PS3 General Discussion

I don't know if you remember but I had a problem with the PS3 not remembering it's date and time. Well the CMOS batterie came back to life. The PS3 remembers the date and time again.

Maybe it has something to do with the last update.

Quick question regarding the PS3 Eye.

Since it is USB, will it work on a PC as well?

With my brother just having a baby and living a couple of hours away my mom has been talking about web cams. Now that I have a baby on the way I am sure she will really jump on that, when she finds out. We haven't told her yet.

So, if I am going to be getting a web cam I figured why not get one that will serve gaming purposes as well?
The Eyetoy PS2 Camera worked, as it's what I use, I had to install some drivers for it, but I think you'll be able to use the PSEye too.

Edit: looking around, I don't think they've made any drivers for it yet, as it works different than the Eyetoy. You could get a PS3 for all of them and chat that way :P

I can certainly try to help.
  1. When you say "half", what exactly do you mean? Are you only getting sounds from the left or right, or is it front and no rear?

  2. Are you experiencing this with any other game?

  3. If so, of the games that you experience the same issue, what audio output do they have?

  4. In addition, of the games that you do not have this problem with, what type of audio signal are they outputting?

  5. I don't own that game, so could you list the audio choices, if any, the game uses and if you are experiencing the same problem no matter what you have selected in the audio options... assuming there are any.

  6. What receiver/audio processor are you using?

  7. How do you have it connected to the PS3?

  8. What are all the audio output options selected in the PS3's Audio Output Setting menu?
Hopefully we can help you try and narrow down the possible culprits.

1.) I'll use the example from The Bourne Conspiracy. Jason Bourne gets commands from some guy through his ear piece, when this happens I can hear the commander just fine but when Bourne replies his mouth moves but there is no sound. I know he's supposed to be saying something because the subtitles show text.

2 & 3.) Gran Turismo 5: Prologue does something similar. I can hear tire squeal and other cars but not the sound of the engine of the car I'm driving. I've also had similar problems with DVD's like the Indiana Jones ones, Tiesto's Elements of Life Tour, and the Lone Gunman TV show DVD's. I have not tried a Blu-Ray movie yet.

4.) I have no idea what the other games are outputting.

5.) There are no other audio options I can see, they is a way to adjust the level of volume which I've played around with to no avail.

6.) I don't have the PS3 currently hooked up to a receiver as the one I bought was turned into a home stereo.

Under the Audio Output menu I have:
Connector: HDMI
Output Format: Linaer PCM 2Ch. 44.1 kHz and Linear PCM 2Ch. 48kHz

The output format was done with the PS3's automatic setting.
Have you tried disconnecting the HDMI from both the TV and PS3 and then reconnecting? It might not be fully seated. You'd probably be having picture problems if that was the issue, so I'm going to guess not. Still, it's worth a go.
Yup, that ones one of the first things I checked because I figured there might be a bad connection. Seemed like it was seated good. Could the cable be bad though?
Yup, that ones one of the first things I checked because I figured there might be a bad connection. Seemed like it was seated good. Could the cable be bad though?

Based on what you’ve said so far it's very hard to say. It could be any number of things, especially if you are saying that you are getting sound from all the speakers, but for certain dialogue it drops out? Very odd. You still have not mentioned what your system is. You mentiond you aren't using a receiver, so what equipment are you using, including the speakers?

Have you tried it with other sources, like broadcast TV, DVD player, etc and see if you get intermittent audio signal loss.
My set up is a Sony 42" Bravia with a 60GB PS3. I'm using HDMI cables with no switch or anything. Cable comes out of the back of the PS3 and right into the TV. The HDMI cable was bought at a local computer store.

Everything else on hooked to the TV works just fine, the 360, the Wii, the PS2 and my AT&T cable box. The cable box is connected via a HDMI cable which works just fine. I've tried the PS3 on my parents HDTV and it does the same thing which leads me to believe I have something setup wrong on the system itself. I might do a system reset.
Have you tried the HDMI cable from the cable box with the PS3 to make sure you don't have a bad cable?
My set up is a Sony 42" Bravia with a 60GB PS3. I'm using HDMI cables with no switch or anything.

I have not had any sound problems yet, but I am not running sound directly from the PS3 to the TV via HDMI either. You may find a solution to your sound problems in the following link:

Audio Output Settings


I have read where some people have had to uncheck some of the available options if they were not supported by their system in order to get the optimum output. Good Luck.
I have read where some people have had to uncheck some of the available options if they were not supported by their system in order to get the optimum output. Good Luck.

Exactly. Joey, it sounds like you have the PS3 set to output a surround sound mix which your TV doesn't support. Even if the TV has psuedo surround, it may still be causing problems. The easist solution is to pick up a basic 5.1 TIB system, which you can get for about the cost of three games for the entry models. Besides, movies and games are going to sound soooooo much better with a real 5.1 or greater audio system. 👍

Otherwise stick with outputiing in stereo if you don't want to avoid audio drops.
Thanks guys, I'll have to play around with it tomorrow and see what works. I've really be meaning to get a surround sound setup, even if it's a cheap one. I had originally got my receiver for the surround sound, but I think I would rather have it as a stereo setup throughout the house.
Don't we have a Rock Band thread for PS3? I was looking because I gots me one of these:


I went to the Game Stop in the mall (bad mistake). I had to wait in line until someone could help me. Every five minutes small children would run up to the counter and ask how much DS games cost. :ill: The associate asked me: "Did you know Guitar Hero 4 will be set up just like this?"

And??? So??? Duh???

What am I supposed to say? Did he want me to pre-order it or what? I don't think I got over him calling it Guitar Hero 4 and not Guitar Hero: World Tour, so I left him to hang out and dry.
You might want to consider returning it, because Rock Band 2 is coming out for Xbox in just over a month.

If not, i do have it. You have a lot of DLC to catch up on. :P
Why would I buy a 360? I'll just wait for the PS3 version.

My friends actually have the PS2 version, so the PS3 instruments will work with it. That's why I just bought the guitar. I don't need a drum kit cluttering up my small living room.
Just a question, does any of you have the my same 'problem'. The playstation starts to use the cooling fans extreme after a couple of hours playing sometimes. But a restart and all is normal again? any else has this or have had this 'problem'?
Just a question, does any of you have the my same 'problem'. The playstation starts to use the cooling fans extreme after a couple of hours playing sometimes. But a restart and all is normal again? any else has this or have had this 'problem'?

I've had the problem with Folding@Home, yeah.
I don't really think it's a problem, mine does it all the time, so does the 360 and my PC...hell my car even does it. When it gets hot it just purges the air, I rather it do that then burn up.
Just a question, does any of you have the my same 'problem'. The playstation starts to use the cooling fans extreme after a couple of hours playing sometimes. But a restart and all is normal again? any else has this or have had this 'problem'?

Its called cooling. :rolleyes:
Don't we have a Rock Band thread for PS3? I was looking because I gots me one of these:
I saw you playing it last night on my Friends List and realized I never remembered you having Rock Band before. Enjoy, I know I do.

I went to the Game Stop in the mall (bad mistake). I had to wait in line until someone could help me. Every five minutes small children would run up to the counter and ask how much DS games cost. :ill: The associate asked me: "Did you know Guitar Hero 4 will be set up just like this?"

And??? So??? Duh???

What am I supposed to say? Did he want me to pre-order it or what? I don't think I got over him calling it Guitar Hero 4 and not Guitar Hero: World Tour, so I left him to hang out and dry.
Yeah, the Rock Band vs Guitar Hero thing is getting to be as bad as the fanboy console wars. From what I can tell it is really just a matter of preference based on whether you want a pure guitar experience or you want a full band experience, plus DLC content.

Personally, I prefer Rock Band.

You have a lot of DLC to catch up on. :P
No kidding. I bought mine last month and have spent untold amounts of money on DLC. This is one of the few cases where I feel the DLC is 100% worth it.

My friends actually have the PS2 version, so the PS3 instruments will work with it. That's why I just bought the guitar. I don't need a drum kit cluttering up my small living room.
The drums actually say PS2/PS3 on the instructions, so you are definitely fine for that.

I didn't realize the guitars were interchangeable.

sorry for asking jeesz... as it made so much noise i could actually hear it with headphones on ... i just wondered.
One thing you should check though is that your vents are clear of dust. If you have a lot built up I suggest using a small vacuum. I don't suggest canned air as it can blow dust back into the system.

Also is it positioned so that the vents aren't blocked slightly and have good air flow around them? I actually rearranged my XBox and Wii so that the PS3 could have the vents facing away from everything. If you have another device on the same side as the vents, or it is in a cabinet of some sort, it might not be getting good airflow, so the hot air can just sit around the system, heating it from the outside. In that case the fans have to work harder because it isn't cooling as quick as it should.

I have yet to hear of a case of a properly functioning PS3 overheating and dying (although I did see a story where the heat from the PS3 killed his 360) but I have to imagine it does shorten the lifespan of the system.

Right now my wife and I are planning to get an HDTV, which means we need a home theater stand. My choices are actually being based around keeping my PS3 cool. Right now we are looking at an open three-shelf system with glass shelves and a brushed steel frame that mounts the TV on an arm above it.
Thanks Foolkiller for the tips! :)

Ill have a little clean up but the dust does not seem to much. The ps3 is between a PC Monitor and PS2 so maybe it gets heat from the Monitor as thats on. I'll take a pic.

Poor xbox haha
Thanks Foolkiller for the tips! :)

Ill have a little clean up but the dust does not seem to much. The ps3 is between a PC Monitor and PS2 so maybe it gets heat from the Monitor as thats on. I'll take a pic.
I had the Wii next to the vents on my Ps3 and I kept noticing that teh wii woudl be hot to the touch even when off. A little feeling around led me to notice that the hottest opart was beside the PS3 vent. They switched places.

Poor xbox haha
Here's the link to the story.
I reset the system settings last night and my audio issue went away, I guess I had something checked wrong. Although I am fairly certain I am going to get a surround sound system now because I feel like I'm missing out, especially with Blu-Rays. I mean having an amazing picture is great but now I need amazing sound to complete the watching experience.


I've "beat" The Bourne Conspiracy, which was quite good but rather short. No I didn't do everything you could in the game like collection all the "passports" you need to get, but the story line is complete. It's fun but I don't think I would recommend buying it, rent it since you can beat it in a weekend if you play a lot. Or wait till there are more used copies floating around and pick it up then.

Now I need something else to play. I'm defiantly on a PS3 kick right now since I need to let Mass Effect sit for a while longer before attempting my third play through on the 360.

I'm considering:

Battlefield: Bad Company
Folklore (if I can find it)
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution

All seem like games I would like so it's not a matter of choosing that part of it. Any comments on these games, any I should avoid? They all seem to have gotten pretty good reviews. I think Ratchet & Clank might be my top choice so far since I think Kate would like it as well.
Don't we have a Rock Band thread for PS3? I was looking because I gots me one of these:


I went to the Game Stop in the mall (bad mistake). I had to wait in line until someone could help me. Every five minutes small children would run up to the counter and ask how much DS games cost. :ill: The associate asked me: "Did you know Guitar Hero 4 will be set up just like this?"

What am I supposed to say? Did he want me to pre-order it or what? I don't think I got over him calling it Guitar Hero 4 and not Guitar Hero: World Tour, so I left him to hang out and dry.

I got it the other day used for $30 and got a second guitar since we already had the PS2 version(pitiful version) for the family.

I am definitely getting Guitar Hero: World Tour. Rock Band is very easy(5 stars way to easy to get with many mistakes) and there s no challenge on 95% of the songs. GTWT has so much more going for it gameplay wise it looks like its going to be for the hardcore again.

I'm having fun with with rock bands vocals more than the guitar portion and thats mainly why i decided to get it.
Yeah, the Rock Band vs Guitar Hero thing is getting to be as bad as the fanboy console wars. From what I can tell it is really just a matter of preference based on whether you want a pure guitar experience or you want a full band experience, plus DLC content.

Personally, I prefer Rock Band.

I prefer Rock Band as well. Rock Band is the new Guitar Hero. Harmonix makes a better game.

I got it the other day used for $30 and got a second guitar since we already had the PS2 version(pitiful version) for the family.

Yeah, I had to laugh to myself when I saw the PS2 version. No in-game graphics, just a pre-rendered video in the background. Of course, no online or character creation either.

My guitar is in the first part of a new paint job. I masked off everything except the black color and painted it a trendy turquoise color. I'm going to paint the pick guard black. I'm not sure what else to do for the rest of the body.

