out with Blu-ray movie sales, it's bound to have a lasting affect on future sales, too.


Just looked at the Credits on the Heavenly Sword demo and along with Andy Serkis (as we all know by now) being involved the story is co-written by Rhianna Pratchett (daughter of English comic/fantasy novelist Terry Pratchett), Stephen Berkoff as a VA and music by Nitin Sawhney. Now this may be meaningless to many but personally it's all good. Rhianna Pratchett recently worked on Overlord for the 360 (which I have and enjoy), Berkoff's been in plenty of films and was a VA in Killzone and Nitin Sawhney is a fabulous composer adept at producing "ethnic" music. And I was going to post how much I liked HS music.
The more I look into HS the more I like it!:dopey:
Thanks for the warning there buddy... I'll be sure to keep it in mind. ;)

Or should I just say... Lighten up chap, no need to get your panties in a bunch, it was just some good clean joking between members. :rolleyes:

Then again, I imagine you never make jokes that go slightly off topic.

Of course, maybe you didn't get the joke... You see, he called himself a caveman because he couldn't get the PS3 to work and I pointed out that caveman style bashing the console seems to work with fixing the 360.
Seemed to make sense to me. :confused:
(Also it didn't seem insecure, however that's possible, or unwarranted, and certainly not out of the blue... Actually, as I think about it and re-read your statement, it looks like you were just trying to say that my statement makes you respect me less). :indiff:

Kent, I didn't mean to single you out, and if I did I apologize. I quoted you because you had the most recent post like I spoke of, and I felt something had to be said with an example. Maybe I was overreacting, but it was something that's been really annoying me lately.
So Sony may have lost GTA as an exclusive and the PS3 is not getting the GTA IV downloads (at rather great expense to MS), but it would appear that the next Rockstar franchise is PS3 only.....

This is Michael Shorrock. I’m the Director of 3rd Party Relations at SCEA. As you may have seen this morning/last night on GameHead with Geoff Keighley, we are announcing that a new franchise from Rockstar Games will be exclusive to PS3. As part of our long standing relationship with Rockstar, and the incredible success for both companies with the cultural icon that is Grand Theft Auto, we’ve agreed to the PlayStation exclusive rights of the next great franchise from the Rockstar studios.

Everyone knows to have success in this business you need to look ahead, identifying the talent and titles that are going to give consumers new kinds of gaming experiences that help set the bar for the rest of the industry. Rockstar has a heritage for doing just that. We have had incredible success with the GTA franchise and are happy to continue to offer those titles on our platforms, and even more excited about what’s to come from the current and future relationship between our companies. Rockstar really wanted to make a game that you can truly only do on PS3, harnessing the power of CELL and Blu-ray disc and this deal lets them do just that.. This is really a win-win situation for both companies. As Jack mentioned in the interview with Geoff, this franchise is not LA Noire, but something all new. We agreed with Rockstar and Take-Two Interactive Software that we wouldn’t disclose anything more about the deal or title at this time, so stay tuned, we’ll share more info as soon as we can.
Source -

.....looks interesting.


Why the **** can I not view .mp4 files from PSN on my PSP? I transfered the videos directly to my PSP while connected to my PS3 with USB.
Why the **** can I not view .mp4 files from PSN on my PSP? I transfered the videos directly to my PSP while connected to my PS3 with USB.
Can the PSP display HD .mpeg4 files? Is the .mp4 HD?

You're not leaving me with confidence. I's planing on getting a PSP, when the new model comes out.
How to save the memory card file from the PS3 on to the PS2? :confused:

I can save it on the memory card on PS3, but it won't load the same stuff I saved from my PS3 on to the PS2. :confused: