PS3 General Discussion

Spray paint. The turquoise is flat and I also have glossy black, semi-glossy white, and some clear coat.
I prefer Rock Band as well. Rock Band is the new Guitar Hero. Harmonix makes a better game.
I agree. My friends all had Guitar Hero II and then III, but III never became the party game that II was. Then when they got Rock Band the music games at parties were back in full force.

I can't place my finger on it but there is something about Guitar Hero III that just isn't as fun. Then after Rock Band got so reliable with their DLC it wasn't long before the song selection just made it that much better.

But, I have seen some people still prefer Guitar Hero III so I think there is still something there that appeals to some. It just doesn't appeal to my group of friends. I even have a friend that got GHIII and RB-disc only on his 360 (where the guitars work on both) and he uses his GHIII guitar to play RB non-stop.

My guitar is in the first part of a new paint job. I masked off everything except the black color and painted it a trendy turquoise color. I'm going to paint the pick guard black. I'm not sure what else to do for the rest of the body.
Wow, and I thought that my wife (she plays Rock Band with me) had gone out of her way to personalize the Nyko FrontMan by putting the pink pick guard on it. She likes the FrontMan because it is smaller and I only plan to use it if I decide to rent either of the GH games. So, I let her switch out the pick guard, much to my brother-in-law's dismay. He likes to hang out and play on the weekends and being handed a pink guitar has bothered him.

He played drums only last week.
Well, I do agree about the Rock Band thing, but Guitar hero four is going to have drums, vocals, etc. So it may be just as good...
Well, I do agree about the Rock Band thing, but Guitar hero four is going to have drums, vocals, etc. So it may be just as good...
I do not have the money or room for a new set of instruments, and so far they have only said that the 360 RB instruments might work.

And I am not so sure that Rock Band is just about the multiple instruments. The fun factor between GHII and GHIII was different enough to make people look at Rock Band.

If whatever it is about GHIII that makes it not as fun for some people isn't fixed for GH: World Tour then it may have troubles breaking into the Rock Band fan base.

That and the DLC differences are huge. I've bought more songs for Rock Band than are available for GHIII. And if I had GHIII I wouldn't buy a lot of the stuff I wanted because they come bundled more often than not.

That bundle scheme has to end. Just because I like one song by a band doesn't mean I like them all. "I mean, Led Zeppelin didn't write tunes everybody liked. They left that to the Bee Gees."

And as for DLC, Rock Band is making all DLC work with either RB1 or RB2. That is all I had to hear.

If World Tour will be backward compatible with DLC, I am guessing it would be guitar only, thus missing the point a bit.
I hate to turn this into a Rock Band/Guitar Hero thread,

..but also, the graphics for World Tour look like a PS2 game. The creators of Rock Band have said that they see their game more as something you upgrade over time, not just throw out and start new with. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" comes to mind here.



I also really dislike Guitar Hero's dinky menus. Rock Band has such a cool, flowing style. And the characters actually look human!
I'll be buying both because RB2 doesn't have a lot of songs I'd like, and GH4 will fill that in, plus the advanced character creator in GH4 will be a big plus for me.

So me = GH4 full set and RB2 BD.

Wow, and I thought that my wife (she plays Rock Band with me) had gone out of her way to personalize the Nyko FrontMan by putting the pink pick guard on it. She likes the FrontMan because it is smaller and I only plan to use it if I decide to rent either of the GH games. So, I let her switch out the pick guard, much to my brother-in-law's dismay. He likes to hang out and play on the weekends and being handed a pink guitar has bothered him.

He played drums only last week.

Yeah, I figured that if I was going to spend $60 on the guitar, it better be different from everyone else's guitar. A pink guitar? I wouldn't least its not all glittery and stuff.

Second spray:


I learned a few things about spray painting...
  • Don't spray to close. You will get streaks and build up.
  • It will never be perfect, just get over it.
  • Don't breathe in too much of the fumes.
Yeah remember to do light coats spraying far away and give the can a real shake before spraying so it doesnt spatter. Always leave like 15-30 mins between coats. People are always tempted to spray more in one go because the like the inital shine it gives but then it will run or suffer orange peel and unevenness.

Yeah remember to do light coats spraying far away and give the can a real shake before spraying so it doesnt spatter. Always leave like 15-30 mins between coats. People are always tempted to spray more in one go because the like the inital shine it gives but then it will run or suffer orange peel and unevenness.


Yeah, I held it this morning and I couldn't feel it, but I can see it up close. I'll just cover it up with a design.

Just the pick guard.

I have the white one:

I'd rock it. :cool:
Second spray:

You're not worried about that paint getting around the buttons and onto the hardware inside?

And i see you painted over the strummer too...isn't that gonna be awful? Sticking and whatnot?

Edit: Wait, maybe you didn't paint over it. I had a second look and i think i do see some tape over it.
I'd rock it. :cool:
I still prefer the Rock Band Fender Strat, but my wife thought it was too long for her arms and so I got this as my second because it is shorter, but not as short as the Guitar Hero Les Paul (which borders on ukulele small).

I will only use it if I decide to get either of the Guitar Hero games.
You're not worried about that paint getting around the buttons and onto the hardware inside?

And i see you painted over the strummer too...isn't that gonna be awful? Sticking and whatnot?

Edit: Wait, maybe you didn't paint over it. I had a second look and i think i do see some tape over it.

Yes, I did put tape over the strummer, wammy bar, PS button, and the effects nob doohicky thing. The start and select buttons had a small edge around the button. I doubt any paint could get into it.

I still prefer the Rock Band Fender Strat, but my wife thought it was too long for her arms and so I got this as my second because it is shorter, but not as short as the Guitar Hero Les Paul (which borders on ukulele small).

I will only use it if I decide to get either of the Guitar Hero games.

I wish the Strat was full size. My hand gets cramps if I play too long. If I point the guitar downward, I can stretch my arm out, but it's not so good while playing.
So I picked up Civilizations: Revolution tonight, it's quite addicting and very easy to get into and play. I found other Civ games to be a little boring, not to mention hard, but Revolution is just about right. I highly recommend it.
I dont think Gh2 was more fun than 3. Unless a person means song selection. The gameplay in GH3 is much better than GH2. The note charts are different and challenging. Other wise its a case of "I've played these games so much it get tougher to impress me".I like both RB and Gh but since I play real guitar a little I get more joy out of GH3 and more than likely will enjoy World Tour. I dont care for any of RB's on disc songs besides maybe "Highway Star" so playing then in the next game isn't a big deal if RB2 is not much different than RB1. I dont care to carry any of my content over to the next game.

IMO RB is overrated but at the same time its fun and Guitar Hero3 is is not for everyone. "Raining Blood" anyone???
So I picked up Civilizations: Revolution tonight, it's quite addicting and very easy to get into and play. I found other Civ games to be a little boring, not to mention hard, but Revolution is just about right. I highly recommend it.

You have certainly tempted me into giving this game a shot. Thanks. 👍
You won't be disappointed with the game, it's brilliant and highly addictive. Kate even likes playing it which is a bit of a change.
Apparently the Greatest Hits have been launched for PS3

or so tells me Amazon

Sony announced the initial list of "PS3 Greastest Hits" titles a couple weeks ago during their official presentation at E3 using a sackboy from LittleBigPlanet to show all the GH games. 👍

I believe someone even posted part of the video clip from the presentation that shows the GH games in the E3 2008 thread, but you can also download the original video off the PSN store in the folder titled E3. 👍
I don't know if this has been shown before but when you go to choose your time zone in settings (Settings, Date and Time, Time Zone) the Earth visualizer comes up and rotates to whatever time zone and city you choose. I just thought it seemed pretty cool.

I don't know if this has been shown before but when you go to choose your time zone in settings (Settings, Date and Time, Time Zone) the Earth visualizer comes up and rotates to whatever time zone and city you choose. I just thought it seemed pretty cool.


Yeah I noticed that a while back... I posted it here to but no one seemed to notice... I thought it was quite neat to have such an over the top 3D globe just to set the time! :sly: LWPS will certianly make even more amazing functionality out of that globe.

Oh and I have a question, are the greatest PS3 hits going to come in a red blu ray case which the E3 presentation seemed to suggest?

If they are thats a little knock to HD-DVD that only budget games are worthy of red casing! :lol:

Oh and I have a question, are the greatest PS3 hits going to come in a red blu ray case which the E3 presentation seemed to suggest?

If they are thats a little knock to HD-DVD that only budget games are worthy of red casing! :lol:

Or it is just following the same pattern as the PS2 Greatest Hits. Could be both.

Since PS1 was green and PS2 was red I was expecting PS3 to be blue. So, it coudl have been a mixed thing of keeping the PS2 color scheme just to get a knock in on HD-DVD.

Sony is not beyond that. Plus red jumps out on a shelf.
I may be wrong, but it was mainly so people could see it and SCEE didn't want to use "Last Gen"s color.

Here is an interesting tid bit taken from EA's Q1 earnings report.

PS3 was EA's biggest source of income.

EA released their incredibly dry Q1 financial report for investors last night. Nestled amongst the self-congratulations and expectations for the future lie some interesting numbers regarding console-specific income. Put bluntly, the PS3 is EA's largest source of income right now, and has been since the beginning of 2008. Not bad for a console Riccitiello regrets backing.

For those of you who can't get enough of numbers, here's a breakdown how much, in millions, each console brought to the EA table at the end of Q1 2008 (April - June) . Bracketed numbers show the amount of income generated during the same period last year, followed by the percentage increase. For more details, including plenty of fun tabulated data, check out the report for yourself.

PS3: 139mln (13mln, 969%)
360: 81mln (47mln, 72%)
PS2: 79mln (61mln, 30%)
Wii: 57mln (29mln, 97%)